First Kiss. PART ONE.

My Boyfriend Is In Love With My Older Sister

Chapter thirteen: First Kiss. {Part One}


The sound of your laughter was echoeing through the whole house. Weird? Did you forget about the incident already, or just trying to smile for your friend? The second choice would be more reasonable... who can forget about your boyfriend's and older sister's ridiculous play.. certainly not you.

Then pain came rushing inside you. You know that you can't force him not to love your sister if he does, and unfortunately you can't make him love you again if he doesn't want to... and you respect that. However, he CAN NOT date your older sister.

The worst part is, you two haven't even dated for a week yet, which was supposedly to be tomorrow, but was diverted by the incident. Clutching your fingers together, making a hard bold fist, you couldn't help but be angry. Mad that you have been played by two of your special and important people in your life. It sickened you to think that they were trust worthy. Because they were actually as vicous as a poisoned viper... And eventually you exploded and ended your fake laughing session which turned into screaming.

"Ahhhh!! I hate them!!! Those two disgusting creatures!!!" you were yelling all over the place where Minwoo had to tackle you down to try to calm you down. But it didn't work, you placed both of your hands onto his chest and pushed him as hard as you can, making his back get slam against the wall. "Why don't you just vanish with them!! I DON'T NEED YOU!!"

Those four simple words pierced right through him and he was hurt. If you really didn't want him then fine, he won't be there for you anymore. Minwoo's eyes widened and then turned into fiery glare. He got controlled of his two feet and stormed out leaving you speechless. Feeling so stupid, you regreted doing that. Yeah, maybe Kwangmin and Miyun toyed you, but overall, there was one person who cared for you. You had Minwoo, but with what you've done, there's a chance that you can lose him....

Getting back to your senses, you stood up and ran out of your house. Seeing his shadow not from a far, you could still reach him. Running in full speed, and with your clumsiness you slipped and fell on the ground with a scratched knee. "Ahhh!!" you yelped in pain which can be heard from a distance of at least ten metres.

It was bleeding pretty badly and you tried to push yourself up, but couldn't. Then a pair of arms lifted you up from the ground and carried you home. Your head snuggled against the person's chest, you whispered, "I'm sorry Minwoo-oppa~"

It was your bestfriend Minwoo who came to treat your wounds. He heard your scream and immediately turned around to come and get you. Even if he's mad at you, he still cares.. Placing you on the couch, he ran to the bathroom to get some medical tools. Then came back, resting the wet cloth onto your bleeding knee and wrapped bandages around it. You smiled as the pain was slowly disappearing, you threw your arms around his neck and began to sob. "I didn't mean those words I said!! I do need you!! Don't go!!"

He softened and let out a small chuckle. Hugging you back, he was happy with your sudden confession. "I'll only forgive you if you give me a kiss," he exclaimed while pointing to his cheek. You cupped his face and gave him a deep and mushy kiss on the spot where he had pointed. Without even knowing, his face turned red and was starting to blush. This was the first time that a girl had kissed him on the cheek, and so you can guess that he hasn't had his first kiss on the lips too.. and maybe that's why he feels a bit awkward with you pecking him.

Oh wait, where's Miyun? She lives here too doesn't she, so where is she? Where did she go last night? Did she even sleep? Then the door suddenly burst opened and there outside was standing.....

   messejii from boy1a4: Hi readers. i decided to update today because some of you had been bugging me for it.. loll xD not that i don't like it though.. i appreciate that you guys are having interest on this fic and also understand that i've been pretty busy these couple of weeks... if you guys didn't know, i'm organizing my stuff because i'm graduating... also, i was updating my other fics and completeing my school works... also, i was practing with a friend of mine. me and her are going to do a duet in the 'Year End' concert.. if you guys don't know what that is, every year, my school has grade 8s students who play their instrument in this auditorium thing and our music teacher picks people who wants to do a solo, duet, trio and etc. Fortunately, me and my friend got pick to do a duet for singing, so i'd been busy picking out songs... But before we were pick, we needed to audition. loll xD we sang Beyonce's "Halo" and got picked... so now it's either we're going to sing "Halo" or something else. idek? but wish us not to get stage frights and stutters while singing lmao.. xD and I'm using an ipad so sorry if I made mistakes. hope you guys liked this chapter and stay tuned ^^

READ MY NEW FIC~ MY Illegal Boyfriend:

ps. sorry for a really long author's note loll 8D..

xoxo ♥ boy1a4 .out

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i know you guys ha


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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 21: Please update soon
Chapter 4: (a/n): busy editing!
Chapter 21: Update please! It's so great^^
Btw I luv your twists~
Update soon!!
I love your fanfic to me it's good enough to be a k-drama please update!
I want her to end up with Minwoo xD
I wish Youngmin will fall for her :)
Even though Youngmin planned it bad but I want the girl to end up with him or Minwoo.kekeke XD