Meeting Jason

The Way We Met

1 month left... 1 month until I meet the arranged marriage guy... What am I going to do...? I bury my face into my pillow. These feelings of mine... It actually... It actually came back... But they came back too late... What am I supposed to tell my mom? I honestly wouldn't be having so much trouble with this if my Ah-Ma wasn't so excited about this... She calls me often to tell me about this guy that she has picked out for me... I'm worried, because she only tells me good things... So I don't know if the bad qualities are going to drive me up a wall or not...

It is actually quite funny. Whenever she calls me to talk about this guy, she always praises herself afterwards for being able to find someone so perfect. He's tall, 4 years older (believed to be one of the best s for wealth and fortune), Buddhist (cause we are Buddhist), he is a business man of a successful company... She also apparently said that he could sing and play the piano and that when he was in school, he was one of the top ranks. Amazing, right? Oh, his name is also Jason. But who knows if I'd actually be able to get along with him... I feel that we would not have anything in common...

*Phone Rings*

The phone going off, pulls me out of my thoughts. I look at the caller and it was my mom. I wonder what she is going to tell me about Jason this time...

"Hello? Ah-Ma?" I answered the phone.

"Ahh! Mika Mika! How are you? Eating well??" She asked me.

"Yes, yes. I eat very well."

"Oh, that's good. Do you eat with anyone?"

"Uhm... Yes... I eat with my coworkers or the guys you met before..."

"Ahh, those boys? Very handsome boys." My mom paused. "Oh, so... The reason why I'm calling is... Jason is going to Korea."

I tried with all the muscles in my hand to not drop my phone. "WHAT?! HE IS WHAT?! WHY?!" I asked her.

"Well... He is going to be there business... And since I told him that you were there for work, that it would be a chance for you guys to meet each other and get to know each other..." She told me.

"Why would you do that?! Why can't I just meet him when I come back?! It is only 1 months away!" I tried not to yell, but know I was failing.

"Aiya! Why are you yelling?! You are talking to your Ah-Ma!" She scolded me. "It is not going to hurt you to meet him sooner. The sooner the better. You aren't getting any younger." She told me. "Aye, I have to go. I told Jason all your contact information, so he will talk to you soon to set up a day to meet. Behave! And actually dress up! I know you like wearing very casual clothes... You always look like a boy." Before I could protest to both meeting with Jason and my fashion style, she already hung up.

"ARGHDL;KFJA;LKDJF;ALKDJF" I shoved my face into my pillow. What am I going to do...? I'll just tell her that I don't want to... Yeah...

*Phone Rings*

"I DON'T WANT TO MEET HIM." I yelled into the phone.

"What are you talking about..." The voice on the other end asks.

"Huh? Seokjin Oppa? Ah... Sorry... I had just gotten off the phone with my mom..."

"Oh... Wait... Were you talking about that Jason guy? Your arranged marriage?" Seokjin asked.

"... Uh... Yeah..." I told him everything.

"Well... I don't think it would hurt to meet him."

"...You're supposed to be on my side, Oppa..." I whined.

"Yeah, but you gotta give people a chance as well. Plus... It is your mom who set this up..." He reasoned.

"Fine..." I sighed.


I look at my phone to see a number I don't recognize. "Hey, I have someone on the other line, I'll call you later." I told Seokjin and picked up the other line.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi... Uhm... Is this Mika?" A low and mature voice asked.

"Uhh... Yes, it is. May I ask who is calling?" I asked warily.

"Ah, this is Jason..." He replied.

"OH. Uhm... Hi.." Wow, this couldn't get anymore awkward. I thought.

"Uhh... Your mom told you about me coming to Korea... Right?" He asked.

"Oh... yeah... I literally just got off the phone with her like 30 minutes ago... When are you going to be here?" I asked.

"Actually... I'm already here... I thought your mom would have told you ahead of time..."

Gosh dang it, Ah-Ma... "Uhh, no... My mom doesn't work that way... She most definitely runs on Asian time." I joked, which caused Jason to laugh.

"Oh... Well... Today I have a free day from work... Did you want to meet up and grab coffee?" He asked.

"Uhm..." I was about to think of an excuse but then Seokjin's words repeated in my head give people a chance. "Yeah sure. I'll give you my address and we can meet there and go from there."

"Okay. Sounds good. I'll see you then." And we hung up.

Wow... This is all happening too quickly... Why do I feel so... My heart is pained... I quickly get dressed and call Seokjin back.

"Oppa... So... I'm going to get coffee with Jason... He was the one that called... Saying that he was in Korea..." I told him.

"Oh! That's great..." He said, trailing off at the end.

"Yeah... We're gonna meet here and then go to the coffee shop... I was gonna think of an excuse not to go, but then I remembered your advice... So I decided to give it a chance." My phone started to beep again, saying someone was calling. "Ah, I think he is here. I'll tell you about it later... BYE." I hung up, picking up the other line to meet up with Jason.


"Ah, I think he is here. I'll tell you about it later... BYE." Mika hung up. Seokjin put down his phone and looked at the guys who had crowded around him.

"They're going on their coffee date..." Seokjin told them.


"YEAH! SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!" Jungkook said, earning a slap to the head by Yoongi.

"What if she actually really likes him..." Namjoon asked.

"No wayyy. She doesn't even know him!" Jimin said.

As everyone was arguing about what was going on, only one person really stayed silent and thought about it. "Why don't we just... follow them?" Taehyung suggested.

Everyone stopped and looked up him. "Wow... That actually is a good idea..." Jungkook said.

"I don't think so... What if she gets mad that we followed her on her date?" Seokjin asked.

"Puh-leaseee. Mika wouldn't get mad at US. She loves us." Jimin said.

Eventually everyone agreed and tried to follow Mika and Jason on their date. One by one, as to not be noticed, they left the apartment to date stalk Mika. They found her in one of the local coffee shops. They sat outside on the patio, drinking their coffee and talking. The guys had split up into 3 groups, 2 pairs and 1 group of 3.

Group 1: Taehyung and Namjoon

Group 2: Seokjin and Yoongi

Group 3: Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok

They all made a group chat to speak, so they don't get caught. Some sat inside the cafe and others sat outside.

Group Chat


Group 2: Shut up. You guys are stupid. -Yoongi

Group 1: They're laughing...

G2: It seems like they are getting along pretty well. -Seokjin

G3: What are they talking about? We are thinking of moving closer...

G2: You idiots, don't. You'll give it away that we're here.

G1: We are sitting close enough... We think they are just talking about hobbies...

G3: Wow, how can she not notice us?

G2: We are actually kind of surprised, too. I mean, there are 3 idiots blantly staring at them.


G3: Oh, no he doesn't.

G1: He got rejected. LOL


G3: Hoseok Hyung stinks.

G2: Jimin... You're an idiot... -Yoongi

G1: Guys! They're getting up! Where are they going?

Mika's Pov

"Wait... You actually like hiphop? You don't come off as the type." I laughed.

"Hey, hey. You shouldn't be talking. You don't come off as the type either." Jason chuckled.

"Who is your favorite artist?" I asked.

"Well, believe it or not, I actually don't listen to too much English hiphop, only a little." He replied.

"Whaat? What language?" Dude, if he listens to Korean... That would actually be hilarious.

"Don't judge me, okay? One of my favorite hip hop groups are Korean. Block B and BTS!" He said.

"NO WAYYY. Hahaha. Are you a fan boy?" I poked fun at him. He turned away, slightly embarrassed. This is too funny. I wonder how he would react if I told him that I'm friends with them... And that...I shake the rest of the thought out of my head.

"What about you?" He asked. I gave him the same answer. Maybe I shouldn't tell him... Haha. Just as I was about to continue our conversation, I felt a chill go down my spine. "Are you cold? Do you need my jacket?" He was about to take off his jacket to put over me.

"Ah, no, no. It's okay. I just feel like... Someone is staring at me..." I looked around the patio. There was a couple there talking and drinking their coffee... And then two guys that had dyed hair, sunglasses and a face mask on. No they didn't... BAHAHA. THEY FOLLOWED ME. I tried to stifle my laughter. Jason gave me a quizzical look. "Nothing." I chuckled. "Let's head out for something to eat or for something to do?" I wonder how far they'd follow us. We get up and started heading down the street.

As we walked, we talked about his work and how long he was planning on staying here for. He was going to be here for a month... "Yeah, we can always catch a flight back to the States together." He suggested. One month... Only one month left with everyone... With him... "Hey, are you alright?" Jason asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh... Yeah... Sorry. Just thinking about stuff." I told him, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Hey... Is it me or are we being followed?" Jason asked, motioning behind us with his eyes. I chuckled.

"Oh, yeah, I was meaning to tell you. Yes, we're being followed. They are friends of mine..." I'll give him a surprise later.

"I see... They must really care about you."

"I guess..." I laughed. "Do you want to meet them?" I asked.

He nodded. "I would like to meet my future wife's friends who care about her so much."

I blushed at his statement. "Ah.. Uhmm..." I tried to change the atmostphere, "Hey, let's play a trick on them. On the count of 3, let's run for it. Afterwards, I'll let you meet them. We'll run, hide and then come up behind them. Yeah?" He agreed with a laugh. "Okay... 1... 2... THREE." We sprinted off the street and went into a nearby park. We hid inside a little tunnel thing and we could see the members trying to find us. I turned to see if Jason was alright, feeling that he doesn't exercise a lot. Our faces meet, just a few centimeters apart. Our body heat was overbearing... I looked at him and saw he was looking down at me... At my eyes, then down to my lips... He slowly inched his face closer to mine...

"WHERE DID THEY GO?!" The members yelled out, making me and Jason snap back into reality.

"We should go greet them..." I said, turning my face away and going out first.

As I got out of the tunnel and Jason following suit, I called out to the members, "Hey! We're over here, you dorks." We walked up to them and waved.

The members' faces were priceless. Well... I imagine that they are priceless because the covered their faces. "You guys can take off the masks... I knew you guys were following us this entire time..." I gave them a smirk and crossed my arms.

As the members took of their masks and sunglasses, you could just hear the accusations of "it's your fault," "you guys were too close," and so on. "You guys aren't that good at being inconspicious... Especially with 7 of you guys..." I blantly stated. "Well, since you guys are here, let me introduce you to one of your fanboys, Jason." I grabbed Jason by the arm and brought him up. I looked up at him and he was speechless. His jaw dropped, his eyes wide, just everything on his face was shocked.

"Y-Y-You kn-kn-know BTS?!?!" He practically screamed out.

"Wait, you're one of our fans? You know us?" Jimin asked and gestured to the group, who were also all in shock.

"Okay guys, stop gawking at each other... It's getting a little awkward and weird." I told them. "This is Jason, the guy I told you all about... With the marriage thing..."

They all greeted each other and introduced themselves. "How... Do you guys know Mika?" Jason asked, curious as to how I would know someone so famous.

"Well... Long story short, we all met at an airport about... 4ish years ago? She actually scolded us... And since then, we started talking. She came to Korea to teach English and here we are." Seokjin explained.

Jason turned towards me with such a shocked look on your face. "You scolded them?"

"Uh, yeah. They were taking care of a child... POORLY taking care of a child." I told him. "Well hey, let's not stand around here, I'm hungry. Let's go grab something to eat." They all agreed and we headed out.

We got inside a restaurant and ate. They all got to know Jason and we all talked about random things. It seemed like they all got along pretty well.

"So... Mika... What do you think of Jason....?" A voice to my left asked. I turned to find the voice belonged to Taehyung and saw that Namjoon was also trying to listen closely. My heart raced for a moment...

"Uhm... He's fun. We have a lot in common..." I told him.

"That's it?" Namjoon spoke up.

"Uh... Yeah..." I anxiously said.

The topic dropped instantly and I could the feel the awkwardness slowly creeping in. Once dinner was over, the members left first, leaving me and Jason alone.

"Wow, today was definitely an eventful day." Jason let out a huge breath of air.

"Yup, these are my days every day when I'm around those guys." I laughed.

"You really care about them, huh..." Jason asked.

"Yeah... They're all great guys and really fun to hang out with. Very kind and caring as well. Never a dull moment with them."

"They seem to like a lot, too." he said, causing me to laugh. He then stopped in his tracks, making me face him. "No... I'm being serious... They seem to care a lot for you... I don't know if you noticed during dinner, but they all had this protective... air... around them. The strongest ones coming from two of them."

I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about? They probably just think of me as a best friend or little sister or something." I told him, waving off whatever he said.

"I'm being serious... I might have only met all of you guys today, but... I can tell when something is going on..." He paused.

"Let me ask you something... What do you think of our arranged marriage?" He looked me in the eyes, dead serious.

Hehe, so I'm going for the top 3 votes!

When it comes to eating here in China... I get so anxious. x_x The struggles of a hermit.

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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14:!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD