The Happy Ending

The Lazy Girl
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                   The Infinite members exclaimed the moment Myung Soo went out from the dressing room. He wanted to laugh at their facial expression. "How do I look?" He asked as he fixed his tie.

                    "When do our visual doesn't look so handsome?" Sunggyu said as he held his hand up in the air for a high-five. He beamed as he hit his hand with his own.

                    "Yay!" Dong Woo muttered. "Ready to tie the knot, eh?"

                    "He's always ready.." Sung Jong remarked.

                    "Yeah, he always do. So, where's the honeymoon?" Woo Hyun taunted.

                    "Why? You want to come?" Hoya said. They laughed at each other and was cut off when their manager appeared from the door.

                    "It's time now, L. Everything's ready." Their manager said. Then he breath before he went out of the door. *This is it!* He thought. The members followed him from behind and they were giving him silly advices. His lips twitched into a lopsided grin. *Silly members! Can't do anything right!* He thought. But he was stunned when he saw her. His girl.

                    She was so beautiful in the wedding dress. He felt the world slows down as he watched her. Her head snapped up at him. She probably felt his presence. She smiled sweetly at him and he melted. She never failed to do that to him. *O

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Chapter 33: Myungsoo is such a sweet guy.
Lthehandsomekpop #2
Chapter 31: I love this!!
So sweet!! :)
Lthehandsomekpop #3
Chapter 31: I love this!!
So sweet!! :)
Chapter 33: They are so cute ^^
Cheesecake143 #5
Chapter 33: Waaa it's so sweet >.< all thanks to bae xD
Kim_L-Apz #6
Chapter 33: I thought they were going to marry!! At the end it was a photo shoot! :'D
Nice story! Good job authornim! :)
14 streak #7
Chapter 33: Awww when i read about the wedding part i actually that they got married not having a wedding photo shoot
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 33: Awwwww! That was so sweet! I thought they were gonna get married but then i realized it was only like probably a month or something and then they said it was just a photoshoot! Is there gonna be a short sequel for this? Just a short one is fine!
kjanelle14 #9
Chapter 33: I thought they were gonna get married xD
Chapter 33: the story was so cute omg youre such a troll with the happy ending!