Day One...

The Way We Met

2 years have passed, Mika graduated, still single and just recently got accepted into an English teaching job in Korea. In the 2 years, she has yet to meet any of the BTS members, other than video chatting, but nothing in person. Any time they would come to the States, it was to LA or New York or Chicago. If it were to Dallas, she would always be busy with her part-time job, her finals or family. She never had the chance to meet them in those two years. She got to keep in contact with Shira a little bit, with permission from her parents, having weekly and monthly video chats. Although short, it was nice.

Bidding farewell to the States for 1-2 years, I left to catch my flight to Seoul. I watch my mom crying. "Mama, it's not like I'm never coming back. It will just be for a couple of years, I'll try to video chat and call often, plus the program that I was hired under is allowing me to make 2 trips out of country. So I'll be back at least twice a year." I  tried to comfort her. I kiss her on the cheek and hug my family before leaving.

As I left, I hear my mom say, "Don't forget our bet! By the time you come back, I might just have a suitable person for you!" She started to chuckle, knowing that I knew she was probably joking.... Probably.

I sit on the plane, ready for the long flight and new experience.

Once I land in Seoul, I look for the sign that is for me. I meet up with the person who is picking me up and they give me all the information I needed. They handed me my SIM card, I place it in my phone and follow them out.

We get into the apartment complex that I will be staying at after they show me the school that I would be teaching at. "Here is where you will be living. It is just 15 minutes away from your school by subway. I already showed you where the subway was, so I think you should be fine with that. Utilities are paid for, rent is paid for, the only thing you need to pay for yourself is food and entertainment. Here is your wifi password, don't worry, we provided you with one of the best internet companies, so you don't have to worry about whatever they call it in the States... buffering? Yeah, you don't have to worry about that. Well, if there is no questions, I'll be on my way. You have my phone number if you need me, just call." He started to walk out the door, "Oh, also, a fair warning, around this area, you might find a lot of suspicious people. Don't worry about them. They won't harm you. You just live in the same complex as idols. If it gets loud (from the idols), you can always just tell them to quiet down, they are pretty polite." With that, he left and I was in my empty apartment.

Well, I should probably get unpacked... Or at least unpack the lack of things I own. I thought to myself. After spending only an hour to unpack everything (yeah, I literally have nothing), I remember that I was planning on telling the members that I was in Seoul and that I would be here for quite a while... I picked up my phone, seeing a message that was already there.

Taehyung: Noona~~ What're you doing right now? We have a free day today. We should video chat!

I laugh at the timing. Maybe I should mess around with them a little.

Me: Okay! Let's video chat! Just call me whenever you guys all gather together.

Not even a minute later, I get a video call. I answer it and am greeted by 6 smiling faces and one sheepish face (Yoongi probably just woke up).

"Hey guys! What are you guys planning on doing today? Since you know, it's your off day." I asked them after greeting all of them.

"We don't know. We are all so tired from practicing. I think we might just relax at home." Seokjin said.

I laughed at them. Before I could say anything, Jungkook yelled out, "I think we are getting a new neighbor!  We know that there is a vacant apartment downstairs from us and I think someone just moved into it! We saw a little moving truck outside yesterday and they brought all the furniture and boxes to the vacant room. I think it is a girl, I saw a lot of  journals that looked like diaries and a few stuffed animals. Oh! Along with some girly decorations... I think they were light blue hanging things..."

I looked at my apartment as he named out each of the items... I saw my light blue ceiling lanterns... No. Way. Before I could let the shock show in my face, I asked, "Did you see her?" Jungkook nodded. "What was she wearing?"

"Uhm... A black skirt, white undershirt... camisole? Is that what you girls call it? and a plaid light blue flannel. Oh she was wearing a snapback and she looked like she had medium lengthed hair." As he named out all of this, I looked down to what I was wearing. It was the exact same thing that Jungkook had described, minus the hat, since I took that off once I got inside. My mind went crazy, Thank god they can only see my face. I can't believe that I live in the same complex as them...

Trying to pretend that I was interested in their “new" neighbor, I nodded at them and then asked, "Really? She sounds nice. Maybe you should go meet her. Haha"

This time it was Jimin who spoke up, laughing, "Haaaah, yeah. What if she turns out to be a crazy fan who moved here because of us? Plus, I'm sure she can't compare to you." Once he said the last part, everyone turned to him in shock. The one who was most shocked, that I saw, was Namjoon. I felt my face grow warm. I covered my mouth, trying to hide my smile. I mean, I don't get these kinds of compliments a lot...

I let out a nervous laugh. Then tried to change the subject back to my original plan, "Well you never know. She could be a great person. Or even someone who just came to Korea and probably needs some friends. You should welcome her into the neighborhood!" I tried to convince them.

Finally, I persuaded them to go visit their new neighbor. It took about an hour, which gave me time to fix something up for them. It never occurred to them that it was me and that the cookies that I was making was for them. They could be so dorky sometimes, it's actually for endearing. Haha. We all hung up when they finally said that they would go greet their new complex mate.

While waiting for them to come, I decided that my apartment needed something to make it less... dull. I took out the decorations that I brought over from home and started to hang things up and stick things on the walls. About 30 minutes in, I hear a knock on my door. I look through the peephole to see all 7 of them standing awkwardly outside. I silently chuckled. Just as I was about to say something through the door, like "who is it? Can I help you?" Just to tease them, Taehyung starts knocking on the door even more, well more like trying to make a beat... I couldn't help but laugh out loud at his childishness. "OKAY OKAY. LET ME OPEN THE DOOR." I yelled through the door.

Once I opened the door, I yelled out, "SURPRISE!" They all stood there, dumbfounded and speechless. I couldn't control my laughter. I fell on the floor because my legs grew weak from how hilarious they looked.

I heard shouts of, "NOONA!" "MIKA!" "HOW COULD YOU?!" "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?" Which only made me laugh harder. I motioned them in, trying to catch my breath.

Once I caught my breath and wiped away my tears of laughter, I began, "I was about to tell you guys that I was in Seoul, well that I am gonna be here in Seoul for 2 years. But Taehyung had beaten me to messaging you guys. I actually didn't even think that I would be in the same complex as you guys. The person who helped me out and helped me get settled told me that there were idols in this complex, but I never thought it would be you guys." I explained. "When Jungkook had described all my stuff... and even ME, I thought that I should play a trick on you guys. It was definitely well worth it. I'm actually surprised that you guys didn't catch on. Especially since you guys saw me baking things, not in my usual apartment or house. As well as why I was being so persistent on you guys meeting this "new neighbor" of yours" I said with quotation marks at the end. They all facepalmed themselves. "So yeah, here I am!" I said, letting out a huge breath of air.

"Why are you only going to be here for 2 years?" Hoseok asked.

"Uhmm..." Should I tell them about me teaching English...? No, I should keep my personal life and my professional life completely seperate... Especially since they are idols... I definitely don't want that mixing into life... I might even just get fired for causing a ruckus. "Uh, I'm here for work." I simply stated.

"Oh, really? What're you doing?" asked Yoongi, sleepily.

"Just... English things." Well, I'm not lying... "Nothing too grand. Just working in a company." Technically it is a company... Right?

"Ahh, I see." They all said in unison and let the subject drop.

"So! Are you guys hungry? I can make you guys something to eat! I'm not a great chef, but what I make is pretty edible. And plus, you guys probably haven't had a homecooked meal in a while, am I right?" I asked them. They all nodded. Yoongi's stomach growled and everyone started laughing. "Okay, great. I just need to buy some ingredients and I'll be back. You guys can stay in here, just don't go into my room, unless you need the bathroom. And even then, don't go through my stuff." They all nodded and started conversing to themselves as I went to go grab my things to head to the supermarket.

As I was gathering my things, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Seokjin. "Hey, you need help? I could go shopping with you. I can tell you what the members like as well, since I usually am the one to cook." I smiled at him and nodded, grateful for the help. As we walked out the door, I saw everyone staring at us.

"We'll be back later!" I told them, waving.


"Why did Jin go with her...?" Jimin asked.

"He is just trying to help her out. I mean today is her first day here, knowing her, she would probably get lost while going to the market." Namjoon reasoned.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Hey... Since she's gone, let's go through her stuff!" Jungkook said, mischieviously.

"She specifically told us not to!" Hoseok protested... But not too much because he was curious as well.

"It's fine. There probably isn't much anywayss." Jimin called out.

They all got up and looked around the apartment.

Mika's Pov

A wave of chills were sent down my spine as me and Seokjin walked to the market.

"Are you cold?" Seokjin asked, about to take off his jacket to give to me.

"Ah, no, no. I'm okay. I just got a vibe that something bad was happening..." I shrugged the feeling away. "Thank though."

We arrive at the market and walked around each aisle, Seokjin pointing to the things the members liked and disliked. This was actually the first time I've been shopping at a supermarket alone with a guy. Usually I would feel really awkward and stiff, but shopping with Seokjin was different. I was able to relax a bit more. As we walked around the market more, starting to buy things that I would need for my apartment, we finally decided that it was enough and that we should go back to make dinner. As we walked towards checkout, a little kid started running and accidently bumped into a pile of cans. As I grabbed the kid to block the cans from hitting him, I readied myself for the impact of cans on my back, but I felt nothing. I looked up and saw Seokjin behind me. "ARE YOU OKAY? You didn't get hurt or anything, right?!" He asked with concern written all over his face, checking to see if I got hurt anywhere.

"Ah... Yes..." I looked up at him, surprised by his outburst. Before I could say ask about him, he started scolding the kid that was running around, causing the incident. The kid nodded silently and his mom came and scolded him some more, apologizing to us.

"Apologize to the nice couple that protected you, right now." The mother said. The child apologized and walked away with his mother.

The mother's words didn't hit me until we got to the checkout counter. Couple?! Wait, what?! I looked over towards Seokjin, realization written all over my face. I saw that his face was a bit pink. The atmosphere got awkward... As we finished paying, the cashier said, "You guys are adorable. So shy about your relationship. Must be a first, huh?" This really blew all sanity that I had. I felt steam was coming off of my head and through my ears. Before I could get any redder (like that was possible), Seokjin grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the market. The walk back to the complex was so awkward, that it was oozing out around us. As we get back to my apartment, I unlock the door and we step in.

As we stepped in, I finally understood the chills that went down my spine. All the guys were gone, not in the living room, for sure not in their dorm, but in my room. THEY WERE IN MY ROOM. "GUYS! WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" I yelled as I walked into the apartment. They all filed out of my room, guilty looks on their face. Until they saw me and Seokjin.

"Ayeeee, Hyunggg." Hoseok grinned and looked at us. I followed his gaze towards our hands. OMG, WE ARE STILL HOLDING HANDS. I pulled my hand out of his.

"AH, I can explain!" Seokjin started. "Stuff happened and I dragged her out... It... Guh" He was at a loss for words.

"I want to hold hands with Noona!" Jungkook said, running over and grabbing my hand. Thank god for this dork of a maknae. I laughed, but then smelled something sweet on Jungkook... Something familiar...

My eyes narrowed onto Jungkook, I clear my throat. Jungkook.... Why do you smell like my strawberry lotion...?" He physically gulped. "I told you guys not to go through my stuff! One rule!" I narrowed my eyes at all of them. Then it dawned on me, MY DIARY. I ran pass them and looked towards my secret spot. Seeing that all my diaries that I accumulated over the past 15 years were still there, untouched. I sighed in relief and went back out to the living room, where 6 guitly boys were standing.

I sighed, I couldn't stay mad at them. "Well... It didn't seem like you guys did too much damage... Just stay in the common room, keep yourselves occupied while I make dinner..." I told them and walked over to the kitchen.

As I cooked dinner, they all came over now and then to check up on me, asking if I needed help. I could feel stares on my back as I cooked. I heard them whispering, catching sentence here and there, but not being able to figure out who said it.

"I think she is gonna take over Seokjin's title as Eomma"

"Wouldn't she make a great wife? Great with kids and can cook!"

"Guys, back off, she's mine."

The last one being said as a joke.

I chuckled at their little conversations and finished up cooking. I served everyone and we all ate. Once finished, they all thanked me for the meal and went back up because they needed to sleep early for their schedules the next day. After the last one left the door, I got ready for bed. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and just landed in my bed with a huge FLOP.

Today was so hectic... So much happened.... Coming to Korea... Seeing the guys again... That incident with Seokjin... My face grew hot. I tossed and my bed, trying to bury my face in my pillow. I have a feeling that this will be a long 2 years...

Sorry the end of this chapter was so abrupt. I wanted to finish it before I had to go train someone at work. Hope you guys will enjoy it!

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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14:!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD