Dailylife (61 dailylife stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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The Forbidden Fruit

By yerimazzie Updated
Characters Kim Junmyeon/Bae Joohyun Suho/Irene
With 8 chapters, 3 votes, 202 subscribers, 1250 views, 3 comments, 57687 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Excuse Me?

By yummyrolls Updated
Tags  drama   romance   schoollife   sliceoflife   rose   dramaromance   dailylife   jaehyun   bts   jungkook   nct   blackpink   rosekook   97liner   chaeyoungpark   jaehyunxrose 
Characters Jungkook; Rose; Park Chaeyoung; Jeon Jungkook; Kim Mingyu; Jung Jaehyun; Kim Namjoon; Park Jimin
With 40 chapters, 15 votes, 325 subscribers, 15460 views, 158 comments, 463329 words

Jungkook immediately stood up. “What’s wrong with this girl? Is she a stalker? She watch me from afar?” Jungkook suddenly got a goosebumps. The thought of himself being watched and followed from afar by random girl was creeps him out. He knew that he was stronger than that girl (in case that girl going to do something harmful), but still, he felt uncomfortable.

Loving family 🦋

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   fluff   romance   sliceoflife   mpreg   beta   romancedrama   kids   dailylife   alpha   aob   omega   jeonghan   jeongcheol   mommyhan   papacheol 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 91 subscribers, 1130 views, 1 comments, 1891 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

The daily life of a married lovely couple with two kids.

Сияние эмоций - серость бытия

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  exo   dailylife   policeau   preslash 
Characters Сехун/Бэкхён, Исин/Чунмен
With 1 chapters, 50 views, 151 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

"В отношениях главное удачно начать первый разговор." (с)

Бог простит и я постараюсь

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  exo   humor   ooc   dailylife   psychology   slashfic   catholicism 
Characters Бэкхён, Лэй, Лу Хань, Сехун, ДиО, Кай, Чанёль, Чен, Сюмин, Сухо
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 130 views, 185 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Существует семь смертных грехов. Сможет ли, выслушивающий исповеди Бэкхен, не поддаться на их уловки?


By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  friendship   romance   exo   humor   ooc   dailylife   officeau 
Characters Сехун, Чунмен, Исин, Бэкхен, Чанель, Кенсу, Чонин, Чондэ, Минсок, Тао, Лухан, Крис
With 9 chapters, 2 subscribers, 100 views, 532 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Сехун хотел попасть на работу своей мечты. Исин просто работает. Весь коллектив издательского дома творит дичь и тоже иногда работает.

Shall we dance, mr. Doh?

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  exo   kaisoo   dailylife   ust 
Characters ДиО/Кай, ДиО/ОЖП
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 130 views, 62 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

- Станцуем, мистер До?   В нашей школе, Вы найдете помощь в освоении любых танцев, которые Вам хотелось бы изучить.

Fairytale gone bad

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  angst   death   drama   fantasy   suicide   exo   ooc   dailylife   chanchen   vimpire 
Characters Чанёль/Чен
With 1 chapters, 90 views, 278 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Ты погнался за сказочным миражом. И догнал. Но стоило ли оно того?


By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  drama   friendship   romance   demon   exo   happyending   humor   ooc   dailylife   fantastic   chanbaek   chenmin   mermen   xuchen 
Characters Чен/Сюмин, Чанёль/Бэкхён, ДиО
With 10 chapters, 3 subscribers, 270 views, 696 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Страна Чудес бывает разной, а сказки воплощаются в реальность. Отель "Treasure" поможет найти свое "сокровище"

Тайные желания и явные намерения

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  exo   humor   dailylife   chanbaek 
Characters Чанёль/Бэкхён
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 40 views, 40 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Как часто бывает, что желаешь одно, а получаешь - совершенно другое. Чанель просто хотел вкусно покушать, а получил интересный опыт. Совершенно внезапно.

Обстоятельства непреодолимой силы

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  friendship   exo   humor   student   kaisoo   dailylife   students   chanbaek   psychology   flaf 
Characters Чанёль/Бэкхён, Кай/ДиО
With 8 chapters, 2 subscribers, 130 views, 635 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Жизнь Пак Чанеля Если ты всю жизнь живешь с Беном Бекхеном, готовься к тому, что вообще может случиться все, что можно и нельзя.

Внезапно туда и возможно обратно

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Characters Сюмин Лухан Крис Сухо Лей Бекхен Чен Чанель Дио Кай Тао Сехун Молли Уизли Нарцисса Малфой
With 52 chapters, 2 subscribers, 320 views, 2814 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Дивный новый мир... Группа из 12 человек попадает в затруднительную ситуацию. Каждый по-своему индивидуальную, но в целом, одинаковую для всех. Справят

Однажды в лесу...

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  angst   friendship   exo   humor   dailylife   chanbaek 
Characters ДиО, Сухо, Кай
With 15 chapters, 1 subscribers, 240 views, 688 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Еще одна история о Золуш... ох, простите, о Белоснежке. Жизнь, порой, бывает похожа на сказку. Иногда, с элементами хоррора. Лес таит в себе много сю

Сказ о том, как Бекхен с мемберами знакомился.

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  friendship   exo   humor   ooc   dailylife 
Characters Бэкхён, ДиО, Кай, Крис, Лухан, Лэй, Сехун, Сухо, Сюмин, Тао, Чанёль, Чен
With 12 chapters, 1 subscribers, 270 views, 220 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Что нужно, чтобы максимально быстро сблизиться с человеком? У Бен Бекхена есть ответ на этот вопрос!   Еще никогда

Как выглядят эмоции

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  friendship   romance   exo   humor   ooc   kaisoo   dailylife   flaf 
Characters Кай/ДиО, Чанёль, Лэй, kid!Сехун, Сухо, Бэкхён, Сюмин, Чен
With 7 chapters, 2 subscribers, 70 views, 514 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

В поиске смысла жизни Чонин натыкается на то, что совсем не ожидал найти.

Как выглядят чувства

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  friendship   exo   humor   ooc   dailylife   flaf 
Characters Лэй, Кай, Чанёль, Сухо, kid!Сехун
With 8 chapters, 280 views, 629 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Это просто история о дружбе. Самой искренней. И самой чистой. Без запутанного сюжета. Без пейрингов и романтики.

Скандалы, интриги, расследования...

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  friendship   police   romance   exo   humor   kaisoo   dailylife   chanbaek   seho 
Characters Чанёль/Бэкхён, Кай/ДиО, Чен/Сюмин, Сухо/Сехун, Лэй, Лу Хань
With 14 chapters, 4 subscribers, 120 views, 480 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

обнаружены бы, чем может удивить районное отделение полиции? Однозначно всем!

Неожиданное коварство

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  humor   dailylife   ust   yurionice 
Characters Виктор Никифоров/Юри Кацуки, Виктор Никифоров, Юри Кацуки
With 1 chapters, 110 views, 20 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

К чему Виктор не был готов, так это к водолазкам. Он всегда считался самым драгоценным, скучным и безобидным из всех. О, как же он жестоко ошибался! Об этом никто не предупреждает.

Последствия игр

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Characters Отабек/Юрий, Отабек Алтын, Юрий Плисецкий
With 1 chapters, 90 views, 57 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Играть во что-либо пьяными людьми всегда чревато. Играть во что-либо с пьяными друзьями – угрожает неокрепшей детской психике. Играть во что-либо пьяными фигуристами, которые по какой-то странной случайности случаются с твоими друзьями

(Не) Русская фея

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  friendship   humor   ooc   dailylife   yurionice 
Characters Юра|Отабек, фоном Виктор/Юри, Отабек Алтын, Юрий Плисецкий
With 1 chapters, 70 views, 46 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

У Юры было много идей, как обыграть свою показательную программу. Начиная от танца маленьких утят и заканчивая диким ретро под какой-нибудь хит восемнадцатого века. Идея пришла внезапно и показалась такой естественной, что Юра в последствии так и не смог от нее отказаться, даже под напором такой страшной силы, как гнев Якова.

Собирая по кусочкам

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Characters Кисе/Куроко, Рёта Кисе, Тецуя Куроко
With 8 chapters, 70 views, 103 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

– Я скучал по тебе, Тетсуя. Так сильно. Я даже не обнаружил, что умею так скучать. Эти два месяца были неизвестны для меня. Я правда раскаиваюсь.

One unexpected meeting

By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  angst   death   drama   romance   kurosuji   dailylife 
Characters Гробовщик, Клаудия Фантомхайв
With 6 chapters, 1 subscribers, 90 views, 209 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Гробовщик всегда ходит грустный. И то, что он берет плату в виде смеха, делает ситуацию еще более удручающей. Он больше не может улыбаться сам. Но все равно, он ни за чтобы не променял те несколько счастливых лет вместе. Вместе с Ней. Той девушкой, а потом женщиной, которая покорила легендарного жнеца. Той, которая без страха вглядывалась в его колдовские глаза. Той, что не побоялась подарить ему с

So Caught Up In You

By sekaiglitch Updated
Tags  fluff   exo   kai   sehun   collegeau   jongin   sekai   kaihun   dailylife   bottomsehun   topkai   topjongin   sekaiasboyfriends   alittlebitofcursing 
Characters Kim Jongin/Kai, Oh Sehun/Sehun
With 1 chapters, 31 votes, 293 subscribers, 2340 views, 23 comments, 11556 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Jongin's struggle of having a sassy boyfriend like Oh Sehun, Or more like Jongin’s short story of having a boyfriend like Oh Sehun. Clearly, Jongin was beyond whipped.

Dorm life 💕

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   drama   fluff   romance   woogyu      love   dorm   mingyu   straight   collegelife   dailylife   hansol   hannie   seventeen   soft   wonwoo   seungcheol   joshua   vernon   jeonghan   coups   jeongcheol   cheolhan   gyuhan   shuahan 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 127 subscribers, 2710 views, 1964 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Jeongcheol's married life 💕💍

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
With 5 chapters, 4 votes, 255 subscribers, 1710 views, 4 comments, 6438 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only


By Rui291_ Updated
Tags  fluff   dailylife   eunbi   sakura   miyawakisakura   kwoneunbi   izone   eunsaku   kkubi 
With 2 chapters, 10 votes, 85 subscribers, 870 views, 7 comments, 3655 words
Status Subscribers Only

To put it in a simple word, it's basically the daily life of the 26 year's old Kwon Eunbi & the 24 year's old Miyawaki Sakura. Their little bickering The little pranks they throw here and then Their romantic moments etc


By kyungfident Updated
Characters Kyungsoo, OC
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 76 subscribers, 1080 views, 3 comments, 2467 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

quick read oneshot in celebration of Kyungsoo's military discharge. we've missed you, kyungsoo! looking forward to your upcoming activities <3

What a Kitty!

By Habanero Updated
Characters Lee Taeyong / Nakamoto Yuta
With 24 chapters, 157 subscribers, 1520 views, 4 comments, 17548 words
Status Subscribers Only

The daily life of an unusual marriage, where both don't resemble their schematic roles.   Yuta is a cat hybrid and Taeyong is his owner and the love of his life.

memories etched between the passing seasons

By jennie-writes Updated
Characters Kim Taeyeon, Jessica Jung, Sunny /Lee Soonkyu, Tiffany Hwang/Young, Kim Hyoyeon, Kwon Yuri, Choi Sooyoung, Im Yoona, Seohyun / Seo Juhyun
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 58 subscribers, 680 views, 1 comments, 634 words
Status Subscribers Only

a collection of snapshots from the daily lives of taeyeon, jessica, sunny, tiffany, hyoyeon, yuri, sooyoung, yoona and seohyun. 

How To: ChanSoo

By buriedphoenix Updated
Characters Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, OCs
With 11 chapters, 3 votes, 22 subscribers, 820 views, 13 comments, 18414 words
Status Completed

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are best friends, studying in different cities and their mainline of communication are their trustworthy smartphones and messaging apps. A share of daily life, uni and friends and one or two drunk adventures.

Dorm on a Hill

By shoudnotbehere Updated
Tags  comedy   dormlife   fluff   dailylife   got7 
Characters got7, jb, jinyoung, mark, jackson, youngjae, bambam, yugyeom, younghee, hayoung
With 1 subscribers, 90 views, 1122 words

At the end of the road near Durim University, if you turn right before the junction, you will see an uphill. On the top of that hill is a two-storey house with bright lime green gate. The house looks quite modern and clean from the outside. Rumours said there are seven handsome boys live together in that house. Some other rumours said those boys are actually crackheads. ---- When her parents finally knew she moved her major from medical school to acting and performance major,

One sided love S2 💕🌸

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Characters Seungcheol/Jeonghan
With 9 chapters, 10 votes, 289 subscribers, 2570 views, 22 comments, 15340 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

I Love You

By Piranhae07 Updated
Tags  donghae   eunhae   eunhyuk   heechul   hyukjae   romance   siwon   suju   superjunior   yesung   haehyuk   hyukhae   dailylife   haeeun   dne   eunhaetopia 
Characters Donghae, Eunhyuk and other supporting characters
With 7 chapters, 13 votes, 320 subscribers, 3210 views, 22 comments, 8593 words
Status Subscribers Only

The story of two people who are very much in love. Donghae and Hyukjae, the guys who met in middle school and immediately clicked together. "There's no one like you, even if I look around it's just like that." -Super Junior "No Other"

Midnight in the garden of OliYves

By chibimats Updated
Tags  sooyoung   girlxgirl   dailylife   olivia   loona   yves   hasooyoung   oliviahye   sonhyejoo   hyejoo   oliyves 
Characters olivia hye, yves, loona
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 18 subscribers, 760 views, 2 comments, 1113 words
Status Completed

A 1000 word mini fanfic with a light lesbian themed relationship between Loona's Yves (as Ha Sooyoung) and Olivia Hye (as Son Hyejoo). I wanted to to write a ChuuVes but I tried something that I felt would be harder. I hope Orbits and Non-Orbits alike can appreciate it. I'd appreciate feedback if you do like it, and hopefully I'm not too rusty. It's been some time since I had urge to write somethi

Family Beans Coffee House

By UnknownBr Updated
Characters Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Minseok, Jongdae, Sehun, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Nancy (momoland), Jooe (momoland), mentions of the other exo members, ZiTao, Luhan
With 1 chapters, 24 subscribers, 430 views, 5207 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Cuddle Bunny [Sunyoul]

By hybrids Updated
Tags  fluff   fluffy   dailylife   soft   hybridau   up10tion   sunyoul   seonyein 
With 2 chapters, 19 subscribers, 420 views, 432 words
Status Subscribers Only

Seon Yein, a sweet and shy rabbit hybrid that gets a lot of attention due to his looks, but there's one thing keeping him from being picked...

Daily Life of Han Sanghyuk

By blacktulip Updated
Tags  leo   hyuk   dailylife   vixx   hakyeon   ravi   ken   hongbin   characterstudy   studentlife   jaehwan   taekwoon   neo   wonshik   rabin   studentau   bloggerau 
Characters Han Sanghyuk and his idiotic hyungs.
With 3 chapters, 3 votes, 26 subscribers, 1310 views, 3 comments, 3043 words

In which Hyuk started a blog to document his new life as a university student who lives with 5 completely different, very interesting, and sometimes idiotic hyungs. To put in another way... This is a character study of Cha Hakyeon, Jung Taekwoon, Lee Jaehwan, Kim Wonshik, and Lee Hongbin, from the eyes of Han Sanghyuk.  

The daily life of papa Coups and mama Han with their children ^^ 🌸

By Jeonghan_lover Updated
Tags  minwoo   mpreg   dramacomedy   dailylife   junhao   verkwan   jeongcheol 
Characters Jeongcheol🌹❤/main
With 2 chapters, 4 votes, 307 subscribers, 3020 views, 9 comments, 3942 words
Status Subscribers Only

This story show how much caring mama and papa Coups to their children ^^  it would hold many chapters like you know “ crazy in love “  The next chapter will be out soon and I won’t write more then 1000 words , each chapters should be more then 500 at least , it will be sometimes short and sometimes long :)   

The Kim's

By bomkkotchi Updated
Tags  angst   comedy   family   friendship   lovestory   romance   seoul   exo   love   sehun   fanfiction   baekhyun   romace   chen   xiumin   chanyeol   lay   jongin   kyungsoo   suho   dailylife   fanfictionexo 
Characters kimjongin kimhaera kimaeri baekhyun chanyeol kyungsoo
With 6 chapters, 3 subscribers, 630 views, 1 comments, 16428 words
Status [M]

Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo’s tiny daily life details

By berry_dlight Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   drabble   exo   humor   kaisoo   dailylife 
Characters Do Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin, and others
With 6 chapters, 61 subscribers, 970 views, 2 comments, 4242 words
Status Subscribers Only

Tiny stories from the daily life of Kim Jongin, and Do Kyungsoo. In which Kyungsoo is an editor for a magazine, and Jongin works as an office worker.


By Mira_Vanilla__ Updated
Tags  girlgroup   idols   dailylife   vixx   crayons   jellyfishent   pastelztv 
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1550 views, 1298 words
Status Subscribers Only

「 PASTELZ TV is a reality youtube program that allows the fans to see PASTELZ's daily lives and how they act off-stage 」

Daily Life of Jaehyun

By takyuyaki Updated
Tags  comedy   dailylife   drabbel   nctjaehyun 
Characters NctU; NCT ; Nctjaehyun
With 1 chapters, 250 views, 273 words

Jaehyun is new idol from SM under the group called NCT  And this is his daily life short story with all of the member . . . The story will write in indonesian cz english is not my 1st laguange and i have limited vocab and always have a problem with grammar kkkk . . . Drable . . . Enjoy! 

Daily Life

By kurogane Updated
Tags  jaejoong   romance   schoollife   tvxq   yunho   yunjae   dailylife 
Characters Jaejoong, yunho, tvxq
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 112 subscribers, 1610 views, 7 comments, 1494 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

  Life is about making choice. Always do your best and make the right one.

Once Upon a Dream

By Jungramoon Updated
Tags  drama   romance   dailylife 
Characters Junghyung KwonNara MoonJongup U-kiss Beast Secret BAP HelloVenus T-ara
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 160 views, 2408 words

Kwon Nara is just a prefect girl with a shy and nice personality . But one day, She needs to join a community called Angle's Heaven. She thinking it was the ridicilous decision she ever made. But who know's there are lots of fun and lesson waiting for her. Perhaps her true love.... 

Collection of One Shots

By Mas_Bunga Updated
Tags  comedy   indonesian   romance   sliceoflife   oneshots   bahasa   dailylife 
Characters seventeen ohmygirl b1a4 apink
With 3 chapters, 3 subscribers, 190 views, 1 comments, 2543 words

Fanfic baruku. Sebagai pelampiasan dari "gagalnya fungsi otak" saat menulis serial yang sebelumnya, kali ini penulis mencoba menulis serial one-shot buat trial n error. Kalau cerita one shotnya dapat respon yang positif atau minimal nggak negatif, penulis berniat untuk menggabungkan one shot-nya jadi satu kesatuan di "B1A4 Apartment" yang udah direvisi. Mianhae and gomawo. ^_^  

Welcome to the Bijump

By rosymarg Updated
Tags  4minute   apink   spanish   girlxgirl   dailylife   fictioncharacters 
Characters Grupos de A cube y Cube Ent. Grupos de kpop en general.
With 5 chapters, 3 votes, 2 comments, 9914 words

    Todas las empresas tienen muchos aspirantes a debutar; pero solo son unos pocos los afortunados.   Hace poco 5 chicas tuvieron la suerte de ser las seleccionadas para debutar, A Cube Entertaiment, al ver lo bien que le ha ido a A Pink decidio debutar otro grupo de chicas; ¿Como les ira en su día a día desde traineers hasta idols?

The Perks of Being Hyung

By secretlylovingexo Updated
Tags  drama   romance   suho   dailylife   ot12 
Characters EXO
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 370 views, 1 comments, 1053 words

Let's take a peek at Suho's daily life with another EXO member. It's romantic, but annoying at the same time. And so, Suho's daily life with 11 EXO member begins.  

K' Today

By dyolove Updated
Tags  comedy   kyuhyun   romance   superjunior   originalcharacter   hana   dailylife 
Characters Cho Kyuhyun, Park Hana (OC)
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 370 views, 1 comments, 2870 words

meet the (unofficial) cousin of Cho Kyuhyun and how's their life behind the camera let's see how's life going between this cousin in a collection of short stories.

Failure Then Success

By YasELF Updated
Characters Kelly,,Ryeowook,,Kelly's friends,,other SuJu members
With 3 chapters, 1 subscribers, 140 views, 834 words

Success .....Such a good feeling But..How? When...?  Gonna succed..... Eeasly,,,hardly,,,!!!!  Failure Then Success....This Fic gonna Tell u How Kelly Gonna Succes.... But after a looot of  difficulties....

About Waffles And Coffee

By thefreak Updated
Tags  dbsk   emotional   friendship   jyj   yoochun   fictionalgirl   dailylife 
Characters Park Yoochun, OC, DBSK (mentioned)
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1430 views, 2 comments, 3018 words
Status Completed

Detail: A young man was standing near the fountain, his hair as black as raven feathers. His slim body was dressed in a trendy black jacket, so that the rim of his white turtleneck sweater was only slightly visible. He wore skinny blue jeans and black shoes with white patterns. But it wasn’t really his looks that made me notice him. What surprised me the most was that he was standing absolutely still on this loud and busy street; h

a twist in your life .............. with EXO

By my_life_is_exo_ukiss Updated
Tags  romance   you   exo   exok   exom   dailylife 
With 3 chapters, 860 words

what happen when you meet with EXO in a shameful state ( for you )????????? and what will you do , how it happened and what will happened if all of the EXO members fall in love with you????

BAP's diary

By sleepydumble Updated
Tags  bap   banghim   daejae   himup   jonglo   banglo   dailylife 
Characters bap bang yongguk kim himchan jung daehyun yoo youngjae moon jongup choi junhong zelo
With 3 subscribers, 175 views, 168 words
Status Friends Only

  Hi! This is my first fanfiction, so please be nice. ^^   The idea behind this fic is that this will be the diary behind the busy schedules of BAP. I’m going to switch up the POVs in this fic and also switch up the pairs between the members, so I think this will suit every fangirls/boys. I will almost stalk BAP to use both real and fictional facts to make it seem like the reality.   I will most likely write one chapter

30 Ways to Live in the Family.

By SHINeeVIPBJ1 Updated
Tags  comedy   drama   filipino   romance   ygfamily   dailylife 
Characters Lee Cheska (OC) & YG Family
With 5 chapters, 16 subscribers, 770 views, 11 comments, 10352 words

The Life of SHINee (TLoS)

By onewcondition12 Updated
Tags  shinee   crack   nonsense   randomness   dailylife 
Characters SHINee, Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Key, Minho
With 4 chapters, 4 subscribers, 460 views, 4 comments, 742 words

Want to know what SHINee's life is everyday when they are together at their dorm? It's very crazy I say.