A Trip To The Amusement Park

The Way We Met

A few months have passed since I've been in Korea. My English teaching job is actually not that bad, it actually is pretty fun! I am teaching at a high school, so some of the students could be a little mischevious, but that is fine, I learn how to deal with them. The other faculty are nice and they treat me as if I had always been there. We get to do a lot of activities as coworkers and as a school. Probably the only thing that  I am unable to do with the school is when they go on their excursions. I'm left at the school grading papers and browsing the internet on my computer. There are other English teachers there and we get along really well. We go out to eat and drink a lot. No one at the school knows that I know BTS on a personal level and none of the members know that I work here and as an English teacher. I've kept my promise pretty well on keeping these two aspects seperate. The only thing I made an exception for is befriending my coworkers, cause I mean, I'll be working with them and they aren't bad people either. We're all on the same boat and we all need to help each other out.

Speaking of the boys, I haven't been able to see them as often, mainly because they just recently had their comeback, so they have been practicing, doing variety shows and doing the music shows. The only time I am able to see them is when they are on TV/Internet or whenever one of the members would come visit me at home. Although I don't see them, I would still message them and everything. I sometimes feel bad for keeping my job a secret from them, but I can't help it. I really liked my job and I didn't want to cause trouble for my school... And for myself, as selfish as that sounds. I want to keep my life private and I know that if people knew, especially my younger coworkers and my students, that I knew these idols, they would go crazy, asking me questions all the time, invading my privacy and class would never proceed as smoothly as I have it now ever again. Whenever they try to ask me about where I work or the type of environment that I work at, I either give them vague answers or I completely change the topic, avoiding the subject. They haven't really picked up on it and I'm glad. Plus they're too busy with their own idol lives, that they don't have to really pry at my ordinary one.

As it is a study period for the students, I sit in the staff room and work at my desk. As I'm grading papers, I hear my name being called. I look up to see one of my students. "Yes, Taekhwan?" I asked him.

"Uhm, I have a question... So you know about the school festival that will be happening next month?" He asked.

The school festival... I think I remember the principal saying something about it. I think it is in about 2-3 weeks... "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well... Me and some of the other students were wondering if you would be able to participate in the talent show with us!" He looked at me with eagerness.

I was taken aback at the question, not even in the slightest bit expecting it. "Me? Why me? I don't dance well."

"Ayeee, Saengnim~~ We all see you watching dance videos and using the dance room sometimes! Don't lie to us! Please help us out! We are doing a BTS song and we really need your help, plus it would be fun to have you join in with us!" He tried persuading me.

Well... What harm could that do? "Hmmm, fine." I said giving in. "BUT, I have a condition. I will help you and perform with you guys, but you guys need to do well in your next English exam. Got it?" I told him.

He nodded his head in excitement and we pinky promised, locking it with our thumbs. Before he left, he said it was going to be a mini-medley of BTS songs, 3 of them to be exact (Starting with 'I NEED U' transitioning to 'Hold Me Tight' and then ending with 'DOPE'). I told them that I would put the music together and that they just need to practice the dancing. He agreed and left skipping with joy. My students are adorable. I thought to myself.


I pick up my phone to see who messaged me.

Jimin: Noona~ Let's hang out tomorrow night!! It will be a Sunday and we all have free time after 6PM! Let's go, Let's go~~

I silently chuckled to myself, I could just imagine his excitment. As I was about to reply to him to agree, I remember that I had to grade papers before my deadline... As well as now put the music together... Sigh, guess I won't be able to hang out with them tomorrow night.

Me: Sorry, Jimin-ah. I actually have to work on some stuff tomorrow...

Jimin: :( But Noona~~~

Me: I'm sorry!! (>_/\_<||) Forgive me! I'll treat you guys to meat another time! If I finish everything in time tomorrow, I'll tell you guys!


I laughed. That's all he cares about. Haha.

The next day arrived, all sunny, bright and telling me to get out of my apartment and do something fun! But alas... I stare down at my students' papers, red marker in hand and then my laptop open with the music medley started. Sigh... The weather really is taunting me... I cried out in frustration, pulling at my hair. MY DAY OFFF, OF ALL DAYS. I sulked to myself.

As I grade the last of my papers and moved on to the music, I hear a knock at my door. Is it going to be someone who will save me?? No... They can't... I promised my students... Gah, they even messaged me a practice schedule. There goes my Mon, Wed and Friday evenings. I get up and answer the door, to have 4 wonderfully, bright faces greet me. The 4 boys barge their way in.

"Noona!! We came to bother you!" Jungkook yelled out, pouncing onto my back.

"The other 3 will be here later, Yoongi was too sleepy, so Taehyung is trying to wake up. Hoseok is waiting for them." Jin told me.

Jimin runs up to me and tackles me from the front. "NAMJOON, GET THESE TWO OFF OF ME. THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE ME FALL." I yelled out, trying to keep my balance from the two younger boys. Namjoon came over and grabbed Jungkook while Jin took Jimin. Finally being able to stand normally, I went to the kitchen to get everyone something to drink.

I hear the door open, and a loud, "NOONA! WE'RE HERE!" and then immediately after an "OW." along with a "Shut up, you dork." coming from Yoongi and a snickering Hoseok. I yelled out my greeting and proceeded to add their drinks to the tray.

"Noona, why do you have our songs mixed together?? Are you making a medley for something???" I hear Taehyung ask. My head shot up and I ran as fast as I could to my laptop, closing it and tossing it into my room.

"Uhm, it's nothing." I said, huffing out as I return to the common area with their drinks. "Drinks?"

The boys all look at me in confusion. "What... Was that about...?" Yoongi asked me.

"What was what about?" Feigning ignorance. "So why are you guys here?" Trying to change the subject.

"We were bored, so we decided to come bother you. If whatever you were working on is done, let's hang outt~" Hoseok said.

I look out the window to see the outside world still calling out to me... I technically have all the music aligned the way that I wanted it... I have all the dances in my head... I could really use a break... I contemplated... "OKAY. LET'S GO." I told them and they all cheered. "Where did you guys wanna go?" I asked them.

Before anyone could say anything, Taehyung yells out, "AMUSEMENT PARK" and following immediately after was Jimin screaming, "NOOOOOO. ANYTHING BUT THAT."

I snickered. "Okay, how about we vote? Who wants to go to the amusement park?" I asked. All but one, raised their hands, all with smriks and grins on their face. Guess who the one that didn't raise their hand was.

"NOOO." Jimin cried out. We all left my apartment, dragging the sulking puppy out with us.


Once we got to the amusement park, Jimin was already quivering in fear. "Let's ride all the roller coasters!" I shouted, teasing the trembling puppy.

"Noona... You want to kill me early..." He looked at me with his brown, puppy eyes.

"Fine fine, we'll start with something small." I snickered.

We started with the small rides to ease Jimin into things and dragged him to all the monster rides right after. His screams sent everyone in tears. We even convinced him to go into a haunted house with us. He was nearly crying at the end of it all. I kinda felt bad, but it was just hilarious. To make it up to him, I bought him some ice cream and patted his head.

"I think we should ride one more thing and head on back." Jin said. Everyone nodded in agreement and started to debate on what they wanted. We eventually let Jimin decide, since you know... He suffered so much... Bahaha.

"Uhm... Let's go on the ferris wheel... Something that is actually good for my heart and won't shave years off my life." He suggested.

We all agreed and started walking over. Once we got there, we found out that it could be only 2 people in the cart at one time. "I CALL BEING WITH NOONA." Jungkook screamed out. Everyone laughed.

"What makes you think we will allow you to do that, maknae?" Jin said, grabbing at the youngest one's ear. "You already got a kiss on the cheek from her."

"THAT WAS OVER 2 YEARS AGO." He cried out in pain.

Jin dragged Jungkook into the first cart, following them was Rapmon and Hoseok, then Yoongi and Taehyung, lastly it left me and Jimin together.

We got into the cart and Jimin sat next to me. I looked at Jimin who looked like he was finally at peace with life. "Are you alright?" I asked him with a snicker, knowing exactly what we all put him through today.

He playfully glared at me. "I dunno, I think I lost about 15 years off my life because of today. You guys are crazy!"

"Aww, I'm sorry, puppy." I apologized to him, pulling him into a hug, patting his head. I could feel him smile and unexpectedly, he nuzzled right into my neck. I felt my face getting warm and tried to push away, but Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing us closer together. Nervously I called out his name, "Uhm... Jimin??"

"Hey, you at least owe me this." He mumbled into my neck, sending chills down my spine. We stayed like this for a while, I felt his warm breath on my neck and his arms wrapped firmly around my waist. Omg... How long does this Ferris Wheel take!? Just as I was thinking that, as if on cue, I hear distant yelling.

*I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the ferris wheel has stopped working. We are trying to fix this problem. It will not take long, just 20 minutes and you all will be back down onto the ground*

Ugh, just my luck. I thought to myself. "Jimin??" I tried to turn out of his embrace. His grip tightened. I looked at him and notice that he had fallen asleep. I smile at how cute he looked, He must be exhausted from what we all put him through. I tried unlocked his grip from me, causing him to stir and groan in reluctance. "Yah, I'm just trying to let you sleep more comfortably. Just sleep on my lap, you dork." I told him. He let go of me and placed his head on my lap, with a content smile on his face as he looked up at me. How exactly does this cart only hold 2 people... I think we were jipped. I covered his eyes with my hands so that he couldn't see my face blush. "Go back to sleep..." I told him, looking away. He chuckled and took my hands away from his eyes, but then intertwining his fingers with mine. "YAH, JIMIN."  I shouted out, trying to take my hand away, but his grip was too firm and he soon began to feign sleep. I sigh in defeat and just gave up.

By the time we got down to the ground, I had fallen asleep. What woke me up was a loud, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?! JIMIN!!!" When I opened my eyes, I saw the 6 boys staring at me and immediately felt a weight lifted from my lap and pulled out from my hands, only to be replaced by another. I look up and my eyes met with Seokjin's. He led me out after Namjoon and Yoongi dragged Jimin away by the collar and ear.

We all started back to the apartment. I was still half asleep, so Seokjin kept a hold on my hand and led my back. Eventually, I felt myself being lifted up bridal style. I looked up and saw it was Jungkook who lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and fell back asleep.

Bah, this had me under my desk. I just couldn't with this chapter.

Thank about this happening to you! How cute would it be??

Hehe, :3

Also, guys, be careful when you are walking up and down the stairs, ANYWHERE. Pay attention to where you step and don't be on your phone! Today, I fell down the stairs at the subway because I was dazing off. And other incidents back at my apartment complex in the States, I've fallen three times down the stairs because I was too busy paying attention to my phone.


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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14: Oh.my.god!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD