Home, Sweet Home

What Once Was Lost...
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            Kyuhyun attempted to stretch and met with some resistance.  In fact, his whole right arm and shoulder were numb.  He slit open his eyes and peered over at his boyfriend, who was lying beside him with his head resting on his outstretched arm, causing all the numbness, and smiled warmly.  Kyuhyun rolled in Ryeowook’s direction and kissed his forehead, temple, nose, cheeks, and chin.  Finally, Ryeowook woke in a fit of giggles, wrapping his arms around him as he opened his eyes. 

            “Good morning,” Kyuhyun greeted him, kissing his lips.

            “Good morning,” Ryeowook chimed back, then yawned wide.

            “None of that,” Kyuhyun said.  “You’re normally up hours before now!”

            “I know, but you woke me up in the middle of the night,” Ryeowook complained.

            “That’s because you were calling my name,” Kyuhyun defended himself.

            “But I was just talking in my sleep,” Ryeowook informed him.

            “I didn’t know that.  It sounded real.”

            “Well, then we could have just gone back to sleep once you figured out that it was just a dream,” Ryeowook pointed out.

            “You’re the one who was all touchy feely with me,” Kyuhyun said.  “I was already half asleep and you were practically fondling me.”

            Ryeowook narrowed his eyes.  “I don’t know where you get these ideas.  I was just innocently rubbing your back.  You seemed tense.”

            “And you took off your pajamas,” Kyuhyun added.

            “I was warm.  I usually just sleep in the summer months,” Ryeowook informed him.

            “Well, don’t blame me if you don’t get much sleep then,” Kyuhyun concluded.  “If you’re going to molest me in the middle of the night and refuse to wear anything, I’m probably going to get ,” Kyuhyun informed him.

            “Is that so?” Ryeowook questioned, resting his hand on his bare chest.  He then began to rub his hand up and down and Kyuhyun reached around and spanked his . 

            “Have I corrupted you so quickly?” Kyuhyun questioned.  “Or is this a combination of dating me, working in my damn house, and meeting my deranged relatives already?  And then I had to go and introduce you to Shinee as well.  Is there anyone I haven’t subjected you to in order to corrupt your personality further?”

            “I don’t know, is there?” Ryeowook eagerly asked, arching his brow.

            Kyuhyun laughed and kissed him, wrapping his arms tight around his mischievous boyfriend.  “I think I like the naughty version of you better.”

            Ryeowook pulled away and started to climb out of bed suddenly, making Kyuhyun frown.  “We really should get a move on.  Your poor cousin’s been holding down the fort all alone for days now and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind a little time alone to spend with Yunho before he heads home.  Besides, Minho should be stopping by at some point.”

            Kyuhyun sighed.  The bed was already feeling colder as Ryeowook headed for the bathroom.  “Yeah, I suppose,” he said, lacking enthusiasm.

            “I’m going to take a shower,” Ryeowook informed him, pausing in the doorway, “if you’d like to join me.”

            Kyuhyun stared at Ryeowook in shock as he disappeared into the hotel room’s bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind him.  Then he threw off the covers and rushed into the bathroom after his teasing boyfriend.

            Forty-five minutes later, Kyuhyun was packing up his bag, his hair still damp from his recent long shower, when there was a knock at the door.  He headed over and glanced through the peephole before opening the door wide for his friend.  He smiled wide and grabbed the paper bag from Minho as he walked into the room.

            “Just in time.  We’re almost ready to check out and head home,” Kyuhyun said.  “Thanks for dropping by with this.”

            “Not a problem,” Minho said, smiling as he always did.  “I had to head this way anyhow.”

            “Ah, thank you, Minho,” Ryeowook said, walking into the room after drying and styling his hair.  Kyuhyun handed him the bag and Ryeowook began to dig out his wallet and clothes.  He then stumbled upon a few other items.  “What’s all this?”

            “Oh, the bottle of wine is for Kyu.  Taemin and Key sent it as an apology for dragging you out with them last night without giving him fair warning,” Minho explained.

            Kyuhyun scoffed at this, but he looked over at the bottle anyway just to see what kind it was.  Then Ryeowook held up a bracelet and makeup bag and looked inside.  It was full of various lipsticks, fake eyelashes, mascara, cover up, blush, and eye shadow. 

            “And that is for you to practice with until the next time you visit, apparently.  And they said that you should keep the clothes in the meantime as well.  Maybe you and Kyu can go out on dates dressed up as a girl or something…I don’t know.  It’s kind of fun when me and Taemin do it,” Minho said, shrugging his shoulders. 

            Kyuhyun wasn’t sure he liked encouraging further cross-dressing activities with the Shinee members and therefore didn’t say a single word about the whole deal, even if he did find Ryeowook dressed as a woman kind of . 

            Minho noted the lack of response and wisely moved on.  “Anyway, I’d better run or I’ll be late.  I hope you have the chance to get back here again soon and visit.”

            “If not, you know where to find me,” Kyuhyun said, stepping forward and hugging his friend.

            “I’ll hunt you down,” Minho promised, patting Kyuhyun’s back before releasing him and walking over to Ryeowook and hugging him as well.  “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Wookie.  We’re happy to see that Kyu’s found someone that can put up with all his bull.”


            Minho laughed as he pulled away from Ryeowook and winked.  “I’ll be coming to visit soon, since Hyukjae tells me how wonderful you are at cooking and I’m starting to get jealous that he gets to eat better than I do.”

            “I promise to make whatever you’d like when you come visit,” Ryeowook offered.

            Minho smiled at this and nodded to them both.  “You might not get rid of me then.”

            “Get out of here!” Kyuhyun joked.

            “Goodbye!” Minho said, heading out the door.

            “Bye!” Ryeowook called after him as the door shut closed.

            “Well, playtime is over,” Kyuhyun said, sighing.  “Time to head home.”

            “Ah!  Attack of the killer beast!” Kyuhyun cried out from lying on his back on the floor, where Choco was his face.

            “And you were worried?” Eunhyuk questioned Donghae.

            “I admit, I let Yesung psych me out about his reaction,” he admitted, watching his boss play with his new puppy as if he were a five year old boy and not the grown man he was supposed to be. 

            Ryeowook then came over and hugged them both at once.  “I’m so excited for the both of you!  I can’t believe you’re finally getting married.”

            “Thank you,” Donghae said, smiling.  “But you haven’t known us that long, so it hardly seems fair that you get to say finally like the rest of them do.”

            “I suppose so, but I know how long you’ve been together and I think it’s just wonderful!” he told them.  “When are you going to get married?”

            “In July,” Eunhyuk answered.

            “So soon!” Ryeowook asked.  “That will be tricky to plan with so little notice.  What venue were you thinking of?”

            “Well, that’s the difficult part, isn’t it?  It would be hard to find a decent place that’

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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 11: I started reading this yesterday and it's hilarious.
Chapter 51: Hi! Just read the whole thing and I loved it! I hope you come back to update it :)
jayzhelle #3
Chapter 51: It's 2021 and I just finished the last chapter. I hope you'll revisit this story when you have the time. Looking forward to kyuwook's vacation and if ryeowook's gonna survive the wedding despite being sick. Haha.
chanomyen #4
Chapter 51: I just happen to stumble upon this treasure piece of fiction not long ago and managed to finish reading in 2 days. This is gold. This is so good. I just hope that you will comeback and finish this. Please ;-;
Chapter 51: I'm in 2020, locked up in my own house and get caught in this ff. The story is great, I love how in the beginning, when kyu told wookie to get out, and wookie literately move from kyu's house???
Hope I can get an update with this story^^
Chapter 51: Wow wow. Putting all the famous idols in a story. Characterized each of them so well. And conversations between them are great. For most of the conversations, My fingers are tired from scrolling up and down. Great Job Authornim. Waiting for your next update. Defintely a killer fanfic. Love it soooooo much
Chapter 51: Aha! I knew there would be ChangToria in this chapter, the moment I saw Victoria’s picture at the start of the chapter. :D Ahaha, it seems that Victoria is taking a liking in Changmin already, so fast! XD LOL Or maybe she’s just really intimate and is holding his hand out of habit or something, hmmm-
Chapter 50: Aww, poor Wookie! QAQ I hope he’ll be well by the time it is EunHae’s wedding! It would be sad if he can’t sing for the both of them, especially since they’re the reason he met Kyuhyun in the first place :C But, sick and cranky Ryeowook is so cute! <3 And Kyuhyun will get sick if he keeps getting so close to Ryeowook XD

Well, I can understand Yunho’s worry, but he should probably calm down about the matter. Boa was just trying to have fun and as much of a creep Siwon is, he wouldn’t do something as crazy as film the women undressing (I hope) he’s too much of a gentleman to do so (I think, especially after what he did for Ryeowook). Anddd, he should probably rethink about having fights with Boa because no matter what, he will lose as long as his wife has her overly protective brother. X’D Ahh, he’s losing miserably.

And DAYUM, Sungmin! X’D He’s REALLY crazily prepared for all the worst case scenarios! XD Haha, somebody, give him an award for being the most crazily prepared man on the planet! Just, wow, a plan for any and every possible occasions. The best part is, he has names for all of them! I wonder what happens if he still has bad situations to name but all the alphabets have been used. Hmmm...
Chapter 49: Because I realised a bit too late that it’s been a while since I last read this. X’D Oh well, I’m back! And I plan on finishing the remaining 3 chapters so, here we go-

Aww, poor Onew, being ruthlessly shoved off the stage by Taemin X’D KyuWook are so cute as always QwQ God freaking damnit, can these two stop being so cute?? TAT And also poor Yesung being dragged away to dance with Sungmin CX Hehe, Yesung just can’t say no when it comes to Sungmin, even if it means not showing the whole world that he’s terrible in dancing.

And the girls spending their night with SIWON??! Woah, wait, what?? OoO Never in a million years would I have thought that they would be spending their time with Siwon of all people! :O I mean, they don’t really seem like they enjoy being in Siwon’s presence in the past chapters. But, then again, they ARE bored and practically abandoned by their significant other, so maybe that’s why. XD