Chapter 8

Fated Love
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One month has passed in a blink of eye. Each day was filled with warmth for Sungkyu and Yoonmi. Love had already blossomed in their heart yet the mouth couldn't speak it out. Both were happy to have each other as their better half.

It was saturday , Sungkyu had already gone to office. Yoonmi had holiday and decided to clean the house. She was busy cleaning  the house when she  heard her phone ringing. She looked at the caller id and saw her brother calling. She quickly picked up her phone. "Hello Yoonmi-ah." "Oppa." "Yoonmi listen grandma is coming today. Mom told me to inform you that you and Sungkyu have to come for dinner today." "But Oppa.." "Yoonmi i know what you want to say and i agree with you but what can i do dad is also expecting you both." "Okay oppa i'll come." "One more thing." "What is it oppa?" "Can you do me a favour? " "Yeah sure." "You have holiday today right?" " Yup" "So can you come early to help Mom and Hyemi ? "Yeah sure" "Okay see you soon." "Hmm, bye." "Bye" Yoonmi was excited to meet Ian, her nephew. Hyemi, her sister-in-law has given birth to a baby boy 20 days ago. She can't wait to meet him again.

After cleaning the house she called Sungkyu to inform him about the dinner. She wanted to meet Ian but at the same time because of certain someone she doesn't want to go but she to go, since her fathr is expecting her to. In just two rings Sungkyu picked up  the phone. "Hello, Yoonmi?" "Oppa Jonghyun oppa called me  to inform that my grandmom is coming today and mom and dad are expecting us at dinner." Yoonmi informed Sungkyu with a slight hint of sadness in her voice.  "Ohh okay, we'll go together after i come back from office." "Oppa actually...'  "What Yoonmi?" "Oppa, Jonghyun oppa asked me to go home early to help omma,so can i go?" "Yeah sure , you go  . I'll go reach there before dinner. But  how are you going to go there? The car is not there." "No problem oppa i'll take the bus." "No need i'll tell my family driver to drop you at your house." "Oppa no..." "No my decision is final. I don't want anything to happen to you. Take care . See you soon." "Bye oppa." "Bye". After Sungkyu kept the phone he realised something. Though Yoonmi voice was normal but he still could feel a tinch of sadness in it. He wanted to ask her but decided not to spoil her mood by asking it. 'I'll ask her tonight when i meet her.' , Sungkyu thought. He then continued his work.

As soon as Yoonmi reached the Lee mansion she ran inside to meet with Ian. He saw Jonghyun sitting in the drawing room playing with his son. "Oppa." Jonghyun on seeing his sister after so many day smiled at her. "Yoonmi-ah you are here." Jonghyun laid down his son in his crib and hugged his sister. "How are you?" "I'm fine. let me meet my nephew." "Go. He is lying in his crib." Yoonmi went to crib and picked Ian. "Ian-ah~ aunty is her, Ian~" Yoonmi started playing with Ian. "I see, someone is so busy playing with her nephew that she forgot to greet her mom and sisiter in law."  Yoonmi just smiled at her mom when she heard what her mom said. She gave Ian to Jonghyun and hugged her mom and Sister in law. "Unnie how are you? " "I'm fine. just busy behind Ian." "Where is dad?" "Office. He will come back before dinner." "Then who is going to pick grandma?" Yoonmi asked her mom. "Grandmaa said she will come by herself." "Ohh okay." "Yoonmi are you okay?" Hyemi asked being worried about her sister in law. "Yeah unnie i'm okay." "When is Sungkyu going to come?" I also need a company. you women have each other company , Ian and i also need one." Jonghyun asked Yoonmi which made others laugh. " He will come after completing his work at office." "Yoonmi does sungkyu know about it?" Hyemi asked Yoonmi . "About what unnie?" "About grandmaa." "Ahh that, he doesn't know  and doesn't need it. I'll be okay i know."

Everyone was busy talking when they heard the bell.. Yoonmi mom went to open the door. On opening the door she found her mother in law standing. "Annyeonghaseyo ommonim" Yoonmi mom greeted and did a 90 degrees. She accompanied her to the drawing room where everyone was there. On seeing their grand maa, everyone stood up and greeted her . "Annyeonghaseyo halmoni." "Jonghyun-ah , hyemi-ah my grand child how are you all? " Grand maa accepted Jonghyun and Hyemi greeting but just ignored Yoonmi. Yoonmi stood their feeling hurt on being ignored. She was acquainted with it yet she couldn't help but feel hurt. grandmaa carried on her conversation with everyone and ignored Yoonmi. Yoonmi wanted to go away from there but couldn't , cause she know she would be criticised by her grandmom for doing that. On the other hand Jonghyun, Hyemi and Mrs lee were feeling bad for Yoonmi but couldn't do anything. after a long conversation grand maa turned towards Yoonmi. "Girl, i heard you got married." Yoonmi on hearing the word 'girl' realised her grandmom is talking with her. "Yeah grandmaa. " "Don't call me grandom , i have told you bef

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Chapter 16: continue juseyo..☺☺
lyricsone #2
Chapter 16: Its ok.....take your time. I love your story and I can wait....☺
Chapter 12: author-nim... u know what.. i'm always wait your update.. when there is no update notification, i feel sad and dissapointed.. i got really excited when there is upate notification and dissapointed again when not your story that was upated.. keep upate authornim.. i can't wait.. i like ur story... hwaiting... good job ^^
Chapter 10: who is it? sunggyu?
Chapter 9: chapter 10 please...
stoety #6
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapters :D
Chapter 2: Wahhh... update more authornim.. I guess purpleman is hoya
. Hahahahaha