Working on it

Man of my dreams

Despite studying law for a good part of his life Junmyeon had never worked on a case himself so working on Madam Lobelles case was relatively new for him. His colleagues, however, were experienced and seemed not to be enjoying his awkwardness. He shifted in his seat and flipped through his papers for what felt like the millionth time. The case was basic stuff, deformation of character and the likes. Seeing the screenshots people were saying some malicious stuff about Madam Lobelle, calling her a fraud and faking evidence to prove that she wasn't actually a psychic. Junmyeon knew she wasn't faking. He could tell, the only problem was proving it. If they just faced this problem there wouldn't be anything to stop others from saying the same thing and Junmyeon felt as if he had to prove that she was a psychic, he wasn't sure why, it was probably the fact that she could provide him with answers for his dreams. 

Her sudden demand that he work on her case hadn't gone down so well with his colleagues. He had overheard people complaining that he had no experience and others cursing that he was the one chosen and not them. So there he was, surrounded by people who didn't want him to be there and sat being tormented by the memory of the dream. 

He could barely focus on the work at hand for thinking about Yifan, how he had reacted, how he hadn't seemed to understand why Junmyeon was being off with him. 

They stopped for lunch which involved leaving the office but Junmyeon wasn't the one who had to buy everyone else lunch and go running back to the office when the food inevitably took forever. No , now Junmyeon was going out with his colleagues and eating lucmh while possibly talking about more personal things than just the case. If he was being honest he would say he was excited at the prospect of not being the errand boy for once. 

All that excitement was wasted as he got lost in conversation. His words and wise cracks were washed away in the flow of the talk, that's when he realised that he was really out of his depth. All of his colleagues were clearly quite close despite how they made it look in the office. There were in jokes, references that he would never have a hope to understand, all of which made him feel more and more excluded. 

This continued on the walk back to the office, he was always the one that had to walk at the back when the path was too narrow, or who was too far to the end when a joke was made so he missed them all. He felt tiny, insignificant, and it killed him. 

He felt like he never would have gotten home. The day had dragged on and he was exhausted only he didn't want to go to sleep, ever again. He went into his kitchen to make himself dinner before settling into his sofa. The whole time he couldn't surpress  the pressing feeling on his chest, like he was being suffocated by his own thoughts. 

Yifan had lost track of what he'd packed and what he hadn't, what he needed and what he didn't. Him and Xiaozhu were running around his apartment shouting out items that they had found and arguing over whether Yifan would need them or not. They had realised after packing three of the four suitcases he was taking that they hadn't made a note of what he had already packed, which was going to make packing Xiaozhu's things just as hard. One hour later they were finished packing his things but couldn't be bothered going round to Xiaozhu's and packing his. 

'Should we just leave my stuff til tomorrow?' Xiaozhu rolled his neck, wincing slightly when it crunched. 

'Yeah, wanna watch a movie or something?' Yifan reached forward for the remote. 

'Let's watch The Purge!' 

'You know I hate that film! It's creepy.' 

'It's funny.' Xiaozhu laughed to himself at the memory of Yifan hiding under a blanket in fear. 

If Yifan was being honest he wanted Xiaozhu to go home so he could go to sleep and return to Junmyeon. But Xiaozhu seemed intent on having a sleepover which meant that they would be watching movies until two in the morning. 

I guess a sleepover wouldn't be all bad. 

Sorry it's been a while guys! Finally an update after nearly a full month! 

Comments are always loved (/^^)/**\(^^\)



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Chapter 15: Continue pls... :)
suhomomojjang #2
Chapter 15: I love <3 ??❤️???? thissss
i hope this continues!!! it’s been awhile tho
Chapter 15: i thought it will turn out like some horror movies, but it was Yifan's grandma ehehehehehhehh :P i bet she was really lovely grandma, helping her lovely grandson to find a good mate. and yes, i do agree that she is good in finding good things :))))
and the dreams was really helpful, they got the chemistry easily and i bet Yifan will look so cute when he pout like that.
keep the good work author-nim!!! and keep fighting :))))
cant wait for your next updates :))))

P.S. the weather now days keep ting me, and i got a bad flu and cough too much. please maintain your healthy there. don't get sick like me
2438 streak #4
Chapter 15: ITS SO CUTE!!!!
so it was grandma leading Yifan into the right path to Jun!!! mission accomplished grandma! you can leave them alone now! LOL
but apparently, grandma tends to linger even if it's unnecessary but can we just stop with the scary dreams please :)))

those dreams were truly helpful! they're so instantly comfortable with each other and feels like they've known each other for a long time already... Jun's concern for Yifan's wellbeing tho!!! but Yifan just wants to spend time with Jun, not just simply calling each other #priorities :)))
Chapter 15: This is so cool!! When it changed from Joonmyeon's perspective to Yifan's it took me a minute, it was written so cleverly!! Really enjoying it, it's a real sweet idea :)
Chapter 15: Its really great story XD
Chapter 15: Four stories updated today how much luckier can I get? Good job author!
Chapter 15: AWWW THATS SO CUTE and cheesyyy uwuuu
Chapter 15: Awww so it's Grandma Wu making sure they're together
Yay for Grandma Wu
Amberjliuyiyun #10