
What Once Was Lost...
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            Eunhyuk finally went to bed late into the night and tossed and turned.  Finally Donghae yawned from beside him and wrapped his arm around him.  “What’s wrong?”

            “That prick, like always.  I can’t do anything right.  Ever.   Even when I try to.  And he’s got a whole ing list written out for me already for tomorrow.  I may resort to poisoning him.”

            “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

            “Well, if you want to poison him for me...”

            “How about something legal?”

            “Tie him up and gag him?”

            “You could tie me up?” Donghae suggested, sneaking his hand under the covers.

            Eunhyuk sighed in contentment as Donghae slipped his hand into his pants.  It didn’t take very long before his horrible day was long forgotten.  Unfortunately, it proved to be short-lived as Eunhyuk woke at the crack of dawn to start attending to the princess.  Although the man himself never woke before noon, he expected his laundry washed, dried, ironed and hanging in the closet for him when he did wake.  So, Eunhyuk was forced to quietly enter the man’s bedroom and go about this business without stirring the picky man.  And God forbid he accidentally wakes up!  Heechul was bad enough when he did get sleep; he was intolerable when tired and moody.

            Eunhyuk tread light-footed to Heechul’s room and paused at the door, pressing his head against the door to make sure that he didn’t hear any noise within.  He once walked in while Heechul was on the phone and received an earful for eavesdropping.   When he heard nothing, he proceeded to slowly open the door.  He snuck inside and let his eyes adjust to the darkness.  The sun was just beginning to rise and only faint light entered through gaps in the pulled curtains.  Once he could see well enough, he began to gather the clothing spewed along the floor, flabbergasted by the amount of clothing changes he’d gone through in one day.  Then he picked up a small, silky item and held it up curiously.  It looked like a pair of red .  He took a closer look.  They were red !  Was Heechul back to secretly cross-dressing like he had when he was younger? 

            Eunhyuk finally turned his head to look over the eccentric actor when his eyes finally absorbed the sight before him.  Heechul.  Ahra.  Entangled and seemingly in bed together.  When Eunhyuk got over his initial shock, a wide smile spread across his face.  All these years of being bullied and worked to death had led to this one perfect moment.  Eunhyuk pulled his cellphone out of his back pocket and took aim.  He took a picture and then moved closer to the window and drew back the curtain to let the light fall onto the sleeping pair.  He took several more, his phone making a clicking sound each time until it finally woke Heechul and he began to open his eyes.  He blinked repeatedly and looked at Eunhyuk, clearly confused.  Eunhyuk finished punching buttons on the phone and then turned it so that Heechul would see what picture it contained.

            Heechul’s eyes went wide.  In a flash, Heechul jumped out of the bed and followed the running servant out of his bedroom and down the hall, grasping for his shoulder and spinning him around to face him.  The actor pushed the servant into the wall hard, his hand on the servant’s throat but Eunhyuk just smiled at him.

            “Give me your phone!”

            Eunhyuk shook his head.  “Even if I did, I already sent them off to Donghae and my email, so I don’t have the only copies.”

            “I demand that you erase them,” he ordered the servant, pathetically standing in the hallway in the buff. 

            “I don’t think you are in the position to order me around anymore, Heechul.”

            Heechul intensely stared into Eunhyuk’s eyes for a moment but must have seen something that made him back off for once, because he eventually released Eunhyuk and stepped away.

            “What do you want?”

            “It’s more like, what don’t I want,” he informed Heechul.  “I don’t want to get up early anymore, I don’t want to walk on eggshells around you, I don’t want to be accused of taking your every time you misplace something, and I sure as hell don’t want to wait on you hand and foot anymore!”

            “Fine,” Heechul quickly agreed.  “But you can’t tell anyone.  Ever.”

            “We shall see how well you keep your end of the bargain.  I may need help cleaning around the house a bit too,” he informed the actor.

            “And that won’t look suspicious?  Kyuh

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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 11: I started reading this yesterday and it's hilarious.
Chapter 51: Hi! Just read the whole thing and I loved it! I hope you come back to update it :)
jayzhelle #3
Chapter 51: It's 2021 and I just finished the last chapter. I hope you'll revisit this story when you have the time. Looking forward to kyuwook's vacation and if ryeowook's gonna survive the wedding despite being sick. Haha.
chanomyen #4
Chapter 51: I just happen to stumble upon this treasure piece of fiction not long ago and managed to finish reading in 2 days. This is gold. This is so good. I just hope that you will comeback and finish this. Please ;-;
Chapter 51: I'm in 2020, locked up in my own house and get caught in this ff. The story is great, I love how in the beginning, when kyu told wookie to get out, and wookie literately move from kyu's house???
Hope I can get an update with this story^^
Chapter 51: Wow wow. Putting all the famous idols in a story. Characterized each of them so well. And conversations between them are great. For most of the conversations, My fingers are tired from scrolling up and down. Great Job Authornim. Waiting for your next update. Defintely a killer fanfic. Love it soooooo much
Chapter 51: Aha! I knew there would be ChangToria in this chapter, the moment I saw Victoria’s picture at the start of the chapter. :D Ahaha, it seems that Victoria is taking a liking in Changmin already, so fast! XD LOL Or maybe she’s just really intimate and is holding his hand out of habit or something, hmmm-
Chapter 50: Aww, poor Wookie! QAQ I hope he’ll be well by the time it is EunHae’s wedding! It would be sad if he can’t sing for the both of them, especially since they’re the reason he met Kyuhyun in the first place :C But, sick and cranky Ryeowook is so cute! <3 And Kyuhyun will get sick if he keeps getting so close to Ryeowook XD

Well, I can understand Yunho’s worry, but he should probably calm down about the matter. Boa was just trying to have fun and as much of a creep Siwon is, he wouldn’t do something as crazy as film the women undressing (I hope) he’s too much of a gentleman to do so (I think, especially after what he did for Ryeowook). Anddd, he should probably rethink about having fights with Boa because no matter what, he will lose as long as his wife has her overly protective brother. X’D Ahh, he’s losing miserably.

And DAYUM, Sungmin! X’D He’s REALLY crazily prepared for all the worst case scenarios! XD Haha, somebody, give him an award for being the most crazily prepared man on the planet! Just, wow, a plan for any and every possible occasions. The best part is, he has names for all of them! I wonder what happens if he still has bad situations to name but all the alphabets have been used. Hmmm...
Chapter 49: Because I realised a bit too late that it’s been a while since I last read this. X’D Oh well, I’m back! And I plan on finishing the remaining 3 chapters so, here we go-

Aww, poor Onew, being ruthlessly shoved off the stage by Taemin X’D KyuWook are so cute as always QwQ God freaking damnit, can these two stop being so cute?? TAT And also poor Yesung being dragged away to dance with Sungmin CX Hehe, Yesung just can’t say no when it comes to Sungmin, even if it means not showing the whole world that he’s terrible in dancing.

And the girls spending their night with SIWON??! Woah, wait, what?? OoO Never in a million years would I have thought that they would be spending their time with Siwon of all people! :O I mean, they don’t really seem like they enjoy being in Siwon’s presence in the past chapters. But, then again, they ARE bored and practically abandoned by their significant other, so maybe that’s why. XD