First day

Man of my dreams

Junmyeon felt great. Every inch of his body was full of energy. Even though the night before he had been exhausted beyond imagining and despite his bed not being the most comfortable, he felt rejuvenated! He opened his curtains and looked out on the horizon he knew, disheveled buildings, an old train track and the overgrown park he had played in so often as a child. The park brought back memories of the night before, it's wild nature in striking contrast to the clean cut appearance in his dream. Though it wasn't the same park, hell he didn't even know where any of that took place! He thought back on the handsome guy he had been with, unsure whether it was wrong as the boy was so young but then again he had been a teenager too.

Ugh. He thought to himself. His face as a teenager was somewhat tragic compared to the face with whom he spent the night.

'Time to get ready!' He spoke out loud to snap himself out of the memories.


Arriving at work drained most of the energy he had gained over the night, leaving him feeling tired and ready to go home. His days at work were always pretty much the same: file this, type that, email her, send this there, get me a coffe. All orders yelled at him, the measly intern. After four years of university intense study to become a lawyer he had managed to land a place at SM Lawyers, the best law firm around. However working for the best came with its own obstacles such as the near impossibility of any promotions or job progressions as the best we're at the top and we're staying there.

In hindsight he probably would have been best to go to Cube Lawyers, despite not being the best at least he would have had a pay rise by now or would at least be able to actually practice law instead of going on hourly coffee runs. But his parents had had their hearts set on having their son work for the best so at least that way they had bragging rights.

All of the other interns that had started with him had already moved up the ladder, as had all of the interns that came the year after. Junmyeon knew that not even a month later more interns would come and if he didn't move up before all of them he would be the laughing stock of the company. Just thinking like that made him sick so he chose not to dwell on it.

After carrying on with his day he found that memories of his dream kept coming back to him. Running back with the coffee brought him black to the sweat that had covered his back when he had seen his reflection. The sun setting made him think of their walk through the corridors. The cars driving past on his walk home, their headlights flashing past like the fire alarm that woke him to his reality.

His boring reality.


Once he was back home the energy he had felt in the morning came rushing back to him. He practically swallowed his dinner whole trying to eat it faster. He felt like a child on Christmas Eve, excited to go to sleep but not for what would happenin the morning but for what would hopefully happen in the night. He didn't know why he wanted to see that guy again but he really did, even though it was just a dream.

He jumped into bed after brushing his teeth and settled down. The only problem was that he wasn't settling. He was too eager to go to sleep so he couldn't go to sleep. This, however gave him time to ponder something. What was that guys name?

It was a Chinese name I know that much. Tao? No. Yixing? No. Luhan? No, they are all people he has come across. What was it. Ah! Wu, wu .... Pan! Wu Pan? No, but it's definitely Wu. Yo, ye, ya? Yifan. It's Wu Yifan.

Hey guys! Hope you like the story so far, I'm real enjoying writing it and even wrote a second chapter before I was planning too! (Though I did accidentally post the beginning of this chapter before I finished it whoops)

Please continue to read and (hopefully) enjoy my story, bye for now /)u(\~*

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Chapter 15: Continue pls... :)
suhomomojjang #2
Chapter 15: I love <3 ??❤️???? thissss
i hope this continues!!! it’s been awhile tho
Chapter 15: i thought it will turn out like some horror movies, but it was Yifan's grandma ehehehehehhehh :P i bet she was really lovely grandma, helping her lovely grandson to find a good mate. and yes, i do agree that she is good in finding good things :))))
and the dreams was really helpful, they got the chemistry easily and i bet Yifan will look so cute when he pout like that.
keep the good work author-nim!!! and keep fighting :))))
cant wait for your next updates :))))

P.S. the weather now days keep ting me, and i got a bad flu and cough too much. please maintain your healthy there. don't get sick like me
2438 streak #4
Chapter 15: ITS SO CUTE!!!!
so it was grandma leading Yifan into the right path to Jun!!! mission accomplished grandma! you can leave them alone now! LOL
but apparently, grandma tends to linger even if it's unnecessary but can we just stop with the scary dreams please :)))

those dreams were truly helpful! they're so instantly comfortable with each other and feels like they've known each other for a long time already... Jun's concern for Yifan's wellbeing tho!!! but Yifan just wants to spend time with Jun, not just simply calling each other #priorities :)))
Chapter 15: This is so cool!! When it changed from Joonmyeon's perspective to Yifan's it took me a minute, it was written so cleverly!! Really enjoying it, it's a real sweet idea :)
Chapter 15: Its really great story XD
Chapter 15: Four stories updated today how much luckier can I get? Good job author!
Chapter 15: AWWW THATS SO CUTE and cheesyyy uwuuu
Chapter 15: Awww so it's Grandma Wu making sure they're together
Yay for Grandma Wu
Amberjliuyiyun #10