Chapter 36: My answer is you...

Because you loved me

Sica POV

I stared at her without saying anything. I don’t know what to say and tears kept falling down. After few minutes she smiled at me and pulled me in to her arms.

“It’s really you” I muttered when I realized it’s not an illusion. She is really here.

“Yes I am, Sica”

I felt like my knees go weak when I finally hear her voice after a week. You may think it’s not that long, but for me it felt like forever. After few minutes she stepped back and caressed my cheek.

“I love you so much, Sica” She whispered. Then she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine slowly. It wasn’t a passionate kiss like we used to kiss all the time. We were just savoring the moment because we missed each other a lot. But soon, I felt her hand placed on my waist slowly pulled me up to her and she titled her head a bit to deepen the kiss. I felt warmth spread through my body and my heartbeat quicken.

How much I missed this….

I placed my arms around her shoulder while she slowly ran her fingers against my waist to my thigh and was about to sneak her hand under my dress when….

“YA! What kind of ert dreams are you having” I heard a voice followed by an ice cold water splash on my face.

Ok whoever standing next to my bed is going to get killed. NOW

I slowly opened my eyes while wiping water from my face when I saw my sister standing with an empty glass. She is grinning and winked when I glared at her.

“Seriously what’s with all and doing this?” She puckered her lips imitating like she is kissing someone while loudly.

“Jung Soojung. You better run before I get out of this bed or I swear to god I’ll kill you” I shouted while I grabbed the pillow and threw it at her direction. Her eyes widen for a moment not expecting this much threat. She quickly placed the glass on the nightstand table and ran out of the room.

She really know to ruin the moment


“Ya! I was trying to wake you up for hours. You missed the movie and dinner” Soojung grumbled beside me when we were having breakfast. I finally decided to leave the room after taking a cold shower in next morning.

“What were you doing, Sooyeon? Don’t tell me you slept for more than 12 hours” dad asked me while munching the French toast.

“Appa, she was dreaming about…” I quickly closed and threw her a quick glare before I turned to my dad.

“Nothing appa. Yes. I was just sleeping” I smiled and gave him an innocent look.

“You are the definition of sleepy head you know. I can’t believe you never get rid of that habit when you lived with that girls. Specially sleeping with Yul should probably help” Mom said without looking at me. I guess I have the worst luck because that was when I was drinking water. I choke on water and began to cough. Soojung too this opportunity to take the revenge of pillow attack and hit my back with all her strength while smirking.

“That’s what I tell her, mom. We all know how loud they can be. Specially Yul. Right unni?”

That sentence reminded me of my last dream and I can feel blushing myself.

I was still coughing so I just nodded my head and quickly changed the subject quickly.

After breakfast we left the hotel and went to Notre Dame. It was beautiful and I enjoyed walking around with my family like this. It was a long time since all family went out. I missed chatting and laughing with them. After a while my dad and I stayed behind mom and Soojung who were chatting about Soojung’s upcoming events.

“So, how are you girls doing?” My dad asked while sipping hot coffee.

“We are good, dad. After world wide release of the boys we go many CFs and that reality show”

“Oh yeah. That thing with dangerous boys huh?” He lift his eyebrows and air quote the word boys.

Here we go. I was actually waiting for the talk

“They are not dangerous that. They are just bunch of kids who are lost. It’s not like they are criminals or psychos”

“Like you would know” he muttered under his breath

“Dad, they wouldn’t put us in danger for the sake of reality show. They do lot of background checks before they even recruit them”

“I am just worried, Sooyeon” He looked really worried when he said that. He isn’t a man that express his emotions a lot. But just a look in his worried face told me how much he care for me.

“I know, dad. I’ll be careful. Besides girls will be with me all the time”  I smiled.

“So, I was watching mmmm.. what do you call it.. SM TOWN concert last week”

He watched SMTOWN?

“You watch SM TOWN?” I was surprised because I know he doesn’t like to watch those Korean concerts.

“Well, your mom and Soojung made me sat and watch saying I need to support our daughters’ career” He said sheepishly.

“ah” I nodded my head and took a sip from my coffee.

“I actually don’t like to see you girls with those guys, hugging and holding hands”

He still think of us as babies. Not only me and Soojung, he acts like that with all our members.

“But we are not kids anymore dad. Even some of them are dating”

“Who are they?”

“Who’s dating who Unni?” Suddenly I Soojung stopped and turned to us. She and mom were walking in front of us. But now I realized they were actually eavesdropping on our conversation.

“I meant other guys in SM. Why do you have a good news, Soojung-ah?” I smirked.

I never pass a chance to tease my sister

She blushed but quickly changed her expression.

“mm.. me? I don’t have anything to say. Maybe you have something to say about your group members, unni”

She did not just tell that….

I glared at her but quickly looked at my dad for a reaction. Thankfully he looked calm.

“She is just playing, Appa. I think she is saying about Yoona. She is mmm… ah yeah she is going to act on another drama as lead actress. That’s the good news” I was stuttering like a nervous kid and I can see Soojung is enjoying it too much because she is smirking at me.

“Oh that’s really good news. I am glad that kid get more invitations. Tell her I said hi ok?”

“sure dad”  I smiled at him and put my arm around his waist hugging him sideways.

I seriously miss spending time with my dad

We walked like that for hours until we grew tired and head back to hotel.

Ok I was the one who complained. But can you imagine walk for hours two days straight? ME? They practically dragged me from place to place while I lean against Soojung.

“Ok, since last time you bailed out on me, definitely you have to come with me tonight, unni” She was glaring and looked so serious.

I gulped and nodded my head. I agree because I felt guilty for skipping last time. Within a minute her expression changed and she smiled like a kid.


I heard a knock on my door for the 100th time for past 10 minutes while I was getting ready.

Aish this impatient kid

“Ya! Don’t break the door. I said I am coming” Thankfully knock.. more like banging on the door stopped immediately. I grabbed my purse and walked toward the door to meet my immature sister.

“What was with trying to break the….” I closed the door while shouting at Soojung and turned around to see the person I never expected to meet here.

 The girl was wearing a black long coat and black trouser and white blouse tucked. She was wearing a maroon color shawl around her shoulder. But for Sica that was not what made her stop. She was the girl Sica longed for past few days. She even dreamed about her.

I stared at her for few minutes thinking how she can be here? It’s impossible because she doesn’t even know I am here. It must be …. I sighed and turned round to lock the door.

“Get youself together Sica. You are even hallucinating now” I muttered as I locked the door.

I am now officially crazy because I even hallucinate her

I heard a small chuckle behind me and felt arms wrap around my body and pulled me to her. I could feel her pressed against my back. I felt relax as usual warmth that can only give her engulf me.  

Huh? If this is a hallucination how can I feel her?

I slowly placed my hand above her and felt her. That’s when I realized…

“oh god! Oh my god! Oh god” I quickly turned around and practically threw myself at her, hugging tightly. Again I feel she laugh. But I just wanted to feel her because I miss her so much.

“Yul. You are really here. How ? When did you….” I have lots of things on my mind I couldn’t even form a single sentence. She caressed my head and kissed the side of my head muttering “I am here, baby” until I calm down. It took me few minutes until I was calm enough to let go her. I stepped back and looked at her. She smiled and me and wiped my tears with her thumbs. Then leaned and kissed my forehead.

“Sica. I miss you so much” How many times I dreamt to hear her say that again. I can feel myself smiling while looking at her.

“I miss you too”

She hummed and pulled me in for another hug. I am so happy that she is back but I couldn’t help but think if she came back to me or this is just a goodbye. She said she needed to make a decision when she left me at the dorm. I was scared to ask that.

For now I’ll enjoy the moment

“Now since we settled that I am not a hallucination how about take a walk. Hmm?” She said in my ear. I can feel her teasing tone and I looked up to see she is grinning. I glared and slap her hand.

“ya! It’s your fault. Who would imaging you’ll come here after disappeared like that?”

“aww! That hurt women” She pout and rub her hand.  After I wash my face again (because make up smudged when I cried) and re- applied we went out. Yul hold my hand while we were walking down the street silence, just enjoying each other’s presence. You would think what is so special about walking outside. But for us that was the most exciting things. Because we never get to go out like this in Seoul. I felt the real meaning of freedom when I just could take a walk like this just window shopping and talking with Yuri without worrying about cameras. So if you ask me what kind of dates you like, I would say this is the best.

I glanced at her few times thinking if I should bring up the topic or not. After a while I thought to get over it.

“Yul” I asked leaning away from her so I could look at her face.


“I… You.. said.. you need to think. So what’s your… uh what’s your decision?” I asked straightly because I felt like it save me from more heart break. Though I was happy that she is here with me I need to know where we stand in our relationship. She stopped walking and turned to me.

“Hmm.. I think we are here. How about we talk while sitting?”

I didn’t realized we walked up to the gate of a small garden at the end of street. The garden was lit up with only few street lights. Though I could see shadows of trees and some other things I couldn’t see it well because it’s a bit dark. I couldn’t understand why she wanted to take me to a closed garden but I was more worried about her answer to think about it. I let her walk me inside and once we reach a garden bench she asked me to sit and sat beside me.

“Answer to your question is yes, Sica. I thought a lot about us and even had a chat with Taeyeon”

She did what? Oh no. Did they argue again?

Seeing my expression she smiled and pattered my arm.

“No Sica. We didn’t fight. We had a long and decent discussion. Well, I no matter how angry or jealous I am with her I can’t ignore her forever right? So now we are fine. You don’t have to worry”

I released the breath I was holding and relax finally.

“Hmm I have to say Yul. I.. It’s true I liked Taeyeon when I met her. She was the first friend I had in SM. She and Sooyoung were the first to talk to me. I slowly fall for her when I spent more time with her. Since the day she indirectly reject me I decided to be the “ice princess” as you call it. I avoid getting too attached. But you… you are different. You came to my life when I was so determined not to date or fall in love with anyone. You make me smile and care again. You changed me for better. When I say I loved you in past 3 years I meant it every single time Yuri. I don’t care who I fell in love before or who you loved before, but for me you are the only one I love now and forever” I said all this in one breath before she interrupt me. When I looked up, I saw she staring at me with tear filled eyes. Tears were running down her cheeks but she was smiling.

“Hmm… Let me tell you my answer then. I am sorry for feeling jealous and accusing you for something you didn’t do. I was feeling insecure because you two even had a past that I didn’t know. Kim Taeyeon is a great singer and she is beautiful. I felt like if you like her I couldn’t even compete”

She felt insecure because she thought she will have to compete with Taeyeon? That’s crazy

I tried to interrupt her but she squeezed my hand and shook her head.

“I know I was being stupid now. But at that time I was too blind to realize that. So, when I go back and thought what to do next. What would happen if I leave soshi and you? But my brother made me realized I am just running away from things because of my insecurities. So when I finally let go of all doubts, the answer to my problem was crystal clear”

When she finished her speech she stood up and walked in front of me.

What the hell is going on…

Then I saw she put her hand in her pocket and kneel down.

Is she going to do what I am thinking?

Oh god! She is holding a box

My heart race and I began to sweat when she snapped her fingers. Suddenly lights lighting the whole area. The trees around the bench were decorated with light lines and behind Yul I can see a banner hanging between two trees. It says,

MARRY ME, Jessica Sooyeon Jung.

I was staring at the banner when I felt someone took my hand and squeezed it lightly gaining my attention back to her. She showed me the opened box and there was a beautiful diamond ring in the middle.

“The answer was I cannot live with you, Sica. Even I became the most popular artist or earn lots of money, it doesn’t mean anything unless I have you to share all that happiness. If you are not there when come back home to after the end of the day. You are my happiness and the reason for my living and meaning of my life. So can you accept this jealous, health freak, kkab girl and be my wife. Will you marry me, Jessica Jung Sooyeon?”

I was dreamt of this moment since I was a young girl. How someone will ask to be his/her girlfriend, how he/she will propose. But NEVER, I say NEVER in my life I imagined it to be this beautiful and feel all these emotions. I was literary speechless after hearing Yul.

How can someone so perfect exist?

Since I am unable to say all these in words, I did the best method to answer. I grabbed her face with my hands and kissed her lips. But I may have force myself too hard because she fell back on her and I end up straddling her.

Like I would care

I knew she didn’t too because though she groaned at first she never stopped kissing my lips until we wanted to breath. She leaned her forehead and I can feel her heavy breathing on my lips.

“I love you, Sica” She smiled and put the ring on my finger and kissed it.

“I love you, Yul” I smiled and leaned forward for another kiss.



Hey guys, 

he he FINALLY Sica is Mrs. Kwon now :P Are you guys happy?? Actually this is not how i imagined. The last chapter YulSic moment is suppose to be real one. Then I changed it a bit because I wanted to show (more like tease) a certain reader :P twitlor :D she commented if Yul is going to propose.. and I was actually planing to do it in the begining.. but I changed it a lirrle bit.. :P ha ha.. hope you liked this one? I mention her like this because I want to specially dedicate this chapter for her. because she is the OLDEST reader who comment and share her thoughts. I just want to show that I appriciate that.

It's not like I don't appreciate others comments. I love every single comment, subscribe and upvote. So I want to thank every reader who only read even once chapter, or subcribe and comment and upvote.. you guys are  jjang!!!!! <3 you guys...

Also maybe this story will end with next chapter. I am still planning that. So please leave a comment on what do you think of this chapter.. 

god! I am going to miss saying this :( *tearing up*  subcribe if you like this story and upvote if you LOVE it... see you guys soon :) 

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Thank you!
I can't believe I stayed in aff for almost 2 years and just knew what's story feed is *facepalm* x


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Chapter 43: It is 2021, I read and left comment in this story again..
This story one from so many story that i really love, you said it fluffy but I see it angst..
I hope the new one will be good ending too, despite the angst..
Chapter 43: Ur yulsic ff its good, ur little taengsic moment was good too,sad but its okey☺️
im sorry coz i only write a comment at the last chap...its 2020 and i just found ur ff and read it..kinna a late right..:(...but its okey..ill read ur another ff stories...
So,thanks for ur story...see u in ur next stories..☺️
Muse_Lover #3
Chapter 43: Such an amazing story~
Such a roller coaster!
Thank you for this yulsic~
Chapter 43: Wow.. and now 2020 i come back to read your story..
This story is one of so many stories of Yulsic that I always remember, why? Because seohyun and taeyeon were villain in this story..
I simply forgot about the title and start to searching this story but until last week I found you deactivate your account..

But this week I'm so surprised because I can read this story again.. Thank you author and I left my comment again in the last chapter.. ???
Dandot #5
Chapter 43: OMG...beautiful story
Chapter 43: Beautiful and great ending author..
You are jjang!!
Eventhough I really want to kill you, when you make taeyeon and seohyun as antagonists..
But, every word that ever appear in snsd interview, variety, etc you slip into this story, and make reminisce when they still complete..
Aah I miss yulsic very much and I like riding ghost ship now hahahaaaa
Thank you for this story author, please make other story about yulsic again.. eventhough it's so hard now, because it will be in our imagination forever (i hope not kekeke)
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 43: What a beautiful ending. Finally a happy ending for all of them. Yulsic passed so many obstacles, upside and down. Glad they could make it tho
It helps me mend my broken heart over Yulsic, hope Sica will end with the right Kwon, not the "other" Kwon..
mascott #8
Chapter 43: awww~ thank you author for writing this amazing fanfic. i'm happy for yulsic. this made me cry oh my gee. it's really the end~
Chapter 43: Author-nim thanks that u already entertain us.
Thankyou so much
Hope u can write another great story ;)
Chapter 43: Damn huhuhuhuhu beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful really. Its the end already. Im speechless.