The Hopeful And The Hopeless

The Way We Met

"UGHHH." I bury my face into Jason's chest. "Why did I have to fall for him?! These 2 years! How come I couldn't realize these feelings sooner?! Or have them sooner..." I started sobbing into him. "Why did I have to fall in love with Namjoon.

Namjoon's Pov

I stood there in shock at what I just heard... I... She likes... She feels the same... I didn't know what to think at that time. I just wanted to see if she was alright... But instead I hear this... I turn around and head back to the dorm. I walk into the dorm in a daze.

"Hyung... Hyung... HYUNG." Taehyung waves his hand in front of my face. Coming out of my daze, I look at him. "Dude, hyung. What happened?"

"I... Mika... She... She said that..." I couldn't say it, because I was still processing everything myself.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Hoseok asked.

"Mika... I overheard her talking to Jason... She said... That she likes me... She has feelings for me..." I finally said. I look up to everyone.

Everyone's face was shocked and surprised, everyone exept one... Taehyung's face was distorted with pain. "Taehyung..."

"No... It's okay, Hyung... Don't worry about me... This is about you and Mika Noona. You guys are the one that shares feelings... She likes you, not me... So let's focus on you..." Taehyung said sadly.

As I was about to protest, Seokjin intervened. "Taehyung is right... This is about you and not him."

"But what can we do? She is engaged and leaving in a month..." Hoseok asked.

"Her family isn't gonna break off the marriage... She said that the match between Jason and her were too perfect... Everything aligned for them... We're too late..." Namjoon said.

"Well... You can try to convince their parents... I mean, techinically you have a good shot as well... Well you have a 50-50 chance. You guys are the same age, so it could either be REALLY REALLY good and you guys have everything you guys wanted OR it could be REALLY REALLY bad and have nothing of nothing. But since you're so smart, tall and talented, I'm pretty sure it'll be the REALLY REALLY good. I'm pretty sure you can convince them. " Jimin said, making everyone's jaw drop in amazement. "What... Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"You actually said something intellegent..." Jungkook said.

"Is that sarcasm?" Jimin glared.

"He's being serious, you idiot." Yoongi said, slapping him in the head. "That's actually a really good idea."

"We just have to go to the States for this. We have to tell the CEO and manager about it, too. We have to tell them the whole story..." Seokjin said. 

"Don't worry about that. The CEO and manager love Mika. She keeps us out of trouble and takes care of us. So we are good on that." Taehyung said matter-of-factly.

"Okay... Well how is she gonna actually stay in Korea though?... I guess she can still be an English teacher...?" Yoongi said.

"Hmm... I dunno if she would still want to be one... Maybe she can work for the company?" Hoseok suggested.

"I can marry her..." Namjoon said, looking down, knowing why the room became silent.

Mika's Pov

Jason walked me back to my apartment. Ugh, I can't believe that I was sobbing in front of him... "Thanks.. And sorry about all of that..." I told him.

"Hey, don't worry about it.... I'm sure we can think of something to convince our parents..." He tried reassuring me.

"No... You and I both know that isn't going to happen. The match is too perfect. It's hopeless." I told him bitterly. "I just have to it up and leave my feelings here in Korea and hope that it would only be painful memories that will fade away..." I felt more tears stinging my eyes. "I'm gonna go inside... Thanks again..." I turned and started walking.

"I'll think of something! I can always find someone, this is more for you, because you actually have someone that you like!" He yelled as I walked in.

I get into my room and crash onto my bed.


Namjoon: Hey, we'll be gone for a month to the States.

My last month here... And I can't even see him... The tears that had threatened to come out earlier, now fell.


Taehyung: We'll be gone for a month... And about the answer... You don't need to tell me, I think I already know the answer... But I'll always be here for you...

I'm sorry, Taehyung...






Jungkook: Noona~ I'll miss you~~

Jimin: Hey, Mika Noona! Sorry that we can't hang out for the last month you're here. :((((

Hoseok: Mika! Sorry that we can't see you off. T-T But we definitely will keep in contact! Don't forget about us~~

Yoongi: Hey... So... I need to get this off my chest... Yes, I did kiss you that night... I like you... But don't worry about me, I'll get over it. Hope you have a safe flight next month!

I'm sorry, Yoongi... I'm so sorry...

Seokjin: Mika, sorry that we can't see you off when you leave... We'll be gone for a while, which I'm sure absolutely everyoen already told you. Make sure you keep in contact with us and have a safe flight!

Everyone is leaving me... Can't even say bye to them... Can't hang out with them... The tears started pouring out of my eyes and for the second time that night, I was sobbing. I can't see them... I can't see him...

Once the tears had run out, I fell asleep, trying to escape from the hurt that will happen in the future...


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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14:!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD