Eyes On You


“What is going on, Myungsoo?” Ahyoung’s voice echoed as she entered one of their hideout villas just outside Gangnam.

Myungsoo strode to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, he scanned her for any bruises or wounds, then when he found nothing, he exhaled.

“A bomb?” Sehun echoed, Myungsoo shook his head.

“I don’t know who planted it, but they seem to have hacked the CCTV cameras and found the perfect timing to plant it.” He cupped Ahyoung’s cheek before gesturing for them to come in.

“Is this one of those gang wars again?” She asked playfully, she winced as Sehun elbowed her.

“Don’t take this lightly, brat.” Myungsoo muttered.

“I know, it’s just that, after everything that happened today, I cant deal with things like this again and not right now.” She replied, Myungsoo looked at her.

“I might really need to hide behind the mafia now, L.”

He paused.

“Vernon already spoke with halbae, hell, they already have plans for the wedding.” She stated with a flourish of her hand.

Sehun shrugged at Myungsoo before sitting down.

“He did that?” L asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to talk about it. Do I have clothes here? I want to shower.”

Myungsoo nodded and pointed her to his room.

“Stay there for the time being, I need to make a few calls.”

She nodded before leaving the two men.

Myungsoo could feel Sehun’s gaze on him.

“What is it?”

Sehun just smirked at him before closing his eyes.



Myungsoo stepped in the room and found Ahyoung huddled on the bed with the laptop on her lap. He felt guilt crept on his chest, Ahyoung was already used to being in danger and being surrounded by gangsters all because of him.

“So, got anything?” She asked him, he shook his head.

“Mihee just called, she’s coming over with food.”

She nodded and patted the space beside her.

“I know that look on your face, L, it’s not your fault. Your family isn’t the only with enemies, mine too.”

“Still, my men should have seen it right away, you were already inside the house, Young.”

She shook her head.

“But they found it anyway.”

Myungsoo just exhaled and loosened his necktie and leaned his head against her shoulder.


Ahyoung was standing by the floor length windows, she watched as the sun slowly went down, Myungsoo was sleeping while her older cousin was on a phone call.

Do you love him, Young?”

“Do I?”

“I’ve always had a feeling you didn’t really have feelings for him.”


“It’s just so you, you can’t reject people, you’re too kind-hearted…and naïve.”

She exhaled and bit her lip with her brows furrowed. She pulled her hair up and wrapped her arms around herself.

“Aigoo, my only granddaughter is getting married.”

“It’s only right you get married now, since one of your friends just got engaged too. Don’t worry, your parents are flying over in a few days.”

She closed her eyes in frustration, then she jumped when she heard footsteps behind her, she spun around and was met by Mihee’s cold gaze.

“I was warned that you were just a friend to him.”

Ahyoung blinked at her.

“But here you are, being hidden and protected by him. You even sleep in his room, how dirty.” She mused.

“Mihee, it’s not like that, Myungsoo is~”

“Don’t try to reason with me, you’re just like other girls, pulling guys~”

There was a low growl that made Mihee pause.

“Ahyoungie!” Sungjae’s voice echoed from the living room, Ahyoung looked down and found King and George standing in front of her, both Alsatians were looking at Mihee menacingly.

“I brought your children with me, they ran off!” Sungjae hollered again, Mihee backed down and climbed down.

Ahyoung’s brows were furrowed as she left, she kneeled down and hugged her two pets before searching for Sungjae.



Myungsoo looked up as the door opened, he was sitting on his desk, cleaning his hand gun.

“It’s been a while since I last saw your face.” Mihee said.

“I’ve been busy.” He replied, Mihee smiled.

“Your father wants us to join him for lunch tomorrow.”

Myungsoo set the gun down and looked at her.

“What if I don’t want to do it?” He asked.


Myungsoo’s lips quirked up, he leaned away from the table and looked at her.

“Why are you doing this? What will you get out of it?”

“Nothing, I’m just doing my duty to the family.” She replied evenly, Myungsoo exhaled and stood up.

“Then, do your duty alone.” He said before leaving the room.


Sehun looked up as Myungsoo joined them in the living room, Sungjae and Ahyoung were both talking while the two dogs were sniffing around.

“What’s up?” Myungsoo looked at the two, he noticed how Ahyoung stilled when he spoke to them.

“I brought dinner and some snacks.” Mihee said as she stepped in the room.

“Actually, L, oppa and I were just talking about leaving.” Ahyoung faced him, Myungsoo paused.

“What? But it’s not safe.”


“He’s going to marry you off once he sees you.” Myungsoo chided, Ahyoung exhaled and that made him pause.

“I just…want to go, okay? No need to see me out.” She said before grabbing her purse from the coffee table.

Sungjae grew alarmed, Sehun stood up and followed his cousin.

Myungsoo padded towards her and took hold of her arm.

“Where will you stay? It’s not~”

“I know it’s not, but I want to leave, so let me go.” Ahyoung looked at his hand around her wrist.

Myungsoo’s frowned deepened.

“I don’t want to stay here.” She stated before Myungsoo let go of her. King and George followed Sehun out of the house.

He watched as Sehun and Ahyoung got inside a waiting car and sped away.

“Should we tail them, sir?” One of his men asked him, he shook his head.



“Don’t, she wants space.” He said before turning away from the doors.

And something’s bothering her.



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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 26: Hi authornim. I hope Myungsoo wakes up and I hope that Mihee is found out by her evil deeds and both Ahyoung and Myungsoo own up to their feelings. They cannot live without each other.
Chapter 26: This also has been unconscious for quite some time now... I hope both this and Myungsoo wakes up soon.
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 26: When will you update authornim!!!! T.T
Chapter 26: Do you have a writer's block on this story? Because i sincerely am waiting for you updates. It's been almost two years and yet i still have not removed the bookmark on this chapter
Febxu18 #6
Chapter 22: Did you finished this story yet author nim?? Cause i really want you to finish it so bad. This is a great story and i keep coming back to check the newest chapter
ItsNotTama #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh!!! I just found this story and it's amazing !! Lemme tell u that!! And i need to know wht happened to myungsoo!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeee
Chapter 26: is this on hiatus??
Chapter 26: i literally read this everynight
Chapter 26: I. NEED. THIS. O.M.G.