Chapter One

Fated Love
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The morning was same like any other morning in the Lee's house. As usual Yoonmi was already awake and was getting ready to go to her college, Seoul university.She was an intellegent student and  easily got into her dream college. Luckily her best friend Kim Hana was also able to get into the same college and that too same department - Psychology.

After getting ready Yoonmi went downstairs and headed towards the dining room . When she reached there she realised she was the  last one to come  as she saw her father, mother, brother and sister - in- law were already at the dining table.

"Good Morning , everyone." She bowed a little and wished everyone. After that she went towards her seat. Everyone was enjoying their breakfast when suddenly Yoonmi heard her dad calling her name. "Yoonmi?" "Yes dad ." she replied polietly. " Do you remember Kim Hana 's brother?" "Sorry, but i don't properly remember him dad." Yoonmi family was strict and she was taught her manners from childhood which she had to strictly follow. "But dad , why are you asking me about him suddenly?" She asked her  dad. Her dad lifted up his face and looked directly at Yoonmi. "Because you are going to get married to him this saturday?"  Listening to what her father said everthing  went blank in her mind. She getting married at such age, was the last thing she wanted to hear from her parent. When she look at her brother , he also seemed to be shocked . "But dad isn't she too young too get married, and moreover they don't know each other." Her brother said trying to persuade her father to stop the marriage. "That doesn't matter Jonghyun , you also married Hyemi  without knowing each other and now see you are both going to have a baby. So I think its okay even if they don't know each other. And i don't want to hear any objection . My decision is final and all preparations has already been made and the marriage is on this saturday." Her dad said and got up and went toward the entrance door to go to his office.

Yoonmi looked at her Mom with hope."Yoonmi, my darling , i'm sorry i can't do anything to stop it . You know your dad right , he takes decision himself and we have to follow it. Just accept it dear , who knows you might fall in love with him." Her mom said to her softly. " But mom i have not completed my studies also . You know that my dreams are important to me  .Oppa please you help me." She  pleaded her brother when she realised her mother won't be able to help her. "Yoonmi i'm sorry , you know how dad is . I'm sorry but i am unable to help you.' "Oppa don't be sorry , Its okay i'll accept. I had never gone  against him and i never would  so i accept it." Yoonmi said sadly .  "Yoonmi after college come home early we have to go buy your wedding and your in-laws would be there So you can meet SungKyu there." "Arraso omma I'll go now." Yoonmi bid goodbye to everyone and went to her college.

At Kim 's House

Everyone was having their breakfast when suddeny SungKyu's

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Chapter 16: continue juseyo..☺☺
lyricsone #2
Chapter 16: Its ok.....take your time. I love your story and I can wait....☺
Chapter 12: author-nim... u know what.. i'm always wait your update.. when there is no update notification, i feel sad and dissapointed.. i got really excited when there is upate notification and dissapointed again when not your story that was upated.. keep upate authornim.. i can't wait.. i like ur story... hwaiting... good job ^^
Chapter 10: who is it? sunggyu?
Chapter 9: chapter 10 please...
stoety #6
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next chapters :D
Chapter 2: Wahhh... update more authornim.. I guess purpleman is hoya
. Hahahahaha