Chapter 25: When your past haunts you

Because you loved me

Yuri POV                                                   

“OK guys let’s take 10 minutes break”

I lie down on the floor and closed my eyes. We practiced for 4 hours straight and I can’t even walk right now.

 I am so tired

“Since Taeyeon and Sica cannot get the dance steps right you’ll have to practice extra hours” Instructor said and walked out of the room leaving only members.

 “Ya! What’s wrong with you, Tae? You missed the beat and your moves are wrong” I heard Hyo-yeon shout across the room. She is really sensitive when it comes to choreography. That’s one of the reasons why our dances are in perfectly synced. We all check the way everyone dance and tell if someone makes a mistake.

“I am sorry, Hyo. I’m not in the mood”

“Says the person who scolds us saying not to bring personal issues to practice room” I muttered.             

“Ya, don’t start another argument, Yul. We already had enough for past few days” Sooyoung smacked my arm. She was lying down next to me and her head is on my lap.

“I am not. She is the one ruined everything. You know what is happening to me and Sica now” I said looking at the couch in a corner of practice room. Sica is sitting there thinking.  She was avoiding me since that day and she never talked more than few words to me. She doesn’t even hug me while sleeping now.

“Why don’t you just ask her then?”

“You think I didn’t try to? I can’t really understand that this is all about, Soo. Taeyeon start complaining about our date then they were shouting about friendship? Did they date before or something?” I sighed.

“Aish! Those idiots. I thought they got over it” I heard she mutters.

“.. ah .. I.. don’t know”  Then she said the loud for me to hear.  

Wait. Why Sooyoung stutter? She never does that unless. I quickly sit up and looked at Sooyoung.

“You know something, don’t you?”

“I… it’s not my place to tell Yul. I am sorry”

“Then from who should I ask about it? Sica told not to ask her and Taeyeon doesn’t even look at me let alone talk” I can feel my voice getting louder and louder but I can’t help. I am going crazy with what’s happening since we came back from that date.


“Sicaaa, At least carry your own handbag. I feel like I am your servant not girlfriend” I said while opening the hotel room and trying to carry all bags.

She really knows to live up to her name, Ice princess.

“Well it’s not my fault that I am tired to even carry my own bag. You keep me up until 2 or 3 am”

“Oh I didn’t hear any complaints last night. In fact you were oooh…..”

She covered my mouth with her left hand and smacked the back of my head lightly with other.

“Ya! Do you want to announce it to everyone? Others must be in living room”

Even though her voice sounds angry, she is blushing furiously.

She is cute when blushing

I dropped the bags to the ground pushed her to the wall slowly and leaned over her. Her eyes widen with surprise because she didn’t expect that. But she smiled as she flung her left around her neck and caressed my hair while her other arm placed flat on my chest.

Since yesterday I couldn’t keep my hands off her somehow

“aww! Our ice princess is blushing? How about we show them huh?” I whispered in her ear and kissed her neck gently. Sica gasped loudly and her grip on my shirt tightens.  Nibbling the skin I trailed kisses down her neck. I can’t help but smile when I heard she moans. She lifts her head more to give access to her neck. I squeezed her waist and was going to place my left hand under her shirt when she stopped me. I looked at her face and she shook her head.

“Not here, Yul. Anyone can walk in”  

Oh god! We were going to do it here. What’s wrong with me? I stepped back to make space between us.

“I am sorry, Sica. I just got carried away” I said looking down. I felt embarrassed because I lose control when I am with her.

“Hey, It’s not a bad thing. You don’t have to apologize” She lifts my chin and gave a kiss on my lips. I stepped back and took our bags. When we came to the living room I heard footsteps of someone coming toward us. I saw Taeyeon and I was going to talk to her when she walked past me toward the Sica and grabbed her shoulders.

"Jung Jessica! Where have you been?  Do you know how worried I was?" She was talking fast and I heard her voice trembled in the end.

huh? Since when she worried about Sica like that?

They are not even close.

 “You want to know what we did on yesterday.” She paused for a moment and leaned forward. Her face was getting closer to Taeyeon until their faces were few inches away from each other.

 What the hell is going on? Why Sica is leaning toward her? I gritted my teeth, looking at them.

“That’s none of your damn business, Kim Taeyeon. Now leave us alone” She said in a cold tone and pushed Taeyeon away.

What the…. One moment she is sweet and then become ice princess.

You know Yul. Your girlfriend is a crazy.

 If I wasn’t behind her to catch she would have fell. Taeyoen’s expression was so funny I almost burst out laughing if it’s not a serious situation. She was frozen on the spot and her jaw dropped open to Sica’s sudden outburst.

Taeyeon straighten up and crossed her arms around her chest.

“Oh yeah? It is my businesses because you are my group member. What if something happened?”

“She was with me, Tae. You don’t have to worry” I said trying to calm them.  She quickly turned to me and glared.

“That supposed to make me feel better? You don’t know roads in NY and you decided to spend the night with her god knows where. You turned off your phone too, you idiot. Is that how you take responsibility?”

“Don’t tell me about responsibilities, Taeyeon. I know very well to take care of people and treat them as they deserve.  We switched off the phone because we don’t want you all to nag every five minutes asking where we are. We want our privacy too, Taeyeon”

“So Am I the one don’t know to take care of others? I took care of you all since we debut and never complained when you acted like kids, you ungrateful brat ”

“Ya! Don’t talk to Yul like that and don’t you dare acts like you care. Leadership was given to you. So you had to take care of us, Taeyeon. It’s not like you really wanted to”

Taeyeon opened to reply then closed it few time. She looked down and covered her face with her hands. I know she is crying because her shoulders are shaking.

Even I think it was too much. No matter how angry we don’t say things like that to our members.

“What’s going on here?” I heard a loud voice and looked up to see Fany standing near her door with arms across her chest. She raised an eyebrow.

“It…It’s nnn..nothing, Fany. we just..” I tried to explain but again Sica cut me off in the middle.

“Tell your girlfriend to mind her own business and leave us alone”

“Sica, Jessica” I and Fany shout at the same time for her rude comment. I wanted to end this quickly so I went to Taeyeon and pat her back.

“Taeyeon. We are always grateful for what you did for us. Sica is just angry and didn’t mean it. And we came back safely too right? So let’s forget it”

“Is she crying? Oh god! What did you do to her” Fany ran to Taeyeon and hugged her tightly. She was whispering things to Taeyeon, but she only shook her head, still looking down. When Fany looked up she was glaring at Sica.

“You know damn well why she worries about you, Sica. Don’t you think you are taking this too far?”

“It’s not me who start all these, Fany”

“I…. still I care about you, Sooyeon. You are the one who ruined it, Jessica. I never stopped being your friend. I still care you know” Taeyeon finally muttered wiping her away her tears.

“Don’t ing call me that name. I HATE IT and for the last time Taeyeon I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND”

She is glaring at Taeyeon. Like I said before they were scary when they fighting. But I saw something else too. Her eyes shining with tears.

Sooyeon? I am sure there is something I don’t know. I got the feeling this is not just about our date. It’s more than that. It’s deeper than that.

“But I don’t know what I did wrong. It’s not like I cheated on you” Taeyeon sounds desperate.

“You are a coward, Kim Taeyeon. You think I didn’t know you were there? I saw Soo looked behind me and mouthed something. I knew it’s you because if not then she’ll tell me right away. I know you heard me too. But like a coward you avoid me and went out with that man right after. Are you seriously expected me to forget all that and acts like best friend now?”

 My doubts were confirmed with that. It is about something else. She is talking about something happened in the past. The way Taeyoen’s eyes widen and her lips trembled meant she didn’t expect for her to know whatever she did.

“That’s what I thought. You don’t have a right to ask such questions. Don’t try to interfere with my life. Finally, I am happy with Yul. You just take care of your girlfriend and leave me alone” Sica said looking straight at Taeyeon. Tears flowing down her face. I took her hand and drag her to our room.  She didn’t complain. When we are in the room she walked to the bed and lie down.

“Sica” I walked to her and sat beside her. I am dying to know why they act like that. I am 100% sure they had a past. But I looking at Sica’s face I couldn’t bring myself to ask. 

“Please Yul. I…I can’t…” She murmured and hugged me and burry her face in my chest. She is clenching my shirt with both of her hands.

“Shhh.. It’s ok Sica. I’m here” I caressed her hair and kissed the top of her head until she falls asleep in my arms.

Is this related to the way Taeyeon acts these days?

They date before? Or something happened between them?

Aish! This is making me crazy

Kim Taeyeon, you have quite a lot of explaining to do and I am so going to hit you for hurting my Sica     

End of Flashback


Hey guys!

It's me again... wow.. This story have 199 subscribers....  I never expect it to be like this. but I am so happy that people enjoying my story :) Also I want to thank you for reading it even when I don't update regularly... 

Soooo?? drama gain? :(  Hmmmm why Tae acts like that? o.O maybe she still care? and what about Sica..... Let's see what'll happen next ... 

So... please leave a comment of what you think and subscribe if you like this storyy... and upvote if you LOVE it!!!!!!!!!! I want to give special thanks to my friends that stayed with me since the begining... LOVE YOU GUYS!!! *hug* 

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I can't believe I stayed in aff for almost 2 years and just knew what's story feed is *facepalm* x


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Chapter 43: It is 2021, I read and left comment in this story again..
This story one from so many story that i really love, you said it fluffy but I see it angst..
I hope the new one will be good ending too, despite the angst..
Chapter 43: Ur yulsic ff its good, ur little taengsic moment was good too,sad but its okey☺️
im sorry coz i only write a comment at the last chap...its 2020 and i just found ur ff and read it..kinna a late right..:(...but its okey..ill read ur another ff stories...
So,thanks for ur story...see u in ur next stories..☺️
Muse_Lover #3
Chapter 43: Such an amazing story~
Such a roller coaster!
Thank you for this yulsic~
Chapter 43: Wow.. and now 2020 i come back to read your story..
This story is one of so many stories of Yulsic that I always remember, why? Because seohyun and taeyeon were villain in this story..
I simply forgot about the title and start to searching this story but until last week I found you deactivate your account..

But this week I'm so surprised because I can read this story again.. Thank you author and I left my comment again in the last chapter.. ???
Dandot #5
Chapter 43: OMG...beautiful story
Chapter 43: Beautiful and great ending author..
You are jjang!!
Eventhough I really want to kill you, when you make taeyeon and seohyun as antagonists..
But, every word that ever appear in snsd interview, variety, etc you slip into this story, and make reminisce when they still complete..
Aah I miss yulsic very much and I like riding ghost ship now hahahaaaa
Thank you for this story author, please make other story about yulsic again.. eventhough it's so hard now, because it will be in our imagination forever (i hope not kekeke)
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 43: What a beautiful ending. Finally a happy ending for all of them. Yulsic passed so many obstacles, upside and down. Glad they could make it tho
It helps me mend my broken heart over Yulsic, hope Sica will end with the right Kwon, not the "other" Kwon..
mascott #8
Chapter 43: awww~ thank you author for writing this amazing fanfic. i'm happy for yulsic. this made me cry oh my gee. it's really the end~
Chapter 43: Author-nim thanks that u already entertain us.
Thankyou so much
Hope u can write another great story ;)
Chapter 43: Damn huhuhuhuhu beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful really. Its the end already. Im speechless.