Chapter 18

Typical Aeri


"Urghh" I groaned in pain as i woke up. I woke up in different room. Not in my room, not even infarmary room. "Where is it?" I asked myself. I turned my head to the right and saw Sehun. "Sehun" I called him in a low tone. Luckily he heard me. Luckily huh? He is the first person i saw when i woke up. I guess he is my true friend right? "Aeri?" He called me broke my thought. "Hmm" "Are you okay?" He asked me. He cared about me. "Yeah. I'm fine.. Where am i?" I asked as i tried to sat up. Even i tried to sat up, he helped me. I almost bursted in tears with his action. "You at the hospital. Kai immedietly brought you here."  He informed me as he combed my hair with his finger. What a gentleman huh? Speaking of Kai, where is he? "W-where is he?" I asked him looking straight his eyes. His shining eyes. I just noticed it. "Aeri, do you take your medicine? Like everyday?" Sehun asked me, totally ignore my question i asked him. Speaking of my pills, how did he know i didn't took it? "Y-yes i took it. E-everyday." I lied. "Aeri?" "No. I skip it. I only took it in the morning" Finally i said the truth. Sehun sigh after hear my words and i quickly grabbed his hand. "P-please! Don't tell mom!" I plead him, gripping his hand so hard. "Aeri, you didn't take you pills. You know what stage are you know?!" He yelled made me flinched in shock. For the first time, i heard him yelled. "You are now in stage 3! For god sake!" He yelled more louder this time. I close my ears with my hands tightly and i closed my eyes. Scared to see him mad. I heard him sigh heavily. "A-aeri. I-im sorry." He lowered his voice as he rubbed my head. I guess he saw that i'm fear of him. "You are now in stage 3" He said again. What? Stage 3? It's only 2 months  since i diseased. Stage 3? I dropped my hands and started to cry. Cry so hard when suddenly someone hugged me. "Sehun" I said his name. "W-what i'm going to do?" I asked him sobbing as i hugged him tightly. For the first time, i felt like i lost something precious. Well it is, my life. "You'll be fine." Sehun convinced me. Fine? How am i? He layed me down and pulled up the blanket to my chest. "Sleep. To release some stress" He said. I close my eyes and hoping that i will stay alive.



Kai sighed heavily after he heard the news about his twin's condition. "Mom" He called his mom, hugging to tight. "I- i dont want to lose her" He said as tears dropped. Mrs Kim pulled her son softly and wiped off his tears away. "She will not. We will not lose her dear." She convinced her son. As they hugging each other, Mr Kim came, joining those two hugged. "Let Sehun stay with Aeri for a while." Mr Kim said as they broke the hug. Mrs Kim and Kai nodded their head agreed. 


It's already two weeks Aeri in the hospital. In two weeks, she received a lot of visitors from her school. Minhyuk is the first person visited on her and EXO always stayed with her. Accompany her day and night. Sometimes, they would bring her favorite bubble tea from Kamong Cafe. But deep down her heart, she was sad. Sad because Baekhyun never visited her. Not even once, "Luhan oppa, Ii wonder why Baekhyun never come visit me." Aeri asked Luhan. "He? I don't know what is wrong with him lately. But after he broke up with Bomi, he being so annoying." Luhan informed as he playing with her hair. "W-what? Broke up?" Aeri asked disbelief. "Yea-" "H-hello Aeri-shi" A sudden visit by Bomi. She came with a bouqet of flowers. Aeri's favorite flower. "Bomi-shi."

rip me.

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i change my name,, so hye..


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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 1: Wheres Where's the sequel????
DionnaJanae16 #2
Chapter 21: We do unnie or oppa
Chapter 21: Please write a sequel.
EunmiLee #4
Please write a sequel!
Me I want sequel author nim
Chapter 21: well i cry a lot u know T.T
good job authornimmm ^^
SherlyThe #7
Chapter 20: The hell
Why baekhyun didnt love her
And why she forgive him easily .ugh.seriously.
Hoping for a seq tho,like how baekhyun become friend with Aeri again and how he slowly realized that he has feelings for Aeri and Aeri was just so in love with Sehun to know that this loves her and she would began to doubt her feelings for Sehun aft Baekhyun tryin so hard to win her heart again but still,the ending is still the same,Baekhyun got dumped and she pick Sehunnie
My imagination XD
Anyway,i love nini's character here,such an ideal brother
Chapter 21: Wow so fast I thought baekhyun will regret about it turn out he didn't and aeri didn't end up with him
Chapter 20: The ending is weird but it's still good ^^
I revisit this story ALL THE TIME