The first night

Man of my dreams

Junmyeon still remembers the first night more vividly, in some ways, than the others. He had crawled into his creaking bed after a long day at work and happily let sleep take him. Then he opened his eyes and looked down at the pen in his hand, the notebook full of unreadable scribbles on the desk in front of him. Around him were people he didn't know all sat at desks like his. They were students, and so was he, but that didn't make sense because he had left school six years earlier. 

'Junmyeon' A quiet voice flew to his ear from his left.

He looked round and locked eyes with a handsome young man, no older than seventeen. Dyed brown hair, that had been left to grow longer than you'd expect in this day and age, scraped back into a ponytail. Brown eyes looking as puzzled as Junmyeon had felt.

'Are you okay?' He whispered 'you suddenly stopped taking notes and you're really pale'

Junmyeon couldn't answer him, he didn't know the answer himself. What he did know was he was in a high school, but it wasn't his former high school. He was surrounded by students, but they weren't the classmates he had had in his classes. The uniform wasn't one he knew he had seen before, so why was he here?

'Yifan! Junmyeon! Would you two care to tell the rest of the class what it is you absolutely have to discuss in the middle of my lesson?' The teacher had stooped her unintelligible scribbling on the chalkboard and turned to look at Junmyeon and the boy, her comment drawing a giggle from the class.

'Junmyeon has gone a weird colour and he's sweating.' The teacher then looked straight at Junmyeon, almost into his soul.

'Oh dear, you're right. Yifan why don't you take him to the nurse?' Her face went from annoyance to genuine concern, envoking a feeling of familiarity in him.

'Lets go Myeonnie' the boy tapped his arm gently before wrapping his arm around it and tugging Junmyeon to his feet. He complied, as he didn't fully understand the situation, and followed the other out of the room.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't know where he was or who this kid was who had decided to hold his hand as they walked down the orange corridor. Out of the window the sun could be seen setting over an unfamiliar horizon. Darkened buildings he didn't recognise lay beneath a sky painted like fire, throwing orange light into the school and a yellow hue over the playground beyond the fences. Pink searchlights just tend out from behind the sun, cutting their way through all of the other colours only to then blend into purple with what remained of the blue sky. They turned the corner and the firey light was replaced by the dull, artificial glow of the schools lights. They entered the boys bathroom and Junmyeon felt his hand slip from the others grasp, the boy gave him a half smile and gestured that Junmyeon should wash his face in the sink.There was no denying that despite the hairdo, the kid was attractive. However Junmyeon was a twenty four year old man and kids aren't his thing. 

But he was wrong, not about the kid thing, but about being a twenty four year old man. He had walked up to the mirror but what he saw wasn't the Junmyeon that only minutes before had been brushing his teeth before bed. What he saw was the awkward teenager that he had tried so hard to forget had ever existed. Hair still black and cut far shorter than it should ever have been. The shiny red spot that had terrorised him for weeks only to disappear the day after picture day. He was seventeen again.

'Myeonnie?' He turned to look at the boy, not like he had the right to think of him like that, realising he must have looked quite worrying. 

The taller of the two raised his hand and placed it on the side of Junmyeons neck, his thumb resting on his undefined jaw line.

'Woah, you're sweating pretty badly!' he  pulled Junmyeon slightly and rested their foreheads together. 'You're really warm too, I thought that you just needed a breather cause it was so stuffy in there but I guess you really do need to go to the nurse.'

He got hold of Junmyeons hand once again and began to lead him too the nurse. Junmyeon, on the other hand followed but with little conviction as he had too much on his mind. 

What is going on? Why am I a teenager again? I thought I had earned the right to move on from this! Who is this guy who seems to be okay with all this skinship between strangers?

Just as the two reached the door to the nurses office the fire alarm screamed into the corridor. Red lights flashed on the ceiling as the building rumbled with the sudden movement of hundreds of students. Suddenly the tall boy pulled on Junmyeons arm.

His eyes snapped open. The fire alarm faded into the annoying buzz of his alarm. Flashing lights softened to flickers of sunlight shining into his room as his curtains blew in a gentle breeze coming from a crack in the window. Rumbling of students passed as a train heading into the city. The pulling on his arm came from bedsheets that had become tangled around him in the night.

It was just a dream, I got scared for a second there.

But it wasn't just a dream. It was just the start.

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Chapter 15: Continue pls... :)
suhomomojjang #2
Chapter 15: I love <3 ??❤️???? thissss
i hope this continues!!! it’s been awhile tho
Chapter 15: i thought it will turn out like some horror movies, but it was Yifan's grandma ehehehehehhehh :P i bet she was really lovely grandma, helping her lovely grandson to find a good mate. and yes, i do agree that she is good in finding good things :))))
and the dreams was really helpful, they got the chemistry easily and i bet Yifan will look so cute when he pout like that.
keep the good work author-nim!!! and keep fighting :))))
cant wait for your next updates :))))

P.S. the weather now days keep ting me, and i got a bad flu and cough too much. please maintain your healthy there. don't get sick like me
2449 streak #4
Chapter 15: ITS SO CUTE!!!!
so it was grandma leading Yifan into the right path to Jun!!! mission accomplished grandma! you can leave them alone now! LOL
but apparently, grandma tends to linger even if it's unnecessary but can we just stop with the scary dreams please :)))

those dreams were truly helpful! they're so instantly comfortable with each other and feels like they've known each other for a long time already... Jun's concern for Yifan's wellbeing tho!!! but Yifan just wants to spend time with Jun, not just simply calling each other #priorities :)))
Chapter 15: This is so cool!! When it changed from Joonmyeon's perspective to Yifan's it took me a minute, it was written so cleverly!! Really enjoying it, it's a real sweet idea :)
Chapter 15: Its really great story XD
Chapter 15: Four stories updated today how much luckier can I get? Good job author!
Chapter 15: AWWW THATS SO CUTE and cheesyyy uwuuu
Chapter 15: Awww so it's Grandma Wu making sure they're together
Yay for Grandma Wu
Amberjliuyiyun #10