Kkoming to Visit

What Once Was Lost...
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            As it turned out, Eunhyuk was off the hook for driving Ryeowook to the store since Tuesdays were his usual day off, so Donghae accompanied him instead and they practically bought out half the store in an attempt to replenish supplies at the house.  As they returned to the house, both loaded down with bags, they were greeted at the door by a little, fuzzy mostly-black dog barking at them and jumping excitedly as they entered the room.  Ryeowook was so distracted by the little critter, being careful not to step on its paws, that he didn’t notice two new faces in the room until he set down the bags he was carrying and looked up.

            Standing around in the kitchen with Eunhyuk and Yesung were two people he’d never met before, although he’d seen them both in town since moving into the area.  One was laughing heartily at something, his clothes partially covered with dirt.  He immediately figured it was the gardener he’d yet to meet but the other was a mystery to him.  The stranger was broad in the shoulders and clearly strong, having obvious muscle under his pale pink shirt.  His hair was so blonde, it was nearly white, and hung down into his brown eyes, defined by black liner.

            “Lee brothers in the house!” hollered Donghae as he entered the kitchen.

            “Kkoming, leave them alone,” the stranger said, smiling down as the dog rushed back over to her owner.

            Ryeowook stood there for a moment, staring at the group gathered around the island chatting.  Immediately, Yesung interrupted Eunhyuk’s rambling and pointed over to him.  “I think a few introductions are in order.  Ryeowook, this is Shindong—our grounds keeper—and Eunhyuk’s brother, Sungmin.”

            Shindong bowed his head a bit and the blonde, Sungmin, flashed his bright smile at him and leaned across the counter to shake his hand.  “It’s so nice to meet you.  Sungie and Hyukie have been telling me so much about you!”

            “Quit calling me that infernal nickname,” Yesung complained, rolling his eyes.

            “And this,” he said, picking up the dog, “is our little darling, Kkoming.  Sungie gave her to me as a present.”

            “I didn’t give her to you!  I threatened to take her to the pound and you rescued her from me,” Yesung clarified, shaking his head.

            Sungmin ignored him altogether.  “The boys tell me that you’re an excellent cook and in fact I did eat your beef noodle dish recently and thought it was much better than I remembered, so I unknowingly have tried your food once already.  I hope I’ll have the pleasure of trying more of your cooking soon.”

            “Of course,” Ryeowook instantly agreed, already taking a liking to Eunhyuk’s brother for trying to put him at ease immediately.  “Whenever you plan on visiting next, just let me know.”

            “I come to see Hyukie every Tuesday on his day off,” Sungmin informed him.  “And we’ll be heading out for a bit to do some clothes shopping while Sungie watches Kkoming for me, so we’ll both be back in time for dinner.”

            “I don’t want to watch that damn thing again!”

            “Quit pretending to hate her.  I know you spoil her whenever I’m not around because every time I tell her we’re headed to daddy’s house, she begins running in circles and whining.”

            “Sounds like an ear infection.”

            Sungmin smacked him on his back, trying to be playfully offended, and Yesung went sailing into the refrigerator.  Eunhyuk was laughing at them both and that’s when Ryeowook realized that Donghae and Shindong had snuck out to collect the rest of the groceries.  He also needed to start putting items away before they melted and dug through the bags to get to work.  Yesung and Sungmin were still bickering back and forth when the sound of someone rushing down the back staircase caught Ryeowook’s attention and he glanced over just as Kyuhyun walked into the room—looking directly at him—and began to complain.  “When the hell are you going to make me lunch, I’m starving?”

            Kyuhyun then seemingly realized they weren’t alone in the room and looked over at the group gathered at the center island.  Sungmin waved at him and Kyuhyun’s eyes narrowed into slits.  “Crap…it’s Tuesday.”  Without another word, he turned around and headed up the stairs.

            Ryeowook looked at them in confusion.

            “I’m the ex-boyfriend.  He’s still traumatized by our breakup,” Sungmin explained.

            “Oh,” Ryeowook said, suddenly more curious.  “When was that?”

            Sungmin looked up at the ceiling and tapped his chin with his finger as he thought about it.  “About five or six years ago, I imagine.”

            “So long!”

            Yesung shook his head.  “The young master is not still hung up on you, he just doesn’t like how materialistic and disturbing you are.”

            “He affectionately refers to him as that ,” Eunhyuk said, snickering to himself.

            Sungmin ignored that observation as well.

            Yesung began to assist him in putting away groceries as Ryeowook made Kyuhyun a sandwich for lunch with various fruit and vegetables and began making a tray for Yesung to bring up.  When he was finished, he stuck everything on a cart and pushed it over to the butler. 

            “Why don’t you bring it up to him today?” Yesung suggested.

            “Me?” Ryeowook asked, turning to Eunhyuk in confusion.

            “You know that he won’t like that,” Eunhyuk voiced on Ryeowook’s behalf.

            “I think he’ll be fine as long as we don’t send Minnie up with it,” Yesung said, rolling it back over to the nervous cook.

            “If you’re certain…” Ryeowook said, hoping that he’d change his mind and headed towards the door with the cart.  Unfortunately, no one tried to stop him and Sungmin and Yesung began to bicker back and forth as Ryeowook rolled the cart unto the elevator and hit the button for Kyuhyun’s floor, swallowing hard as the doors closed.

            This morning had gone reasonably well considering he didn’t know that he’d be spending it playing verbal volleyball with his boss but now he was being sent up to the dungeon, as they referred to it, after Eunhyuk had cautioned him not to just the day before.  And where Ryeowook was comfortable in a kitchen, he wouldn’t be in his own element this time and worried that he couldn’t maintain his composure if he felt at all intimidated by the surroundings.  And he was still trying to figure his new boss out. 



            “Would you just look at that?” Sungmin said, whistling, when the elevator door closed.

            “What?  Huh?” Eunhyuk asked, looking over at his brother.

            “Did you see the way Kyuhyun ran downstairs just to harass the kid?  Doesn’t he usually just call your cell phone when he’s hungry?” Sungmin asked Yesung.

            “Generally, but not always.”

            “He didn’t even see us in the room at first.”

            By now, Donghae and Shindong had rejoined them in the kitchen and were looking at the two talking, trying to keep up.

            “You know…he’s just Kyu’s type.”

            “I thought that too when I first met him,” Yesung admitted.

            “Who’s Mr. Cho’s type?” Shindong asked.

            “Ryeowook,” Yesung claimed.

            “That’s right—we were talking about this yesterday—Ryeowook is more Mr. Cho’s type than Minnie because he’s small and feminine.”

            “I’m not small or feminine?” Sungmin questioned.  “You’re not calling me fat, are you?”

            Yesung put up his hands in surrender.  “That’s not how I put it.  I mean that he has the figure of a woman.  You are too tall and have too much muscle to be called girly.”

            “He wears pink nightgowns,” Eunhyuk defended his brother.

            “Actually,” Shindong broke in, “Ryeowook looks like a boy instead of a grown man and

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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 11: I started reading this yesterday and it's hilarious.
Chapter 51: Hi! Just read the whole thing and I loved it! I hope you come back to update it :)
jayzhelle #3
Chapter 51: It's 2021 and I just finished the last chapter. I hope you'll revisit this story when you have the time. Looking forward to kyuwook's vacation and if ryeowook's gonna survive the wedding despite being sick. Haha.
chanomyen #4
Chapter 51: I just happen to stumble upon this treasure piece of fiction not long ago and managed to finish reading in 2 days. This is gold. This is so good. I just hope that you will comeback and finish this. Please ;-;
Chapter 51: I'm in 2020, locked up in my own house and get caught in this ff. The story is great, I love how in the beginning, when kyu told wookie to get out, and wookie literately move from kyu's house???
Hope I can get an update with this story^^
Chapter 51: Wow wow. Putting all the famous idols in a story. Characterized each of them so well. And conversations between them are great. For most of the conversations, My fingers are tired from scrolling up and down. Great Job Authornim. Waiting for your next update. Defintely a killer fanfic. Love it soooooo much
Chapter 51: Aha! I knew there would be ChangToria in this chapter, the moment I saw Victoria’s picture at the start of the chapter. :D Ahaha, it seems that Victoria is taking a liking in Changmin already, so fast! XD LOL Or maybe she’s just really intimate and is holding his hand out of habit or something, hmmm-
Chapter 50: Aww, poor Wookie! QAQ I hope he’ll be well by the time it is EunHae’s wedding! It would be sad if he can’t sing for the both of them, especially since they’re the reason he met Kyuhyun in the first place :C But, sick and cranky Ryeowook is so cute! <3 And Kyuhyun will get sick if he keeps getting so close to Ryeowook XD

Well, I can understand Yunho’s worry, but he should probably calm down about the matter. Boa was just trying to have fun and as much of a creep Siwon is, he wouldn’t do something as crazy as film the women undressing (I hope) he’s too much of a gentleman to do so (I think, especially after what he did for Ryeowook). Anddd, he should probably rethink about having fights with Boa because no matter what, he will lose as long as his wife has her overly protective brother. X’D Ahh, he’s losing miserably.

And DAYUM, Sungmin! X’D He’s REALLY crazily prepared for all the worst case scenarios! XD Haha, somebody, give him an award for being the most crazily prepared man on the planet! Just, wow, a plan for any and every possible occasions. The best part is, he has names for all of them! I wonder what happens if he still has bad situations to name but all the alphabets have been used. Hmmm...
Chapter 49: Because I realised a bit too late that it’s been a while since I last read this. X’D Oh well, I’m back! And I plan on finishing the remaining 3 chapters so, here we go-

Aww, poor Onew, being ruthlessly shoved off the stage by Taemin X’D KyuWook are so cute as always QwQ God freaking damnit, can these two stop being so cute?? TAT And also poor Yesung being dragged away to dance with Sungmin CX Hehe, Yesung just can’t say no when it comes to Sungmin, even if it means not showing the whole world that he’s terrible in dancing.

And the girls spending their night with SIWON??! Woah, wait, what?? OoO Never in a million years would I have thought that they would be spending their time with Siwon of all people! :O I mean, they don’t really seem like they enjoy being in Siwon’s presence in the past chapters. But, then again, they ARE bored and practically abandoned by their significant other, so maybe that’s why. XD