Shira, BTS and Hello Baby

The Way We Met

Why can't I find internet here?! It is an airport for crying out loud... I thought to myself before finally finding the wifi connection. Once I got connected, I quickly looked up to make sure I wasn't going to run into anyone. Instead of seeing someone to run into, I found a little girl running and tripping. Seeing this, I immediately ran over to her to see if she was alright. I picked her up and dusted her off. As I picked her up, she started crying from her fall.

"Aiya, are you alright??" I asked her.

She shook her head furiously and pointed to her knee, which was scraped and bleeding a little bit.

"Aww, okays. Hold on, I'll fix it right up for you okay? Let's be a big girl and stop crying, okay?" I told her while wiping her tears. She nodded her head, trying to hold back anymore tears that were threatening to fall from her pretty little face. I searched through my bag and found my anticeptic wipes and bandaids (I'm actually quite clumsy, so carrying these around come in handy). I picked her up and sat her on the closest bench. While cleaning her wound up, I started to wonder where her parents were. "What's your name? How old are you?" I asked her.

"Shira..." She said with a sniffle and holding up 3 fingers to indicate her age.

"Ah, okay, Shira. Where are your parents? How come you aren't with them?"

"Shira wanted to play with Shira's Appas, but they were busy. So Shira tried looking for something to do." She responded with her head low.

Appas? As in... plural? Well I guess she was adopted... Such a cute little girl. "I see... Well, Shira, you shouldn't run away from them because you wanted to do something. You should have told them where you would be or at least stay where they could see you. I bet they are trying to find you right now. Let's go back and look for them, okay?" She nodded. "And you're gonna apologize for running away from them, right?" She was again nodded her head.

I picked her up and was about to go scanning for the fathers. As I was about to walk around, I heard loud shouts of "SHIRA. SHIRA." I turned around to look for the voice, expecting to see a man running up to us, but instead I was greeted with not only one man, but seven, along with a bunch of cameramen. I stood there, completely dumbfounded, but quickly snapped out of it when they all came approaching me.

"Shira! We have been looking all over for you!" Said one guy with a gentle face. Reminds me of a mother... I looked towards Shira to confirm if she knew them. She looked at them and yelled, "APPAS!" and proceeded to apologize, giving them a cute little bow. These guys look awfully familiar... I thought to myself. As I kept looking at them, I realized why they were so famlilar. The seven males that were standing in front of me were none other than BTS. At my realization, my eyes grew huge.

I look towards Shira, "These are your appas?" I asked her. She nodded at me. Wow... Wait... So does that mean they are filming something, right now?... What has a child in it... OH HELLY BABY. OKAY. THEY ARE FILMING HELLO BABY. Just as I was about to start fawning over them, I immediately pushed the thought into the back of my head. "YOU 7. HOW CAN YOU GUYS LOSE YOUR CHILD?! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT SHE COULD HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED? SHE ALREADY GOT AN INJURY." I pointed to her knee. They were taken aback by the sudden outburst from me and then hung their heads low. They apologized to me. "Don't apologize to me, you should be apologizing to Shira. You should have played with her, so that she wouldn't just wonder off alone!" I continued to lecture them. The only thing that stopped me from continuing was when Shira interrupted me.

"Please don't yell at my appas anymoree. I don't mind anymore. I'm okay." She said with a smile. Looking at her smiling face, I couldn't stay mad. I smiled back at her and sighed in defeat.

"Okay, okay. I won't yell at them anymore." I told her, giving her a little eskimo kiss. With that, I gave her back to the boys.

As I was about to turn and leave back to my seat, I hear Shira then call out to me, "Can you play with me??" I turned back around and started laughing. I looked at the guys who first looked at each other then back to me, nodding approval. I walked up to them and took Shira into my arms.

"Okay, but just for you!" I said. "Oh, and you can call me Auntie Mika, okay?" The little girl nodded vigorously and had me put her down. Once I put her down, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to where the boys originally were. I realized that I was still in the same gate, which meant that they were all going to the States.

As they all gathered around, some watching me play with Shira and others just talking to each other, sleeping or listening to music. It felt awkward because I just suddenly came into their little circle... Cameras were still kinda on and there was just too much going on in my head. I snapped out of  my thoughts when I heard a low voice speak to me.

"You're really good with children. Do you have any of your own?" I looked over to see Rapmon asking me this.

I laughed at his question. "Uhm, no. I don't have any of my own. I'm still too young for that! But I definitely would love to have some in the future..." I trailed off back into thought. I can't believe that I made it a goal for myself to get married and have children, with a loving husband and a stable lifestyle... That shouldn't be a goal... But rather something that comes naturally... But knowing myself, I made it a goal... I think the reason why was because I am so insecure, that I feel that I'm going to grow up alone and single. I give myself a scoff, thinking about how pathetic I am... About how I actually was dumb enough to make that bet with my mom...

"You need to get married when you're young! So you have enough energy to take care of your children!" My mom told me.

I laughed at her and told her, "I know, I know. I am actually hoping to get married at 24 or 25!" I answered her.

"Good! That's a good age. That's when I got married and had kids as well. You need to go find a boyfriend!"

Scoffing, "Hah, your daughter isn't popular enough to get a boyfriend. I'm no one special. Plus I don't think I can have feelings towards anyone anymore... Not after my last boyfriend..."

I thought back to how it ended. It didn't end on mutual terms... I loved him... I really did, but he didn't make me happy... Being in that relationship with him was so... tiring and exhausting, always having to bend towards his schedule, having to tiptoe around his emotions... I just couldn't take it and knew that I needed to do something for myself for once. So I did it... I broke it off with him, and tried cutting off all of my feelings towards him. It's been over a year since after that break up... And I have yet to ever feel the feeling of love or even like with anyone. There have been many cool guys or people that I thought would be great potentials, but I never had those feelings of emotion...

"You need to stop. He wasn't that great anyways. He wanted to convert you and he lied to you about it, too. Plus, I didn't see a good future for him and you. His facial structure showed it all." My mom tried assuring me in her own way. Which she wasn't entirely wrong... My ex did have a bad facial structure and bad spending habits... "I should just give you an arranged marriage. I mean, that's what I had. I turned out fine." Her last statement made me shoot my head up.

I looked at her with my eyes furrowed, but once I started thinking about it, I thought it was a good idea. I mean, if I can't find someone, she can find someone for me. It would lighten the load of my stress and I can be assured that I'll have a good life. Without a second thought, I agreed with my mom. "Actually... That isn't a bad idea..." I started with my mom. "Let's make a deal, if I can't find someone by the time I graduate from college, you can find someone for me to be arranged to. I'll trust you with that. Okay?" My mom was delighted to hear me say this and agreed.

That was how our deal was made...

"Wait, so how old are you? Why are you so great with children?" Rapmon once again snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I babysit a lot of my cousin's children... A total of 12? And I just turned 21... Uh, so I was born in 1994." I told him.

As I said this, everyone's heads shot up. "YOU'RE ONLY 21?" A new voice popped up, I recognized this as V's voice.

"Hey, I'm older than you at least." I said to him.

He blushed in embarrassment, scratching the back of his head.

"Wow, you're so young." Another voice popped up, the source of the voice was Jhope. At this point, all the guys were surrounding me.

"You guys are young, too... I don't know why you guys are so impressed..." I said, turning my attention to Shira, trying to hide my anxiety from all the attention.

"Yeah... But you act so... mature... We all thought you were like... 25 or something." This time it was Jin.

"That means we should call you Noona!" shouted out V, motioning towards Jimin and Jungkook.

"Uh... Yeah, I guess..." I told them. Noona... That's so weird... Not used to Korean... Before the conversation could get anywhere else, the plan starts to board. "Where are you guys sitting?" I asked them, curious on if they would be near me.

Rapmon showed me his and Shira's seating. It was literally next to me. "Oh, I guess we are seat buddies!" Rapmon said excitedly with Shira sharing his excitement, jumping up and down, holding my hand. This is gonna be an interesting flight... I thought to myself.

We get onto the plane and get situated. Shira is sitting at the window, because she wanted to see the plane take off, I'm sitting in the aisle seat and Rapmon is in the middle. I honestly hate the feeling of the plane taking off, so I just closed my eyes, waiting for it to happen. "Are you okay? You scared of planes?" I heard a deep whisper into my ear. My eyes shot open, my hand went immediately to face that I knew was starting to heat up.

"Ah... Uh... No, I'm not afraid of planes... I just hate the feeling of it taking off an landing. It gives me a bad feeling..." I told him honestly.

He chuckled, "Cute." I looked away, more embarrassed, but only to meet the eyes of Suga, who was staring in our direction. As we met eyes, he quickly looked away, seeing him turn red on that pale face of his. God, I swear he needs to get out more.  I thought.

The flight consisted of little conversations between all the members, me playing and taking care of Shira (like if she needed to use the bathroom or walk around) and sleeping. I could've sworn that at one time that I fell asleep, my head was nodding back at forth. I think I felt Rapmon pull my head towards his shoulder... Or I could have just been dreaming and I did it myself... Cause I woke up with my head on his shoulder and his on my head. I couldn't move, because I knew that I would wake him... But I didn't want to stay in the position... It made me blush. On cue, the flight attendant came and asked if we wanted anything to drink. This gave me the excuse to wake up Rapmon and move from our position. I could see the flight attendant smile at our situation...

"Hey, Rapmon... Wake up... What do you want to drink?" I asked him.

"Just call me Namjoon..." He said, half asleep. "I'll have a ginger ale, please." He told the flight attendant.

Namjoon... A small blush came across my face.

"Noona! If you get to call him Namjoon, then call me Taehyung!" The quirky boy behind us said.

"Then you can call me Seokjin." Jin said with a smile.

"Hoseok! Call me Hoseok!" Jhope cried out, shoving Taehyung's face out of the way.

"I guess I'll join in on this..." Suga turns over with a sheepish smile. "Yoongi."

I laughed at them all. "Okay, okay. Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Good?" I smiled at them.

They all went speechless. The person to break the silence was Shira. "Auntie Mika has a pretty smile! You're pretty." Everyone looked over to her, as if she just read everyone's mind.

"Thank you, Shira. But I am not that pretty. I'm sure your Appas have met much more prettier girls than me." I told her. "Like you!" I said, pinching her tiny nose. She giggled.

"No, I've met a lot of the girls that my Appas work with, they aren't as pretty and nice as you are." She said in her cute, 3-year-old voice. I laughed and blew her a kiss. I looked back over to the guys, who were still looked dumbfounded.

"Uh... Guys?" I waved my hands in front of all of their faces. They snapped out of their daze and I could see that they all turned red from embarrassment. Haha, they are embarrassed for zoning out. How cute. I thought to myself.

As we landed in Dallas, we all started to bid our farewells.

"It was really nice meeting you guys. I'm glad that you guys are exactly like how you guys portray yourself in media. A lot of people have fake images, I'm glad that you guys are genuine. Thanks for an interesting flight, I have to go to my other flight now." I told them. Just as I was about to turn away and leave, I hear Shira crying. "Aww, Shira. Don't cry. Why're you crying?"

"Because Auntie is going away. I don't want you to go away..." She bawled.

"Oh, honey, don't cry. I'm sure that you'll find a lot of cool and nice Aunties later. Better than me even!" I told her. I didn't want her thinking that she could see me again, because I knew reality wasn't that easy. That after this, I would be leaving and wouldn't see her again, especially since she was from Korea and after the show, she probably wouldn't even continue seeing BTS.

"How about we have Auntie Mika come with us? So she can take care of you with us?" someone asked her. I shot a look to the culprit, which was Jungkook. You idiot... Oh that was mean... Sorry, not idiot...

"Actually, that's not a bad idea. We can use a life savor and this would also make out show a little bit more realistic." The director chimed in.

I looked at him in astonishment. "I couldn't possibly!"

"Of course you can!" He stopped me from my protests. "So what do you say? We can provide living arrangements for you as well, oh and we can pay you for being on the show and helping us out." He said with a smile.

All eyes were on me, waiting on my answer.

Omg... What am I supposed to say...

Started a new story! I hope this was okay. Again, this is all my daydreaming, haha. Please comment on how you like it!

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It's so cute and fluffy! The {alternate} ending is cute but the {original} ending definitely has more feels! Probably bc he's my bias... or maybe bc of the additional characters. ㅋㅋㅋ Hope you can write more stories~
ExplodingSheep #2
i love this story so much :) its cute and funny
cassxx #3
Chapter 16: This is so cute.
All the Namjoon feels ~_^
Great job btw!
Chapter 16: Nice family, the chapter is so cute xD
avisdawn #5
Chapter 15: It's cute,
And it would be nice if you add a special chapter about their children with their 6 uncles :)
Chapter 15: The best ending, their twin are so cute, BTS keep liking her too!!
It was such a nice story, i made one like this last summer but reading yours i wanna go back and rewrite mine!!
You did a great job author nim, hope you can write another one soon :)))) (and please tell me if you did!!)
Chapter 14: hmm ok Namjoon. I like the ending n proposal lol
Chapter 14:!!!! That dimpled fellow nailed it!!! The chapter is super daebak!!! Ah so much feelings!!! Though i want to know the ending, it's sad that it came to an end :(
Btw best proposal line ever: "Jimin got no jams, but you sure have lots. Will you marry me?"
Chapter 13: So it's Namjoon! I've kinda hoped that! Poor Mika, hope Namjoon and boys make things right^^
Chapter 11: The chapter was so funny!!! And why do i like this Jason guy!!! XD