Chapter 39: Because you loved me... (THE END)

Because you loved me

A/N : This is a contiunation of last chapter and it begins with a flashback ofwedding day, year 2020 


“Yuri-ah, you can do it. You can do it. It’s just Sica. You don’t have to worry” I muttered while clenching my hand and taking deep breath to calm myself. I heard someone sighed beside me and I looked in the mirror to see Hyoyeon.

“For the 100th time calm down, man. You are going to ruin your make up again” She pattered my shoulder.

“How can I calm down, Hyo. There are 100 things that could go wrong. I could fall down on my face when I walk to the altar, or forget the vow or what if Sica think this is a wrong decision and say no. oh my god!” I feel myself getting hot and I couldn’t breathe.

“Seriously, you are driving me crazy, Kwon Yuri” Hyoyeon said glaring and walked out. Every member except Taeyeon stayed with me in past few hours listening to my nonstop rambling. Actually even my throat hurt by muttering to myself.

 I think I used Hyoyeon’s last quota of patience too

Today is the day I am getting married to my first love, Sica. I am currently waiting for stylist unni to finish my makeup. I decide to wear a white tuxedo. I dyed hair with brown color and cut it short.

A/N : I am really not good with describing clothes or styles. So here’s a picture.

“Yuri-ah, just leaned back and close your eyes. Try to listen to music or even take a nap maybe?” I heard my stylist unni says behind me. I shouldn’t make things difficult for her when she is trying so hard. So I leaned back and closed my eyes. But I didn’t have to wait long because I heard the sound of heels as I snapped open my eyes.

“Heard you are going to pass out any minute” The visitor said as she sat on the couch near my chair.

“Get marry and you’ll know how I am feeling right now” I muttered.

“I can’t believe I gave up on Sica for a coward like you”

What the…

I looked at her through mirror and glare at my so called best friend and our kid leader to see her grin.      

“Ya! You are dating a good guy. Leave mine alone”

I know she is joking and we were past the all fights and disagreements. She chuckled and leaned back on the couch.

“So what’s make you nervous?” She asked after few minutes of silence.

“Just I don’t know. I feel like something could go wrong or Sica would change her mind in the last minute” I knew it won’t happen, still I can’t help feel worried. I feel tears gather in my eyes again and quickly wiped it with a tissue so it won’t mess up my makeup.

Oh god! What’s wrong with me?

“Do you honestly think Sica will change her mind after she had to go through all kind of problems to be with you? She had the chances, Yuri. She could dump you when she thought you are cheating or when I tried to date her or even when Mr. Sooman made that unreasonable agreement with her and kicked her out. But she didn’t let go of your hand, did she?”

I suddenly felt calm when I heard Taeyeon’s soothing voice try to reason with me.

“So don’t think useless things. From now on you have a responsibility of her too. You have to take care of her”

You see the calm and dorky Taeyeon on TV and concerts a lot, right? But at this moment I was staring at the Kim Taeyeon, the best friend who would comfort you when you needed the most. That’s when I remembered something and smiled at her.

“Now I think back. You were always with me when I needed you the most. Remember the day I was going to confess to Sica? You took me on a ride and encourage me to confess to Sica”

“Well today won’t be the last time too, Yul. Because I know you will need me when you mess up in future too”

Now that’s the cocky Tae

“Ya! Who said I am going to mess up” I glared for a minute before we burst out laughing at our silly fight.

Finally I am feeling calm and confident

“Thank you, Taeyeon”

I didn’t meant as for this moment too

“No need to thank me. That’s what friends are for” She said smiling.


I have seen Sica in so many ways. Posing ily in photoshoots, acting cute on stage, blushing like a little girl when I , but none of that can compared to the Jessica Jung I am seeing right now. Sica walking down the aisle in her white wedding dress is the most beautiful moment in my life. It’s something I would never forget. I felt world around us disappear as I was trying to memorize every inch of her face and her flawless skin which glow under the light and finally her eyes that captivated my heart the moment I saw her. Her eyes were trained on me and a small smile was gracing her lips as she walk closer and closer.That’s when I realized the true meaning of the phrase of “nothing else matter”.

Right now nothing else mattered if I could hold this girl in my arms and called her mine

I didn’t know I was holding my breath the entire time until I was exhaled when I hold her hand. From then on everything was like a blur and before I knew it we were saying our vows and exchanging rings. All that time I was gazing at Sica from time to time and every time she would smile at me. After another few rituals finally the minister looked at me asked to kiss the bride. I turned to Sica and saw her eyes shining with tears. But I know its happy tears because she is smiling and when she looked at me she blushed.

After everything we’ve done together, she is feeling shy now?

I couldn’t help but grin and I slowly leaned forward and kissed her forehead. I know I should have kiss her on lips.  But somehow it felt right to kiss her on forehead, especially since that’s what she liked the most too. Even when I leaned back I saw she didn’t open her eyes savoring the moment. I leaned to her and whispered in her ear.

“Kwon Jessica Sooyeon, I love you so much”

The wedding hall is filled with low murmur of conversations and music as we talked to our guests when I heard the sound of clattering glass. Someone was trying to get attention.

“uh! Ok . Hello everyone”

Have you ever seen Sooyoung standing on stage and waving awkwardly while holding a glass of wine in one hand?

If it was another time I would burst out laughing, but now all I can think is what is she up to?

“Now, as one of her best friends of both Sica and Yul, I think I have to make a speech, right?” She looked around almost nervous like someone would object. But I saw other members signal her to continue.

“What is she going to do? Did you plan this?” Sica murmured in my ear. I shook my head furiously and asked Sooyoung to stop. Because something tells me she is going pull a prank or reveal my most embarrassing moments to guests.

“I would take this opportunity to wish my best friends Yul and Sica happy wedded life. They had to go through lots of pain and misery to be together. Still their love is strong enough to conquer all that. So I want to wish you all the happiness in the world and hope from now on you’ll only have happy moments in your life. You guys deserve it” Sooyoung smiled.

I sighed relieved because she seems serious this time. But my happiness didn’t live long because of the next words she said.

“I won’t be a good friend if I can’t tell you guys my best friend’s life stories, right? Let me tell you about Yul first. When I first met her it’s true I pulled a prank on her asking to remove shoes when entering practice room. But soon I realized she could be my pranking partner. I lost the count of pranks Yul, I and Yoong pulled for our members. And she is very loyal to her friends. She would do anything to help you in need specially if it’s a about pranking someone”

Even before I stopped myself I shouted “Ya!” because everyone started laughing at what Sooyoung said.

“Also if you watched her shows or even knew her little bit, you would know she is a very hyper kid right? I wonder how Sica can handle” She said the word handle with quotation marks with her fingers. “Her hyper acts. When I met her at first she looked like she could chase the wind. She would practice for hours without getting tired. Honestly we even planned to drug her to make her sleep. Of course we couldn’t launch it because her wife threaten us with her famous icy glare. We were scared to death”

Once again the room filled with laughter and I heard my Sica groaning beside me.

“ah I almost forgot, since we are idols we have hidden talents. Do you know what our kkab Yul’s hidden talent is?” She turn her mic toward the crowd and others shouted few like imitating, yoga and swimming.

“Hmm you are right. But do you know what I think as her talents. Let’s see”

My eyes widen when a series of my embarrassing photos played in front of me. It were photos of I am sleeping with tongue out (merong), my scared face, and my crazy dance moves when I was dancing at dorm and a short clip of my drunken singing.

God! Kill me now

I was glaring at Sooyoung but she was ignoring my glare and pretend not to see me. Others were laughing and smiling at my photos. I groaned and leaned to Sica.

“Sica, she is humiliating me” I pout and whispered.

“Don’t worry, Yul. It is a part of tradition. Besides you know they’ll end up doing all this anyway” She pecked on my lips and squeezed my hand.

“I am so going to get revenge on her wedding” I muttered and leaned back on my chair and closed my eyes, waiting for this to end quickly.

“Now before I end my talk about Yul let me tell you something more. Kwon Yuri, ” my eyes snapped open when I heard the seriousness of Sooyoung’s voice this time. She was staring at me while holding the mic.

Now what she is going to do

“Yul, as I called her, is one of the most important people in my life. Even I said it as a joke, it’s true. She is one of the most loyal friend anyone could ask for. I can’t even remember how many times she hold my hand or lend her shoulder to cry on. She was there for me at my worst. I am so proud to call her my best friend and she is one of the best gift god has given me”

 By now I even from afar I can see her tears falling down on her face and I know mine is the same too. I didn’t wiped my tears nor did I try to hold back. Because these tears represent the friendship we build through all these years. It hold all the precious memories of our beautiful friendship.

“Finally, Yul. I wish you to have strength to get past all the difficult moment that will come to you. And Sica,”

She looked at Sica and Sica smiled at her.

“You know even Yul looks so tough from outside, she is actually so fragile, right?  ” I saw Sica nodded her head from corner of my eyes. I am still looking at Sooyoung.

“From now on she is all yours. Take care of her and don’t make her sad. I hope no matter what happens you two will always figure out together to stay happy” She smiled at her and I saw Sica nodded at her while smiling.

Then Hyoyeon and Taeyeon talked about Sica and showed her embarrassing photos and revealed incidents as well. Then we went to dance floor and we had to dance first as first couple. I didn’t know what song they prepared for us since my members took care of that. But just like I predicted they played one of my favorite songs “All I need”

A/N : Here’s the link of that song :P It’s one of my favorites. Imagine them dance to that song.

We held our gazes while dance along to the music and we didn’t talk at all. We let out eyes express what we feel right now. When the song was about to end I leaned forward and slowly touched her lips with mine. It was not a deep kiss. It was a kiss to show how much I love her and how happy I am in this moment.

Then we went back to our parent’s table and sat there giving others to dance and enjoy. They changed the playlist to fast beat songs and I saw my members dancing like crazy.

They never change

“So Yuri-ah, When are you two leaving for honeymoon?” My dad asked gaining my attention.

“Tomorrow, dad. We have to take care of few things in the morning and we are leaving at night”

“Did you packed your stuff, then?” This time my mom asked. She knows I hate packing.

“Not yet mom”

I was talking with my parents for few minutes when Sica leaned to me.

“Yul, I have to go to wash room. I’ll be back” She whispered.

“Should I come with you?”

“No need. I can manage” She quickly stood up and went away before I ask her again. Though it felt weird I didn’t complain. So I continued my chat with my mom about packing. Since I was talking with my parents and my friends I forgot Sica didn’t come back yet.

“Seo, I can’t say that…” I stopped in the middle of sentence when suddenly loud music stopped and light dimmed.

Is it a power cut?

Oh god what’s happening?

I was going to check what’s happening when the middle of stage light up with a spot light and I froze on my spot. I think my mouth jaw dropped because of what I saw. Sica was sitting on a stool in the middle of stage with a mic in her hand.

A/N: Here is what she's looks like..

She was staring at me and smiled. I still couldn’t do anything but stare at her. Suddenly my mind is blank and I couldn’t take my eyes off my wife too. She cleared .

“Hello guys. Before we end this party I wanted to talk to you guys and do something. You must be surprised because usually Yul do this kind of things not me. I am not the talkative and romantic one right?” I heard low murmur sounds but I was too engrossed in her to notice what they are saying.

“First, I want to thank you all for coming here today. Seeing you all here to witness most important day of my life is the best gift you could give me. I am glad to share this happy moment with you guys. Also I want to say something else. Everyone here knows both me and Yul for a long time now. Some knows either me or Yul since we were babies, or when we went to school or at work. So you guys should know our love story. I am not going to say about that. But I never said this out aloud. Yuri. Kwon Yuri is the girl who brought me back from ice princess to the person who I am today. If it’s not for her, I won’t have courage to make some decisions or pursue my dreams. She was patient, caring, forgiving and most importantly loved me unconditionally. Even when I act like a jerk” I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“So, It was always her, who showed me how much she loved me. I want to take this chance to say how much I love her. Because she loved me I gain the courage to fight for my love, follow my dream and changed to a better person. So I would like to dedicate this song to my seobang kwon yuri” She said looking at me straightly and smiled. Then she closed her eyes when music plays. I watched as my wife, Kwon Jung Sooyeon sing, a song that expressed how she felt.

 "Because You Loved Me"

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

end of flashback

A/N: This is the present with Taeyeon and Yul at the park

I was lost in my own world when I snapped back to reality by the sound of a girl.

“Fany, why I feel jealous seeing them together? They are acting like a couple” I sit up and looked and saw Sica walking toward us.

“I wonder if Tae dumped me for her, Sica. What if they are cheating?” I saw Taeyeon quickly stood up to Fany’s voice.

“We what? Ew!!!” Taeyeon shouted and waved her hand. But before I reply I heard a loud voice.

“Kyaaaaaa!!! We are here” Hyo and other girls came behind Fany and sat around as a circle. Hyo, Soo, Sunny, Seo, Yoong were there. I am so glad to see them so I hugged everyone and talked. We laid out the table clothes and food we packed. All the silent I felt we minutes ago vanished the moment all my memebers gathered here. But surprisingly I didn’t mind. I was glad to hear different conversations and laugh of my members. I felt someone sat beside me and leaned to me. Sica placed her head one my shoulder and I kissed her forehead before leaned my head on hers.

“I miss this, you know” She said as a small smile gracing her face.

“Yeah. This is home”



Hey guys,

yes. This is the end of my story "Because you loved me" ... Honestly I don't know what to say right now. I should be relieved that I finally completed a story right? But actually I am sad. Maybe because this is not just a story for me. This is my first ever story of soshi.. and my favourit pairing YULSIC. I feel sad because I actually began to write to relax my mind. So, whenever I need to lost in a fantasy world where nothing can hurt me or if I want to forget something.. basically when I want to "escape from reality" ( you see what I did there? :P WHADDUP T-SHIRT REFERENCE :P ) I would play songs and write a chapter. So this became my companion through out all these years... so in a way it's like parting away from a best friend. I am sooooo going to miss writing this one. *cry*

And I want to thank you all .. yes every one who read (silent readers, even a reader who only read one chapter), comment, subscribe and upvote... I can't say how much it means to me. Whenever I see  your comments, upvotes and subscribes I feel like I am actually doing something worth. So I won't say few names because it's not fair for others. but I am always greateful to every one of you for staying with me until the end even sometimes it's boring or . I TRUELY MADLY DEEPLY LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3

Finally, I am not sure if I'll write new stories again. Actually I am not planing to. So feel free to read my other on-going stories and leave a comment on what do you think. and before I go let me tell you the thing I always say. If you like the story please leave a comment and subsribe and if you LOVE it upvote it.. I really hope you'll say what you think of this story too...  

This is NZONE89 Signing out from because you loved me

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Thank you!
I can't believe I stayed in aff for almost 2 years and just knew what's story feed is *facepalm* x


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Chapter 43: It is 2021, I read and left comment in this story again..
This story one from so many story that i really love, you said it fluffy but I see it angst..
I hope the new one will be good ending too, despite the angst..
Chapter 43: Ur yulsic ff its good, ur little taengsic moment was good too,sad but its okey☺️
im sorry coz i only write a comment at the last chap...its 2020 and i just found ur ff and read it..kinna a late right..:(...but its okey..ill read ur another ff stories...
So,thanks for ur story...see u in ur next stories..☺️
Muse_Lover #3
Chapter 43: Such an amazing story~
Such a roller coaster!
Thank you for this yulsic~
Chapter 43: Wow.. and now 2020 i come back to read your story..
This story is one of so many stories of Yulsic that I always remember, why? Because seohyun and taeyeon were villain in this story..
I simply forgot about the title and start to searching this story but until last week I found you deactivate your account..

But this week I'm so surprised because I can read this story again.. Thank you author and I left my comment again in the last chapter.. ???
Dandot #5
Chapter 43: OMG...beautiful story
Chapter 43: Beautiful and great ending author..
You are jjang!!
Eventhough I really want to kill you, when you make taeyeon and seohyun as antagonists..
But, every word that ever appear in snsd interview, variety, etc you slip into this story, and make reminisce when they still complete..
Aah I miss yulsic very much and I like riding ghost ship now hahahaaaa
Thank you for this story author, please make other story about yulsic again.. eventhough it's so hard now, because it will be in our imagination forever (i hope not kekeke)
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 43: What a beautiful ending. Finally a happy ending for all of them. Yulsic passed so many obstacles, upside and down. Glad they could make it tho
It helps me mend my broken heart over Yulsic, hope Sica will end with the right Kwon, not the "other" Kwon..
mascott #8
Chapter 43: awww~ thank you author for writing this amazing fanfic. i'm happy for yulsic. this made me cry oh my gee. it's really the end~
Chapter 43: Author-nim thanks that u already entertain us.
Thankyou so much
Hope u can write another great story ;)
Chapter 43: Damn huhuhuhuhu beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful really. Its the end already. Im speechless.