Happy Birthday

The Way We Met

I flipped over to my other side and snuggle up against the person I am proud to call my husband. As I am about to get comfortable and fall back asleep, I feel a lingering hand go up my shirt and rest on the small of my back. My eyes popped open and I scream out while slapping my husband on the chest.

"YAH. WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" I screamed out, pushing myself away, but pushing too hard and landed on the floor. Why does this seem so familiar...? I thought to myself, but eventually shrugged off the feeling.

"Why are you yelling so early in the morning..." Namjoon asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and stared at me.

I look back and forth from his hands and him. His eyes widened.

"Oh..." As he was about to freak out, he came to his senses. "I'm your husband! Should I really get hit for this?! It's not like 5 years ago when we weren't even together!" He tried to reason out.

I pouted as I sat on the floor. "It doesn't matter! What if I just let you do that? What would happen afterwards?!" He thought about it and realizing what I was trying to get at, he turned a bright pink. "YAH, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT." I yelled, getting up and grabbing a pillow to throw at him.

He caught the pillow, grabbed my arm and pulled me under him. "But how can I not when someone as beautiful as you is in front of me?" He smirked. He leaned his face closer to mine, just centimeters away. I could feel his breath and my heart began racing. "What should I do with such a beauty?" He asked.

Trying to think of anything to get out of the situation, I blurted out, "Your breath stinks."

He was taken aback by my blunt comment, but then began laughing. "Okay okay, you win." He got off of me and pulled me into an embrace and kissed my head.

"MOMMY, DADDY! I WANT A HUG FROM DADDY, TOO!" A child's voice rang out, followed by another.

"I want a hug from mommy." The second child said, softly.

Me and Namjoon looked at each other and simply laughed, welcoming the children. "Mina-ah, you don't love mommy? Why do you only want a hug from daddy?" I asked the little girl, clinging onto her father. I picked up my baby boy and cradled him in my arms. "MiJoon loves mommy, right?" I asked my son. He just looked up at me with his large and round eyes that he got from me and nodded.

Mina takes after her father, someone outgoing and always excited about little things, while MiJoon takes after me, someone who is quiet and shy. It is like I gave birth to twin that are the opposite gender of me and Namjoon.

"MiJoon-Ah, go give Daddy a good morning hug and kiss." I said, releasing the tiny 3 year old boy from my embrace. He got up and waddled over to his father. Mina comes running over to me and crashes into my arms. I give her a big hug, swinging her around. "Mina, you aren't gonna leave mommy for daddy, right? Cause you know, daddy did something bad to mommy today." I told her. She looked at me with a surprised face and looked over towards her father.

"What did daddy do?" She asked, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, what did I do?!" Namjoon yelped out.

"Daddy was being mean to mommy. He was making fun of mommy." I pouted.

"Daddy! That's not nice!" Mina got up and put her hands on her waist, scolding her father.

Just as Namjoon was about to defend himself, MiJoon grabbed his dad's face. "Don't be mean to mommy." He said in a blunt and small voice.

Namjoon looked over to me in disbelief. I smirked at him and he admitted his defeat.

"Well, I'm gonna go make breakfast." I said getting up from the bed. "Everyone go get washed up. Daddy will help you." I walked out and started on breakfast.

As I finish with breakfast and set the table, Mina and MiJoon come running out of the room and sat at the table to start their meal. We all sit down and have our meal, with the occasional arguments between sister and brother. Once they finished, they headed towards the living room to play.

Me and Namjoon stood there, watching them play around. "It seems like it was just yesterday that I met you..." I told him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Think about it... If you hadn't scolded us about Shira, we wouldn't be here... I'm so grateful that you are such an amazing person." He pulled me closer.

"But if you didn't initiate the talking, I don't think we would be here either... Cause you know, I usually don't talk to a lot of people and if someone wanted to talk to me, they would have to message me first. You became one of my best friends... Along with the other members of course. I'm glad that you actually wanted to talk to me." I laughed at him. "So much had happened back then... You know, I'm actually quite surprised from the lack of hate I got from your guys' fans once you guys announced that we were gonna get married."

"Well, of course you didn't get a lot of hate. Our fans always wants what is best for us. Plus, I think that once they actually saw you, they agreed that you were the right choice. I mean, your students definitely helped with the bad comments, if there were any. Your students loved you and everyone you spoke with knew that you were a genuine and honest person. You also took care of all the members and was there for them... Although I think they all fell for you..." He mumbled the last part.

I laughed at him. "Is someone jealous?? I mean, I did choose you in the end, didn't I?" I slapped his arm.

"Yeahhhh, but Jungkook got to do couple things with you and even reieved a kiss on the cheek from you! Then Taehyung got to confess to you first... Yoongi Hyung was able to collaborate with you... Seokjin Hyung was the first one that people saw you with... Jimin got to lay in your lap!!! Gah, Hoseok Hyung kissed you on your cheek first!!" As he kept listing things, he got more and more frustrated. The only thing that got him to stop was someone ringing the doorbell.

"Who is here this early?" I asked him.

He looked at me and shrugged, avoiding eye contact. "Uhh, I'll get it."

As he opened the door, there was a rush of noise and lots of footsteps coming my way.

"NOONAAAA~" Oh god. I thought as I got ready for impact. Not even a second later, I was crushed in an embrace.

"Uncles are here!!" Mina cried out and ran into Seokjin's arms, who warmly welcomed her and picked her up.

"What?! No fair... Mina likes Hyung the most." Jimin sulked.

"MiJoon-Ah~~" Taehyung cooed with his arms opened wide.

"Appa~~~" MiJoon ran over to Taehyung, accepting his embrace.

"Wait... Did he just call you Appa? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING MY CHILD?!" Namjoon cried out.

"Ayeee, Hyungg. It's not big deal." Taehyung said with a smirk.

"Mikaaaa," Namjoon whined.

"Hey, don't put me into this. I have my own problem." I pointed to Jungkook who was clinging onto me.

"Ugh, I have 6 problems! My daughter likes Seokjin Hyung and Jimin is fighting for her, Taehyung taught my son to call him ‘Appa', Jungkook is clinging to my wife...Hoseok and Yoongi are digging through our fridge..."

I could only laugh at his distress.

"Noona, Noona. Happy Birthday!" Jungkook said, nuzzling against my hair.

"Thank you, Jungkook." I laughed. "You know, you're the first one to say it to me?" I narrowed my eyes at Namjoon who visibly swallowed.

"Really?? Hyung didn't say anything to you??" Jungkook grinned. "You should just have married me then."

"Nooooo! Don't fall for his charms!" Namjoon cried out.

Brushing away his cries, I asked, "So is this the reason why you all are here today?"

"Yeah! We all have presents for you!!" Jimin chimed.

They all took out their presents and put them on the table. On the table was a phone charm, stuffed animal, a small box, a flashdrive, snapback and a big box. I picked up the phone charm and looked at Jungkook with a quizzical look.

"We need a new couple phone charm!" He smiled and held up his phone to chose the matching piece. I laughed at him.

"But what about our old one? Also, I think I can feel Namjoon sending daggers." I told him.

"We needed to upgrade. And it's not like you didn't keep our last one... I mean, he has one with you, you just lumped the two together. He can get over it." He said.

I shook my head with a smile and went to the next thing. I picked up the stuffed animal that was a puppy. "It looks like me, so you can always be thinking of me!" Jimin said, showing some aegyo.

I went to the small box. I looked at Taehyung, who had a sly smile on his face. I opened up the box to find a ring inside. "Taehyung..." I looked at him. Namjoon walked over to see what was inside the box. When he found out that it was a ring, he narrowed his eyes at his dongsaeng.

"YAH. THIS IS MY WIFE. WHAT'RE YOU TRYING TO DO?!" He yelled out, holding me possessively.

"Hyungg, calm downnn. It's just a friendship ring, geeez. It has our names engraved with the words Best Friends." Taehyung laughed, happy that he got the reaction he wanted. He took off the matching ring he wore and walked over to us, showing us the engraving of his name inside the ring and then on the outside it says 'Best' and then holding up mine, showing the engraving of my name and on the outside the word 'Friends'. He then proceeded to put the ring onto my finger with his grin wide as ever. Namjoon playful slapped Taehyung's hand away and pushed him back to his original spot. I laughed at their childishness and continued onto Yoongi's.

I looked at the flashdrive and gave Yoongi a confused look. "A flashdrive??" I asked.

He nodded and then explained, "In the flashdrive is the song that we made together years ago. Remember the trot and rap song? I finished it a while back, but didn't when I should give it to you... Also, forgive me, but I kind of made it go public. It actually became really popular. I'll give you a percentage." He smirked. I felt my face grow red and I facepalmed myself.

"Oppa... Whyyyyy. That's so embarrassing." I whined out, but only received laughter.

I picked up the snapback and looked towards Hoseok with a smile. "Thank you for something normal!" I told him, but then noticed that the snapback was a matching one with his own. "Nevermind..." I laughed and right after Namjoon took the snapback from me.


"It is fun. And I mean Jungkook got to have something! Why can't I have my own thing to match with her!" Hoseok defended himself and stuck his tongue out.

Lastly, it came down to the big box. I looked towards Seokjin, whose face was filled with excitement. I opened up the box and what greeted me was a beautifully made cake. "Oh my gosh... Seokjin Oppa! How... You... YOU MAKE ME LOOK BAD." I complained.

He laughed at my outburst. "I'm glad you like it." He smiled.

"Wooow, Uncle Seokjin made a pretty cake! Can we eat it?!" Mina asked.

"No! We have to sing happy birthday to mommy first." MiJoon surprisingly bursted out. I picked up MiJoon and kissed him on the head.

"Aww, thank you MiJoon-ah. Let's all sing happy birthday for me and then you and Mina can eat, okay?"

We all sang happy birthday and the cake. Afterwards, everyone played with the children. As I was about to join them, Namjoon grabs my hand.

"Hey, it's my turn. You never received my gift. It might not be as amazing as all the other guys, but I just wanted to be able to give this to you." He took out a card that looked handmade and went to the pantry and brought out a box. "You can open the box first and then read the letter." He told me. I opened the box to see a handmade coffee mug that had my name and his name on it with the cliche heart and everything. "I know how much you like your coffee, so I made you something that you can always drink out of and remember me and how much you love me." He laughed at the last part. I smiled to him and gave him a hug. Setting down the mug, I open up the letter to read it.

"To my lovely wife, Mika.

Since the first day I met you at the airport, I have never stopped liking and loving you. You have always been in my heart. I knew instantly that I wanted you to be in my future. It was definitely love at first sight, no matter how much a person doesn't believe it, you definitely made it come true. We've shared many memories together, both bad and good memories, but the good memories have always conquered over the bad ones. Through the time we didn't see each other because you had to finish college, I always missed you and always wanted to be able to see you. That's one of the reasons why I was always messaging you, no matter what time it was. Every time my phone lit up with a message from you, I instantly found myself smiling. I got teased by the members a lot... Then when we finally got to meet again, it was like falling in love all over again.

Even though it didn't show, every time you hung out with another member or got close to another member, I was secretly jealous. I was afraid that I wouldn't have a chance with you... I never knew if you liked me back or anything... But obviously I took my chances and I'm glad that I did. Cause if I didn't, I wouldn't be here with you now and have two adorable children. You have made my life amazing and I just want you to know that I love and am grateful for you.

When I found out that you did like me back, you don't understand how shocked and happy that I was. I couldn't really contain it and knew that I needed you to stay in my life, so I worked so hard to get your family to agree with you marrying me. Honestly, I was nervous to meet your family, but surprisingly, they instantly liked me...

All in all, I just want to wish you a Happy Birthday and I'm the luckiest man in the universe to be able to be together with the most amazing woman ever born.

I love you,


I looked up from the card and I knew I was crying. I was speechless and I didn't know what to say. I hugged Namjoon really tight and kissed him. Finally being able to think of something to say, I said,

"Thank you... I love you so much... And I am the one that is lucky to have you..."

How was the ending?? I don't know if it was a good one. >_<;;

I don't know when I'll make another story, but I definitely want to post up the one that I had written last year. Sadly, the story I wrote is in a notebook that is actually back in the States... So you guys would have to wait for that one for another like... month. Haha.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one! Tell me what you thought of it all! :)

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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14: Oh.my.god!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD