Part 12✦

You Can Change

“Glad you’re back,” Namjoon said, slapping Jungkook on the back. 


“Yeah, never thought you’d be the type to fall down a bunch of stairs, but I’m glad you’re okay none the less. No more fighting for a while though,” Taehyung laughed, tapping Jungkook’s shoulder gently, which had been put into a sling the week before. “Want to get some lunch?” 


Jungkook smiled, but his eyes soon caught Youngmi’s across the cafeteria. “I think I’ll pass, but I’ll catch up with you later.” He was already jogging away when he’d said his last word, saluting a quick hand gesture with his good hand before he turned away. 


The girl was just leaving with her food when Jungkook caught up to her. “Y-Youngmi!” He didn’t know why he stuttered, it just came out that way. 

She turned just as he’d completely caught up. “H-Hey,” he said - why did he keep stuttering?


“Hi,” she smiled. “Anything you need?” 

She was becoming a lot more comfortable with him recently. Completely the opposite to a few weeks before, he had to admit to himself that he was starting to like it. He liked how she trusted him even now, though he hadn’t realised before. He liked how she could just speak to him like an old friend (even if it was still sometimes nervously and in whispers), yet she never spoke to anyone else. 


“I just-” he began. “I just wanted to spend some time with you.” 

And spending time with each other is exactly what they did. He began eating lunch with her, and discussing the strangest of things during class and when walking in the halls together while Jungkook’s friends simply watched in awe as their friend changed before their eyes.





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Jade_Flower #2
Chapter 17: It's such a great story. The ending is so sad thoㅜㅡㅜ
Chapter 17: Awww :( that was sad that they have to be separated at the end T_T. But damn, this story relates so much to a lot of people like me~ thank u for creating this wonderful fanfic! ^_^
RachelHoon #4
Chapter 17: Will you continue this story?
Kookie_Deer_Corn #5
This story needs more upvotes. How can anyone not votw this story? I learned a lot of lessons from this story. It's a shame it ended so quickly. But thank you very much author-nim for the wonderful story. Fighting! ^^
feb1902 #6
Chapter 17: at first, i don't understand anything about this story.. but when i read this chapter now i realized how wonderful this story is <3

good job author-nim!
Superstar98 #7
Chapter 17: This is so beautiful
Chapter 17: This final chapter is so wonderful. Thank you. And thank you for letting your readers know that in every bad there is always good that is just needed to be pushed to come out. :)
Chapter 17: Aww, what a bittersweet ending. I wished they met again, but this is a good ending as it is. Good job writing this fanfic!