Chapter 16: Love or dreams?

Because you loved me

Hyo-yeon POV

“What is it, Unni?”

I took her to our room and locked the door. I turned to her and looked in the eyes. She is the same innocent girl that met few years ago and became my sister.

“Please tell me you have nothing to do with that problem?”

“What are you talking about Unni?”

Why do you even doubt her? She is our maknea for god sake!

But she has changed a lot. Maybe she did this?

I took a deep breath.

“Tell me you didn’t do that to Yuri and Jess”

She looked down for a second.

That’s it. She won’t even blink if she didn’t do it. Seohyun is a straight forward character.

“You did not…, right?” I whispered.

“Is this because I told you that I like Yuri? Now you are using my words against me?”

“That’s not I meant. It is a simple question Seo”

“That’s exactly what you do, Unni. I told you my secret and you are using that against me”

“Seo. Just answer my question and I have my reasons for that, ok?”

“Really what is your reason. It’s about Jessica Unni, Yuri and Min ho Oppa. Why do you drag me there?”

“I saw you and Minho at the Gym” Her expression changed. It’s not anger or determination anymore. She looked scared?

You are proving my point Seo.

“w..what? I thought you were meeting Eunhyuk Oppa that day. Then why didn’t you come to talk?”

“I was going to meet him. I just saw you and Minho hugged. I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to talk”

“OK so you are telling me I did this because you saw me talking with Minho Oppa few days ago. Seriously Unni?”

“I don’t know Seo. I saw how hurt you were because of them and it fit perfectly with the time. I just want to know if you did something stupid because of your feelings for Yuri”

She walked to me.  Her eyes were filled with tears.

“Unni, you know I love you the most out of SNSD members. And I told you everything about me. Now do think I will hurt Yuri like that?  ” she looked so sad and she was crying.

I couldn’t look her in the eye. I feel like an idiot for doubting her.  I hugged her tightly.

“I am so sorry Seo baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am just confuse and I don’t know how to help them”

But she was still crying so hard.

That is not normal?

Why she cry so hard if it’s not her fault?

Ya! Fe seconds ago you said you don’t doubt her

I don’t.. ah she must be sad because of Yuri.

“Don’t cry Seo. We will do something. Ok. She will be fine” I pattered her back and wait till she finishes crying.

So the culprit is Min ho. Wait till I find you, Oppa


Yuri POV

It has been 3 days since that incident. Sica doesn’t talk to me and I heard she went home yesterday.

I don’t know what do to or how to solve this problem without telling Minho Oppa that we are dating. Sigh! Speaking of Minho oppa. He called me nonstop for past 3 days. I didn’t answer the phone because either I’ll shout at him or end up confessing about Sica and me.

“Yuri, that’s enough. Today you have to come to practices whether you like it or not” I felt someone sit beside me.

“I don’t know Tae. I don’t feel like doing anything”

“I don’t care. You act like someone is dead. Nothing will change if you stayed in your room. Now get ready in 10 minutes or I’ll drag you in your pajama, don’t think I won’t do it” She got up and walked out of the room.

I guess I don’t have a choice. Besides I can’t let other members down. I got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready.

When I walked in to SM, manager Oppa was waiting for us in lobby.

“Yuri, Can I talk to you for a second? Others can go to practices and where is Jessica?”

He looked angry and I can tell that something happened. When I heard Sica’s name I looked down.

“She is not well Oppa. She will come tomorrow” Sooyoung said.

“No Oppa. We want to hear it too” Taeyeon said in a firm voice. I think she sense that something is wrong.

“OK. Not here. Come to conference room” he didn’t wait for my reply and walked away.

“Something happened. He looked upset and angry” I heard Yoona mumbled behind me. I sighed.

This means either he knows about me or Sica or it’s about my practices. When we sat in the conference room manager Oppa turned to me.

“Yuri, what the hell you think you are doing?” He looked so angry and sad same time. I tried to act like I don’t know anything.

Wait for him to tell Yuri. Maybe it’s just about practices.

“I don’t know what you are talking about”

“Seriously Yuri? This is about your relationship with Jessica. You want more explaination? Like photos of you two maybe?”

“how did?”

“How did I know? That’s the funny thing. Today Mr. Sooman called me and asked me to come directly to his office as soon as possible and when I get there he showed me you and Sica’ photos. And is’ not even hugging photos. What am I supposed to do? You could have told me Yuri?”

“Oppa. She is..”

“It’s our”

“Oppa don’t blame.”

Everyone stood up and talked at the same time. I know they are trying to help me. But this is my personal problem so I turned to them and signaled them to stop.

“But…. you”

“No Hyo. I am fine. Let me deal with this” I smiled slowly to show her that I am fine.

“Oppa. I am sorry for not telling you. But how exactly should I tell you? Hey Oppa I just want to tell you that I love Sica and we are together? Do you think you’ll accept us right away? It took me more than a year to accept it myself.  We didn’t even tell our parents about it. You don’t know how hard it is for us to hide our relationship and pretend happy when others flirting with my girlfriend. All I wanted it so tell everyone about us. But you know our relationship can’t go public too. No one will accept us and it will be the end of our career. It doesn’t matter anyway. She never going to forgive me and it’s already over”

 I sat on my chair and put my head on the table. I told everything I thought in past few days. It’s true that I am happy to be with Sica. But it’s not easy too. I had to pretend nothing is wrong when someone flirts with Sica. We can’t go on dates or talk about my relationship with her to anyone else. I can’t kiss or hold her hand whenever I want to. But we were happy and content because we have each other. We had small dates in our dorm or we went out at night. We watch movies together and talked till morning. We sleep hugging each other. Now everything is over. Because I can’t tell Minho that I am dating and convince Sica that he is just a friend.

“Yuri. I am sorry. I know you have reasons for not telling me. I won’t accept in right away too. But I could have stopped this from happening. What do you tell Sooman now?”

He sat beside me and put his hand around my shoulder.

I know he is trying to help me. He really is like a brother for us.

Come on Yuri. Enough with weeping. You have to do something now if you want to keep your relationship. Then I remembered something.

“But Oppa who gave him that photos? I mean if it’s a reporter he would post it in the internet or in newspapers by now”

“Huh I never thought about it. Maybe someone outside of group knew about you two?”

 “But no one knew about us”

“uh maybe it’s Minho Oppa, Unni?” Seohyun suddenly said. She didn’t talk through all this time and we everyone looked at her.

“How do you know Seo?” Hyo asked sharply. But the way she said that looked like she knows something.

“I… I mean he asked once and got rejected then after 3 years he suddenly wanted to become friends again. I mean it look suspicious, right?”

Suddenly everything clicked. So he tried to break us and sent those pictures to Sooman. I am so going to kill him.

I stood up quickly and walked to the door. But I felt someone grab my wrist.

“Where are you going,Yuri?” Taeyeon said calmly. Before I respond she drag me back to the seat.

“No. you can’t go to Minho and shout or hit him. No…listen to me” When I try to interrupt she stopped me.

“We don’t know it’s him. We don’t have proof. Also we have a bigger problem. We have to deal with Sooman first”

Then it hit me.

Oh god! What I am going to say to him.

I slumped back in my chair.

There is no way he is going to accept it. He will ask me to leave the group. I think I have no choice.

Then I felt someone caress my head and I saw Sunny smiling at me.  Most of the time Taeyeon and Sunny stay calm in serious situations.

“Yuri-ah. I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll go with you and talk to him ok?”

I am lucky to have these people in my life. They are not just members, they are family. I felt my eyes filled with tears and my vision blurred. I couldn’t talk, so I nodded my head and hugged her tightly and cried.

“Shhh! Don’t worry. We are here, ok?” She waited till I stop crying.

“Let’s go. 1st wash your face” Sunny took my hand and walked me to the bathroom.

 After few minutes:

Sunny knocked the door. I don’t want to face him right now. My palms are sweaty and hands trembling.

“Come in” I heard the voice of Mr Sooman.

“You stay here and let me talk to him first ok?”

“But it’s my problem Sunny. I should talk to him”

“Just let me talk to him 1st. Maybe I can convince him. Now stay” she said firmly and walked inside.

After few minutes I heard the door opened and Sunny came out.

“Let’s go Yuri. Just tell him truth ok? Don’t worry”

I nodded my head and walked inside. First thing I noticed is his look. He looks serious and glared at me.

Then without saying anything he gestured me to sit. Even after we sat down he didn’t talk for a full minute. It was the most uncomfortable moment in my life. I looked down and waited him to talk. Then I heard him sigh.

“Yuri. I got an envelope this morning. It contained some pictures. You want to see?” Without waiting for my reply he threw the envelop across the table. I took it and it was pictures of me and Sica, kissing, hugging and Sica sitting on my lap. Most of them were taken from practice room, vocal practice room and some of them are from our dates.

So it’s someone we know. No one else can know about our dates and practice sessions.

I was thinking about people know about our schedule when I heard Mr. Sooman’s voice.

“So is it true? They are not photoshopped, right? ”

What can I say? Truth?

“I want the truth, Yuri”

Can he read mind now too?

Yuri-ah not now. Answer the question.

Then I felt Sunny squeezes my hand. When I looked at her she smiled. I nodded and took a deep breath.

Here we go

“Yes sir. We love each other and we are dating” I said looking at him directly for the 1st time.

If there is one thing I am not afraid or ashamed to admit is my love for Sica.

“Thank you for honesty. But did you ever think what would happen if this goes public? I mean you know how fans react to dating, right? This is 100 times worse. Also it affects your other members too”

“Uncle we knew about it and we don’t mind. Don’t drag us in to this.”

“But I care. You can’t recover from that kind of bad reputation. Also you are one of the most popular groups.  Do you think fans will cheer when they know?”

"they already ship them uncle"

"Sunkyu, let me talk with Yuri. This is not your business"


“Yuri, this time you have to decide. It’s either your job or Jessica”

I can’t believe he asked me to choose between most important things in my life.

“Uncle, it’s not fair. You are asking to choose between her love and dream”

“She should have think before then Sunkyu”

“What if we promise if we keep this a secret? If no one knows about it there is no problem, right?” Sunny said.

I don’t want her to argue with her uncle because of me. But at that moment I can’t think of anything.

Then I realized it doesn’t matter. I can find a job or another way, but I can’t lose her. Not even for my dream.

But she left you already.

I still have a chance. If I leave SNSD, I can convince her.

I was lost in my thoughts that I forgot about Sunny and Sooman’s argument. Then I heard my name.

“Yuri, then I’ll give you a deal. You can continue your relationship and work as SNSD”

Wait? He accepts our relationship? When did that happened? I seriously need to thank Sunny for whatever she said.

You idiot. You didn’t focus on the conversation.

“But” I groaned.

Here it comes. This can’t be good.

“1st you have to sign a written agreement stating that if your relationship become public and problems occur you have to resign from SNSD on your own and take all the blame yourself. Also after you leave SNSD you can’t work under another entertainment company or I can sue you”

I knew he was a businessman and doesn’t care about us, but this is hitting below the belt.

I saw Sunny going to argue, but I took her hand and signaled her not to do it.

“2nd thing is you have to find who sent these photos and make sure he won’t do anything like this in future”

“you going to agree? I can’t believe he said that” Sunny whispered to me.

“Sunny I have no choice”

I nodded my head agreeing to deal.

“I agree Mr. Sooman”

“Ok then I’ll give you a week to clear that photo problem meanwhile I’ll make that agreement”

Then I realized he planned all this all along. Because he can’t come up with this kind of agreement so suddenly. I got up.

“Ok Sir. Also I’ll make sure that my members won’t get in to this kind of trap”

“Yuri-ah, don’t take it personal. You know I care about you all. I help you to become an idol”

“For that I am grateful sir. But you don’t care about us. For you we are just employees. Today you proved that. And it’s Yuri or Ms. Kwon for you. If you don’t have anything else to say, I am leaving first” I didn’t wait for a reply and walked out of the room. 



Hey guys!,

I am back.. sorry I took so long to update. but I was a bit busy with work and with other things...

ah This also not a happy chapter. There isn't any YulSic moments. but hope you like it.

Please give your comments :) 

From now on I'll update soon.... see you later....

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I can't believe I stayed in aff for almost 2 years and just knew what's story feed is *facepalm* x


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Chapter 43: It is 2021, I read and left comment in this story again..
This story one from so many story that i really love, you said it fluffy but I see it angst..
I hope the new one will be good ending too, despite the angst..
Chapter 43: Ur yulsic ff its good, ur little taengsic moment was good too,sad but its okey☺️
im sorry coz i only write a comment at the last chap...its 2020 and i just found ur ff and read it..kinna a late right..:(...but its okey..ill read ur another ff stories...
So,thanks for ur story...see u in ur next stories..☺️
Muse_Lover #3
Chapter 43: Such an amazing story~
Such a roller coaster!
Thank you for this yulsic~
Chapter 43: Wow.. and now 2020 i come back to read your story..
This story is one of so many stories of Yulsic that I always remember, why? Because seohyun and taeyeon were villain in this story..
I simply forgot about the title and start to searching this story but until last week I found you deactivate your account..

But this week I'm so surprised because I can read this story again.. Thank you author and I left my comment again in the last chapter.. ???
Dandot #5
Chapter 43: OMG...beautiful story
Chapter 43: Beautiful and great ending author..
You are jjang!!
Eventhough I really want to kill you, when you make taeyeon and seohyun as antagonists..
But, every word that ever appear in snsd interview, variety, etc you slip into this story, and make reminisce when they still complete..
Aah I miss yulsic very much and I like riding ghost ship now hahahaaaa
Thank you for this story author, please make other story about yulsic again.. eventhough it's so hard now, because it will be in our imagination forever (i hope not kekeke)
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 43: What a beautiful ending. Finally a happy ending for all of them. Yulsic passed so many obstacles, upside and down. Glad they could make it tho
It helps me mend my broken heart over Yulsic, hope Sica will end with the right Kwon, not the "other" Kwon..
mascott #8
Chapter 43: awww~ thank you author for writing this amazing fanfic. i'm happy for yulsic. this made me cry oh my gee. it's really the end~
Chapter 43: Author-nim thanks that u already entertain us.
Thankyou so much
Hope u can write another great story ;)
Chapter 43: Damn huhuhuhuhu beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful really. Its the end already. Im speechless.