Eyes On You


Sungjae leaned back against his seat as the meeting started, it has been a week since Ahyoung left and a week since he last saw Myungsoo.

But just this morning he received an invitation to Myungsoo’s engagement party.

And he had a feeling Ahyoung still wasn’t responding to any of Myungsoo’s calls.

He drummed his fingers on the table as he looked at the presentation.



Ahyoung yawned and rubbed her eyes, she slowly sat up and found her two Rottweiler pups waiting for her, she smiled groggily.

She slid down from her bed and made her way out of the room with her two dogs tailing after her.

“Are you ready for breakfast, ma’am?”

She nodded at the helper, she was staying at her parents’ house in Tokyo.

“Ah, right, mister Yook sent something for you.”

She looked up as the elder lady brought in a small box; she set it on the table.

“When did this arrive, ahjumma?” She asked as she opened the box.

“Just this morning, it was quite shocking really, a bunch of men came to the front door, knocking and looking for you.”

She blinked.

“They referred to you as agasshi.”

Ahyoung balked.

“Ah….really?” She said as she took out the contents of the box, she felt her chest constrict.

The lady bowed before leaving Ahyoung in the dining room.

The box was not from Sungjae, his name was only used so that the guards would receive the package, Ahyoung sighed as she opened the white Pandora box.

Inside laid a simple gold charm bracelet, with two charms hanging on it. A doghouse charm and another one was a small crown.

She shook her head as she put the box away and left the table.



Jaejoong listened as his parents and the Lees discussed about the party, his younger brother had not uttered a word ever since he stepped in.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked lowly, Myungsoo looked up.

“Ya.” Jaejoong nagged.

“Myungsoo? Are you okay, son?” Mrs. Kim looked at her two sons.

“Ah, have you sent the invite to Ahyoung? I heard she was in Japan.” She added, Mihee glanced at Myungsoo.

“Do you think she’ll come?” Myungsoo looked up, his eyes cold.

“Kim Myungsoo.” His father hissed. Jaejoong bit his lip.

“I’ve made a decision,” Myungsoo sat up.

“I won’t do it. I wont marry Mihee.”

The room had gone dead silent, the Lee elders were looking at Myungsoo.

“But, Myung~”

“You wont even believe that she wanted to kill Ahyoung.” Myungsoo stood up.

“We already talked about~”

“No, you talked about it, you didn’t listen what I had to say.” Myungsoo snapped. His father stood up angrily.

“Sit down.” He snapped, Myungsoo shook his head and left the room.




Ahyoung flexed her neck before leaving her seat, she walked to the floor length windows that offered her the view of the busy city.

It was already late noon and yet somehow she had managed to stay awake despite of all the tasks she had to attend to.

Her phone vibrated on her desk, she smiled as she read the name of the screen. Then she pressed on her Bluetooth earpiece.

“Hello, Yook Monster.” She mused.

“I’m guessing you got the invitation?”

She exhaled as he eyes traveled to the cream envelope on her desk.

“I did, did they speed things up again?”

“No, but…Ahyoung-ah, I know this will be too much to ask but,” Sungjae paused.

“What? You want something?” She asked as she leaned against her chair.

“I need you to come home, Young.”

“Wae? Myungsoo’s party is next week, bub, no need to rush.” She offered, she heard Sungjae sigh from the other line.




“It’s Myungsoo, he got in a car accident, he’s been unconscious for three days straight now.”



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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 26: Hi authornim. I hope Myungsoo wakes up and I hope that Mihee is found out by her evil deeds and both Ahyoung and Myungsoo own up to their feelings. They cannot live without each other.
Chapter 26: This also has been unconscious for quite some time now... I hope both this and Myungsoo wakes up soon.
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 26: When will you update authornim!!!! T.T
Chapter 26: Do you have a writer's block on this story? Because i sincerely am waiting for you updates. It's been almost two years and yet i still have not removed the bookmark on this chapter
Febxu18 #6
Chapter 22: Did you finished this story yet author nim?? Cause i really want you to finish it so bad. This is a great story and i keep coming back to check the newest chapter
ItsNotTama #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh!!! I just found this story and it's amazing !! Lemme tell u that!! And i need to know wht happened to myungsoo!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 26: is this on hiatus??
Chapter 26: i literally read this everynight
Chapter 26: I. NEED. THIS. O.M.G.