We meet again

I Met Him!

Story pov

In the morning, Youngmin was the first one who woke up early and he decides to went that park after he take shower. While walking, he saw a familiar female figure sitting at the same bench. So he walked towards her "Eh? We meet again! Morning!" Rian greeted him first before he can speak "Yeah.. meet again" he seems suprised with her cheery attitude "May i sit here?" he asked politely "Of course, why not?" she patted the seat "So as usual you sent kid to school?" he asked her and already knew the answer "How do you know? Yes, i sent kid to school" she answered back in suprised tone "And why you're here? Do you like the view?" then Youngmin answer her "Hm, i like the view and it's such wonderful and i bet you like it too" Youngmin feel confident about his answer "Yeah! so we have same interest" Rian smile cheerfully which is make Youngmin blushed "What is this feeling?" Youngmin feel shy.


After she left, Youngmin feel alone again and leaned his back to the bench "Now she's gone... everytime i meet her my hearts feel calm and.... like her? No no how can i like her? I just met her and it's impossible my feelings developed so quickly" Youngmin was confused about his feelings "I never had girlfriend, maybe that's why i fall in love with her" Youngmin keep thinking while watching the falling flowers.Then, someone walked towards him and tapped his shoulder "Are daydreaming about her?" Kwangmin greeted him from behind which is caused Youngmin suprised and angry "YAH! you're frightening me!" Kwangmin laughed at him deadly "Mianhe hyung, so where is she? did you proposed her and accepted you?" Kwangmin asked him innocently "Why you're such busybody? just MIND YOUR BUSINESS" he yelled at him and pointed his finger telling him to go home "Hyung, i just cared about you" then Youngmin kicked him from the bench "OUCH!" Kwangmin was in pain and touching his back."Oh, Youngmin!" a girl's voice came from behind them and they immediately look who it was "Rian? what is it?" Youngmin asked her in puzzle tone "Did you see my hair clip? i just realised that my hairclip is gone when i look on the mirror" she explained to them "Oh you mean this clip?" Kwangmin saw it first and gave it to her "Thanks and i also your fan" she bowed to him "Oh really? thank you.Are you Youngmin's girlfriend?" her face turned to red and smile shyly "No.. no, i'm just his fan and BOYFRIEND" she really shy and stuttering "KWANGMIN! can you stop teasing her? and can you stop embarrasing me?" Youngmin glared him deathly "Ok ok i'll stop" Kwangmin very scared to his death looking "They are very funny" Rian laughed silently "By the way Miss, do you want to come to our house?" Kwangmin asked her suddenly "Why? are you inviting me? and when?" she smile happily hearing those words "Tomorrow night, if you want.It's our leader planned this and we would like to see you in person" Kwangmin explained it to her and she agreed "Ok, but i need to go home now, Bye!" she waved to them and the twins also waved to her "Bye! see you tomorrow!".


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HanbinWife98 #1
New subscriber^^
Chapter 1: Wow, the amazing ff. I love it. Do the best author