Eyes On You





“So, we’re rich and homeless.” Sehun pointed out, trying to lighten the mood.

“I am, your home isn’t terrorized by bombs.”

Sehun glanced at his cousin.

“What was that back there? You almost got in a fight with Myungsoo.”

She leaned back on the seat.

“He just wanted to keep you safe, Young.”

“It’s not right anymore, oppa. He’s engaged now.”



Sungjae bit his lip as they ate dinner, he felt awkward not having Ahyoung around.

“So, where is she going? Sehun’s place?” He asked.

“Most probably.” Myungsoo nodded.

“Did you send someone to follow her?” Sungjae asked as he stared at the pasta.

“Must you always send people for her?” Mihee asked softly.

“I always do.” Myungsoo replied coolly.

“I didn’t, she seems angry.”

Sungjae smirked.

“You always panic when she’s pissed.” He mused, Myungsoo shook his head.

“I mean, she can afford her own security detail.” Mihee nodded, Myungsoo exhaled and pushed himself away from the table.

“Will you please stay out of it?” He asked before leaving them.



Ahyoung was in a presidential suite at one of Lotte’s hotels, she had ordered people not to mention to her grandfather where she was, and now she was relaxing by the veranda with her two guard dogs.

What was wrong with her?

What was Mihee thinking?

“But here you are, being hidden and protected by him. You even sleep in his room, how dirty.”

“Don’t try to reason with me, you’re just like other girls, pulling guys~”

Maybe she was right, now that Myungsoo’s engaged she should try to avoid things that may start rumors.

Ahyoung sighed and pulled her knees to herself.



Myungsoo tuned out his father as they discussed about the engagement party, Mihee was chatting animatedly with his mother and her parents.

He looked at the window listlessly.

Ahyoung’s words started to echo in his head.

“But, promise me one thing. The moment you hesitate, tell us and ask for our help.”

Myungsoo drummed his fingers on the table.

“What do you think, son?”

He looked up to meet his mother’s gaze, he could feel the Lees’ eyes on him. Before he could reply, his secretary stepped in the room and whispered something in his ear.

He nodded and stood up.

“Ya, where are you going?” Mister Kim looked at him.

“I have something urgent.” He said before leaving the room.


Ahyoung was about to get brunch when someone rang on her door, her brows rose. She had ordered the staff not to send anyone to her room.

But, she knew if it were Myungsoo or Sungjae, the two would just barge in anyway.

“Sungjae, please be Sungjae.” She murmured as she walked towards the door and peeked at the hole.


She swallowed before opening it.

“Hansol.” She smiled at him, the male studied her face briefly before stepping the suite. Ahyoung bit her lip and followed him.

“Why did you disappear? We were all so worried~”

Worried? Vernon, what you did was like stabbing me in the back.” She said.

Ahyoung, I just~

We talked, you said you’d give me time, but then you go to my parents and halbae claiming that we’re going to get married.

I just thought it would be better if they knew.

But I didn’t even give you my answer yet.” She shook her head.

“Tell me, Ahyoung, were you even planning on giving me one?” He asked, Ahyoung stilled and looked away.

“Ever since I told you I want to marry you, you’ve been hiding, flying to Jeju, having long meetings, and now you disappeared for two nights.”

Ahyoung felt tears pool around her eyes.

“It’s just so you, you can’t reject people, you’re too kind-hearted…and naïve.”

“You’re purposely doing this, now I hear that somebody planted a bomb at your house. Am I a joke to you, Ahyoung? You had to go that extent just to hide from me?!”

“You think I’d do that?” She balked at him.

Why? Is there another reason?” Vernon snapped at her, she felt anger rise in her, she strode to the double doors and opened it widely.

Get out.” She said coldly, Vernon stared at her in disbelief.

“I said get out!”


Myungsoo slid down from the car and made his way to the hotel’s rooftop garden, he ed his jacket and got in the elevator.

Seconds later, he stepped out of the machine.

“S—Sir, how did you know she’s here?” Ahyoung’s male assistant grew surprised when he saw him.

“I have to know.” He replied before stepping through the glass doors, Myungsoo found her standing before the railings with her back facing him. She was dressed in a loose shirt and jeans.

“Ahyoung-ah,” He said softly, Ahyoung turned to him, her eyes were swollen from crying.

“Ya,” He chided as he walked to her, that was when he realized she was still crying.

“We’re..over.” She looked at him, Myungsoo nodded.

“And I know…it was my fault, I..I…” She stuttered and covered her face, Myungsoo sighed and just wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s not. So, stop crying.” He murmured, Ahyoung just shook her head and her shoulders began to shake, Myungsoo’s brows just furrowed as he gently rubbed her back to soothe her.  

Ahyoung wrapped her arms around his waist and sobbed.



Myungsoo just sighed and kissed the side the crown of her head.



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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 26: Hi authornim. I hope Myungsoo wakes up and I hope that Mihee is found out by her evil deeds and both Ahyoung and Myungsoo own up to their feelings. They cannot live without each other.
Chapter 26: This also has been unconscious for quite some time now... I hope both this and Myungsoo wakes up soon.
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 26: When will you update authornim!!!! T.T
Chapter 26: Do you have a writer's block on this story? Because i sincerely am waiting for you updates. It's been almost two years and yet i still have not removed the bookmark on this chapter
Febxu18 #6
Chapter 22: Did you finished this story yet author nim?? Cause i really want you to finish it so bad. This is a great story and i keep coming back to check the newest chapter
ItsNotTama #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh!!! I just found this story and it's amazing !! Lemme tell u that!! And i need to know wht happened to myungsoo!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 26: is this on hiatus??
Chapter 26: i literally read this everynight
Chapter 26: I. NEED. THIS. O.M.G.