The Truth (Pt. 2)

Family Feud

This chapter may be longer than normal. Enjoy! 

"So let's talk about your new family. Have you really been traveling with them, or was that an excuse for you to live an elaborate life with your wife and kid without ever having to tell me?"

"Taemin, things were never meant to be that way. I really wanted to tell you everything sooner, but I needed you to be old enough to understand. Originally, when I first moved out of our home and moved in with them, I was still living in Korea. That's why after the divorce, you saw me around a lot. I'd always make sure I spent time with you. Then, my company started handing out travel opportunities. They gave me an offer and I couldn't refuse."

"Wait. So you had a choice on whether to stay or go, but you chose to leave your son behind while you ran off with your new family?"

"I know that's how it seems, but I really did it for you. You know how I would always say I'm traveling to make sure you're provided for? That was true. Since I had to provide for you and also a new family, I knew I had to take any opportunity that would offer me more money. So please don't think that I've been lying the whole time about traveling. However, I hadn't mentioned that Sunhae and your sister were traveling with me."

I scoffed. "How nice. You missed out on me growing up, but you were there for your daughter. And don't call that little girl my sister. I don't know her and I don't want to know her. Whatever you have going on with that woman-"

"Sunhae," he interrupted. 

"Whatever. I don't want anything to do with them. Why did you bring them here anyway?"

"Because I was hoping that this conversation would've went a lot better. After telling you the full story, I wanted you to meet them. I wanted you to see that they're not bad people. Your sister talks about you all the time. That's why she was so excited when she hugged you."

"Wait, so she grew up knowing about me, but I know nothing about her? Nice, dad."

"That's why I brought them both here. I want to change that-"

"It's a little too late, don't you think?"

"I know this is hard for you to grasp, son, but you have a little sister. Her name is Jinah, and Sunhae is technically your stepmom, so-"

"Stop! Please, don't go there. Do not throw around the stepmom card. I don't even know her! Dad, you're not in charge of my life anymore. You can't just choose when to tell me the truth and when I meet your mistress and lovechild. What did you think was going to happen? Did you think I was going to welcome them with open arms? Like, do you even hear yourself?"

Daddy commented, "Taemin, don't be so harsh. They seem like nice people, especially Jinah. She's so cute-"

"Omg do you even hear yourself as well?! You're honestly sitting here and saying the lady who had an affair with your ex-husband seems nice. Daddy, you have too much of a kind heart and it pisses me off because Dad is just taking advantage of that. He deserves to be called all kinds of names by you, but you keep giving him the benefit of the doubt."

Before he could answer, I addressed Jonghyun. "You too. You should be the main one defending Daddy right now, but all you can do is sit there and be quiet, but you know what, I'm not going to allow it. I'm not going to allow Dad to blatantly disrespect Daddy by bringing the woman he cheated on him with into this house."

Dad quickly responded, "That's not what I'm trying to do, Taemin! This is not about Kibum!"

"It has everything to do with him! I won't let you keep treating him like he's some shadow."

"I'm not trying to do that at all, son. I just want you to meet them. They're a part of our family now. Whether you like it or not, you and Jinah are tied by blood. She adores you, even though she's never met you until today. You're her big brother and she needs you-"

"Just like I needed you, Dad. I needed you to be there for me and watch me grow up, but where were you? Oh, right. You were too busy being there for your precious little Jinah.  Look, I get it. I saw her. She looked adorable. I'm sure anyone would choose her over me if they were given the option."


"And Sunhae. I saw her too. Big s, slim waist, long hair, soft voice. I guess that's what you like, huh? You had to go for someone who was the complete opposite of Daddy. You had to go have a child that's the complete opposite if me. See where I'm going here, Dad? We're two different families. We're night and day. There is no middle ground, so stop trying to create one."

There was a dead silence after that statement. Maybe I should've stopped while I was ahead, but I had no filter. This was six years of frustration coming out. I continued, "And you know what? Now that I think about it, Jonghyun's been here for me more than you have in the past few years. He's the one who's been a father to me while you were the one that acted like a stranger."

Jonghyun interrupted, "Taemin, I don't think that's a fair comparison to make-"

"I don't care. It's the truth. Even when I treated you like crap, you were always there. I talked about Dad like he was a king, but I only saw him like three times a year! But you were still there for me. I was just too blind to see it." Tears began to pool in my eyes and I became frustrated with myself because I was sick of crying. 

I addressed my dad as my voice cracked. "Do you know how much it to have to celebrate Father's Day every year without you? I bet you celebrate it with your new family. Don't you?"

"Taemin, please don't cry."

I rolled my eyes and wiped my eyes before my tears could fall. "Do you think this is easy for me to digest? You've all had about five or six years to get used to this arrangement. I'm just learning about this today!"

Dad nodded. "I know, son. That's why I understand why you're upset. I'm not trying to take away the fact that this is a difficult situation to understand. However, we did this for you-"

"How could you possibly have done this for me?"

" were only ten when everything happened. The arrangement would've confused you at that age-"

"Like it doesn't confuse me now."

"I know, but if you learned about Sunhae and Jinah at that age, I'm not sure how you would've taken it."

"Oh, really," I said flatly. "And how do you think I'm taking it now?"

He let out a slow sigh, "Not well, I suppose."

We'd been having this conversation for almost two hours and I was tired. So tired. Literally and emotionally. The conversation was going nowhere. Like, yeah, I found out about Dad's illegitimate family, but do I feel content about anything we've discussed? Nope. Honestly, at this point, any little thing would make me snap, as if I hadn't already. 

Dad got my attention. "You were just such an innocent little kid and you still are now. I didn't want to ruin that."

And that was my snapping point. 

I let out a forced laugh. "Innocent? Do you really think you're the only one with secrets, Dad?" Just at that one statement, everyone stiffened. "Well, guess what? I have a few of my own. While we're at it, why not let the cat out of the bag? First off, I'm the least bit from being innocent since I'm no longer a ." 

The shock on his face matched Daddy's and Jonghyun's. I knew that maybe that was a bit of TMI, but who cares? If he was able to keep such a secret like his away from me, what right does he have to get mad at my secret?

I continued. "Yeah, that's right. I'm not your innocent little Taemin that's never had a boyfriend because trust me, I've had plenty-"

Daddy gasped, grabbing my attention. His face was horror-stricken with a hand placed over his chest. "Stop it, Taemin. Tell me this isn't true. Please! Is this true? Please tell me you're lying, Taemin."

"I'm not." What's the point in lying?

He placed his head in his hands and whispered, "I can't believe this. You told me you'd wait. You told me you would save yourself for someone special-"

"I guess we're just a family full of lies, aren't we?"

I immediately regretted what I said when he lifted his head and tears were pulling in his eyes. "I need a minute." He stood up and left the room. Jonghyun was going to follow him, but Daddy gave him a pointed look to sit down. 

I looked at my dad and he was just staring into space in disbelief. "Is it hard to believe, Dad?" He didn't say anything and I continued. "Don't have anything to say now? Am I a disappointment to you now? You're going to go run back to your family now that you know I'm not your innocent little boy anymore-"

"Taemin," he lifted his head to look at me. "I'm trying not to get mad, so please stop."

"What right would you have to get mad anyway? You haven't been here-"

He raised his voice, catching me off guard. "But you're still my child! I love you and I want the best for you, Taemin! Do you think I want to sit here and listen to you talk about yourself as if you're a-"

"?" I finished for him. I folded my arms and looked down. "It wouldn't be too far from the truth."

At that moment, Daddy walked back in and snuggled under Jonghyun again. 

Dad continued. "Don't talk about yourself like that." He sighed and directed a question at Daddy. "Kibum, how tight of a watch have you and Jonghyun had on Taemin?"

Daddy looked up in confusion. "What? Are you trying to say this is my fault?"

"Well, I mean you and Jonghyun are his primary caretakers, but apparently our son has been engaging in more things than partying. He's smoked, drank, had , and has had boyfriends even though I clearly stated that he'd have to wait until he's eighteen. Have you two really been watching Taemin?"

"Jinki," this time Jonghyun spoke. "You out of everyone should know that Kibum dedicates his life to taking care of Taemin. If you're going to actually sit here and insinuate that Kibum hasn't been taking care of Taemin properly, then you must be out of your mind. He's a teen. Teens rebel-"

"And you think that's a good excuse for my son to prance around town breaking all of the rules? Just because he's a teen? I will not allow it. I just feel like if he were properly watched by you two, this wouldn't have happened."

My brows scrunched as I took up for Daddy again. "Are you really about to blame Daddy and Jonghyun for the things I've done? If anything, it's you that pushed me to be this way! It was your rule to wait until I was eighteen to have a boyfriend and Daddy just went along with it. Dad, I'm a teenager with hormones. If I'm not allowed to  even go near a guy, then I'm going to sneak and find a way. So don't you dare blame this on them!"

There was another pause before Dad asked, "What age did you lose your ity?"

Daddy's head turned to mine swiftly, giving me a look as if he were afraid of the answer. 


"What?!" Both my parents nearly screamed. 

Dad looked at me in shock as he nearly whispered, "Why, Taemin? Why? After all of your promises of waiting until you're older or until you found someone special, why would you willingly-"

"Who said the day I lost my ity was my decision?" 

It was a secret I'd kept ever since the day it happened. I never intended on telling anyone, not even my parents. It explained why I was so antisocial at school, why Jongin was my only friend, why I quit dancing, why I had so much animosity toward Daddy and Jonghyun, and why after that day, I was never the same again. 

Daddy pulled out of Jonghyun's embrace and leaned forward to me. "Taemin, what do you mean your ity wasn't your decision"

"I think you can draw a conclusion."

"Please don't tell me... Were you....?"

I looked away from him and out the window. "It's hard to explain. I guess it would be considered if I explained it, but.... I don't want to believe it."

Dad stood up from his seat and began pacing the living room. He whispered. "I can't believe this. I just can't believe this." He approached me and sat next to me on the couch. Before I knew it, he pulled me into a tight embrace. I didn't even tell him to stop. It was what I needed. 

I hugged him back tightly. It was the first time I was going to talk about this in two years. I hadn't intended on bringing it up, but it was best to get this off my chest. This was going to be an extremely long night. 

I teared up in my dad's embrace and buried my head further into his neck. "I was so scared, Dad," I whispered. 

He pulled away and said, "Tell me what happened."

I looked between him and Daddy. Daddy looked like the color had drained from his face, and I could tell that Dad was trying his best to stay calm. 

I looked down at my hands in my lap. "You remember Mr. Jung?"

Daddy answered, "Jung Yunho? Your old dance teacher at the studio across town?"

"Yeah. Remember when I had a crush on him?"

"Yeah. I remember me and Jinki having to give you a long talk about him being too old for you. He was 21, I believe."

I nodded. "Yeah.....he was. Anyway, while taking his class, my crush for him kept growing. I don't know how, but somehow, he found out that I had a crush on him. I thought he would've laughed it off and thought of me as just being some kid with a crush, but...."

"But," Dad urged. 

"He would flirt with me. At first I thought maybe I was imagining things, but overtime, it started to become more obvious to me that he liked me. I know that I should've listened to what you guys said about me being too young, but I was just happy that he returned my feelings, or so I thought." I placed my head in my hands before groaning, "I'm so stupid."

"Hey," Dad said soothingly as he placed an arm around my shoulder. "Don't blame yourself, Taemin. You were the victim. Remember that. Please continue, son."

I lifted my head from my hands so it would be easier to hear me. "After awhile of him flirting with me, he asked me to stay after class to work on some more moves. I didn't think anything of it because we had done that before, but this day was different. When all of the other kids had left to go home, he pulled me into his office and locked the door. When I asked what was going on, he told me that he loved me. It should've been a red flag, but at that age, all I was thinking about was how excited I was that my crush had actually liked me back. I was so immature and naive."

Daddy grabbed my hand in support to help me continue. "We talked for awhile about why we liked each other. Then......he grabbed my face and kissed me. It was my first kiss. At first, it was just a peck, and I was ok with that. Then he used his tongue and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable."

Daddy asked gently, "If you were uncomfortable, why didn't you stop, honey?"

I shrugged. "I just wanted to prove myself since he was older than me. I wanted him to see I wasn't just a little kid without experience. That turned out to be a mistake. To make a long story short, he told me he wanted and began touching me." My cheeks flared as I talked about this. "It wasn't until our clothes were off that I told him I was uncomfortable. He told me this was what grown ups did and if I wanted to be with him, that was what I had to do too."

I sighed and paused, taking a break so I could recollect myself. "I didn't know I had a choice. He told me everyone else did it. However, right before he shoved it in me, I told him I wanted to stop. I was adamant about it, but he didn't listen. I thought maybe he hadn't heard me. However, when I was screaming in pain-" I burst into a sob before I could finish the statement. This was why I never told anyone. I didn't want to relive that horrible day. 

Daddy slowly rubbed my back while Dad rubbed my shoulder. I felt Jonghyun place a comforting hand on my knee. 

I continued through broken sobs. "As I screamed in pain for him to stop, he didn't. It was at that moment that I knew I was being . It hurt so much and he just wouldn't stop. When I would try to pull away, he would grip me tighter and bring me closer. There was no escape. After that day, I never returned. That's why I quit dancing, Daddy," I said as I looked up at him in tears. "That's why after that day, I resented you and Jonghyun so much. Because you two didn't notice anything. You didn't notice how I basically ran from Mr. Jung that day when you picked me up."

Daddy sniffed, "Why didn't you ever tell me? I would've had that bastard locked up. ! I'm so sorry, Taemin." He pulled me into a hug as we both cried. "How could I have been so ing blind?! Everything makes sense now."

I pulled out of the embrace to look at Dad. "I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to let you down, Dad."

He brows furrowed. "What do you mean, Taemin?"

"When I made that promise to wait until I was older or met someone special, I meant it. However, Mr. Jung wasn't special to me and I knew that, but I didn't do anything to avoid it. It's all my fault, Dad. If I would've just left when he kissed me, or maybe if I wouldn't have crushed on him in the first place, I would still be your innocent Taemin."

"Son, please stop blaming yourself-"

"I'm so unbelievably stupid! Why-"

He grabbed my face and forced me to look into his eyes. I was surprised when I saw his eyes glistening. "Stop it! You stop it right now. You are a beautiful young man, Taemin, and you're smart. Do not blame yourself. You hear me?"

I just nodded and buried my face into his shoulder before feeling him wrap his arms around me. I decided to continue by story. "After that day, I just didn't care. I didn't feel pure anymore. So when guys came up to me at school or anywhere, I would just give them what they wanted because I felt like that's all I was good for. I had no reason to deny them anymore."

I heard Daddy respond, "You're better than that, Taemin. You're my son. There's no way you could ever be worthless."

I shook my head in denial and looked up at him. "Why do you think Jongin's my only friend? Why do you think I never talk to anyone else at school? It's because of my reputation. Either no one likes me, they heard about me, or they only want me for one thing. It living like that, Daddy."

"Oh, baby," he whispered. "So that's why Jongin's the only friend you've ever invited over, besides Minho."

I nodded. "He never judged me on those rumors. He even took up for me most of the time. Now that he's gone..."

"You're unsure of what to do now?"

I nodded. "We start school in a couple of weeks and he's not going to be there most of the time because of Exo. I have no one, Daddy. It's not like I can blame anyone, though. According to the rumors, I'm the that slept with my whole class."


"I just wish I can go back in time and take everything back. I would've never took Mr. Jung's class. Maybe my life would've been differently."

A few moments passed by of me sobbing. Jonghyun broke the silence when he asked, "So what do you want to do? Do you want to report him?" 

I quickly responded, "No-"

"You can't be serious," said Jonghyun. "That man should be locked up for what he did to you. You were a child. You still are."

Dad nodded, "I agree. Taemin, no one should ever be able to get away with this."

"Dad, I really don't want to see his face ever again. When I left that studio, I had no intention of going back. I don't want to relive that situation again so please don't force me to."

He hesitated before nodding. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, son. I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't talk to me about this situation. You're my little boy. I wouldn't have judged you. You were the victim. I'm not going to force you to report him, but I really hope you decide to do so in the future. I love you, Taemin."

I sniffed. "I love you too, Dad."

After a moment of silence, Dad asked, "So where do we go from now?"

I shrugged. "I want to see you more."

"What about Sunhae and Jinah-"

"No offense, but I'm still not ready to be around them. I don't know. I'm really vulnerable right now, Dad. I don't want to be around the very people that took you away from me."

He nodded. "I understand." Even though he understood, I knew he was going to bring up this convo again in the future. "All I'm worried about now is your happiness. Are you ok, Taemin?"

I shrugged. "I guess I'll be ok. My situation happened two years ago. I've had quite some time you get over it-"

Daddy interrupted, "But you're not over it. I know you're not. I honestly feel so horrible that my own child had to be put in such a predicament. You're talking about this situation like it was just a scratch. Taemin, this is serious. I am such a crappy parent for not noticing and letting you go two whole years with this pain. I'm not going to continue being a useless dad. I'm going to be here for you, Taemin. More than I've ever been. I promise."

"Me too," said Daddy. "I'm making enough money so that I won't have to depend on travel. I can be close to you now. I've neglected you long enough. It's time for me to start being the dad I've always should've been, Taemin."

"Me too," said Jonghyun. "Though I haven't been around since you were born, I've always treated you as my own. I know we don't have a super close relationship, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. Don't feel like you can't come to me about anything, because you can."

I smiled slightly, the first genuine smile of the evening. 

I pulled them all into a group hug. "I love you guys."

Daddy was the first to respond, "We love you too, baby. It's getting late. How about you go to sleep? We'll talk some more tomorrow, ok?"

I nodded and pulled away from the hug. I turned to Dad and hugged him once more. "I want you to know I don't hate you," I reassured. "I love you so much, Dad."

He rubbed my back soothingly. "I love you too, son. I promise we'll spend some more time together, but Kibum is right. It's getting late. Get some sleep."

I stood up and hugged Jonghyun as well before marching up to my room and plopping on my bed. I spent that rest of the night ignoring my phone notifications from Jongin and Minho, and I just cried. I cried because I'd gone through so many emotions, I was emotionally exhausted. 

Also, that door to my past had been reopened. The one thing I pledged to keep quiet and to never revisit. It was all out in the open. 

I was so overcome with emotion. I was conflicted on whether I should tell Minho and Jongin about my secret. I knew if I planned on staying with Minho, Daddy would urge me to tell him about what happened. I guess it would be a testament of our relationship. I just don't want to be a charity case. I don't want him dating me out of pity. 

I didn't know what to do besides cry until I exhausted myself enough into a deep slumber. 

3rd POV

While Taemin was upstairs in his room, the adults were downstairs contemplating what to do with the complicated situation. They didn't want to defy Taemin's wish to leave the situation alone, but they also didn't want to let Yunho get away with it. 

Out of everyone, Kibum was the most emotionally distraught. "How could I have not known?" He asked himself as he stood staring out the window with his arms crossed. "How could I have gone two years without becoming suspicious about anything? This is all my fault."

Jonghyun came up behind Kibum and placed comforting hands on his shoulders. He kissed the side of his head before saying, "I know how you feel. I feel so stupid for not linking Taemin's odd behavior back to his teacher. I thought that maybe it was just his teenage hormones that caused him to be so hostile towards us."

"Me too," said Kibum. He sighed and walked out of Jonghyun's embrace to sit next to Jinki on the couch. "What do you think we should do, Jinki?"

He sighed frustratedly. "I don't know. I really want to beat the out of him, but that would just make this situation even more complicated. Taemin wants us to do nothing, but with something like , that's not something to take lightly."

"Do you think we should file charges anyway? Taemin wouldn't have to know."

"Kibum, Taemin would find out either way. The police would most likely need to question him. There would also need to be evidence. I don't want to put Taemin through that kind of hurt or embarrassment."

Kibum furrowed his brows and slightly raised his voice. "So what now? You're suggesting we just wait?"

He nodded. "For now, yes."

"That's bull-"

"Well, what else do you want me to do, Kibum. We have no choice but to wait. Let's just go with Taemin's wishes. Let him decide if he wants to file charges or not. Until then, we're just going to be supportive parents and let life take its course."

This was such a frustrating situation for everyone involved, but Jinki was right. Until Taemin was ready to talk about it openly, there was nothing they could do but be the loving parents they are. 

"Kibum," said Jinki. "I just want to apologize again about our past."

"It's ok-"

"No it's not. Taemin brought up some valid points. Maybe I have been taking advantage of your kindness without noticing. I just want you to know that I never meant to. I loved you and I still do. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. You helped me figure out my life even after we were divorced. I never thanked you properly for all you've done for me. So thank you. You too, Jonghyun. Thank you both for being there for Taemin more than I ever could." 

Kibum rubbed Jinki's shoulder in comfort. "Don't tear yourself apart. You did the best you could. I'm just happy that Taemin knows everything. Hopefully now we can move past everything and be a family again."

"Yeah. I hope so too."

They all hoped. 


Another long update! So yeah....that escalated quickly. I hope I didn't offend anyone with Taemin's story. I didn't originally have this idea in the plot, but it sort of just flowed while I was writing so I decided to include it. It explains a lot of Taemin's problems. Also, don't think Taemin is giving Jinki the benefit of the doubt. He still hates the fact that his dad has another family,  but he was so happy to have his dad there to comfort him personally instead of through a phone. 

Anyway, I promise things will get brighter and maybe funnier in the story once we get past this point. It will not always be so gloomy, but Taemin has to get passed his past. There will definitely be some heartfelt 2min moments on the way. 

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I really love the plot of this story~ Please continue it~
Purplejaybird #2
Chapter 34: Please continue this
Love this fanfic and storyline so much!!!
Oh please let their be a happy ending for everyone!
Purplejaybird #3
Chapter 34: Please continue this
Love this fanfic and storyline so much!!!
Oh please let their be a happy ending for everyone!
Chapter 34: I really hope u still plan on finishing this!!! i love it!!
Chapter 34: Aww I kinda feel bad for Jimin. He seems so innocent and cute here and just wants a friend while Taemin is so cold towards him. I hope they get along well later. Looking forward to more! <3
sopheaV #6
Chapter 34: As long as jimin is nice and does not have any feelings for taemin.. I'm ok with it...
Can't wait for more of 2min moment in the next chapter..
Yeahh you can pair jimin with anyone except taemin ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 33: I finally caught up with this after a few months and I missed soooo much. Jinki is an for not thinking about what Taemin wants and just shows up in emergencies. Also they finally made up! Minho was also an for ignoring Taemin but at least they made up. Looking forward to next update! <3
Chapter 15: Uwu... Jinki being dad... But I have to admit, I also hate Sunhae and Jinah.. I cried a river just lije Taemin.
Chapter 33: ahh, i'm so glad minho and taemin already solved their issues
minho's right tho about a habit of reconcile after fights with is not good
it's just a wrong way of showing apology [do correct me if i'm wrong as i've never in a relationship yet]
nice chapter author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: Wow
Uh Minho is a bad influence.
Jinki would be disappointed