Mission XIII: Friends

Perfectly Dangerous

Secret Agents Dictionary:


Friends: General slang for members of an intelligence service


- Several Months ago - 

Areum tried to release her hand from Jinki’s but he stubbornly hold into it so she gave up and instead her ice cream, her eyes on the  ducks  on the lake below them.

She should be upset with him because lately he was too busy with work but once he showed up at her door and invited her to go on a date she accepted immediately. That’s how they end up at that beautiful park, watching the lake, eating ice cream and admiring the small waterfall.

“How did you even found out about this park? I’ve never heard about it!” She asked innocently her strawberry ice cream.

Jinki smiled his eyes moving to the filming crew near the waterfall where several models were getting ready to walk away after a successful photoshoot. He could see Minho there avoiding the sun because it made him sneeze for a weird reason. Minho told him about that place that was normally too crowded with tourists making it hard to visit.

“A coworker mentioned it!” He bit his cotton candy ice cream and Areum nodded her head not asking anything further. He rarely spoke about his coworkers and she learned how to naturally ignore it.

He loved her for that.

Jinki leaned forward to kiss her cheek and Areum swing her legs like a kid ignoring the gesture, her eyes on the waterfall.

“It’s unfair that only tourists can visit it today.”

Because of the photoshoot they limited the number of visits and she seemed very displeased with it.

“Hum...” He started nibbling on the waffle cone “Want to go under the waterfall?”

“Yes!” She said beaming at him, her cute dimples coming out to greet him before they disappeared again “But we cant. Only tourists!” She ate her ice cream again and Jinki looked at Minho thoughtfully.

Minho barely raised his eyes above but Jinki knew that he acknowledged their presence before.

“Hum…” Jinki mumbled. He was used to go undercover anyway and Areum was a writer so she probably had imagination to act. “Well I’m from America!” Jinki said in perfect English making Areum frown surprised “I’m staying here for one week with the girl I love. And you?”

“What?” Areum smiled.

“Do you love me?” He asked in English “Babe?”

“Stop that!” Areum pushed him with her shoulder but he didn’t move much eating his ice cream with a grin before leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. “Life is all about pretending isn’t it? Maybe we can be tourists for one day!”

Her eyes shine in understanding “You want us to fake it.”

“Yeah…I bet they won’t even ask us for our passports!”

Areum her lips “Ok, babe. Let’s do this!” She answered in English.


A few minutes later, after eating their ice cream and joining a group of curious tourists Areum found herself under the waterfall.

Jinki stopped behind her admiring the way the water fall a few inches away from them. He could see the ducks on the other side swimming on the lake and the group of models where Minho was. Now that they were closer Jinki couldn’t help but wave slightly at Minho that blinked as an answer.

Areum didn’t notice anything stretching her arm so her fingers could touch the water, making it splash her.

“This is amazing!” She said in English and Jinki back hugged her because she was too adorable. He didn’t mind that Minho could see them behind the water.

“It is!”

“Thank you!” Areum said caressing his hand around her stomach “For bringing me here!”

“I didn’t !” He said rubbing his nose against the back of her neck “Your legs did!” He laughed with his joke but she barely moved still admiring the water. That made him think about that he had to take pics of that date to show Audrey or she would kill him next time he went back to the mansion.

“When you see it like this…” Areum said in a low voice in Korean afraid that some guide would find out that they weren’t tourists “It makes you want to touch it. Go under the water!“ She raised her hand again but this time Jinki grabbed it, intertwining his fingers with hers.

“Are you happy?”

His question made her tilt her head in wonder. She never has been that happy for sure. Yes Audrey wasn’t there anymore but in a way she was always with Areum. It was a blessing that she got to meet her in that life, and another blessing that Jinki crossed her path.

“Yes very much!”

Jinki was pleased and closed his eyes letting his guard fall for a little so he could enjoy that moment too. That was what he was protecting, her happiness.

“And you?” She asked.

“I’ve never been so happy!”

He didn’t have any doubt.




Nana hated when she had to dye her hair and blonde never fit her and yet there she was, her eyes on the couple under the waterfall admiring it, acting lovey dovey.

She knew him. Onew.

Apparently he had a girlfriend now and it was Audrey’s best friend.

Nana wasn’t stupid and along the years she learned how to move in the shadows so she could spy on several conversations inside Dokko, every time she was invited to a party. She rarely participated in the parties now and it was rarer and rarer that she had to have with a man. Now she was more like an undercover spy.

However that day she wasn’t working, she was there because she heard about Minho being on that photoshoot.

She was weak, she shouldn’t be there but she needed to see him.

Ever since that night she disappeared Nana didn’t see him anymore. He rarely worked as a model now too and she was so curious about his life and what he was doing that she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

Nana wasn’t the kind of woman that could keep clippings of the magazines he featured into because it would be dangerous but she always kept an old flyer about a fashion event with Minho picture in it, inside her bag. No one would find that suspiciously if it looked like trash. In reality that piece of trash was a treasure to her, the only picture she had of him.

Minho moved from the under the rock he was hiding and Nana walked closer to the side of the waterfall hoping that Onew was too distracted to notice her.

Nana glanced at Onew that was now kissing his girlfriend as if they were filming their own cf, completing forgetting everyone around them, probably acting like American tourists.

That made Nana smile and she peeked from behind the water at Minho stepping into the sun light.

He grew up.

She knew he did.

His body seemed stronger, he had more muscles, his shoulders were more wide and she could see on his face how he matured.

He blinked his eyes trying to focus his eyes on the waterfall and Nana stepped back afraid that he would notice her until she realized that he was looking at Onew and his girl chuckling.

That made her smile because he had the same reaction she had when she saw them kiss.

They were so similar.

Minho sneezed under the sun and Nana sighed enamored.

Sadly they couldn’t laugh together anymore.



 - Present Day -


Jonghyun typed on his small laptop from inside the car he was hiding, his eyes on the building in the distance.

The team was there already and he was the backup, their eyes from outside.

“Are you in?” he asked checking Key pink dot on the laptop, walking inside the building.

“I’m in!” Key answered back.

He was safe. No one was inside that hallway.

“I’m in!” Taemin answered a few minutes after and his yellow dot moved on the above floor from Key making Jonghyun smile. Of course Taemin would act like a ninja and ambitiously climb through the window.

I’m in the process of getting in!” Minho blue dot blinked and Jonghyun saw two white dots approaching him.

That wasn’t good.

He heard some noises and grunts and then the white dots stood motionless. “I’m in and safe!”

Jonghyun  breathed out relieved. “Good. You all know what you have to do right?”

They didn’t need to answer. “Good luck!”

Jonghyun saw the dots moving slowly on the laptop as if it was a game of Pac-man. But that wasn’t a game. Those dots were his friends and family.

The mission was to save Audrey and Areum and they needed to be deadly and silent.

Key insisted on searching for Audrey. Minho was going to search for Areum and Taemin was going to destroy the building with a bomb after they were safe.  

Bombs were something Key was more familiarized with but he insisted so much on finding Audrey that Jonghyun had to give in. Hopefully Taemin would do it well. That boy was capable of anything when he wanted to. Also he was the fastest of them all. He would get out safely.

Jonghyun moved his eyes to the green dot. Jinki had his tracer inside his coat so they knew where he was and thankfully those Dokko idiots didn’t find it. He was surrounded by 4 white dots, one very close to him. Sadly the tracer radar wasn’t able to show much more than that, so Jonghyun didn’t know how many more agents were inside the room and how big the room was. He only hoped that Jinki was safe.

He was alone and unarmed and Jonghyun had a very bad feeling about those dots in the room with him.

However Jinki told Jonghyun to trust him and Areum and Audrey were the priority.



 - Several years ago -


“You were late this time!” Mi Jung complained to Jonghyun and he leaned forward to kiss his pregnant wife.

“We run into some troubles….Kibum isn’t used to work inside a team yet.” He frowned glancing at the blonde man that was now speaking with Lee Sooman at the door.

Mi Jung expression didn’t change and Jonghyun knew she was upset so he bended his body to caress her big tummy.

“How is my little girl?” He asked with a cutesy voice.

“Big! Wanting to come out soon!” Mi Jung answered with a smile leaving Jonghyun relieved. He didn’t want to argue with her. He just came back home and was tired.

Minho was at the top of the stairs watching the scene and Jonghyun shared a surprise look with Mi Jung that explained.

“He left his bedroom. He does that every day now. I think he finally wants to live again.”

“Good!” Jonghyun kissed Mi Jung cheek and then climbed the stairs to talk with his old friend.

“Is it over?” Minho asked before Jonghyun could say anything.

He meant the mission “It is!”

“Are you hurt?”

“No!” Jonghyun cockily said “I rarely get hurt! I’m a professional!” that comment made Minho smile a little and that was enough for Jonghyun “You left your bedroom.”

“I did. Mi Jung was crying the night before yesterday and I thought something was wrong with the baby but apparently she was watching a cf with dogs.”

“Pregnant women cry a lot.” Both laughed and for a few moments they were them again, the old friends from before.

“Also….I heard Taemin playing the piano after you left and…I asked Mi Jung to play for me. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No not at all. Jinki plays it very well, Mi Jung is terrible. If you liked it and it made you feel better, then maybe I could ask Jinki…I should thank him too. He made you come out.”

Minho frowned with the comment. He didn’t know why he seemed to hate Jinki so much. Maybe because he saved him, maybe because he linked him to Nana somehow and it was easier to hate someone closer that you could punch and argue with then a woman that disappeared to never come back again.

“Why do you do this?” Minho asked.

“Do what?”

“This? A secret agents life! It sounds like a joke!”

“It’s not a joke!” Jonghyun leaned against the handrail of the stairs observing Mi Jung scolding Taemin because he ruined the shirt she gave him on his birthday. “Minho, there is so many people out there needing help, in need to be protected. We can do that. We can do things that can prevent them from getting hurt.”

“Like…” Minho chuckled “Stop cars from running them over? Find the cure for cancer?”

“No!” Jonghyun frowned with Minho’s suggestion “Take new drugs out of the street, dismantle crime organizations, and destroy ion and human traffic circles. I can do something that can make the world safer to my daughter that will be born soon. I can make her proud.”

Minho closed his eyes in pain and Jonghyun knew why. Nana.

“Do you really save them? The women….?”

“We are pretty close to destroy one of those organizations right now. Last week Kibum managed to find the address of the headquarters of one, so yes we can.”

“The Union?” Minho asked hopefully, that name making him bleed inside.

“Sadly no. They are too big for now. The one we are trying to dismantle right now is called The Rose.”

“Can I help?”

Minho’s request surprised Jonghyun since a few minutes ago he was making fun of what he did.

“Do you really want to help?”

Minho wasn’t sure about what he wanted anymore. A few days ago he only wanted to disappear or sleep forever and now something was different.

“It’s not easy!” Jonghyun warned “A normal person can’t do it.”

“I’m not a normal person!”

Jonghyun smiled with Minho remark “It means that you will need to leave your old life behind and focus on this one for a while. You can never go back to whom you were before.”

Not after the things he would see and experience.

Minho pondered on his words for a brief moment. “Leaving my old life behind…start something new….”  A fresh start was all he needed, a new objective in his life, either saving or killing Nana. “When do I start?”


 - Present Day -


Audrey closed her eyes counting to one hundred over and over again like she used to do when she was little but not even that was working. She was tired of waiting on the dark while her best friend was somewhere else probably being abused by disgusting men.

Audrey didn’t have many memories from her time on the orphanage before she went to live with her first foster family but she remembered how she used to hide under her bed in the darkness watching the other kids play.

Adults normally said that she was traumatized due to the fire that killed her parents and she started to believe them even though she barely had any memories of that moment. She could remember how her mother smelled and she had a tiny memory of her father grabbing her on his shoulders but she wasn’t sure if that memory was real or something that she watched on a drama and always dreamed herself doing with her father.  She also remember her father holding her hand when they crossed the street and even though she could feel the sense of security of the moment, she couldn’t recall his face, his voice or even where they were going together.

Memory can be a cruel thing sometimes.

From the orphanage she also remembered the older man that visited her one day. He gave her candy, and brushed her hair into two ponytails that he held with two cute pink kitty hair bands that Audrey treasured for the following years until a kid stole them in one of the foster families she stayed at.

She couldn’t recall the name of the man but he claimed to know her family and he promised that he would take care of her; that even though he couldn’t be a presence in her life, because it was her mother wish somehow, he would still take care of her from afar.

He was the same person that sent her several gifts along the years, was it clothes, was it books, was it money.

However she never saw him again and he was never there when she was bullied along the years, when Dokko came after her or right now, when she was in danger.

The truth was that Audrey soon learned that if she wanted to save herself she was the only one who could do it.

She pushed the boxes away and crawled off from the hole tired of waiting.



“I can still choose the brunette for myself if you want! I can tell her what to do!”

Jinki words died on his lips and he knew what he had to do even if it would break his heart.

“No need!” He raised his hand and gestured for Areum to approach him.

He had no choice.  They needed to play along, gain some time, until the rest of the team did what they had to do.

However Areum didn’t move.

“Show the little kitty what she needs to do!” Smoke asked the blonde and she moved from Smoke and walked to Jinki.

Areum widened her eyes when she leaned forward to kiss Jinki, that didn’t move to answer to her caress.

She pushed the blonde away before she managed to kiss her husband. “No! No one is going to touch him….and no I’m not doing it!” She crossed her arms over her chest trembling, pretending to be stronger than she felt. And that cute mad jealous gesture made Jinki laugh.

Her reaction seemed to surprise Smoke and Jinki differently. Smoke seemed furious and Jinki proud of her.

“See?” Jinki raised his hand “This is my wife…you might think that you sold her…but you didn’t….you can’t sell something that isn’t yours!”

“I can kill…”Smoke said and Jinki serious expression came back “Make her do it or I’ll kill her.”

“You won’t…Jihun won’t like it.” He needed to win time…he had too.

“I can give him Audrey when we don’t need her. He loved her more.”

“No!” Areum protested sending Jinki a pleading look asking him to do something.

“Take Areum inside for a corrective…” Smoke ordered.

Choke pulled her by her chain and Areum cried.

“Wait…she will do it!” Jinki said “Let me talk with her.” He turn to her gently “Areum remember when we went to see the waterfall at the park?”

She blinked her eyes confused. “Yes!” what did that have to do with that moment?!

“Remember how we did it…what language we were speaking.”

She was confused until she remembered how they spoke in English and pretended to be foreigners.

Oh….pretending….he wants her to pretend.

As if he could read her mind Jinki nodded. ”Exactly…you can do this...come here!” he called again and she went hesitantly. He had a plan, he must have one, and he wants her to play along.

His eyes were on hers and she knew what he was trying to tell her. He had to do it and she needed to trust him and play along. She nodded her head slightly still trembling and knelled in front of him, in the middle of his legs her eyes on him. Areum tried to pretend she was alone in the room and concentrate only on him and on the acting she was going to do.

However it was hard to do so when Smoke wouldn’t keep quiet “It’s not your first time right?”

Areum heard Smoke giggle and she was sure that the blonde was “working” already.

“It’s ok.” Jinki whispered, his hand caressing her wet face and brushing her wet hair away from her face gently. How could he seem so calm when they were in a situation like that, was something Areum couldn’t understand.

 He gently grabbed her by her arm and pulled her up to sit her on his lap instead. She frowned in pain when her hurt thighs brushed against his and he moved his fingers to her neck, caressing her skin before he pulled her to him for a kiss. Areum shut her eyes trying to pretend that they were safe but she couldn’t stop trembling in his arms, giving him a lousy kiss in return. He didn’t close his, he couldn’t dare to do so, and he needed to be alert. Besides, that vulnerable side of him he would never show anyone else besides her.

Jinki broke away and hugged her against him and Areum had to bit her lower lip so she wouldn’t cry. In his arms she felt safe….but she wasn’t sure he was safe.

“That is very sweet…but I don’t want to watch a romantic movie. I want more!” Smoke complained.

Areum moved her body away from Jinki chest and kissed him again, trying to print more passion into the kiss, her tongue moving against his lips. However Jinki didn’t answer to the passion and he pushed her away.

“Can you two stop?” Smoke said again from behind her and Areum tried really hard not to look at him, afraid of what she would see. “That isn’t her duties. She is here to do her job not that!”

“I like kissing a lot…” Onew started but Smoke raised one hand to stop him.

“You know what I want. I’m not here to play Onew! I want your wife to go down on you right in front of me. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to humiliate you in front of everyone. And after she is done I can send her to her new owner or I can simply shot her if you prefer.”

Smoke let his words settle in before he spoke again “Just do as I say and I might be nice and let her go after it. After all I don’t have much time. Lee Audrey is waiting for me since we have some pending matters to take care of.”

Areum watched how Jinki grabbed her by her shoulder and mechanically made her kneel in front of him again, between his legs. Then he grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest. He caressed her face and she moved her hand over his body, slowly caressing him until she found the buttons of his pants, mimicking what Mika did before.  It was all her fault that that was happening and she couldn’t stop crying now, which made things even worse. She could see the pain on Onew’s eyes now and that was probably going to make Smoke even happier.

“Very weak. Guess that honeymoon of yours wasn’t that passionate as I thought!”

Smoke provoked and Choke pulled the chain making Areum close her eyes in pain.

“Work better !” He growled making Areum raise her eyes to him. He was a coward who treated woman like trash and did everything Smoke ordered him to.

“Wimp!” she called him under her breath near a nervous breakdown.

The man stepped forward “What did you say?” Choke raised his hand to hit her but Jinki stood up and grabbed it, the animosity between both rising to another level, both ready to fight.

“Hey, hey!” Smoke barged in “We are having a party here!” Choke lowered his hand but Jinki didn’t move. That hurt her and he was going to kill him for that. “Let’s calm down. Areum, little kitty, do your job and make Onew happy, ok? He seems stressed!”

Areum glanced at Smoke but regretted it immediately. The blonde was on his lap and he was groping her over her clothes while watching them. She felt disgusted and she wanted to see him dead now.

Jinki sat down again in front of her and she tried to control her emotions and do it.

“Slowly!” He mouthed with no sound only for her and she blinked her eyes in recognition. He wanted to gain time so she needed to pretend until then. However for how long would they be able to gain time before Smoke loses his patient?!

She moved closer to him, and he softly helped her, watching her his pants. She did it embarrassed, as if she never did that, moving her hands very slowly, not really paying attention to what she was doing. It wasn’t meant to pleasure him like she used to do before in the safety of their bedroom, this time it was only make believe and she was going to take her time…besides her hands were trembling too much. Jinki helped her win time pulling her by her chin to kiss him again. It had no passion and she knew it was only for show. He was waiting for something but that something was taking too long.

Jinki hold her, caressing her neck, pretending that she was doing a better job than she was actually doing.

“Interesting, I never thought I would see Onew making out with his wife…aaah…I feel honored.”

Areum closed her eyes hearing some disgusting kissing noises coming from behind her.

“Are you happy now?” Jinki asked.

“Not really. I want to see on you and I haven’t yet. I only see some shy rubbing and kissing.”

“I like it slow…It takes time for me to get properly aroused.”

“I seriously doubt that. I’ve seen you attack her against a tree before in Thailand!  I don’t think she is doing her job well.”

“Well at the time we were alone” Jinki moved his head in the direction of Choke “The hairless man makes me uncomfortable!”

Choke moved to grab Areum and Jinki acted quickly, pulling her face closer to his chest.

Choke groaned and Areum shut her eyes ready for what would happen next…would they die like that? Hugging each other?!

“Choke…behave! He is a guest.”

“He makes me angry!”

“Do you even possess that ability; I mean do you have a brain?” Jinki asked with a teasing tone but Areum felt his body getting tense. He was nervous; his hand was pulling her with so much strength against him. He was scared to not being able to protect her. That made Areum realize that he didn’t have a plan after all or maybe things wasn’t going like he wanted to. She bit her lower lip thinking about what she could do to help him.

“He is offending me!” Choke groaned pulling Areum chain since he couldn’t touch Jinki. Areum grabbed the collar around her neck trying to pull back but Choke was stronger, however Jinki grabbed the chain too and both men fought to take control of the chain.

“RELEASE HER!” Jinki ordered with his voice filled with hate. Choke kept pulling and Areum watched them helpless.

“Can you two stop acting like kids!” Smoke said standing up and making Mika fall to the ground. “ ONEW IM TIRED OF THIS!” He grabbed Areum by her hair and Jinki released the chain immediately.

They were in trouble now! Smoke wasn’t going to play anymore!

“Open your pants…I’ll help her!” Smoke ordered Jinki, his grip on Areum hair making her look at him in despair.

Jinki swallowed nervously and Areum released a low cry.

“Do it or you will regret it!” Smoke repeated.


Key walked around the first floor as silently as he could getting read of the lonely agents he found on his way and hiding his bodies like it was supposed to.

They were inside the building for 10 minutes now and no sign of Audrey or Areum; not even Jinki. Kibum was starting to feel nervous wondering if Smoke had time to take Audrey to another place and that mission would end up being a trap instead.

“Are you there?” Kibum whispered.

“I’m here!” Hearing Jonghyun voice was comforting and Kibum kept walking. He was passing through a pile of cardboard boxes when he heard a sound and hid next to the wall watching the curious scene in front of him.

The boxes were moving as if something was behind them and he widened his eyes when he saw a woman wearing a burlesque mask and a very revealing party dress come  out from a hole on the wall.

She stood up seeming a little undecided about where to go and that’s when Key stepped forward, grabbing her easily by one arm and pulled her into his arms, her back to him, and his gun pointed at her temple. He could feel the woman tense up and he couldn’t help but smell her hair.

Audrey…it smelled like Audrey shampoo but her perfume was different.

“Where is Lee Audrey?” He asked with a deep dangerous voice.

The woman gasped and tried to move around but he held into her arm firmly.

That’s when she spoke and he released her “Kibum?”


She turned around to face him and took off the mask revealing herself to him.

He was so relieved that he almost hugged her.

“What are you…?” He moved his eyes up and down her body “What are you wearing?”

“It’s a long story!” Audrey said quickly, her eyes moving to the end of the hall where someone could show up at any moment and she pushed him back behind the boxes.

He resisted her and mouthed a no. They needed to get out of the building. His part of the mission was very clear, find Audrey and take her safely outside.

“What do you mean no!” Audrey growled “I need to go save Areum. They sold her to The Union.”

“!” Kibum mumbled. If Jinki found out about that he would be out of himself.

“Let’s go!” Audrey insisted pulling Key in the direction from where she ran away with Nana.

“No! First I take you to Base and then I will come back for her. I promise!”

“No. I can’t leave her. They could be hurting her right now!” Audrey bit her lower lip.

Kibum ignored her sad expression and grasped her bare shoulders “You are going with me and there is no more discussion about this!” He seemed angry with her and he was. “I’m upset Audrey. You have no idea how upset I am right now so you are going to do what I say and then I will come back. Besides, Onew and Minho are already searching for her and you staying here would only make things more complicated.”

Audrey sent the hallway a last look but agreed with key.

That was all he needed to hear before he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction.

After a while she spoke again “I’m sorry Kibum…”

He knew why she was sorry. She ran away without telling him anything, worrying him and the others who helped her so much.

“I don’t want to talk about it now!” He snarled.

“I know but, you understand why I did it right?”

He took a deep breath before speaking again “I said that I don’t want to…”

He shut up once he saw the group of several agents ahead, both almost stumbling in front of them. Luckily Key saw them on time and pushed Audrey back. He peeked at the agents from the corner of the wall and they stood in silence listening to the agents talking.

It was clear as day that they noticed that Audrey disappeared already and were busy searching for her which was not a good thing.

“We should go back!” Audrey whispered on his ear making him look at her in a not so innocent way.

She was so y when she did that in bed, she knew how much he loved it, her sweet voice saying how good he felt against her, how sweet his kisses were, how much she loved him…

However at that moment she didn’t seem to notice the effect her voice had on him.

Kibum shook his head trying to focus on the current death or life situation and forget Audrey’s y voice.

“No going back!” He whispered back, his eyes moving to the above floor, where he could see a small platform used to move heavy boxes from one floor to the other. He turned to Audrey “Are you good at climbing?”



  - Some weeks before Onew wedding -


Taemin yawned tiredly because he just spent the last two days in a mission with Key and missed several classes. But now he was back to college again and had an acting class. He had a hate love relationship with those. He hated to be on the spotlight, probably because he was trained to move unnoticed, but pretending to be someone normally came natural to him…well at least in life or death situations, not in acting class.

He opened the door of the classroom and peeked inside.

The several students were sitting in chairs in a circle, his professor, a short eccentric woman on her 40’s with red hair raised her eyes from the attendance sheet on her hand to him.

That was another bad thing about acting class, lesser students and attendance control.

He mumbled an I’m sorry I’m late as if it wasn’t obvious and then searched for an empty chair to sit on.

The teacher gestured for Taemin to enter the room and then turned her attention back to the students “This is a good example of when you don’t need to do anything for people to see you.” everyone chuckled and Taemin wondered what they were talking about before he entered the room “But of course not everyone is like Taemin-ssi.”

Everyone laughed at the comment and Taemin sat on the chair realizing that the person just in front of him, on the other side of the circle was Mina. She was laughing too and that made him uncomfortable.

“Excuse me?” he asked glancing at the professor.

“Before you entered the room we were discussing what we would do to begin todays class and I proposed to the students to leave the room one by one and enter it again in a way that they would get everyone’s attention. “ The woman smiled “And you did it only because you are very good looking.”

Taemin tried to hide his embarrassment. Yes, he knew he was handsome, there was no point denying the obvious. Ever since he was little people kept telling his parents how he looked like a girl because of his beautiful face and he learned to use that in his favor during his work as a secret agent. However it was always embarrassing to see a professor praising him in front of all the class, besides Mina was looking at him.

“Anyone wants to try?” The professor asked and Mina raised her arm.

“I want!” Her determined eyes were on Taemin and he swallowed nervously because that was never a good sign.

Mina left the classroom and for a while nothing happened. Students moved on their chairs, some whispered to each other but Mina wasn’t entering the room. That impasse made Taemin curious, maybe a little anxious and he turned his head to look at the door.

That was probably what Mina expected because once she opened the door her eyes were on his and she smiled delighted with her triumph.

Everyone was looking at Mina but she completely ignored them and walked in Taemin’s direction making him sit straight on the chair. She stopped in front of him and everyone in the room was quiet watching. Taemin coolly looked back at her until she sat on his lap, her legs on one side of his, her action making him widen his eyes.

The professor started to clap and Mina stood up from his lap and returned to her chair, and slowly everyone joined the clapping and Taemin hesitantly clapped a few times, still not recovered from what happened.

“Interesting…” The professor commented “What are the reasons behind your actions?”

Mina sat on her chair victoriously “Well since he is the most handsome in class of course what I did caught everyone’s attention.” She smiled like a cat “Besides I couldn’t waist a chance to sit on his lap!”

Everyone laughed at her reasons and Taemin expression didn’t change his eyes still on Mina.

“Anyone else want to try?” The professor asked but Taemin was more concentrated on the woman in front of him than anything else.


  - Present day -


“Open your pants…I’ll help her!” Smoke ordered Jinki, his grip on Areum’s hair making her look at him in despair.

Jinki swallowed nervously and Areum released a low cry.

“Do it!” Smoke repeated.

However at that moment a Dokko agent opened the door in the back and Smoke eyes settled on him so he released Areum making Onew breathe again.

The Dokko agent approached Smoke and spoke to him in a lower voice. Choke released the chain and Jinki grabbed it firmly his attention now on the conversation that was still loud enough for him to hear.

“Sir, Lee Audrey escaped.”

“What?” It was Smoke’s time to pale and Jinki smiled internally. They did it. The team did it!

Areum grabbed Jinki leg and he looked down at her.  She moved her eyes from Jinki to the chain and then to Choke and he raised an eyebrow confused. She was clearly trying to tell him something and Jinki his lips trying to understand.

The agent left the room after Smoke ordered him to do a full search of the building.

“Must have been that Union !” Smoke gritted out. “I never liked her!” He glared at the blonde that was still in the floor and she quickly cried afraid. “I didn’t help her, I swear. Nana did it herself.”

That name made Jinki raise his head and Areum pulled at his pants with no avail trying to get his attention again. Why couldn’t he understand that she had a plan to get them out of that?!


If Audrey was with her then the team didn’t make it but she still had a chance of running away. Then maybe Onew could act now too, since Audrey life wasn’t at risk anymore. He only needed to protect Areum and get the hell out of there.

“I see…” Smoke mumbled before pulling the gun from the agent’s holster beside him and shot the blonde.

She fell to the floor with a thud beside Areum that shrieked surprised, looking away from that vision that was now becoming too familiar to her.

“No!” Jinki begged and Areum realized that Smoke was pointing the gun at her now. ”If you hurt her I swear I will spend the rest of my life making it so that death would be a good faith for you.”

However Smoke hand moved and he pointed the gun at Jinki instead.

“I won’t hurt her. I sold her remember? Besides I prefer to kill you now with your wife at your feet. With you wondering what her faith will be after you die. It has a special feeling to it. Onew, the perfect agent that failed to protect his wife. I like it.”

Smoke was furious. He lost Audrey again and he was sure it was Onew’s fault. He always found a way to ruin his plans and make him a joke in front of his superiors.

He was sure that while he was playing around with him Onew did everything to win time and his team saved Audrey. Once again he ed his life and now he would kill him.

“You will regret not ing your wife a last time. I was actually nice to let you two have a last moment together before I kill you!”


Key swiftly climbed the huge wood box and step into the platform as if it was nothing, the platform swaying a little.

“Come on!” He called to Audrey that stared at him with open.

“You want me to climb that, with this dress?!”

“It’s ok…I saw your already!”

“You what?” She blushed deeply making him grin and he kneeled on the platform offering her his hand.

“Do it quickly before someone spot us!”

Audrey whined a little but slowly tried to climb over the box; she groaned placing her bare knees over it and then slowly stood up grabbing Kibum’s hand.

“Quickly!” He smiled cockily amused with her expression still fixing the dress.

“You saw my ?” She asked in a whisper and he grabbed bot her hands easily lifting her over to the platform. Audrey sat beside him on it and he leaned forward next to her ear.

“I took them from you before, remember?”

His comment made her blush deeply and Audrey had to make an effort to brush away those memories from when they had .

Kibum ignored her pink cheeks and stood up pulling her with him. He grabbed the edge of the iron balcony railing above and hoisted his body up passing over it inside the small platform that led to the several rooms on the second floor. Audrey looked at him in owe and he bended forward to grab her hands and help her climb that too.

She just placed her feet on the railing when they heard the group of Dokko agents coming in their direction. Kibum pulled her with all his strength and she fell over him, both falling back into the second floor. They stood in silence in that position while the agents walked below unknowing that they were immediately above them.

“We did it.” Audrey whispered, inches from his face, when the agents were away, and Kibum slowly nodded, uncomfortable pulling her away from his lap. He couldn’t deny that having her in his lap was pleasurable but he needed to focus on what he had to do and stop flirting, something hard when he loved to flirt with her.

They stood up in silence and walked on the hallway. Kibum didn’t know where to go and he almost forgot about Jonghyun. He was there hearing everything that was being said….wait…everything.

“I took them from you before, remember?”


“Base?” He asked clearing his throat, his eyes on Audrey that was leaning against the wall, moving her hands nervously looking at him confused until she realized he was talking to his earplug.

Yes?” The sweet tone Jonghyun used was the answer that Kibum didn’t want at all. He heard. He knew now that he had with Audrey before.

“I have Audrey...”

I know! You had…have her!”

“Where should we go?” Kibum asked ignoring Jonghyun teasing and heard his suggestion of a direction they could take.

They only needed to climb down again, away from where the Dokko agents went to and then he would slowly give them new directions.

“Let’s go!” Kibum pushed Audrey in front of him and they swiftly walked on the small passageway ready to climb down the stairs to the second floor.

However they never managed to do so because several Dokko agents were climbing them over.

They hesitated until they realized that the woman they were searching for was in front of them a few steps above.

Kibum quickly grabbed Audrey arm and pulled her up, shooting his gun at the agents, killing two of them, but almost being killed himself when they retaliated against him.

They ran on the opposite direction being followed by the agents and Audrey screamed while Kibum pushed her in front of him.

“Stop shooting!” Someone screamed from behind them just when a bullet grazed Kibum’s arm making Audrey scream once again. “We need her alive!”

He was going to keep running when she opened the closest door and pulled Kibum inside with her.

He groaned because that wasn’t the plan but still helped her push a heavy table in front of the door to prevent the agents to enter right away.

Audrey grabbed his arm and checked his wound that was bleeding but not that much. It seemed superficial and Kibum wasn’t even caring much about it his mind elsewhere while he looked around the room.

“What do we do now?” She asked making Kibum stop for a while and face her.

“When life closes a door on you…” He turned around to the window behind them “You open a window!”


Ace activated the bomb and admired his work.

Not even Kibum, the explosive expert would do such a beautiful work. The bomb was planted like it was supposed to and Taemin mission was done. He pulled the old dusty plastic wrapping material over it hoping that no one would find it before it was too late.

“It’s done!”

He stepped back rubbing his hands and then took off his ear plug because he didn’t want to hear Jonghyun reply and orders to leave the building. He wasn’t going to leave the building at all; he was going to search for Jinki. He didn’t care if his brother told everyone to not go looking for him; he didn’t care about the consequences of what would happen because he wouldn’t let anything happen to Jinki or Areum anyway. He devoted his life to his new brother and consequently to the ones important to him.

Ace brushed his hair away from his eyes and swiftly left the abandoned room. He did have an idea of where Jinki was. The last time Jonghyun reported his whereabouts he was inside an old warehouse not that far from that room and Taemin was going to find him.

Of course he would find enemies along the way and he did indeed find two agents outside an open door discussing something. He hid watching them talk.

“How could you even let the girl leave?” The one farthest asked.

“She was wearing those clothes; I thought she was one of them!”

“! I heard Smoke wasn’t happy when he found out. He even killed one of the girls!”

“Well she deserved it anyway! ing !”

Taemin widened his eyes. He killed one of them? He wouldn’t kill Audrey then….Areum?!

His heartbeat accelerated and he clutched his teeth in rage. That would devastate Jinki, that would kill him inside like the death of his brother killed him.

Without thinking Taemin step out from where he was hiding and grabbed the closest agent, cutting his neck with the blade he took off from his back. The other agent fumbled to pick up his gun, surprised with that man that came out from the shadows but he wasn’t quick enough because Taemin raised his gun to his head, the barrel touching the middle of his forehead.

“Where is agent Onew?”

“Ahh…” The man swallowed nervously “He is inside the warehouse with boss and his girl!”

“Areum is not dead?”

The man slowly shook his head and Taemin sighed of relief “Are they hurt?”

“The girl a little….BUT…” The Dokko agent added quickly “But she is ok!”

“Good!  Audrey?”

“She ran away!”

Taemin smiled “Where is the warehouse? Are more agents there?”

“End of the corridor, the big metal door! Only Choke is there!”

“Who is that?”

“A hired assassin, a psychopath boss hired!”

“Thank you!” Taemin knocked the man out with a punch to his jaw and then pulled his limp body inside the room. He did the same with the other man even though it left a trail of blood. He cleaned it quickly with a towel he found out inside the room and then closed it.

The girls were probably there before, there was even a bag with makeup and Taemin wondered to whom it belonged and who was the girl that died after all.

He didn’t care who they were or who was Choke. He had a new mission, save Jinki and Areum and take them out from there before Jonghyun detonated that bomb.



 - After Minho joined the team - 


Master Kim, the master in charge of teaching Taekwondo bowed greeting Minho and ending the set of exercises they were doing.

“Are you tired?” He asked Minho but he shook his head negatively although he was sweating profusely and clearly exhausted. Ever since he decided to join the team he has been training every day without much rest.

“I want to practice a little more.”

“You are talented. In only a few months you showed so much progress!”

“I can’t give up…I never give up!”

Master Kim smiled and then moved his eyes to the other agents training around the room. “We should call someone more experienced for you to train with. “ Minho followed the master gaze that was on Jonghyun, busy doing push-ups with Taemin in a playful competition. However Minho was more interested in the man raising weights, Jinki.

That didn’t escape the master attention “Jinki can you come here?”

Minho stepped back once Jinki joined them, sweating profusely but smiling as if he was a kid.

That annoyed Minho a lot, how could he be so cute when he was a grown up man?

“Shall we have a little training session together? Only punches!” The Master suggested stepping back from the mattress so Jinki and Minho could fight.

Minho didn’t waste any time and attacked Jinki who easily avoided the punch. Minho kept the attack and Jinki did his best either blocking it or avoiding it which was making Minho annoyed.

Jinki calmly and precisely turned his body avoiding another of Minho’s punches and counterattacked hitting Minho that growled dangerously. Jinki could have hit him a couple more times but decided to go easy on Minho this time. He was clearly exhausted and his movements were slower than the usual, however Jinki wasn’t ready for the kick Minho gave him on his chest, making him fall backwards into the mattress.

“Hey!” Master Kim scolded stepping forward and pushing Minho back “I said punches!”

Minho didn’t say anything, his angry gaze on Jinki, but he stepped forward and helped him up.

“We are on the same team!” Jinki said “I do understand why you hate me but….”

“I don’t hate him.”

Minho thought to himself and in a way it was true. Jinki wasn’t the problem at all, he was. He was truly the person he hated the most, the one he lost trust in. Minho couldn’t be weak anymore; he needed to get stronger, to make others acknowledge his strength. “Never go easy on me anymore.”

Jinki nodded “I’m sorry! I won’t!”

Minho groaned and he quickly bowed to his master before leaving the training room.

He wasn’t even a few steps away from the door when Jonghyun stopped him.

“You can’t attack someone like that…”

“I’m sorry ok!” Minho said quickly “I’m frustrated and mad and every time I look at him I see her and…” Minho’s emotions were exploding now and he knew that that outburst was probably due to all the heavy training and lack of sleep he was under lately “I think of her and what she told me about what she does and those s that took her away and…that he didn’t do anything for her….I didn’t do anything!”

“Look!” Jonghyun grabbed his friend’s arm “Jinki is on our side, and we all are working in a way that we can actually do something. We might not be saving your girl yet but we can save other girls like her. And I promise you Minho, someday we will save her too, someday you will be strong enough, we all will, and someday we will bring her here, she will be free.”

Minho released his arm but Jonghyun grasped it strongly “Now go back inside and apologize to Jinki!”

Minho chuckled but Jonghyun serious expression didn’t change.


“GO!” Jonghyun crossed his arms “It’s an order!”

Minho growled dangerous but entered the room again. Taemin was beside Jinki as if he was checking for any wounds on him and their master was in a corner not seeming surprised to see Minho back. Some agents were watching the scene too and only Kibum was still exercising, listening to his music and trying to ignore that tiff between team mates.

“Go!” Jonghyun insisted and Minho walked to Jinki that stepped back a little afraid.

“I’m sorry!” Minho apologized with a quick short bow.

“Ok then! Let’s go!” Jonghyun order let everyone speechless looking at him. “Let’s leave the two of them alone!”

Master Kim seemed to think that it was a good idea and everyone left the room. Only Kibum and Taemin stayed.

“You want them to kill each other?” Taemin asked and Jonghyun smiled.

“They won’t right? Minho doesn’t want to die anymore….and if he does; there is a lot of opportunities to do so during our missions!”

Kibum chuckled standing up and they left the room even though Taemin seemed a little reluctant to do so.

Once the door was closed, Jinki shrugged his shoulders and placed himself in position to defend his body in case of attack but Minho didn’t move.

“I want to punch you again.” Minho told Jinki making him smile which angered him more.

“It’s ok! I’m ready!”

However Minho didn’t punch Jinki, instead he completely ignored his instruction and attacked Jinki grabbing him by his waist, making both fall on the mattress rolling around like two kids in a fight.

“Ya! Let me go!” Jinki complained trying to push Minho away but the taller man put up a fight, moving his hand to Jinki neck, so Jinki had to kick him on his stomach.

Minho pulled away groaning in pain but to Jinki surprise he laughed.

Finally Jinki was taking him serious, finally he was attacking him.

“For a moment there I thought you were going to really try and kill me!” Jinki said.

That made Minho frown, memories of the two men he killed last week, on his first mission coming to him. Tears well up on his eyes and Jinki swallowed nervously.

“I wanted to die that night…and the following days. I felt useless…worthless. My parents never believed in me, in what I could do and then Nana…” The name made him hurt inside “She didn’t believe in me either!” Minho closed his eyes trying to fight the tears “I have nothing now!”

“That’s not true!” Jinki alleged “You have Jonghyun….you have us….and more than that you have your talent Minho. You learned to fight so quickly, you are smart and hardworking and above everything else you have a good heart and what you did before all this, the charity work you did, the lives you touched and changed to something better….also joining the team. You are stubborn and competitive as but still a very special and talented young man!”

That was all it was needed to make Minho cry and he bended his head forward so Jinki wouldn’t see his tears. The older man squeezed his shoulder. “You can punch me if you want or kill everyone but until you start seeing your value and accept that you can’t do everything you won’t be able to keep going.”

Minho nodded his head still hiding his face.

“It wasn’t your fault. It’s not your fault that Nana left. There was really nothing you could do at the time. But now, with us, we can do something!”

“She doesn’t want to be saved she…” Minho said cleaning his eyes with his fingers.

“It’s not like she doesn’t want to….just that she doesn’t want you to risk your life for her.” Minho sniffed his attention on Jinki “She contacted me through a mole. She asked me to meet her. She was in a delicate situation. She had a mission to kill me or Jonghyun but she didn’t want to, because we weren’t someone she didn’t know anymore, we were important and related to you so she couldn’t do it anymore. Also you knew about who she was and instead of being scared of her world you wanted to protect her. It could mean her death meeting me, asking for my help but she did it. Do you know why? Because she wanted to ask me to protect you when the time came, when she had to leave you for the better good.”

“She should have told me…” Minho groaned.

“No. You wouldn’t understand. You were only Choi Minho back then. She told me all about you, about who you were, what you meant to her and how much she believed that you still had so much to give to this world. She did what she had to do to help you survive because in her heart your life was much more important than hers, and a love like that is unimaginable…I wonder if someday I will feel like that, if I will be willing to give up on my life for someone else…”

Minho covered his eyes with his hands. “I wish I could have protected her...”

“You couldn’t. She protected you instead and now, after you get strong and learn how to forgive yourself, you can finally protect her back.”

Minho didn’t answer to Jinki because forgiving himself wasn’t something that he was used to do. He always blamed himself for his parents’ lack of understanding, sometimes even love, he always blamed himself for his school grades that were never what his parents wanted, for his lack of aristocracy….If he could have been better, different, he wouldn’t let people around him down.

He even let Jonghyun down after what happened with Nana and regaining his admiration was something he still fought for everyday.

Could he also regain Nana’s love for him?!




“You will regret not ing your wife a last time. I was actually nice to let you two have a last moment together before I kill you!”

“You can’t do that!” Areum whimpered standing up, willing to place herself in front of Jinki but he pushed her away into Choke’s arms which wasn’t a good sign and that only made her cry even more.

She couldn’t lose him! He couldn’t die for her and yet he was there motionless waiting for the shot.

“Don’t look!” He said with a low voice and Areum realized that he was speaking to her.


That’s when she realized that he didn’t dare to move and try anything because he was afraid she would get hurt, once again he was protecting her and she was tired of it. This time she would be the one protecting him. She had a plan and even though she was scared she was going to risk her life for him. He was worth it!

So she gathered all her courage and turned around to Choke that looked at her curiously.

Then everything happened really quickly.

Smoke that was going to shot wasn’t able to because Areum actions distracted him. The lights were turned off at that exact time also and they stood in almost darkness making Areum’s task easier for her.

She pulled the chain, connected with her neck with all her strength and then threw it around Choke neck. The man was confused so she had time to grab both ends and pull with all might to try and use his name against him.

Jinki seemed to notice her actions then so he moved to help her when the lights came back on again.

She didn’t have enough strength and Choke pushed her away, making her fall on the floor but Jinki took her place, pulling  with all his strength, groaning and gritting his teeth.

 The tall man tried to elbow him away and Jinki noticed for the corner of his eye that Smoke was going to shoot at him, now fully realizing what was happening.  Jinki hid behind Choke just when Smoke shot his gun twice, the bullets hitting the tall man and luckily missing Jinki.

 “Down!” Jinki ordered Areum and she hid behind the chair he was sitting on before, while Smoke fired the gun. Choke dead body was too heavy and Jinki pushed it to the floor not sure if he died with no air or with the gun shots.

Areum that before covered her head in fear was now peeking from behind the chair because Jinki was unarmed and Smoke has a gun pointed at him still.

Her plan didn’t work out after all!

“Nicely played Song Areum!” Smoke laughed nervously stepping closer to Jinki that didn’t move, probably waiting for a moment to counter attack.

“I learned with the best!” Areum said from behind the chair, now on her knees, looking at Jinki and he smiled softly with her words.

“You worked well!” He praised her and that gave Areum a kittle of hope that they would get away from that alive.

 If they did….

If they did she wanted to hug and kiss him, tell him how much she loved him. Everything that happened before seemed like a nonsense now. She only wanted to be on Jinki’s arms, only wanted him to be safe.

“Goodbye Onew!”

Areum blinked her eyes opening to scream but the gun didn’t fire and Smoke expression changed.

“No bullets, really? “ Jinki remarked laughing relieved. “Guess we are equal now!”

With that he slapped the gun away from Smoke and punched him. Areum watched them fight and crawled to Choke body to search for the key to release the collar around her neck so she could help Jinki.

She ignored his bloody body and found the key on his belt.

She groaned fighting to unlock the collar, her thighs hurting like hell because she was sitting on her , her eyes on the fight between both men.

Smoke evaded Jinki punch now, and she complained finally taking the collar from her neck. Then she stood up and took off her shoes before turning to help and that’s when Areum saw that Smoke had now a dagger on his hand.

Jinki was once again in disadvantage.

She wasn’t sure where Smoke got that but he was now bleeding from his nose so Jinki was probably winning the fight before that.

Areum walked barefooted and looked around the room searching for something she could use. The chain wasn’t going to help now because she couldn’t get closer to Smoke. He would stab her. Instead she turned to Choke dead body again and searched it for a weapon. The sounds from the fight were making her nervous and she was too scared to look and see Jinki get stabbed or hurt.

However Areum couldn’t help but peek and until now he managed to avoid the blade the best he could.

She whimpered finishing her search. Nothing. She couldn’t only watch the fight powerless!

“This ends here!” Smoke screamed, enraged, pulling   a stack of old chairs down almost hitting Jinki that escaped it in the last minute.

“If you are able to touch me it will!” Onew teased making Smoke groan, his movements more hectic which might seem even more dangerous but was exactly what Jinki wanted, for him to lose his focus making it easy to take the dagger away from him.

“Not that brave now that you don’t have a gun!” Jinki teased leaning backwards, the blade of the dagger passing his skin for some inches. “

Smoke halted his attacks, breathing heavenly and his furious eyes moved to the girl in the room watching them.

Jinki knew what he was thinking. If he couldn’t hurt him he would hurt her instead and for Areum he would do anything. Her life was much more important than his.

Smoke didn’t have time to hurt her because Jinki jumped on him, kicking Smoke thigh, making him lose balance just enough to grab him by his neck. Smoke hit Jinki face with his elbow making him release his body and then turned around, raising his leg to kick Jinki on his chest.

Areum held her breath when she saw Jinki once again trying to avoid the blade of the knife but he was slower this time and it cut his arm.

It wasn’t a big wound but was enough to make Jinki lose his concentration for a second and Smoke punched him down to the floor, throwing the knife away before he placed both his hands on Jinki’s neck strangling him.

“THIS ENDS NOW! “he screamed while Onew grasped his arms trying to pull him away. He also moved his legs and body but to no avail.

Areum was horrified watching the scene before she run to them, her eyes searching for the knife. She couldn’t see it so it probably slide under one of the big closets.

Onew groaned raising his knees and lower body, his nails digging into Smoke arms that weren’t moving, his lunatic eyes on Jinki.

He wasn’t going to release him until he was dead and then he would kill the he called wife too.


“What do you mean?” Audrey asked still pushing the table against the door.

Kibum was already at the window opening it and Audrey joined him.

The Dokko agents started barging against the door and the table shock with each making Audrey scared.

“We need to do something!”

“I am doing something!” Kibum said climbing on the ledge of the window.

“What are you doing?”

“We are going to jump! “

Audrey widened her eyes but Kibum didn’t seem worried with it and instead pulled her by her arm up by his side.

Audrey peeked at the view out of the window. It was a big fall but once outside they could be free, also there was what seemed to be a big bin filled with old card boxes and plastic wrapping just below them.

“I think it can dampen our fall!”

“No! I- I can’t do it! I can’t jump!” She cried afraid but Kibum wasn’t listening to her, his eyes on the door that the Dokko agents were almost opening.

He placed his gun on his holster and got ready to jump but Audrey was already coming out from the window and back to the room.

“You can ask me to fight or shoot at them but no jumping windows! I can’t do that!”

“Hey!” He gently said. His eyes on the door “Stop saying you can’t. You are not like that…You can do anything once you settle your mind on it, Audrey.”

“I can’t!” She insisted and he squatted on the edge of the widow, one of his hands pulling her by her head to him, his lips crushing against hers.

Audrey hummed against his lips while he kissed her. It was quick and yet so passionate that she had to grab his thigh for support.  He wanted to do that ever since he saw that she was safe. God he was so worried!

“You can do anything!” He repeated sweetly, his nose inches from hers, his free hand caressing her cheek “You are brave and amazing, that’s why I lo…”

He didn’t get to say anything because the table slide on the floor and the door was open enough for one agent to place his hand inside.

“You what?” Audrey asked too focused on Kibum and what she thought was a declaration of his love. Would he finally admit it?!

Kibum smiled caressing her cheek and instead grabbed her by her elbows and made her climb on the window again. She did so, still weak with the kiss but grabbed the edge of the window in case he would try to push her out of it.

“I’ll tell you once we jump! Trust me! I’ll protect you!”

“No!” She complained just when the Dokko agent managed to push the table away enough to fit his head.

“You want to know right? What I was going to say? I’ll grab you!”

With that he pulled her against him and Audrey whimpered, her legs trembling but her hand still grabbing the window.

“We are going to die!” She cried.

“We aren’t…” He would be her cushion, her safety was more important than his, not only because she was the mission but mostly because she was his Audrey.

“Will you really tell me?”

Kibum swallowed nervously his eyes on the door. He didn’t want to force her to jump but he would if she didn’t do it willing soon.

 “Do you promise?” She asked again.


“And do you promise to take me on a date?”


“I WANT A DATE with a romantic night….and I’ll show you my …” She blushed and Kibum groaned his eyes on the door just when the Dokko agent managed to pass through. He wouldn’t fire at them but he would catch them if they didn’t jump.

“OK!” Kibum growled, Audrey released the window and he jumped pulling Audrey with him in his embrace, out of the window. She screamed in his arms, her hands grasping the back of his sweater, her eyes closed tight and hoping that both would survive that fall so she could make him keep his promise.



Minho found the place where Audrey and Areum were probably before. There were some clothes in there and some beauty products but no sign of the girls so he left it in search for them.

He did get rid of some Dokko agents in his way there so he was a little surprised when he heard a faint sound coming from a corner of the hallway. A woman with a party dress was there, her back to him, and she was fumbling with the electrical switchboard of the building. He saw her turn off one of the power stitches, the one with warehouse written above it and Minho grabbed his gun and stepped forward in the direction of the woman. He heard about some women being with Smoke inside the building and he was sure that that was one of them. Maybe he could get some help to find Audrey if he had a prisoner with him.

“Turn the light back on!” He ordered calmly because whatever that woman was doing was surely not a good thing and the team would need the light.

The woman didn’t move as if she froze in her spot.

“I said turn on the light or I will kill you!”

Nana couldn’t believe it. She didn’t turn around yet but she knew that voice because she would recall it every night before sleeping, too scared to forget it like she forgot his smell already.

She bit her lower lip, her fingers pushing the stitch up again. She turned off the light hoping to give Onew some advantage in the middle of the chaos and hopefully it did.

“Turn around!” Minho ordered and Nana let her arm fall against her body. Minho was a SM agent now? In Onew’s team? It made her proud and sad at the same time, but it made sense since she asked Onew to protect him, maybe that was the way he found to do it.

“Are you deaf?” Minho asked losing his temper and Nana would have smiled if she wasn’t trembling all over, afraid and happy with that second encounter destiny was giving her.

She did as he said, slowly turning around and facing him. His expression didn’t change which confused her until she realized that she was still wearing the stupid burlesque mask. He didn’t recognize her yet but she recognized him. Handsome as always, deadly, manly…y…the man she loved…

“Where is Lee Audrey?” He asked making her purse her lips.

During a big part of her life Nana wished to be invisible. Not only she would be able to avoid being touched by other men but she also could run away anywhere she wanted. Since she couldn’t be invisible she learned to pretend to be someone she wasn’t, letting her true self, Nana, unknown to everyone, hidden behind a mask. However at that moment in front of Minho even though she was truly wearing a mask, she wasn’t invisible, she was only herself, Nana. She knew why that happened, because with him she was always Nana, even though she tried to pretend, to fool him, she was always herself in front of him, her true self, the one who wasn’t corrupted yet.

It wasn’t her whole self though and once she tried to show all of her to Minho, things didn’t go well and she had to leave him. Back then his life was much more valuable than hers. Nothing changed, but this time Nana wasn’t expecting for him to save her, or hoping to go back to her “invisible” self.

This time she planned to save herself and what a funny trick destiny was pulling on her, Minho was there in front of her pointing a gun at her, threatening to ruin her plan to do so.




aaaah Hello!

Dont know what to write here....but i managed to make 3 cliffhangers in one kyaaaaa XD

so how will Areum and Jinki get out if this mess?

Will Key and Audrey be able to survive the fall and have their hot date. ahahah

And Minho and Nana...exciting!

oh well what am I going to write next? o.o

Check out my new short Taemin fic too The Taste of Chaos !

hum aaaah well subscribe, comment, upvote....and thanks for reading! Bye ~

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This chapter wasn't sent to my betareader, therefore, might have several mistakes.
If you find anything please tell me XD I read it several times but it can happen. English not my first language.


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Chapter 34: You go minho!! Marry the girl and be happy!!
Bora is gunna be a good older cousin and hopefully big sister too?
Sooman and jinki crying and apologizing T_T I Imagine his guilt not telling jinki sooner after what happened
Aw a boy and girl

My heart hurts so much kibum
Aw the moments with kibum and areum are so sweet <3
Don’t you dare bring her back after I already grieved! Lol
I actually thought of this possibility when she died. She talked about being in control of her own destiny. In a way she would be right bc she built that machine and everyone that loves her would want her back. She would count on them trying hard enough.
Yay SHINee is there to help!
I’m nervous

ah everything is back to where it should have been. Kibum is sweeter than ever and I love it.
Areum saw right thru him!
All this time gi’s son was at the orphanage where Audrey was. Finally they meet!
Ahsgshsudbd I knew it was coming but the way kibum executed it was perfect haha. Out of nowhere and nonchalant but with so much heart.

Omg bora’s point of view for the wedding! So cute!
Areums dad is there too! <3
Haha oh no bora has a crush
“Are you happy?”
“I’m happy”
“It was worth it then”
*UGLY CRY* such a simple thing makes my heart happy

Omg kibums second proposal was so good too! Still so much his style I love it!

AH THE TITLE! I love it! Audrey wrote this story then haha
I love when you mention your other stories!
LOL Areum is so badass.

WAA WHAT AN ENDING! I’ve finally finished reading this one! Im sad to hear this is not one of your popular stories bc I read all my past comments and I was so excited reading it! Everyone got their happy ending and I am happy if it stops here.
You worked hard on this, I can tell. You always work hard but this has so much detail and many emotions. I’m proud of you<3
Chapter 33: One year ago.. wow just the beginning of their relationship.

Waaaa you can’t separate them!!
Why jonghyun and taemin?!
OH. Jinki is last and there’s two doors left..
I don’t like it either
Omg I can’t stand it. He’s not gunna tell jinki about areum is he?!
Lili I WILL cry if you do this T_T
Omg are they all just watching in separate rooms too?
I quit.
I need a moment
Ok I’m back
“You only have to decide what you want to save, your past or your present….and future.” WOW. that’s good.

WAIT KIBUMS PAST OR PRESENT?! Did that find the kid?!
I am not liking where this is going =[

He can’t be making everyone choose right? Does he have the man power to do that???
Oh minho.. I hate this.
Ok it makes sense now that taemin and jonghyun are together but WTF

“I don’t like gum” LOL
Hm I wonder if smoke knew they would shoot the cameras out.
Ah my jinki =[
The cage really opened?!
Kibum is so cute haha
Ugh of course director oh realizes all that now that it’s too late.
Omg kibums old friend?!
Everyone is out now but I am so nervous. This story is such a rollercoaster!
Ah taemin! Tell them there’s someone else there!! Hurry!

Audrey was connected to so many parts of this fic I can’t believe she died!
Thinking back in the chapter I see now that you probably planned this very carefully. Having jinki end up at Audrey’s cage to save her, kibum following after.. even areum got to spend time together when they first arrived instead of being separated.
I still have questions but I will wait until I read the epilogue.
My poor kibum tho!!

Chapter 32: The headers are so good! I might one day go back and look at some of them to see hot SHINee agents haha

MINA! Ah taemin was sent away I see. I have a feeling..
Ah ha! Mina saw something!!
Omg. Omg she’s going to get in isn’t she?! AAAAAHHH LETS GO MINA!
Oh hahaha I was wondering how Audrey’s bag got ped. Didn’t seem like director oh cared.

I’m so excited! Go SHINee team!

Audrey knows now! She really didn’t put it together hahah.
Hm where is the key? There has to be hints about that too scattered in this fic. If only I never stopped reading! I would know if there was even clues.. oh well.

Mina got thru to taemin!! Yes!
*GASP* she was found! NOO
She really let her leave..

OH seems they’re at the right building. But did they leave O.O
WAIT Gi?! A drawing? Omg I can’t remember kibums past!! T_T
Ah no don’t leave. Maybe there’s hidden rooms! Has to be! =[

The girls saw them! Omg my heart =\
I’m getting anxiety with Audrey in the vents. I get claustrophobic.
LILI WHY DID YOU WRITE THIS?! Lmao I am stressed.

Haha minho is so cute.
Ohhhh who is baek seok?! Haha who did they supposedly kill? I guess I have to wait bc I can’t remember anything.
Ah dangit I only find his name familiar lol

Wow did sooman pick up Mina himself?
Ah finally a reunion. Short lived but it was sweet and I needed good news lol

Ugh. They’re not there are they.
A video call.. of course. He’s trying to play a game

THE END?! I need more! Guess I have to wait until tomorrow
Chapter 31: Aw this was the last chapter before you started writing again <3

Ah fck I had a bunch of wine before I continued this chapter. I’m going to cry lmfao. Audrey has a brother! I guessed as much but still. Imagining her point of view. I’m cryyy

”Areum appeared at the door carrying something that looked like a pen.” THIS WAS NOT THE CHAPER TO READ AFTER WINE!!


Ugh why did you make this so dramatic?! Director oh in the office now? Whyyy
I don’t remember that areum’s dad is there lol. I don’t remember him =|
Oh no. Audrey can’t find out who her brother is from director oh! Don’t do it!!
Oh whew. I hoped you didn’t reveal it that way haha. But damn is she really going to take both women? I wouldn’t have expected that.
I didn’t realize my hands gripped my phone so hard until it was over haha. What a rush. She ended up with both women after all but that was a good fight.

“What is that song?” Jinki asked.
Ah the timing tho! This is why kibum didn’t answer.
This seems so familiar to me now! Areum has the same dreams right? I wonder if I guessed this a long time ago lmao!
IM GUNNA CRYYYY THIS REVEAL IS SO SWEET. Jinki crying and remembering. But omg the timing! Kibum hurry up and check your phone T.T

Ah that’s the end. Do I have time? I think I have time to continue. Maybe not the whole next ch but some of it. I need to reach the end soon! How did I read this before?! It’s so suspenseful! Hahah
Chapter 29: WAIT. THIS BEGINNING.. is this director oh?! Does she have areum?! Ohmygod hot angry jinki?! Lmao I’m kidding. But really… wth is happening??

Wait is she really pregnant??
It’s so cute that minho is looking at the magazine <3
AH she gave the rosary bracelet back <.<

Lmao bora’s answer to how babies are born! Cute girl haha
I can just picture jonghyun’s shocked behavior too

I forgot that areum writes. So both kibum and areum are writers.
Oh rich daddy jinki *heart eyes*
Oh she didn’t take the test? I thought earlier meant she did lol. I guess not yet.

Oh yeaaaaa minho is a model! And of course good with kids bc he’s perfect haha.
Ahhhh taemin asked her to stay. I thought she would but him asking and saying all that made it special <3
Lmao taemin did not read that right. He said yes to playing games when she wanted .
Ah but he did know after all. She just has to wait haha

Now can I know about Audrey’s parents?! >_<

Ahhh finally!! She IS french!
I WAS WRONG?? Is it jonghyun?! Is jonghyun French? Omg I am half asleep I can’t think. Why did I read this before bed lmao.
Now I gotta sleep and read the next ch tomorrow
Chapter 28: I am going to be so lost but I never finished this fic. After looking for my comments, now I remember why I never came back to this one. It was too painful

Haha I was trying to remember who ayeong is but thankfully you mentioned nana and I remembered.

“That silly boy that always said that he didn't deserve to be loved was more loved than he ever imagined.” Our Taemin<3

Oh yeaa areum could be pregnant. I think this fic I don’t remember the most because there’s alot to remember haha. I just know I had fun reading it.

Wow nana did good. They’re finally out of there!

And taemin is awake!

“Should he get fully or being in his underwear was enough?” OH will I get my minho y time here? Hahaha

Oooo jonghyun a father of 2? Yes please

Kibum speaking French ooo. Hey I just noticed Audrey could be french and Jules is French haha. Are these based off lockets you know? LOL

Is areum crying bc she’s hormonal? Haha bc she’s pregnant >.>

How is taemin and Mina talking about dating and the next sentence is about killing her father? Hahah. These agents are a different kind of human. And they’ve all found partners that match them

Ooo Audrey is going to ask about her parents..
But the chapter is ending soon…
What kind of cliff hanger will you leave me with now? Hahaha
I knew it! Not gunna know who her family is in this chapter. I have a guess but I can’t say since I forgot alot of details of this fic =[

Oh she grabbed the gun back after. Will she be able to take responsibility for his death tho?
Minho too held the gun. My perfect minho haha.

Ah wow I remembered some details as I was reading but I don’t think I remember enough to guess the ending lol. Maybe it’s better this way. I will enjoy it and might be surprised in the end.
On to the next chapter!! But which fic now… LOL
Chapter 15: Im back reading this masterpiece again ❤
24 streak #8
Chapter 34: Okay, so I’ve stayed up past midnight to finish reading this. This is one of the best ones so far. I like the plot, how tightly tied up it is from beginning to end. I love the characters and how they all connect to each other. There were so many scenes that tugged at the heartstrings, so many lovely moments that made me smile and laugh. There are times when I’m at the edge of my seat.

What an incredible ride this is. I’m glad I read this. It’s worth every minute. <3
Chapter 34: as always your stories are all great and beautiful
glad finally able to read it
seriously, i love this story so much
i hope you know that all your stories are the best and have their own charms
hope you'll not give up on writing another great stories ^^
Gonna read this soon! Saw this fanfic mentioned in your tweet yesterday, and I'm curious ?♥️♥️