Eyes On You


“I. Don’t. Know.” Ahyoug enunciated each word as she stabbed the moist chocolate cake repeatedly; Sungjae just winced and looked at her.

“Look, I understand that some girls get their mood swings.” He started before slowly pulling the cake away from her.

“But it’s okay, you and Myungsoo usually squabble a lot.”

“It..was different this time, I…didn’t know why I was pissed.” She said as she drank her milk.

“Maybe it’s because of Mihee, plus Vernon.” He suggested.

“I..dont know, I’ll just go to sleep.” She muttered, Sungjae nodded and patted her cheek.

“But, if something’s bothering you, just talk. I’m always here, bub.”

Ahyoung just winked at him before heading to her room.



“Let’s face it, you’re being a to Mihee because you don’t like her.” Sehun said as he poured himself coffee, Sungjae looked up, amused.

“Is this how we’re going to start breakfast?” Ahyoung winced.

“I don’t like her too, from the very beginning.” Sungjae added, Sehun grinned at him.

“I tried to like her, okay? But…things happen, complications occur and now I feel like for actually~”

Myungsoo strolled in, the three blinked.

“I kind of need her.”

Ahyoung paused, before she could react, he grabbed her away from the dining table and they walked to the garden.

“What?!” Ahyoung hissed as the cold hit her bare legs, L sighed and wrapped his coat around her.

“They moved it, the wedding.”

She paused.

“What?” She blinked.

“It’s next month, Mihee might have done…something again.”

“..Well, why are you telling me this?” Ahyoung asked softly, she studied L’s face before looking away.

“I…I just…I thought you would know what to do.” He said lowly.

“Myungsoo, this is your life. I can’t tell you what to do.”

Myungsoo exhaled and brushed her hair away from her face, Ahyoung stilled, not knowing how to react.

“When you told me that….we shouldn’t be meeting because of her, that…we should stop this,” Myungsoo glanced around them.

“I thought it was just something you said to make things comfortable for Mihee.”

“Myungsoo, you’re not going to lose me, I’m still Ahyoung, even if you get married ten times, I’ll still be here.”

He smiled.

Deep inside, Ahyoung didn’t know what was happening. Never had she seen Myungsoo this unstable and edgy.

“You have to stop this, being all clingy and sappy.” She chuckled, Myungsoo sighed.

“I just think it’s changing too fast.”

Ahyoung just smiled and patted his hand.

“It is changing, but you have me and Yook monster, so it’s all good.”



“You see that? That’s chemistry right there.” Sehun said as they watched by the windows, Sungjae smiled.

“You know, hyung, I met up with Sungyeol hyung last week.”

“L’s friend?”


Sehun nodded and took a sip from his coffee.

“He actually thought that Myungsoo’s engagement was a hoax.”

“Really? Why would he think that?”

“This whole time, he was thinking that Young and Myungsoo would eventually end up together.” Sungjae mused.

“Even her parents think the same.” Sehun shook his head in amusement.

“Even with Myungsoo’s background?”

“The Songs don’t really care about that, they have money to cover it up, Myungsoo has money to cover it up. Besides the only thing that matters is Ahyoung’s happiness.” Sehun glanced at his cousin.

“Well, it would be better if they end up together, that way I wont have to pretend that I like my friend’s wife.” Sungjae shrugged.



“Hmm.” Ahyoung looked at Sungjae, she was inside his office, waiting for him to finish.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” He pointed out.

“I cant focus, its useless staying there.” She groaned as she plopped down on the couch, Sungjae just shook his head.

“Tell you what, since I already made reservations at that café across the street, why don’t you go first and order ahead.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Her eyes narrowed into slits, he smiled and stood up. He took Ahyoung’s coat from the rack and draped it around her shoulders.

“I really need to get some work done, and you being here distracts me, bub.”

She made a face but she picked up her Chanel purse and walked to the door.


“This is awful.” Ahyoung sighed to herself as she stepped out of the building, she pulled out her phone and checked the news.

She paused as an article about Myungsoo and Mihee appeared, some people had seen them shopping at Hyundai Center earlier.

Ahyoung pursed her lips.

“Isn’t today a Wednesday? Lunch with us.” She muttered darkly before crossing the street.

She reached the restaurant and was welcomed by the manager.

“Young miss, your table is right the way. Your friends have been waiting.” He greeted.

Ahyoung paused.

My friends, as in Sungjae and his cake?

She entered the private hall and found Myungsoo and Sungyeol.

With Mihee.

“Sugarplum!” Sungyeol greeted her with a big smile and opened arms, she swatted him away.

“I didn’t know you were back.” She mused, Sungyeol made a face before sitting down.

“I had a few things to do here, nice to see you, you know, for a girl who just broke up with her ex, you look smashin’.” He winked, Ahyoung shuddered.

“I was actually expecting just me and Sungjae.” She opened up.

“Well, it’s a Wednesday.” Myungsoo explained, Ahyoung glanced at her phone again.

“What would you like to eat?” He asked Mihee, Ahyoung’s brows met again. Her eyes went to the two, Mihee seated beside Myungsoo as they browed through the menu.

That’s my seat.

“Seafood pasta would be nice.” Mihee replied, Ahyoung glanced at the window.

“Ahyoung? Seafood pasta..or anything?” Myungsoo asked.

I don’t seafood with pasta, you know that.

“Uhmm, you see….I forgot I have a meeting and,” Ahyoung stood up and took her purse as Myungsoo’s words echoed in her head.

“Damn it, I don’t want to lose you to this, Young. So, please talk.”

“Promise me you’ll come back to me when you have it sorted out, okay?”

“Young?” L met her gaze, she smiled at him.

“I really need to go, I’m sorry, I’ll catch up with you later, oppa.” She nodded at Sungyeol.

“Ya, you went here alone, wait for~”

She shook her head at Myungsoo before rushing out of the room. She didn’t stop until she was outside of the building.



Do I really have it all sorted out?



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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 26: Hi authornim. I hope Myungsoo wakes up and I hope that Mihee is found out by her evil deeds and both Ahyoung and Myungsoo own up to their feelings. They cannot live without each other.
Chapter 26: This also has been unconscious for quite some time now... I hope both this and Myungsoo wakes up soon.
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 26: When will you update authornim!!!! T.T
Chapter 26: Do you have a writer's block on this story? Because i sincerely am waiting for you updates. It's been almost two years and yet i still have not removed the bookmark on this chapter
Febxu18 #6
Chapter 22: Did you finished this story yet author nim?? Cause i really want you to finish it so bad. This is a great story and i keep coming back to check the newest chapter
ItsNotTama #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh!!! I just found this story and it's amazing !! Lemme tell u that!! And i need to know wht happened to myungsoo!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 26: is this on hiatus??
Chapter 26: i literally read this everynight
Chapter 26: I. NEED. THIS. O.M.G.