Running trough my head

Man of my dreams

Yifan was stood on a street he wasn't familiar with. He knew it was another dream but he was alone, Junmyeon was no where to be seen in the crowd. Someone bumped into him, he wasn't surprised by that because he was stood in the middle of a busy street, but when he turned to apologise he froze. The person, if you could even call it that, didn't have a face, just a flat, flesh coloured plain. He stumbeled back, his breathing beginning to labour as he looked into its face. It had hair and was wearing normal clothes but its face wasn't there. Every other night the people had faces, they could speak and think but these things weren't people. Spinning round he saw that all of them looked the same, stumbling and swaying down the street.

'What? What's going on?' He leaned to his left and saw the end of the street, it looked like the park he and Junmyeon had sat in, in one of the dreams.

He started to run towards it, pushing the faesless creatures out of the way as he ran but no matter how fast he ran or how long he ran for, he couldn't get any closer to the park. The space between him and the trees wasn't getting any smaller but he couldn't run any faster not for much longer. It felt as if the more he ran, there was more of those things to push out of the way, as if they were trying to stop him.

Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting. Running. Pushing. Panting.

It was an endless cycle Yifan felt like he would never ecape. His chest fel tighter and tighter with ever step he took, sweat running down his face and dripping off his hair fell onto the faceless creatures that were swarming around him. He glanced to his right, into the road where the cars had all come to a halt, seeing an opportunity he pushed his way out onto the road. Once he was free of the horde he crumpled to the ground, he hadn't realised how much those bodies that were around him had helped him stay stood up. A small pool of sweat was starting to form on the ground underneath his face.

How long have I been running for? It feels like it has been an eternity.

A new weight appeared on his chest as the pain from the heavy breathing had eased up, the hairs all over his body were standing on end. Slowly he lifted his head, all of those things had stopped their aimless stumbling down the street and had turned to face him, staring at him, only not really because they didn't have faces, but it still felt like their eyes were on him,waiting for him to do something. But one of them wasn't looking at him but were walking away, dissapearing into the crowd, fading slowly. Junmyeon.

'JUNMYEON!' Yifan jumped to his feet and ran towards the figure that was rapidly distancing itself from him.

The crowds were still growing thicker and harder to push through as Junmyeons figure got further and further away from him. But before his figure could vanish from sight a facesless man grabbed hold of his arm, then another, then another. Quickly those things had Junmyeon and were pulling his small figure to the ground.


Yifan stood in his old high school classroom. At first is was empty but one by one his old classmates started to appear, then his teacher, then him, then Junmyeon.

It was the first night, the first dream all over again, only this time he was watching from a third person perspective. He remembered the dream so vividly, he had been so confused suddenly having a dream about highschool after all those years since he had been free of it, when he turned to see an unfamiliar face he had been even more confused but at the same time it felt so right. He'd had no idea who this person was but without hesitation he had called out their name.

'Junmyeon.' The young Yifan had leaned over to Junmyeon to see if he was okay as his face was a weird colour.

Yifan knew what was going to happen next and followed them out of the room.

Junmyeon sat up panting, eyes wide open. He had seen everything, Yifan running and running through those freaky things, looking for him, trying to save him. Junmyeon never had been good with horror movies or scary things so that really got to him. He rubbed the back of his head, it was freaky.

Maybe it has something to do with the Chinese ghost Madam Lobelle was talking about...

'Junmyeon.' He spun arouund to see Madam Lobelle stood in the doorway behind him.

Crap I really shouldn't have fallen asleep at work.

'It looks like you were dreaming, something lovely I'm guessing?' Madam Lobelle raised her right eyebrow and curved into a somewhat knowing smile.

'No, Madam, it was more of a nightmare.' He stood up to pull out the chair next to his own so she could join him at the table in the offices tiny break room. 

'That doesn't seem right.' She took the seat and Junmyeon sat back down, 'I don't know why she would do that.'

'She? The ghost, um person, I've been seeing in my dreams is, uh, a guy.' He felt uncomfotable talking about his uality so openly as many people don't take too kindly to it, then again she probably already figured it out with her mystic powers.

'No, no the ghost haunting you is definetly a woman. I can feel her presence, an old woman roughly 84 years in age.'

'What, an old woman? The guy in my dreams is my age, I think, or only a year or two older, there's no way it's an old woman.'

'This isn't right.' She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion which worried Junmyeon.

What if I'm seriously haunted right now? Like tonight I'm going to get pinned to my ceiling haunted?

He was about to ask her more questions but one of his collegues came in and told them they had to go to another meeting so he lost the chance. But it was starting to scare himm, it didn't make sense, who was this ghost? What does it all mean?

'Yo Yifan, wake up.' Xiaozhu shook him awake 'We need to finish packing my stuff.'

Yifan opened his eyes to see Xiaozhu lay down next to him with his face only a few centimetres away.

'What are you doing?' Yifan shuffled a little further away on the bed.

'What am I doing? What are you doing?' We're meant to be packing for Korea, remember? I leave the room for ten minutes and I come back to you asleep on my bed when you're meant to be organising my socks.' Xiaozhu sat up and grabbed a handfull of socks from the foot of the bed to emphasise his point.

'It's only been ten minutes?' Yifan sat up and rubbed his eyes, 'It felt like a lot longer, I had like four diffreent dreams in one.'

'Well whatever we need to pack then you can sleep for an hour and have 24 dreams in one.'

HELLO I AM BACK AGAIN (btob reference)

I'm so sorry about not updating for months and months, there really are no excuses other than I had writers block, put off writing then completely forgot about the story :.( 

I'll try harder to update more frequently cause I feel like I could have this story finished by the end of the year (and I'm also working on another Krisho fic to make up for the lack of updates in this one)

See you next time (~^^)~*

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Chapter 15: Continue pls... :)
suhomomojjang #2
Chapter 15: I love <3 ??❤️???? thissss
i hope this continues!!! it’s been awhile tho
Chapter 15: i thought it will turn out like some horror movies, but it was Yifan's grandma ehehehehehhehh :P i bet she was really lovely grandma, helping her lovely grandson to find a good mate. and yes, i do agree that she is good in finding good things :))))
and the dreams was really helpful, they got the chemistry easily and i bet Yifan will look so cute when he pout like that.
keep the good work author-nim!!! and keep fighting :))))
cant wait for your next updates :))))

P.S. the weather now days keep ting me, and i got a bad flu and cough too much. please maintain your healthy there. don't get sick like me
2449 streak #4
Chapter 15: ITS SO CUTE!!!!
so it was grandma leading Yifan into the right path to Jun!!! mission accomplished grandma! you can leave them alone now! LOL
but apparently, grandma tends to linger even if it's unnecessary but can we just stop with the scary dreams please :)))

those dreams were truly helpful! they're so instantly comfortable with each other and feels like they've known each other for a long time already... Jun's concern for Yifan's wellbeing tho!!! but Yifan just wants to spend time with Jun, not just simply calling each other #priorities :)))
Chapter 15: This is so cool!! When it changed from Joonmyeon's perspective to Yifan's it took me a minute, it was written so cleverly!! Really enjoying it, it's a real sweet idea :)
Chapter 15: Its really great story XD
Chapter 15: Four stories updated today how much luckier can I get? Good job author!
Chapter 15: AWWW THATS SO CUTE and cheesyyy uwuuu
Chapter 15: Awww so it's Grandma Wu making sure they're together
Yay for Grandma Wu
Amberjliuyiyun #10