Is this love?

I Met Him!

Story pov

"What is this feeling? Is he really loves me? Is this love? But if he does, he will confess to me and maybe he miss me as a friend only" she still curious about her and his feelings since that incident. Then she walked to the window "What a silent night..." she enjoyed watching the view, "A message!" someone sent a message to her.



      Hey! Sorry to bother.I know its kinda late to tell you but could we go together tomorrow? Anyway its sunday tomorrow.. and i will pick you,  Hope you accept it! ;)


After that she replied back,


                               Sure! Why not? Tomorrow pick me at 7am, more early more better! Good night :)


"YES! he asking me out!" she was so excited and her face turned to redness. She prepared to sleep and set the alarm for tomorrow.


"YAY! she accepted me and we could have lovey-dovey tomorrow" he also very excited and can't wait to spend time with her tomorrow.


In the morning...

KNOCK! KNOCK! "Who is it?" Jiyoru opened the door "Youngmin hyung!" Rian rushed to the downstair as she heard Youngmin's name "Hey Youngmin! I'm ready now!" she ready to go with him and then "Can i join? I'm so boring" Jiyoru pouted and want to join with them "No, if you really want to go with us, ask your sister first" then Jiyoru begging to his sister "Noona, can i go with them? Please...." he tugged his sister's apron and make a pity look "Ok, but don't late" Jiyoma gave him permission and finally he can go with them.

"So Youngmin, where are we going?" she asked him while carrying Jiyoru on her body "I think we should go to the nearby town, anyway it has mall too" he told her and she nodded in agreed. "Wah... ice cream!" Jiyoru pointed to the ice cream "Let's eat ice cream and its my treat today, so just tell me what do you want" he bought the ice cream for Jiyoru and he asked Rian "What do you want? Just tell me" and she tell him "I want to the cafe and drink caramel latte" so Youngmin brought them to the cafe "Wait here, i order for you" after a few seconds he brings her caramel latte "Here, enjoy!" she drinks caramel latte in pleasentness. And a few couple peoples staring at them and whispering "Aww, they're so young, and they a have son too!, Look! the father so handsome and has a beautiful young wife, I think they married early, so lucky!" they could hear the whispers around them and they was so shy towards the compliments.

After she finished the drink, they went to playground park because they know Jiyoru likes playing "Careful Jiyoru" and he gave thumbs up to Rian "Ohayo!" a japanese woman in 20s greeted them "Ohayo!" they greeted back "I watching my kids playing, there" she pointed to her kids which is playing with Jiyoru and of course she's speaking in Japanese, only Youngmin can understand that "Is that your son? And you're so young mom! Lucky you!" a woman talking to Rian but unfortunately Rian can't speak japanese and she look at him for help "Yeah! That's our son and my wife can't speak japanese, she's korean i mean we both korean but only me can speak japanese" Youngmin spoke in japanese with her "I see.." she smiled "Only one child you have? Is she pregnant again?" she asked him "Yes, one child only and why you said she's pregnant?" he asked her in puzzle "Oh, i thought she's pregnant again because she's wearing that dress and its look like for 'pregnant mom' dress" he blushed in ashame instead Rian who is just listening and standing next to him without understanding even a single word "What's wrong?" Rian asked and he shook his head "Nothing".

"Bye, hope we meet again!" they waved to that woman and Jiyoru also waved to her kids "Bye! And i hope you have a baby again" she wished them "Yeah i know! Just wish us lucks and cute baby" he giggled to her and Rian just smiled without knowing a singel word "What did she saying and what did you saying?" she asked Youngmin and wanted to know their conversation "Nothing, its just.. she wished us lucks and she thought that we're married" he explained to her "Ok.. many people say like that" she seemed to be already familiar from that so "I think we ne-" when she about to walk, she collapsed to the ground with clutching her head "SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP US! SHE'S FAINTED!" he screaming for help and fortunately somebody help them "Please call the ambulance!" he asked the people for calling the ambulance.


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HanbinWife98 #1
New subscriber^^
Chapter 1: Wow, the amazing ff. I love it. Do the best author