Game Over

What Once Was Lost...
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            “Kyu!” the newcomer hollered out as he walked through the back door, his arms wide open as Kyuhyun headed to the door to greet him.

            “Game over!” Kyuhyun hollered back and hugged his friend. 

            “Hey!  Quit calling me that!  The guys at the company started to refer to me that way too, it just isn’t right.  I’m ranked first!”

            “Only because I don’t compete.”

            “Whatever,” he said, pretending to smack him and then took off his jacket, looking around the kitchen.  “Heechul!  What are you doing here?”

            “Hey Max!” Heechul said, standing up from his stool where he’d been reading through lines for his upcoming movie and giving Changmin a hug.  “I’m visiting.  How have you been?”

            “Very well,” Changmin said as he pulled away.  “You look a little tan.”

            “I was filming in the Sahara Desert until a few days ago.”

            “Ah,” he said, nodding.  He looked over at Ryeowook curiously.

            There was a slight lull in the conversation and just as Kyuhyun looked over in Ryeowook’s direction and opened his mouth to speak, Heechul quickly began talking again.

            “This here is our new cook, Kim Ryeowook.  We all call him Wookie,” Heechul said, walking over to Ryeowook and wrapping his arms around him.  “Wookie, this is Kyu’s one and only friend and gaming partner in crime, Max Changmin.”

            Because Ryeowook couldn’t exactly move with Heechul holding onto him, he simply rose his hand up and gave a slight bow of his head which was immediately returned by Changmin.  “Nice to meet you.”

            “Our cook?” Kyuhyun mumbled to himself, narrowing his eyes at his cousin. 

            “Have a fun time playing your games,” Ryeowook said.

            Changmin looked over at him, completely serious.  “Oh, well, we’re actually working today.”

            Heechul turned his face to Ryeowook’s, his brows raised as high as they could go.  “Wookie, they’re working today!  Get it straight.  Video games aren’t for fun!” Heechul explained in a mock lecturing voice.

            Ryeowook tried as hard as he could not to laugh but it was impossible when the actor was playing the part of an old school teacher, instructing his student.  But when he had the chance to look back over at Kyuhyun, Ryeowook noticed him give his cousin a cold stare, one that he’d never seen before.  Heechul seemed impervious to its affect and squeezed Ryeowook tighter, leaning his head against his.

            Was Kyuhyun that upset that they considered his work more fun and games than hard labor?  No matter how he looked at it, although playing well might require some skill and certainly good hand-eye coordination, it hardly seemed like real work to most people.  Ryeowook couldn’t help but side with the vast majority, as he viewed playing games as a pastime. 

            “Quit strangling my cook,” Kyuhyun told his cousin, his voice eerily calm.

            Heechul chuckled but released Ryeowook and walked back over to his script.

            Kyuhyun watched Heechul as he sat down and then turned his attention back to Ryeowook.  “Can you bring up some coffee?”

            Ryeowook nodded but kept silent.

            “And ice water,” Changmin added before the two of them headed back upstairs.

            Ryeowook began to make coffee and waited until he couldn’t hear them walking upstairs anymore before he commented on the tense moment in the kitchen.  “They’re very serious about their work, aren’t they?”

            Heechul laughed to himself without looking up from the script.  “No, I think Kyuhyun just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  He’s probably ually frustrated—he hasn’t gotten laid in years.”

            Ryeowook stared at Heechul, his mouth wide open.  “I’m not sure if this is an appropriate conversation to be having about my employer,” Ryeowook finally managed to say.

            “Then don’t consider it a conversation—it’s just something I’m telling you and you’ve been subjected to hearing without any say—Kyuhyun hasn’t had any since he broke it off with Minnie, shortly after the accident.  He has scars on his chest from the crash and where they had to operate.”

            Ryeowook forgot about the coffee altogether and moved closer to island.  “I heard you mention this the other night but I didn’t know what you were talking about.  I heard about an accident but I don’t know any details.”

            Heechul finally sat up straight and stretched his arms.  “Where do I begin?  Well, six years ago, Kyuhyun was headed back to the house from the airport in rather rotten weather.  Eunhyuk wasn’t driving back then, he was one of Kyuhyun’s personal assistants and was in the van as well.  The driver lost control of the car and crashed into a guard rail.  They found Kyuhyun on the side of the road with his lungs punctured by his ribs.  Eunhyuk was a little scratched up and when he found Kyuhyun, they began praying together.  Everyone thought he was going to die, Eunhyuk, the doctors, and Kyuhyun himself.  But, miraculously, they managed to operate on him and not only save his life but keep his voice intact as well. 

            “But although he survived, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t traumatized by the whole event.  For one, he was left with a few scars, all on his abdomen and lower chest, so it’s easily concealed with clothing, but he’s extremely paranoid about people seeing them.  I saw them dozens of times when he was first in recovery and had the wrappings off and he won’t even let me see them anymore.  He’s very weird about it.  Secondly, when he was injured and out of commission for several months, he realized just how few real friends he had.  All the people he socialized with—singers, dancers, musicians, managers, you name it—none of them were there for him when he wasn’t in the spotlight anymore.  In one respect, I think that he’s tied all these feelings of rejection to his physical injuries as well.  Therefore, he worries about rejection in general, not just about someone seeing him and freaking out.

            “And then, after so much time away, I think he realized just how chaotic his life was and decided he didn’t want to be part of that world anymore.  And it’s a shame.  He has a wonderful voice and the part of me that wants to believe there’s some order in the universe hopes that people are given such gifts so they can use them in some way and not hide them from the rest of the world.  But at the same time, I can’t blame him for not wanting to be part of a world that didn’t seem to care if he was there or not.  So, there you have it.  Your lonely boss, conflicted because he both loves and hates the same thing, and in the process of escaping that world, has turned into a hermit when in reality, he needs to have at least one person close to him.  But he’s afraid of getting close to anyone.”

            Perhaps it wasn’t such a horrible conversation to be having about his boss after all.  Ryeowook nodded, silently acknowledging what he’d heard, and headed back to the coffee machine.  He was deep in thought when he heard Heechul get up from the counter.

            “I’m going to go supervise Eunhyuk for a little while and make sure that he cleans up my room the way I like it,” he explained.  “But just between you and me, about what I just told you, I really would like to see Kyuhyun get over his issues and find someone again.  No matter how hard of a time I give him, I would feel better if I knew he was happy.”


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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 11: I started reading this yesterday and it's hilarious.
Chapter 51: Hi! Just read the whole thing and I loved it! I hope you come back to update it :)
jayzhelle #3
Chapter 51: It's 2021 and I just finished the last chapter. I hope you'll revisit this story when you have the time. Looking forward to kyuwook's vacation and if ryeowook's gonna survive the wedding despite being sick. Haha.
chanomyen #4
Chapter 51: I just happen to stumble upon this treasure piece of fiction not long ago and managed to finish reading in 2 days. This is gold. This is so good. I just hope that you will comeback and finish this. Please ;-;
Chapter 51: I'm in 2020, locked up in my own house and get caught in this ff. The story is great, I love how in the beginning, when kyu told wookie to get out, and wookie literately move from kyu's house???
Hope I can get an update with this story^^
Chapter 51: Wow wow. Putting all the famous idols in a story. Characterized each of them so well. And conversations between them are great. For most of the conversations, My fingers are tired from scrolling up and down. Great Job Authornim. Waiting for your next update. Defintely a killer fanfic. Love it soooooo much
Chapter 51: Aha! I knew there would be ChangToria in this chapter, the moment I saw Victoria’s picture at the start of the chapter. :D Ahaha, it seems that Victoria is taking a liking in Changmin already, so fast! XD LOL Or maybe she’s just really intimate and is holding his hand out of habit or something, hmmm-
Chapter 50: Aww, poor Wookie! QAQ I hope he’ll be well by the time it is EunHae’s wedding! It would be sad if he can’t sing for the both of them, especially since they’re the reason he met Kyuhyun in the first place :C But, sick and cranky Ryeowook is so cute! <3 And Kyuhyun will get sick if he keeps getting so close to Ryeowook XD

Well, I can understand Yunho’s worry, but he should probably calm down about the matter. Boa was just trying to have fun and as much of a creep Siwon is, he wouldn’t do something as crazy as film the women undressing (I hope) he’s too much of a gentleman to do so (I think, especially after what he did for Ryeowook). Anddd, he should probably rethink about having fights with Boa because no matter what, he will lose as long as his wife has her overly protective brother. X’D Ahh, he’s losing miserably.

And DAYUM, Sungmin! X’D He’s REALLY crazily prepared for all the worst case scenarios! XD Haha, somebody, give him an award for being the most crazily prepared man on the planet! Just, wow, a plan for any and every possible occasions. The best part is, he has names for all of them! I wonder what happens if he still has bad situations to name but all the alphabets have been used. Hmmm...
Chapter 49: Because I realised a bit too late that it’s been a while since I last read this. X’D Oh well, I’m back! And I plan on finishing the remaining 3 chapters so, here we go-

Aww, poor Onew, being ruthlessly shoved off the stage by Taemin X’D KyuWook are so cute as always QwQ God freaking damnit, can these two stop being so cute?? TAT And also poor Yesung being dragged away to dance with Sungmin CX Hehe, Yesung just can’t say no when it comes to Sungmin, even if it means not showing the whole world that he’s terrible in dancing.

And the girls spending their night with SIWON??! Woah, wait, what?? OoO Never in a million years would I have thought that they would be spending their time with Siwon of all people! :O I mean, they don’t really seem like they enjoy being in Siwon’s presence in the past chapters. But, then again, they ARE bored and practically abandoned by their significant other, so maybe that’s why. XD