A Day Out With The Dorks-I Mean Uncles...

The Way We Met

Mika's Pov

"Are you sure about this...? I am getting a bad feeling for some reason..." I asked Namjoon, making sure my worry showed.

"They'll be fine. The members know what they are doing... I think." He tried comforting me, but failed.

"YOU THINK?! Ugh..." I put my hands on my face. "So many things could happen... What if your guys' fans show up, take the twins... I WON'T BE THERE. Or what if they get hurt somewhere? Are you sure the members can take care of them?? I mean... JUNGKOOK IS LIKE A BABY AS WELL and don't even get me started on Jimin and Taehyung when they are together..." I began panicking.

"Yeobo... Calm down. They have Seokjin Hyung, remember? You can at least trust him to take care of them." He took my hands in his, rubbing my back.

"But when have you guys ever listened to Seokjin Oppa..." I questioned.

"...Good point... Uhm... Yoongi Hyung?"

"... I guess that's better... He at least can control them... Sorta... Maybe if Seokjin Oppa and Yoongi Oppa work together..." I groaned again, "Ugh, what if everything just turns bad..."

"You're overthinking things, Mika. Just relax! Since the twins will be gone, me and you can have our alone time after all those years!"

Before I could say anything, there was a knock on the door.

"UNCLES ARE HERE, UNCLES ARE HERE!!" Mina cried out and a little figure ran straight to the door, with a calm MiJoon following behind.

"Well, you can't change your mind now." Namjoon said to me.

We both walked to the door and let the chaos begin.

"SAMCHOON!! Seokjin Samchoon!!!" Mina screamed out and ran into the arms of Seokjin, who scooped her up and nuzzled her face.

"MiJoon-Ah~~~" Taehyung called out.

"Appaaa~~"  MiJoon cooed, running towards the alien, but was intercepted by Jimin, who picked him up and started tossing him in the air.

"YAHH! You stole him!" Taehyung whined.

"That's what you get for teaching him to call you that..." Namjoon murmured, causing me to chuckle. He turned red, realizing that I heard him.

"Let's go, let's go! I wanna go!" Mina jumped up and down in Seokjin's arms.

Knowing that I had to eventually let them leave, I sighed. "Okay, okay..." I said in defeat. "Seokjin Oppa, make sure to take care of them! Don't let Taehyung and Jimin do anything stupid." Jimin and Taehyung gasped playfully, offended. "Yoongi Oppa, please help Seokjin Oppa with the others to actually listen to him..." It was Seokjin's turn to feel offended. "Jungkook and Hoseok Oppa... Behave..." I narrowed my eyes. "If you need anything, you guys know my number. If an emegency happens, tell me. I'll have my phone on me and ---" Before I could say more Namjoon covered my mouth and shooed them away and out the door.

BTS Pov (minus Namjoon)

"Mika Noona is such a worrywart." Jimin chuckled.

"Well... I think this is the first time that she has been seperated from the twins, other than their daycare." Seokjin reasoned.

"True... So, should we head to our first destination?" Hoseok asked.

"To the park?" Jimin suggested. Everyone agreed and headed towards the nearest park.

As they got there, the children began running around the playground. Seokjin stood there, watching them like a mother. Yoongi was watching as well, but had many thoughts in his mind, such as, 'these idiots'   or 'he is like a monkey...' The reason for the "monkey" comment, is because Taehyung was on the monkey bars, making a fool of himself. MiJoon was on the platform giggling at his childish uncle. He was too short to reach the bars, so Jungkook helped with picking him up for him to grab onto it and swing, making faces just like Taehyung. Mina was jumping into the arms of Jimin and having him put her back up to jump again. Hoseok was going around the playground, playing with both the twins and himself. He kept pretending he was driving a tractor and asking them if they wanted a ride.

About 30 minutes of this, a loud wail was heard. Seokjin shot up to see where it was coming from. When he looked up, he saw MiJoon crying and holding his knee. He ran up to him, full of worry. "OMO. WHAT HAPPENED?!" Seokjin cried out.

"I was running and then fell." MiJoon solemnly sniffled.

"Aww, okay, let's clean up your knee and then you'll feel all better, okay?" Seokjin patted the child, who just slowly nodded his head.

Once all patched up, he was off running around again, until it was time to leave the park. They were all contemplating on what to do next, when Mina asked if she could have a toy. The instant he heard something related to shopping, Jungkook's head shot up. "YEAH! TO THE MALL!" Jungkook yelled out, throwing a fist into the air.

"This day is for the twins, not you Jungkook..." Yoongi playfully punched him.

As they reached the mall, MiJoon's and Mina's eyes got larger and they became more restless. "Aye, children, calm down! We're almost to the toy store!" Seokjin told them. Hearing 'Toy Store' Mina jumped out of Seokjin's arms and ran straight towards it. MiJoon ran after her, yelling for her to come back.

"HOW COULD YOU LET HER GO?!" Hoseok yelled out and started to chase after the troublemakers.

"I-WHAT- I DIDN'T THINK SHE WOULD JUMP OUT!" Seokjin cried, following suit.

The members all began to chase after the two children and when they finally got into the store, they were panting and crazily looking around for the runaways. Taehyung was the first to spot them in the corner, one playing with puzzles and the other with legos. "Omg, we found you. Don't run off like that!" He said exasperatedly and out of breath.

"MIJOON. MINA." Another voice boomed out. Everyone became quiet as they turned to the owner of the voice, jaws dropped and cowering. The two kids' eyes shot up and the dropped all their toys. "COME HERE. RIGHT NOW."  Seokjin demanded. Everyone was shocked because not only did Seokjin raise his voice, but he was also upset. He got down to their height and continued. "Why do you think you guys are in trouble right now? What do you think you did wrong?" He asked.

"...We... We... Ran away by ourselves..." Mina held her head down and started to sniffle.

"We sorry... Samchoon... I tried telling her to stop, but once I got inside... I saw the toys... and and..." MiJoon started to tear up.

Seeing the sad faces, Seokjin couldn't stay angry. He sighed and brought the two into a hug. "Just don't do it again... Be careful and make sure you hold onto our hands, okay?" He gave a reassuring smile to show that he was no longer upset. The two's faces brightened up as they nodded and went back to playing with the toys. As Seokjin got up, he looked around to see the members gaping at him. He looked at the members, but realized something. "Where are Taehyung and Jimin....?" Seokjin asked.

Yoongi's eyes started to scope around the store and instantly narrowed. "Found them." He started over two the other two children that were playing with racecars. "You idiots. Why are you guys playing with the toys? We are supposed to be looking after the twins!" Hitting each of them in the head.

"But, but. You guys are already doing itt." Jimin complained.

"Doesn't matter! You are their uncles too!" Yoongi told them and then turned around to go back to the twins, motioning for them to follow. They reluctantly did.

As Yoongi and the other two approached to where the others were, they saw a heard of girls and a lot of squealing. As if it was the red sea, they parted ways and made room for the members to go through. Yoongi looked over at Seokjin, Hoseok and Jungkook with a questionable look.

"We got found out." Seokjin shrugged.


"Where's Namjoon Oppa?!"

"They are so cute!"

"Can we play with them???"

"They aren't your children, right oppa??"

All these screams happened all at once. The twins began to feel overwhelmed and Jungkook saw that. "NOONAS! Can you be a little bit more quiet, please? You're scaring the children. We'll answer your questions, but please quiet down...." Instantly the girls stopped screaming and stared at the members with anticipation.

Seokjin and Hoseok each pulled a child forward and asked them to introduce themselves. Mina excitedly and politely introduced herself and MiJoon quietly and embarrassedly introduced himself. With each introduction, the girls squealed about how cute they were.

A girl yelled out, "Whose children are they?!"

As if on cue, MiJoon became shy and ran over to Taehyung, motioning him to pick the child up. "Appaa, Appaa, up, up." Hearing this, all the girls gasped and began squealing.

"NONONONO. TAEHYUNG IS NOT THEIR FATHER." Hoseok immediately shot down everything. "They are Namjoon's and Mika's children." He quickly explained. "This idiot over here just taught MiJoon to call him 'Appa'" he said rolling his eyes, but receiving a smirk from Taehyung.

"Wahhhh, Namjoon Oppa and Mika Unni??? They made such a cute babyyy." A girl squealed out.

"Ahhh, I see the resemblance!! They look like Mika more though." Another said.

"Good thing, too." Someone snickered, which caused everyone to laugh out loud.

"We are taking care of them and giving Namjoon Hyung and Mika Noona a day to themselves." Jungkook explained, "And since they aren't our children... We can't exactly let them play with just anybody.

"So let's play a game! Whoever wins can play with them!" Jimin grinned.

"Whoever they go to can play with them!" Taehyung set MiJoon down next to Mina, who immediately hid behind his sister. All the girls got into a line and started calling out to the children. "Okay, MiJoon, Mina. You can choose which Noona/Unni you would like to play with!" He nodded towards the children for them to choose out who they wanted to play with. MiJoon immediately ran back to Taehyung, not wanting to go towards strangers. Mina on the other hand stood there, looking around at all the girls, contemplating on who to choose. Finally she shakes her head and runs to Seokjin, causing all the girls to whine and pout.

"Welp, I guess there is everyone's answers. They are pretty shy when it comes to new people, but I hope you guys don't think anything poorly of them." Seokjin said, picking up Mina. "Let's go get some ice cream." He said to Mina, earning a scream of joy from the girl. With that, the members and twins left the toy store and headed to get some ice cream.

Some of the fans went back to their own lives, but there was still al little trail following and taking pictures of the members and the twins. Seokjin placed Mina on the ground to go buy the ice cream for everyone. The other members gathered around, excited for their own ice cream, screaming out to their Hyung of what flavors they want. Once he ordered all the flavors, he looked around to ask the twins what flavors they wanted, but to his dismay, he saw no sight of them.

"WHAT THE- WHERE ARE THE TWINS?!" Seokjin screamed out.

Everyone's eyes got big and round, looking around to find no children. "Fuuuuuuu-" Jungkook started, but was cut off by Seokjin.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS WATCH OVER THEM?!" He yelled out. "We need to find them. NOW."

They all ran in different directions and then coming back together to see if they found anyone. As they were about to brainstorm of where the children might have gone, they all froze and felt chills down their spines. They all turned around and was greeted by a couple, one glaring daggers and the other turned away, knowing what was coming next. Man, if looks could kill, they all would be dead, resurrected and killed once again.

Narrator Pov

"N-N-N-Noona..... W-We can e-explain..." Jimin stuttered, fearing for his life.

"Y-yeah. M-Mika. C-Calm down, relax.... Let us explain...." Seokjin tried to tame the woman in front of them.

Mika looked at all of them individually, taking in all their cowering faces. She stepped forward, raised a hand towards Namjoon and said, "Namjoon... Give me some water. I need to hydrate, before..." She  trailed off at the end, leaving the members to their imagination.

Namjoon reluctantly gave his lioness wife the bottle of water and watched her take a huge swig, readying herself for the punishment she is about to give to s. Each other members, physically gulped and prepared themselves for what was gonna happen next.

Just as Mika was about to run towards them, Taehyung cut her off. "NOONA. PLEASE. SPARE US." He begged. "We were getting them ice cream!! Then they were gone!!" He tried to explain.


"Honey... There are people around... Mainly fans... Let's go back to the apartment and discuss this..." Namjoon tried to reason, glancing at the people gathering around them.

"...Fine. You boys. Get moving." Mika said, pointing towards their apartment direction. The 6 boys began walking with their heads low.

As they filed into the apartment, they all sat down in the living room, heads still hanging low, but quietly thanking Namjoon somewhat saving them... At least calming down the beast, before she could rip them to shreds.

Mika let out a huge breath of air and then began. "Now, why is it that I decide to let you guys take care of my children and then I find out that they ran off and was alone without their SIX uncles? Do you know what could've happened?! Your fan girls could've taken them or the twins could've fell or could've gotten lost! They could've ran into the street and- and-" She couldn't continue with the next because she was too afraid. Mika sunk down to the floor with tears rolling down her face.

The members all looked at each other in guilt and then to Namjoon he just shook his head and started to walk over to his wife to comfort her.

Mika felt hands on her face and looked up, meeting with two pairs of brown orbs. "Mommy, stop cryingg~ We are okay! Uncles did nothing wrong." Mina tried to comfort and defend.

"Uncles played with us. We had a lot of fun today. We only ran away because we saw you and daddy." MiJoon stated causing everyone to become quite and then a small smirk showed up on all the members' faces.

"So, you guys ran because you saw your mommy and daddy?" Taehyung started, receiving nods.

Mika stared at the twins and then at the boys, slowly growing red in the face.

"So... It ISN'T our fault." Hoseok chimed in, earning a glare from Mika.

"Fine... Okay... They're off the hook... Now..." Mika sighed.

The twins each ran to their favorite uncles and cried out for them to play with them.

"Oh, oh, oh! Noona, can you take a picture with me??" Taehyung asked, carrying MiJoon over towards her.

"Uhm, sure?" Mika asked, wondering why he all of a sudden wants a picture.

"Hyung! Can you take a picture of us??" He asked Namjoon, while situating Mika next to himself and carrying MiJoon in the middle.

Without thinking of anything, Namjoon agreed and snapped the picture on both a polaroid and Taehyung's cell phone. Once Taehyung got the polaroid and the phone back, he then said, "Great! This picture is great! Now to put it as my lock screen and background.... I can now tell people I have a wife and son." The instant the last word left his mouth, six guys drove him to the floor.

"Noonaaa~ MiJoon~~ Helpppp~~~" Taehyung cried out.

Mika just stood there, holding onto MiJoon, laughing. "Well... You should've known better than to actually say that out loud..."

Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin held him down, Namjoon was pinching his face and slapping his head, and all the while Jimin and Jungkook were yelling out in their possesive ways.


"Yahhh, Noona is mine! I have couple items to prove it!" Jungkook cried out.

"Mika noona likes me more!" Jimin stuck his tongue out.

This went on for another hour, giving Mika enough time to cook dinner. "Okay, okay guys! Break it up! Dinner is ready. Let's all eat." Mika chuckled out at the dog pile on top of Taehyung.

"How'd you make dinner so quickly?" Namjoon asked.

"Well... You guys did spend about an hour doing whatever you guys were doing to Taehyung..." I told them.

"Wow, didn't realize that... Do you need help setting the table?" Seokjin asked.

"It's okay. I already did that, too. I had my lovely babies to help me." Mika said, nuzzling her twins.

They all gathered around the table and ate. Once they finished dinner, Mika let the boys take care of the children's nightly routine of baths, brushing teeth and tucking them into bed.

They all walked out into the living room and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Long day?" Namjoon asked the boys.

"How do you guys even..." Jungkook asked.

"I'm pretty sure it is, how does MIKA even." Yoongi said, receiving a shrug from the couple.

They all started talking the night away in hushed voices so they don't wake up the children. Slowly the members started to nod off on the floor and couch.

"Should we wake them up tell them to go home?" Namjoon asked.

"Nah, let them sleep. They've had a long day. Especially Seokjin Oppa and Taehyung." Mika snickered. She walked into their room and grabbed some extra blankets to cover the boys. "Sometimes it feels as if I have eight children, rather than two." Mika laughed.

With that, they both walked into their bedroom and said their good nights to each other.

"You know... Mika... You really are outstanding... The members are right... You do so much... How do you even have the energy... AND you work on your own job..." Namjoon wrapped his arms around Mika's waist, taking in her scent.

"I dunno. I guess I'm just superwoman." Mika jokingly said, nuzzling into his embrace. She felt her eyes slowly drooping down and she whispered her good nights, giving a small peck on Namjoon's lips.

Namjoon received the kiss and kissed her forehead before going into his own slumber.

"Sweet Dreams. I love you."

Hope you guys liked this little chapter! Sorry it took a while... I've been busy with work and packing. >_>

About to head back to America from Beijing!

Once I get back to America, I'll be able to start on the other story! I have it written down from a year ago...

So anticipate! :)

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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14: Oh.my.god!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD