Chapter 32: Brother mine....

Because you loved me

Yuri POV

As soon as I came I went to me room and locked the door. I didn’t want anyone to barge in and stop what I am going to do. I got my bags and start packing my stuff.

Yes. Your guess I correct. I am going to leave dorm. I just needed time away from all this drama and wanted to clear my head. I heard someone tries to open the door and knock when she realized it’s locked. I ignore it for now and keep packing. I saw her shirt hanged in which I used to wear when she couldn’t stay with me. I took it from hanger and brought it to my face and closed my eyes when familiar scent hit my nose. The familiar scent I’ve smelled for last 4 years.

What happened to us Sica?

Why everyone seems to against us?

I forced myself to continue packing and when I finished I sat on my bed.

So this is it. This is the last time I am going to live in this place I called home. This was my home for last 4 years not because I lived here. This is the place I found my members who I consider as my sisters. We joke, laugh and fight but end of the day we sit in the living room together and talk until midnight. Also this place is filled with memories of Sica and me. Talking until the dawn, Sleeps while cuddling, making love.

Since I am done with packing I looked around to see if I missed anything. That’s when I saw the photo of me and Sica on bedside table. It was taken when we were cuddling in living room. We were actually talking and watching a movie when we fall asleep. Sica was sleeping on my lap with her face nestled on my shoulder and I was leaning back on sofa. My wrapped my arms around her, holding her securely in my arms. As I was reminiscing the memories that I didn’t realized I was crying.

Yuri-ah, Crying won’t help. You have to stay strong, remember?                         

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. I took the photo frame and placed it on top of my clothes in the bag.

Ok I am ready

I opened the door and going to walk out when I saw someone sitting on the floor her back against the wall of my room. She was hiding her head between her knees and sobbing. I almost kneeled down and hugged her but I reminded myself not to.

“What are you doing?” I asked in the most cold done I could muster without looking at her. She quickly stood up and turned to me with tears streaming down her face.

“Yuri-ah. Can we talk?” She grabbed my hand and looked at me directly.

How I miss staring at her.

 I wanted believe her so badly. But everything that Taeyeon said and the moments of Sica and Taeyeon together keep me from listening to her. I wanted to listen to her side of story but I remembered she didn’t deny when I asked if she ever loved me she said she didn’t mean to hurt me.

Not yet Yuri-ah. You have to do as you planned.

“I have nothing to say to you”

“Please listen to me first. You don’t even give me a chance to explain”

“What? So you can say another lies and hurt me or do you want to brag you found your first love again?”

“What? What did you say?” 

“It doesn’t matter now, Jessica. I am leaving”

I let go of her hand and stepped away. It felt like I couldn’t breathe the moment I let go of her hand. But I know it doesn’t belong to me anymore.

“What do you mean by leaving?”

That was not Sica’s voice. I turned my heard to the voice and saw Seohyun walking toward us. Her eyebrows were knitted together and she looks really upset to hear that I am leaving.  Maybe she thought I am leaving group. 

“That’s exactly what I meant, Seo. I want to visit my parents and stay at my home for few days”

She exhaled loudly like she was holding her breath for a moment. I smiled at her to show that everything is fine. Seohyun smiled back but her smile dropped when she looked behind me. I raised my eyebrow and turn to look at Sica. Jessica’s fist was clenched and she was giving Seohyun her famous glare. Usually I laugh at her jealous behavior and try to make her smile. But I wanted her to feel what I felt when I saw she and Taeyeon together. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around Seohyun’s shoulder hugging her to me.

“I’ll see you soon. Take care ok?” I said in not so quietly. I felt Seohyun trying to hold back her laughter but her body is shaking. She hugged me back and whispered in my right ear so Sica cannot see her face.

“Trying to make Sica Unni jealous?”

“Nah! Just giving a taste of her own medicine” I whispered back and she chuckled.

“It’s too late Yuri-ah. Can I come with you? Diving alone at night is not good” She asked as she stepped back, playing along to my plan.

“NO” I heard Sica’s voice behind me. Then she cleared like she didn’t just eavesdrop at our conversation. Seohyun grinned at me winked.

“I meant let manager oppa take you home, Yuri-ah. You must be tired from all travelling”

“I am fine. But you have to come back alone, Seo. Take clothes you can stay at my house”

“Sure Yuri-ah. Let me take your other bags”

“You don’t have to. I can manage” I smiled at her, ignoring Sica’s glares. Her face was red with anger and I know any moment she will unleash hellsica mode.

“But I want to. I’ll be right back”

Seohyun walked past me and entered my room.

No shouting or reaction yet

Ok it’s going to happen soon, Yuri-ah


“What the is wrong with you, Kwon Yuri” She hissed at me.

“Me? Why?” I pretended not to care.

“You are openly flirting and going home with the person who tried to break up our relationship?”

“You are the one to talk, Sica. She only tried to but you actually did. Remember? Besides I can talk with whoever I want. Are you jealous or something?” I smirked daring her to deny.

“I am not. I just don’t like when you interact with back stabbing es” I puffed her cheeks and looked at me.

“Don’t call her that, Jessica. She is our maknea. At least she didn’t hide things from me and really care for me unlike someone”

“You think I don’t care? What the hell you think I did all these years then huh? ” She stepped toward me and leaned forward like she is going to hit me. But I didn’t back down.

 “Maybe flirting with your first love?”

“Don’t you dare accuse me of cheating when you were flirting and even going out with Seohyun, Kwon Yuri ” She is shouting so loud I even think neighbors can hear her.

“How many times do I have to tell you it’s not like that? Besides, why you care who I go out with?”

 “I.. I care because I love you, Yuri” She shouted back frustrated. By now other members slowly gathered in to the living room. I saw everyone look surprised to see us shouting.

“Oh now you say you love me? You have a funny way of showing it, Jessica.  First you doubt me and we almost break up. But you hide about you and Taeyeon. When I shout at Taeyeon you defend her. Then when I asked for a reason all you had to say was sorry. Then you were all acting flirty with her in front of me. Is that how you show you love someone?” I was out of breath because I was shouting loudly. At this point I don’t care if others are listening. I just wanted to let it all out. She looked so shocked after my outburst. Her eyes were wide and she opened and closed few times. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

“Sica, I want to believe you still love me. I really do. But after all that happened I want to think before I make my decision”

“Why can’t you believe me? What should I do to make you believe, Yul? Please tell me what to do. I’ll do anything” She is crying holding my hands.

“I just need more time, Jessica. I want to do it right way this time. No hiding or holding back. So if you love me then please wait for me”

Her lips tremble and nodded her heard like she is close to crying. I stepped close to her and kissed her forehead and corner of her lips.

You can’t even imagine how hard it is to walk away from you, Sica

“Take care of yourself ok?” I whispered as I stepped back from her. Sica didn’t say anything and opened her eyes.

 “That’s so sweet. But what’s going on? Are you going somewhere, Yuri?” Sooyoung asked interrupting our moment but then I heard a slapping sound and when I looked at her she was rubbing her head glaring at Sunny.

“I am sorry about this stupid giant. But seriously. Where are you going, Yuri?”

“I.. Since we have a holiday for next few days I am going home, guys” I forced a smile because I don’t want them to worry about me. But who am I kidding. I can tell by their expression they didn’t believe me for a second. But Sunny nodded her head.

“HMm… ok Yuri. Hope you’ll rest well and come back” She smiled and patted my back. Others hug me and told me to take care.

“Hope you know what you are doing, Yuri. Do what you think is best. Girls and I will always help you” Tiffany hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear before going to her room.

Only Taeyeon just looked at me from far and when I looked at her she nodded her head and walked back inside.

“Yuri-ah. Let’s go” Seohyun came out with my bags.                       

“Where are you going?” Hyo-yeon asked raising an eyebrow. She and others knew about me and Seohyun’s new friendship. But didn’t know how or when that happened.

“Well I didn’t want her to go alone at night. So I asked to go with her Unni” Other members looked surprised when they heard Seohyun's answer.

“But how can you come back then?”

“I asked her to stay in my home tonight” I answered for her while glancing at Sica. I saw her glaring at Seohyun.

“oh.. mmmm ok then. Take care” Sunny said and throw me a disapproving look.

I have a feeling that she knows more than she let on.

 I shrugged my shoulders and took Seohyun’s hand before walking to the car. But I wanted to tell Seohyun that I can go alone. It’s true I wanted to make her jealous. But she told me not to go with Seohyun. I don’t like to make her sad.

I put my bags in the trunk and walked to the driver seat.  I waited Seohyun to get in when she came to my side of car and leaned toward me.

“I hope you’ll take a rest and think of everything more rationally before make your decision. I’ll see you soon, Yuri-ah”

Wait. She is not going to come with me?

“But I thought you are going to come with me” I asked while grabbing her hand. I can’t understand why she back out at the last moment.

“I still value my life you know. By the glare of Sica Unni I can tell I am going to get killed soon” She grinned at me.

“She won’t do that to our precious maknea no matter how angry she is” I smiled thinking of Sica’s expression.  

“Well, she has every reason to. Let’s not test her patience tonight, ok?”

I laughed looking at her scared expression. She slapped my hand and laugh with me.

“I saw how you much you wanted to stay with her and I realized how much you love her. I know you’ll only think of me as maknea of our group. Now I know how stupid I was to even think of coming between you two. I am really sorry Yuri Unni”

We stared at each other and I smiled to show I accept her apology.

“I was planning to sleep early, maknea” I quickly looked to my right side when I heard our manager Oppa’s voice. He was standing at the passenger seat side of car, looking sleepy. He even yawned before walked to us. I looked at maknea and raised an eyebrow asking what she did.

“yes. I called manager Oppa when I went to take your bags”

I opened the door and stepped out. But before I get in to passenger seat I hugged Seohyun tightly and kissed her cheek.

“Thank you, Seohyun”

“Thank you for everything, Yuri Unni. Take care”


“Yuri-ah, Take your coffee” My brother shouted across the room while he is already drinking his Coffee. I rolled my eyes.

“And you couldn’t bring mine when you took your cup?”

 “Nah! That’s too much work” He sat behind me and sipped his coffee while watching TV. I slapped his head when I walk to the kitchen and he threatens me to reveal our fans how violence I am.

I stayed at home for past 2 days doing nothing and sleeping a lot. No one asked why I came home suddenly. My parents were so happy to see me, so I spent almost a day telling them what I did in past few months. It was not easy since every time I had to say Sica’s name my mind drift back to that incident. But for the sake of my parents I pretended to be happy, smiled and laughed.

After I took my coffee I went to my favorite place in our home, balcony. There were two chairs and a table. I used to sit there at night and look at the stars when I was a child. But as I grew up it became the only place I can relax and think peacefully. I was sitting in a chair while thinking when I heard light footsteps coming closer. He sat on other chair without saying anything.

“I didn’t know this place is much calmer than my room. I should ask mum to change our rooms”

“Don’t even think about that Oppa or won’t give you a signed CD ever and any girl’s number” He gasped acting surprised and I merong at him. He chuckled at my childish act and shuffled my hair.  We felt silent and I was about to leaned back in my chair and take a nap when he talked again.

“So what’s bothering you these days?”

I froze for a moment when I heard his question. I didn’t know why he suddenly asked that or how he knew I am in a problem because I don’t tell him those things.

“Nothing. Why Oppa”

“It can’t be nothing when you came home as soon as you come to Korea. I know you too well, Yuri-ah”

We are not used to talk about feelings because we always fight or bicker. But this time I can feel he really wants to know what happened. But the problem was if I tell him then, I’ll have to tell him I am dating Sica. I wasn’t sure about his reaction.

Maybe you can start telling this to him, Yuri-ah

He is your brother. He will understand you

I took a deep breath and turned to him.

“mmmm please listen to me before you judge ok? I didn’t plan it to happen. I just sort of.. like.. I mean fall for someone… Aish why this is so hard” I was fanning myself with my hand because suddenly I was sweating and it felt so hot.

“Is our great Kwon Yuri stuttering? Woah. Daebak” He grinned at me and I glared at him.

“Sorry. I meant go on. So you like someone?”

“Mmmm yeah. We.. we are dating” I blushed and looked away.

“Is that Suju guy or Shinee guy?” He looked serious now.

“None of them Oppa. Actually mmmm arrgh… It’s a girl”

“Are you dating Sica?”
What? How the hell he knew that?

My eyes widen and I stared at him for a minute.

“How.. when..”
“Well, that wasn’t hard to guess. I always knew something was going on with you two. I can tell by the way you look at her”

“oh! I was that obvious?”

“Maybe not to others, but I could tell” He smirked. I muttered show off.

“So you are not mad at me?”

I asked him just to be sure.

“Who am I to judge? If she can make you happy I don’t mind” He shrugged his shoulders.

I never expect him to take it so cool and react like that. But for the first time I realized how much my brother care for me. He acts like a kid and always fights with me but in some ways he is a very open minded and caring brother.  

“Thank you Oppa”

 "But I'll have a word with Sica"

Wait.. what? Just when I thought everything is ok he ruined it

"Why you need to talk to Sica, Oppa?" 

"I just need to ask.. How in the world she fell for our kkab black monkey when there are 7 beautiful girls live with her. Was she on her right mind or did you seduce or blackmail her" He asked wiggling his eyebrows and grining like a kid. 

I should have known

"Oppaaaaaaa!!! are you saying your own sister is not beautiful? Not even that you implying I had to beg her to love me? Is that how you think of me? How can you say that to your own sister?" I pout while hitting him in the arm. He laughed and ruffled my hair which made me sulk more.

He still treat me like a kid

“Hmm. So what is the problem, Yuri-ah?” He asked when he calm down and I leaned back on my chair.

I told him everything that has happened until I left the dorm and he listened to me without interrupting.

“Yuri-ah, Trust is one of the most important thing in a relationship. If you don’t trust her there is no point in staying with her. So decide that first. It doesn’t matter if Taeyeon loves her. If Sica says she loves you, why you worry about others. You wonder why she didn’t tell you about her past. There can be 100 of reasons. All reasons you thought were based on your insecurities and doubts. Try to think in her point of view and understand why she did it. When you make up your mind tell me. I am here always ok? Now get some rest first”

He pats my back and walked away letting me think.


Hey guys,

I really wrote a lot this time :D Sorry if this looks like rambling..It's 11.45pm and I am suppose to study right now :D Still I couldn't help write this....You know everything else seems so interesting when you have to study...

Soooooo what do you think huh? You meet jealous Sica and our Yul's bro.. Now it's up to Yul to decide what to do right? Leave a comment on what do you think. you know I appriciate every comment and upvote and subscribe..*looking at silent readers* Hellooooo!!! yes. I am taking to you.. let's be friends and tell me what you think of this story. It can be a good thing or a bad thing I don't mind.. I just need to know your honest opinion.

Ok... before I go ... PLEASE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE THE STORY AND UPVOTE IF YOU LOVE IT!!!! and my old friends thank you soooooooo much for all comments. you know I <3 you guy's right? :D ha ha see you soon... take care! PS : can you guess how i got name of chapter? "Brother mine" :D hint : My favourit TV show... 


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I can't believe I stayed in aff for almost 2 years and just knew what's story feed is *facepalm* x


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Chapter 43: It is 2021, I read and left comment in this story again..
This story one from so many story that i really love, you said it fluffy but I see it angst..
I hope the new one will be good ending too, despite the angst..
Chapter 43: Ur yulsic ff its good, ur little taengsic moment was good too,sad but its okey☺️
im sorry coz i only write a comment at the last chap...its 2020 and i just found ur ff and read it..kinna a late right..:(...but its okey..ill read ur another ff stories...
So,thanks for ur story...see u in ur next stories..☺️
Muse_Lover #3
Chapter 43: Such an amazing story~
Such a roller coaster!
Thank you for this yulsic~
Chapter 43: Wow.. and now 2020 i come back to read your story..
This story is one of so many stories of Yulsic that I always remember, why? Because seohyun and taeyeon were villain in this story..
I simply forgot about the title and start to searching this story but until last week I found you deactivate your account..

But this week I'm so surprised because I can read this story again.. Thank you author and I left my comment again in the last chapter.. ???
Dandot #5
Chapter 43: OMG...beautiful story
Chapter 43: Beautiful and great ending author..
You are jjang!!
Eventhough I really want to kill you, when you make taeyeon and seohyun as antagonists..
But, every word that ever appear in snsd interview, variety, etc you slip into this story, and make reminisce when they still complete..
Aah I miss yulsic very much and I like riding ghost ship now hahahaaaa
Thank you for this story author, please make other story about yulsic again.. eventhough it's so hard now, because it will be in our imagination forever (i hope not kekeke)
mymh_bee #7
Chapter 43: What a beautiful ending. Finally a happy ending for all of them. Yulsic passed so many obstacles, upside and down. Glad they could make it tho
It helps me mend my broken heart over Yulsic, hope Sica will end with the right Kwon, not the "other" Kwon..
mascott #8
Chapter 43: awww~ thank you author for writing this amazing fanfic. i'm happy for yulsic. this made me cry oh my gee. it's really the end~
Chapter 43: Author-nim thanks that u already entertain us.
Thankyou so much
Hope u can write another great story ;)
Chapter 43: Damn huhuhuhuhu beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful really. Its the end already. Im speechless.