So Many Feelings, So Little Time

The Way We Met

After the fiasco with Hoseok and the boys, I finally was able to sneak away in their little arguments. They all need to find girlfriends... Haha.

I've been in Korea for a while now, almost at my year and a half mark. Time flew by so quickly, I just don't know where it all went. Thanks to the members, I definitely never had a dull moment here. Constantly hearing them argue about the little things and mess around with each other. It makes me happy to see them happy. They're so silly and always having fun. They work hard, but they also definitely play hard. It is actually very motivating.

I miss my last years' classes, but I am starting to love my current, new one. The boys that I performed with last year, still come by to see me and visit me. Guh, to think that they are already about to graduate. One of them actually became a trainee! Taekhwan is actually thinking of becoming a doctor. He's planning on studying overseas. I guess my teaching really did pay off for him. Haha.

Honestly, going back to the time I've been here... I have only half a year left till I have to go back home. I can always renew my teaching contract, but I do have that deal with my mom... But I'll miss the members when I'm gone... I mean, who knows when I'd ever be able to see them again after this year ends... I don't even want to think about it...

*Knock Knock Knock*

The knocks snap me out of my thoughts. I go to see who it possibly could be at 10PM. Right when I open the door, an excited Taehyung grabs me and pulls me out.

"Noona! I'm kidnapping you!" He shouted out, dragging me.

"Wait, what?! Do you understand how late it is? I'M NOT EVEN DRESSED PROPERLY!" I point down to my sleeping shorts and baggy shirt.

"Calm down~~ I'm just taking you to our dorm, duh." He said giggling like a little girl.

As we got up into the room, I see everyone gathered in the living room around the TV. "Hey, Mika! Let's watch a movie!" Seokjin called out to me.

"Haha, okay, what are you guys planning on watching?" I laughed, knowing that any kind of resistance is futile.

"Hm... We were thinking about either a horror or a action movie. Which one should we watch?" Namjoon said.

"I like horror!!" I cried out, running over towards them, excitedly. Horror movies are my weak spot. I always loved the month of October because that's when all the scary movie start to come out and show. "Let's watch Sinister... Or Insidious!" They all look at me in surprise. "What...?" I asked them, giving them a look of 'don't-judge-me'

"You really like horror movies, huh..." Hoseok stated the obvious. I grinned.

"How about... We watch Child's Play instead?" Yoongi suggested.

My grin turned straight into a frown. I could handle anything, EXCEPT for Chuckie... He scared the living daylights out of me. Because of him, I threw out all my dolls, even my sister's (but she doesn't know/remember that). "Uhm... Let's not..." I said quietly, hoping that they would suggest something else.

Yoongi caught on that I was scared and I saw the most evil and coniving grin on his face. My eyes grew pleading. "Child's Play it is." He announced.

"Noooo, whyyy. You want me to die..." I groaned. Before I could protest anymore, Yoongi already put the movie in and it was already starting to play. I was about to get up and grab one of the guys' blankets, but was pulled straight back down by the members. "Yahh~~~~" I whined. "At least let me get something to wrap myself in..." I was on the verge of tears.

"You can share this blanket with me!" Jungkook offered, opening up his blanket for me to come.

"Jungkook... Can we share the blanket... normally?" I asked him, staring at his open arms. He had the blanket wrapped around himself and he was inviting me to sit between his legs...

"Nope! Either this or no blanket." He smirked.

"Fine, I don't want the blanket... I'll just suffer..." I sulked.

As the movie continued, Yoongi was being a butthole and scaring the hell outta me. He would scream at parts that he knew I would jump at, then he would grab my arm at times where it was getting suspensful. Needless to say, he is definitely gonna have bruises by the end of the movie. Just as the movie went silent, getting ready to go into a suspensful part, my phone went off, giving everyone, especially me, the scare of our lives.

I pick up the phone after my heart stopped beating out of my chest. The guys started laughing at how we all got scared.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Aiya, Mika-ah~ You don't call me anymore. What are you doing right now?" My mom asked on the other line.

"Ah, Hi Ah-ma." I looked at the guys and motioned them to keep watching the movie, as well as asking for permission to use their room to talk on the phone. After getting the approval, I move to their room... But they ended up following me rather than watching the movie (what's the point of moving to the room...). Once I got settled on one of the guys' beds, I turned the phone call into a video chat. "Ah-maa~ I miss youuu."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you missed me, you would call me." She said, waving off my emotions. "So what are you doing right now?"

"I'm at my friends' apartment... We were watching a movie." At the mention of friends, all the boys surrounded me and chaoticly greeting my mother. "Uh... These are my friends..." I told my mom. "This is Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook." I showed her each of them and pointed towards them.

"Ayee, my daughter is so popular." She said grinning at me.

"No... They are just my friends. They don't think of me that way." I said rolling my eyes.

"Aiya... They are all so handsome looking. Which one do you like? I kind of like the one with the dimple. He looks smart." My mom asked me, changing into Chinese.

"What?? None! They're just my friends... And the one with the dimple is Namjoon... He is smart..." I quickly told her, feeling my face go red, glancing at all the members, who were giving me quizzical and confused stares.

"Oh yeah! I forgot! The whole reason why I wanted to call you! Speaking of liking someone, well not really, but I have found someone!" She said.

Hearing her say this, my heart sank. It was too quick... It hasn't even been 2 years yet! Ah-ma... Why are you saying this now... Not in Chinese... Why couldn't you wait till I actually came back to do this...I thought to myself. "Huh? Oh really?" I asked her with a solemn voice. I look at the members who were now less confused and it looked like some of them even had slightly hurt faces. "Uhmm... Ah-ma... I know we made that deal... But can we wait until I go back to discuss about it?" I asked her.

"Oh, of course! That's what I was planning on doing anyways. I just wanted to give you a heads up so that you aren't surprised about it when you come back. Let me tell you though! He is pretty handsome, his family is really nice, he is 4 years older than you and he is Buddhist! Wah, isn't your ah-ma good to find this for you??"

I let out a nervous laugh, "Ah... Yeah.. Uhm, Ah-ma... I'll talk to you later. I have to go... Bye..." I told her. We said our byes and hung up.

Once I hung up, all the members looked at me, wanting information. "What is this deal?" Namjoon spoke up first.

"Who is this guy and why is your mom setting you up with him?" Jimin chimed in.

I looked at all the guys, knowing that these questions were going through all of their minds. I sighed and then told them the whole story, both my break up, the bet and all. "So... That's the story..." I said with a sigh. The guys were silent. "My mom just wants me to get married early... She had her own arranged marriage and she thinks that it would be fine with me... And like I explained, I didn't think it was a bad idea... With how I felt... or currently feel... or lack there of... about my emotions..." I looked at them, there were mixed emotions of pity, hurt and all sorts of things. "I didn't think I would ever need to really tell anyone... That's why I didn't really tell you guys." I could feel tears form in my eyes. Ugh, I feel so pathetic... They must pity me so much right now... As the tears finally escaped my eyes, I felt all the guys come towards me and give me a hug. We sat like that for a while, having each of them try to comfort me.

At one point, it started to get difficult for me to breathe, you know being in the middle of 7 guys who are hugging you really cuts off your respiratory system. "Guys... Can... Can you guys let go? I think I'm good now... I... I can't breathe." I told them, trying to push my way for air. They all let go, giving me looks of apologies.

"If you need anyone to talk to... You can always come to us..." Namjoon offered.

"Thanks..." I smiled at him, knowing that he was being so sincere.

"Ah, you know what would cheer you up??" Taehyung asked. "Tomorrow, let's go to the zoo! Maybe looking at cute animals will help your mood." He said smiling.

"Are you sure that it's not just for you?" Yoongi blantly asked.

"Yeah! Let's all go tomorrow!" He yelled out.

Everyone agreed and started to plan out the day, talking about different types of animals to go see and when to see them. Watching them all converse so normally and trying their best to cheer me up, really made me feel content. Not realizing how much energy it took, I started to feel sleepy.

"Hey, Mika. Would you be okay with that?" One of the guys asked me. I could tell which one because I started to nod off. As I closed my eyes, I felt myself being picked up and placed under the covers and then everything went black.

That night I had a dream.

I was standing in the middle of a white room. I tried looking around to see if there was anyone else or if there was a way out. To my luck, there was none. As I aimlessly walked around, I tried calling out "hello? Anyone there??" As I was about to lose hope, I hear someone finally return my shouts.

"Mika..." I turned around to the voice. What I saw... Or who I saw... I couldn't tell. He was someone tall... Kind of a round face... Wearing a tux as if he was about to get married. His face was blurred, so I couldn't tell who this person was.

"Who are you?" I asked and tried walking closer.

"Well, your soon-to-be husband, of course. How can you already forget me?" He answered back with a chuckle.

I was so confused... My soon-to-be husband? I don't even have a boyfriend... I look down and see myself in a wedding dress, but something was off... I just couldn't tell what it was... I tried to walk towards the man again, but the closer I thought I was getting, the farther he looked. Eventually he was gone.

I woke up, feeling an emptiness in my heart. That dream reminded me of the fact that I haven't had those types of feelings and feel that I am incapable of ever having them again... As I try to turn around, I realize that I am being restrained. I open my eyes to find a sleeping Namjoon, holding me. Omg, what in the world. Why am I here... Why is Namjoon here... What in the world is going on... Did I fall asleep at their apartment?? How'd I get into Namjoon's bed... What is going onnn??? I silently battled my panic. I tried to push myself away from Namjoon and to get up, but it was futile. He pulled me back in, closer even and nuzzled his head into my hair. I could feel his breath, on my skin. Chills went down my spine with each breath he took. Knowing that I won't be able to get out of his grasp any time soon, I just decided to relax and attempt to go back to sleep.

As I was about to fall asleep, I felt skin contact. My body immediately tensed. Namjoon had started to move his hands under my shirt and caressing the small of my back, hugging me tighter. Oddly, it felt very... soothing... My body started to relax and I could feel a sense of comfort... Wait... What am I thinking?!  "OH MY GOD." I shouted out, not caring who I woke up. I was so shocked that I pushed against him as hard as I could, finally getting out of his grip. I fell on the floor. Instantly, all the members gathered around, even the sheepish Yoongi was there.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Taehyung and Jungkook shouted out in unison. I turned to them, my heart still beating like crazy. I looked around at all the members, stopping at Namjoon, who had at this point sat up. I look at him, to his hand and back to his face. It was like I could still feel his hand on my back... I knew my face was flushed.

"What happened??" asked a concerned Seokjin, when I didn't answer the other two.

I just kept staring back and forth between Namjoon and his hand. Soon, I see Namjoon's facial expression change from conern and worry to shock. He looked at his hand, back and me and back to his hand. His eyes widened at his realization. "WAIT, THAT WASN'T A DREAM?" He exclaimed, which made me become even more flushed.

"I'M GONNA GO BACK TO MY PLACE AND GET READY. UHM, YOU GUYS JUST COME DOWN WHENEVER YOU GUYS ARE READY." I said and bolted straight out of their dorm, ignoring all the questions.


They all watched as Mika ran out of the apartment, red in the face and panicked. Everyone was curious on what had happened. They all looked towards Namjoon, who had just given an outburst.

"I think it has something to do with Namjoon hyung." Jimin whispered, stating the obvious, earning a slap in the head from Yoongi.

"Namjoon... What in the world happened?" Seokjin asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I-I... I thought I was having a dream... That I was sleeping next to Mika... I was holding her while I was sleeping... I THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM... My hand... MY HAND." He was starting to become incoherent. Yoongi slaps him in the head.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Everyone shouted.

"My hand... Went up her shirt..." He said, head down in guilt. "GAJ;LKDSJF;AJFOIAJD" He screamed out, running his hands through his hair. "GAH MY HAND." He brought it back down and stared at it.

Everyone stood there, shocked at what they just heard. "YOU. WHAT?" Hoseok shouted. "LET'S CUT THAT HAND OFF."

Everyone started to tackle Namjoon and all you could hear throughout the entire dorm was his screams.

Mika's Pov

Omg... What just happened.... I put my hand over my chest feeling my heart beat like crazy. Why did I react that way... I mean... I've had skinship with all the other guys before... I tried to reason with myself... But this was WAY more intimate... I rolled around on my floor. My heart has never beat this hard before... Is it because it was Namjoon... Gah, no no no no no no no. I shake the thoughts from my head. Ah-ma just found you someone... You'll only be here for another half a year... I tell myself. I stop rolling on the ground. I still have to go to the zoo with the guys... Oh god... I get up and reluctantly get ready.

Gah, I just can't. x_x

I'm curious, what are your guys' opinion on arranged marriages?

Tell me in the comments below~~

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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14:!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD