Madam Lobelle

Man of my dreams

Junmyeon sat down at his desk with his cup of coffee and slumped back in his chair. He was tired, not that he was lacking sleep or anything, but work was exhausting. Being looked down on and made into the of jokes really got him down. He never felt like dragging himself to work in the morning but he had no choice if he wanted to keep a roof over his head. A few weeks had passed since he had started having the dreams and they had really brought his mood up but he was falling again. It was even starting to affect the dreams as the night before he had been noddy with Yifan.

I shouldn't feel guilty for upsetting a dream character but those puppy dog eyes.

He spun round on his chair out of frustration but when he turned towards his colleagues they were all on their feet, crowding around the entrance. He had been in his own world and hadn't noticed what was happening around him so he felt too awkward to ask the closest person so he waited to see for himself. 

The whole room fell into silence when the lift door opened onto their floor, he was too small to see who it was. Junmyeon froze when he saw a small figure pass the main crowd, heading towards the private offices.

Madam Lobelle. 

She was dressed in a floor length purple dress with a black shawl, her long black hair was pushed back revealing he dangling silver earrings. Junmyeon couldn't put an age to her, she had the glow of a young woman but the aura of a much older, wiser woman. It was only when he was trying to place her age that he realised she had stopped walking and was looking straight at him. The silence that was already on the office was suddenly crushing, the eyes of the others didn't faze him however hers were looking right through him. 

She turned her body to face him and started walking towards him. It felt as if something was down the back of his shirt keeping his back straight. She stopped only a foot away from him, staring straight into his eyes and smiled.


Junmyeon round himself sat in a room with the worlds most famous psychic, three of his higher ups and all eyes on him. Madam Lobelle had requested that he sit in on the meeting and she wasn't one to take no for an answer. 

'Madam, regarding your case...' One of his bosses began to speak but she put her hand up and cut him off. 

'Many people have been calling me a fraud and spreading false rumours supposedly showing evidence that I've been faking this whole time.' She spoke seriously and with purpose straight at Junmyeon, as if the others weren't there. 

'Ah I see,' he couldn't hide how uncomfortable he felt with the judging eyes of his higher ups 'It makes sense that you would seek legal action against people spreading malicious rumours with the intent to defame.' 

That was right, right? Yeah.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

'There is a ghost.' 

She spoke suddenly and made everyone jump. 

'A ghost?' He blinked a few times, taken aback.

'A Chinese ghost.' She nodded as she spoke.

A Chinese ghost what?

'I felt its presence when came into the building but I only connected it to a person when I saw you. It's been a few weeks hasn't it.' He pulled back slightly at these words.

'I'm guessing I'm right then.' She chuckled. 'These kinds of spirits make themselves known to the person they're haunting.'

Before leaving Madam Lobelle had demanded that Junmyeon worked on her case otherwise she would go to another firm, so he had ended up being put on the case which on one hand meant a raise but on the other working with people who really didn't like him. 

One of his colleagues, Siwon, had cornered him after the meeting. 

'Listen we've got a lot riding on this case, she's an influential person and we don't want to damage our reputation by having such a big name client turn away from us, got it?' He looked down a Junmyeon.

'Got it.' He stammered back.

He got home that night tired, confused and scared. 

If she said there's a Chinese ghosts presence around me does that mean Yifans a... Ghost? No, no, no that can't be right. 

He couldnt shake off the sense of worry and panic that was crushing his chest. 

For the first night in weeks he put off going to be until he could barely stay awake. He crawled into bed with a growing sense of dread for what was about to come.


Hi again guys! I know! I've updated twice in two days! Hehe, I've suddenly had a rush of inspiration so here ya go. 

Junmyeon is being haunted by a Chinese ghost~~ 👻 

See you next time!


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Chapter 15: Continue pls... :)
suhomomojjang #2
Chapter 15: I love <3 ??❤️???? thissss
i hope this continues!!! it’s been awhile tho
Chapter 15: i thought it will turn out like some horror movies, but it was Yifan's grandma ehehehehehhehh :P i bet she was really lovely grandma, helping her lovely grandson to find a good mate. and yes, i do agree that she is good in finding good things :))))
and the dreams was really helpful, they got the chemistry easily and i bet Yifan will look so cute when he pout like that.
keep the good work author-nim!!! and keep fighting :))))
cant wait for your next updates :))))

P.S. the weather now days keep ting me, and i got a bad flu and cough too much. please maintain your healthy there. don't get sick like me
2449 streak #4
Chapter 15: ITS SO CUTE!!!!
so it was grandma leading Yifan into the right path to Jun!!! mission accomplished grandma! you can leave them alone now! LOL
but apparently, grandma tends to linger even if it's unnecessary but can we just stop with the scary dreams please :)))

those dreams were truly helpful! they're so instantly comfortable with each other and feels like they've known each other for a long time already... Jun's concern for Yifan's wellbeing tho!!! but Yifan just wants to spend time with Jun, not just simply calling each other #priorities :)))
Chapter 15: This is so cool!! When it changed from Joonmyeon's perspective to Yifan's it took me a minute, it was written so cleverly!! Really enjoying it, it's a real sweet idea :)
Chapter 15: Its really great story XD
Chapter 15: Four stories updated today how much luckier can I get? Good job author!
Chapter 15: AWWW THATS SO CUTE and cheesyyy uwuuu
Chapter 15: Awww so it's Grandma Wu making sure they're together
Yay for Grandma Wu
Amberjliuyiyun #10