Chapter 14

Fated Love
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The merciless sun was shining was throwing its ray inside the room so brightly that it woke Yoonmi up. She slowly rubbed her eyes with her hand trying to slap away the sleepiness from her eyes. She turn to her left and saw Sunggyu sleeping peacefully. When she saw his bare shoulders she realised that she was in same condition as him and the memories from yesterday night came flooding back to her which caused her to blush. She smiled at the fact that she was fully his now. She got up from the bed to get ready . She slowly made her way to the washroom as her body was aching. After getting ready she went down to prepare breakfast for both of them.

Yoonmi was busy preparing breakfast when she felt someone hugging her from behind . She turned her a bit and saw Sunggyu 's face. "Good morning oppa." "Good morning love." Sunggyu wished her back and kissed her neck. Yoonmi got chills from neck down to her spine. "You are not supposed to walk around." Sunggyu said inbetween the kiss. Keeping down the spatula she wqas holding , she turned around and put her arms around his neck. "Oppa i'm oaky and moreover its fetting better, so don,t worry too much oppa." Sunggyu placed his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. "How can i not worry about you. You are wife whom i love so much. Oviou..." Sunggyu stopped inbetween when he felt Yoonmi lips on him. He closed his eyes and deepen the kiss. After sharing an intense kiss Sunggyu rested her forhead against her. "Oppa do you really mean it?" Yoonmi asked her eyes getting teary. "Yahh yahh why are you crying?" Sunggyu got panicked when he saw her tears. "Oppa do you really mean it?" "What ?" "The love part." Sunggyu now understood what Yoonmi was asking and pulled her for a hug. "Yes, i mean it Yoonmi. I love you. I love you very much . I never thought that a young girl like you could be so adjusting and understanding. And thats what made draw towards you more. I love the way you fangirl over thosse cute kids but you are not allowed to fangirl over idol." Hearing the last line Yoonmi laughed a bit. "I love you too oppa. You know the days when you avoided me , those were the days that made me realised how much i love you. During that time i missed you, i missed your smile, the way you kiss me first before entering the house, the way we cuddle at night, our talk. I missed everything oppa." "I'm sorry love." Sunngyu once again kissed her.

After the lovely moment both sat down to have their breakfast. "Mom called me today morning. She wants us to stay with them till christmas. " "Okay. Oppa i will directly go there with Hana after college." "Hmm....But wait are you going to college today?" "Yeah." "No. Your ankle is not healed till now ." "Oppa i'm fine. I want to attend classes. Oppa please." Yoonmi showed her puppy eyes and as usual Sunggyu melted. "Okay. But be carefull." "Thank you oppa." After the breakfast Sunggyu dropped Yoonmi at college and that too at the college entrance. Since now everyone know about them Sunggyu dropped Yoonmi at the college entrance .

Hana was waiting for Yoonmi at the college entrance. As soon as she saw Yoonmi she hugged her. "how are you now?" "I'm okay." "And is everuthing okay between you and Sunggyu oppa?" On hearing Sunggyu's name Yoonmi started blushing. Hana noticed her blushing. "Hey why are you blushing?" "Hana .." Hana was waiting for Yoonmi to continue when she something red on Yoonmi's neck. "Yoonmi did mosquito bite you??" Yoonmi was confused at what Hana was asking. But when Hana looked at her neck she realised what Hana was looking at and tried to hide it. "Wait its not a mosquito bite, Before Hana could examine more Yoonmi tried to hide it. "Wait wait why are you trying too hide...." Hana suddenly stopped saying when she realised what that was. "Its not a mosquito bite , isn't it? Yoonmi did you and oppa... " before Hana could say anything Yoonmi placed her hand over Hana's mouth and nodded shyly. "Ohh my god Yoonmi , seriously??" Yoonmi once again nodded shyly. "Did you guys do it out of love or just because my parents want a grandchild thats why?" Hana looked serious now. "Well your oppa confessed to me this morning that he loves me so of course it was because of love only." Hana was so happy to hear that. She jumped at Yoonmi and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so happy for you and oppa." Yoonmi was smiling looking at Hana being so happy.

Yoonmi and Hana went inside to attend their classes. As both walked through the corridor they could feel the stares of other people. 'See the Kims are here.' 'I knew thought that all this time we were studying with the daughter of the Kim and Lee.' 'So she is Lee Yoonmi who got married to one of the most handsome bachelor of Korea.' 'Tss she doesn't fit him  at all.' 'During her wedding the makeup hid her ugliness but when you look at her she looks ugly with her

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Chapter 16: continue juseyo..☺☺
lyricsone #2
Chapter 16: Its ok.....take your time. I love your story and I can wait....☺
Chapter 12: author-nim... u know what.. i'm always wait your update.. when there is no update notification, i feel sad and dissapointed.. i got really excited when there is upate notification and dissapointed again when not your story that was upated.. keep upate authornim.. i can't wait.. i like ur story... hwaiting... good job ^^
Chapter 10: who is it? sunggyu?
Chapter 9: chapter 10 please...
stoety #6
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapters :D
Chapter 2: Wahhh... update more authornim.. I guess purpleman is hoya
. Hahahahaha