A Series of Wind II

EXO Trials


Tao was finally getting some rest. He slept quietly snuggled in Kris’ bed. The dark skin under his eyes looked exaggerated, deep purple dispersing into grey. Sehun remembered how exhausted Luhan’s eyes looked that morning; how did he dare touch the other’s face?

It was his turn to watch over Tao and inform if he had a nightmare. Kris was sleeping at the hammock outside and knowing he wasn’t entirely alone made Sehun feel less of a creep.

Tawny flew inside the room again and perched on the study chair. He had captured a wild strawberry with his beak. Sehun amusedly stretched his hand forward and the little owl dropped the fruit onto his palm.

“Thank you,” he smiled at the big eyed bird as he gratefully munched the red fruit. “Do you want some?” he picked a chunk out at fed Tawny. “You’re so cute.” He petted the soft brown feathers.

“Have you ever fallen in love, Tawny?” the bird tilted its round head to the side. “Probably not, you’re just a baby,” the owl blinked twice. Sehun had the odd feeling that it understood what he said.

“Do you think I’m crazy?” Tawny hooted softly.

Sehun pressed his lips together. Cheeky little .

“Lay says I’m falling in love. Do you think it’s normal to fall in love with a friend?” Tawny tilted its head and blinked. “Even if we’re both male?” the bird blinked again and hooted.

“Well aren’t you a bright little fellow?” Sehun ruffled the features on the top of its head.

“One day maybe,” he smiled sadly. “One day maybe I’ll tell Luhan how I feel.” Tawny hooted twice then flapped his wings. “Bye little guy,” he patted its head before it took off out of the room.


Sehun sat by the bed, watching as deep breaths blew in and out of Tao’s gaped mouth. His mind traveled back to earlier events as his eyes stared at Tao’s curvy lips. He felt flustered every time he remembered Lay’s kiss. It was innocent, chaste not forceful. It was just warmth and soft pressure against his lips for few seconds but that was enough to make his senses go haywire, his mind blank as he focused on the touch. After, well after he just felt a bit abashed from the action. Lay explained that there was no attraction between them, that’s why the aftermath was so low. He kept on explaining how there were less skin layers on the lip’s vermilion zone and that they were dense with Meissner’s corpuscle, making the lips extremely sensitive and erogenous. But Sehun didn’t pay much attention to all the facts. Instead he wondered how Luhan’s lips would feel against his own. Would they be infinitely softer than his skin? Warm and plush? Would the texture feel different with the small scar on his bottom lip? Would he like kissing? Would he kiss him back? And so on. Damn Lay for planting such ideas into his brain.

“The are you looking at?” a groggy voice said.

Sehun looked up in surprised. Of course it was Tao waking up.

Sehun kneeled closer to the bed. “How are you feeling?”


“Maybe you should rest some more,” Sehun suggested as Tao rubbed his puffy eyes.

“How long have I slept?”

“Since half past eleven. And now it’s…” he looked around the room for a clock.

“It’s 6:28,” Tao answered, immediately knowing the time without the need of an instrument. “Damn, what did you guys give me?”

“Lavender and Californian Poppy,” Sehun answered as he helped him sit up. “Also Kris added Passionflower. I think that one really kicked in.”

“Yeah,” he said softly and remained silent. The boy in lilac looked down at the bed sheets.

“Are you okay? Do you want me to get Lay?” he asked concerned.

“Sehun, I think we can get out,” Tao spoke softly, as if he wasn’t quite awake yet.

“What do you mean?” he inched closer.

“I’ve seen us someplace else,” he said serious, his eyes hazed. “I think we have a future away from this hell,” he said with a hit on desperate hope in his voice. Sehun knew that Tao was being serious and it shocked him to see him that way.

“You mean we can get away from the institution?” Sehun asked bewildered.

“Yes. Yes I think we can,” Tao nodded with his words, looking like he wanted to convince himself as well.

Sehun went speechless for a second. “Ho-how?”

Tao frowned, “I… I don’t know.” He rubbed his temples and sighed disconcertedly, “I don’t know. I haven’t seen it yet.” He saddened, looking down at his palms in a helpless manner. “Maybe it was just a dream,” he said disheartened.

“It’s okay,” Sehun tried to comfort him and patted his shoulder. “We’ll figure it out someday,” he wished he could be completely sincere about that.

“Sehun, can we just keep it between us for now,” he requested. “I don’t want the others to unnecessarily get their hopes up.”

“Sure,” he nodded. He felt it was the best decision as well, for they didn’t know how accurate Tao’s visions were. “I think you need to rest more, those eyes seem as tired as this morning.”

“Alright,” Tao nodded slowly. “I’ll just use the bathroom real quick.” Sehun helped him up.

“Do you want more tea?”

“Yeah,” he smiled a little. “And Sehun, give me the good stuff.”

“Okay,” Sehun smiled back.


In twenty minutes Tao was back in deep slumber, three tea cups fuller now. Sehun returned to his previous task, more sluggish now as he was left wondering what Tao might have dreamt about. But his mind wandering turned short as Kris entered his room, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes.

“Yo,” he laconically greeted.

“Hey,” Sehun nodded back.

“How has he been?” the guy in orange rubbed his neck.

“Pretty well. No nightmares, but he woke up a while ago,” he informed, crossing his legs elegantly. “I gave him some tea and that knocked him out right away.”

Kris frowned, “Did you use the mix that was already prepared or brewed something else?”

“Uhh…” Sehun cowered under Kris’ strong eyes.

“, what did you give him?”

“The good stuff, as requested,” Sehun scratched his ear.

Kris stared incredulously, his mouth slightly gaped. “How much?”

“How much is too much?”


“Probably too much.”

Kris pressed his hand against his mouth, massaging outwards before speaking again. “I guess he won’t wake up until tomorrow then.” He sat down at the end of the bed, careful to not sit on Tao’s feet. “And I’ll be sharing my bed again.”

“Sorry,” but Kris waved him off. It wasn’t such a big deal anyway. But the situation stirred up a question Sehun hadn’t thought much of yet. “Kris?”


“Forget it,” he desisted.

“I can see the worry in your eyes Sehun,” he commented. “Nothing escapes my eagle eyes. So talk.”

Sehun gulped uncomfortably before speaking. “Do you think it’s natural for two males to mate?”

“Uhhh…” his deep voice resounded as he stared dumbfounded. “I guess.”

Sehun nodded intently, a small frown upon his brows as he folded his arms. “Care to elaborate?”

“I don’t know much about that stuff Sehun. You should ask Lay,” he combed his hair and sighed. “If you mean by mating as procreation, then physically it’s impossible. But mating as in romantic partnership is.” He hummed and scratched his chin “I have read documented cases in birds. It’s common among monogamous lifelong partners, such as penguins. Also in flamingos, albatrosses and black swans. There are many other cases though.”

“Really?” Sehun said a little too hopeful.

“Yeah, they even raise surrogate infants and all,” he glanced towards Tao, the sleeping boy stirred around.

They both remained silent as they observed Tao expectantly, waiting for any signs of a possible nightmare. They might have stared for a minute or two, before it was clear that the other was sound asleep. They remained silent, Kris would glance every now and then towards Tao, while Sehun fiddled with a loose feather he found on the ground. He would separate the barbs of the vane, opening the sides of the soft feather. Then he’d reunite them, smoothing out the feather perpendicularly from the shaft, interlacing the barbs. Over and over again, he would open the sides of the feather and smooth the vane back to its rightful state.

“You’ve been awfully quiet lately.”

“About what?” Sehun asked confused at the other’s sudden statement. Kris didn’t answer verbally; he just gave him a knowing look. “Oh, that,” he bit his lower lip and nodded. “What’s the use in voicing it out? You already know my opinion.”

“True,” Kris tapped his foot, “But what about now? I expected you to drop by my room and vent out.”

“Oh I wanted to,” he quirked a brow, “but things are different this time. I think you noticed too.”

“I’m not sure I have,” Kris scratched his ear.

“We depend more on each other than ever,” Sehun explained. “And with Luhan we were thrown back, but we came together. That’s the answer. We have to stick together.”

“It’s always been the answer,” Kris agreed. “It’s like we are one.”


The boy in orange crossed his arms over his chest. “So how’s now different?”

“Just imagine one of us goes missing-”

“Sehun,” he reprimanded.

“What?” Kris shushed him. “I said missing, I didn’t specify how,” he defended, lowering his voice.

Kris stood up and motioned Sehun to follow him towards the balcony. “I know what you really mean,” he said sternly, body leaning against the railing.

“Whatever,” Sehun exasperated. “Just hear me out. If we depend on each other, and one of us is gone, then we won’t be whole and things will fall apart.”

“Don’t you think you’re being dramatic,” Kris deadpanned.

“Okay, imagine I die. I’m gone. Who the stops Luhan from killing the rest?” Kris looked taken aback, Sehun felt he was getting his point through as the wind around them picked up. “Say Suho or Xiumin dies, who stops Chanyeol’s fire? What if Kai’s luck runs out? How would we ever escape fast enough from danger? And Tao, if he’s gone, would you be able to reverse our fate from the brink of death? And don’t get me started about Lay. We’re nothing without him.”

“Alright, I understand,” he sounded frustrated. “Where are you heading with this?”

He hesitated, biting his tongue to stop the words from coming out. He was about to repeat what Tao said, but he remembered he wasn’t meant to. He promised not to. “Everything, everyone dies Kris. We won’t be here much longer.”

“Because of the trials?”

“Because of everything about this place,” he motioned with the feather in his hand in a general area, wind stronger than before.

“Sehun, stop,” he stood.

“Hey! You asked.”

“I meant stop blowing wind everywhere.”

“Oh, sorry,” Sehun quickly stopped, realizing the mess he was making.

“Look, I know I asked,” Kris sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. “But I’ve told you many times already.”

“I know,” he admitted bitterly.

“So we’re staying here, all of us, in these damned conditions until we die out,” Kris said gravely.

“There has to be a way out,” he nearly cried out. His emotions were getting the best of him.

“Unless you break a hole in the earth, then no. Because there’s no ing way we can break through the ventilation system.” Kris reasoned. “There’s no way out of here.”

“Born in a cage, die in a box,” he muttered. Sehun felt the tears forming, the ache in his chest. But he held it in. He had to. He didn’t want to cry in front of Kris. Not now.

“Sehun, stop being so pessimistic about this.”

“Pessimistic?” Sehun held in his tears with a scoff. “Kris I’m being realistic. Our reality .”

The look Kris gave him made him realize Kris felt the same as he did: helpless.

“It’s all we’ve got,” Kris spoke blankly.


Sehun huffed annoyed as he landed on the ground. He took a minute to recollect himself and dry the tears b in his eyes. He took deep breaths as he looked at his surrounding, spotting a lonesome person sitting on a bench at the garden. He purposely stomped his feet as he went to sit next to Kai.

“What now, mister moody pants?”

“Kris,” he mumbled as he sat down.

Kai only nodded, he didn’t look at Sehun. He was busy braiding Dandelions with Daisies in a big circular ring. Sehun watched how his long fingers worked around the flexible stems, twisting them with each other carefully.

“How bored are you?” he questioned judgingly.

“Very,” Kai chuckled.

“Thought so.”

“Hey, Lay told me you found out what’s been bothering you,” Kai casually said as he picked a Daisy to fill in a missing spot of the braid.

“Did he tell you what it was?” he felt scared. He wasn’t sure how Kai would react knowing the truth. He didn’t want to lose him.

“Nope. But you’re going to tell me,” he said confidently.

“I am?”


“Why would I do that?” Sehun tried to back away.

Kai gave him a stern look. “Yes, you will tell me, because you owe me that much for acting like a complete douchebag when I was just trying to help.”

“Oh…” Sehun bit his lip, feeling like he didn’t have the right to fight back.

“So?” Kai beckoned as he continued working on the the ring of flowers.

“I… I like Luhan,” Sehun admitted nervously.

“I know you do,” he was finishing the last empty portion.

“I mean… I like Luhan more than a friend.” Kai stopped fumbling with knotting a stem and froze. He seemed unresponsive. “I think I’m falling in love,” Sehun whispered.

Kai looked at him with wide eyes. He seemed shock, but something about the upward tilt of his lip made Sehun believe the other already knew about it. Kai said nothing as he stood up and stepped before Sehun. He placed the braided flowers on top of Sehun’s head. Sehun frowned and pressed his lips together.

“A flower crown for the stupid prince,” he bowed. “May the beauty of the flowers decorate the splendor of your dense grace.”

Sehun scowled as Kai broke out of character and shamelessly laughed. “Idiot,” Sehun couldn’t fight the smile spreading across his face. “You’ve been hanging out too much with Chanyeol. His idiocy is rubbing off on you.”

“Whatever, that dude is funny,” Kai shrugged and sat back next to Sehun. Sehun faked a sassy scoff, making Kai laugh even more.

“So you knew?” Sehun asked slightly annoyed. “All this time?”

“Of course,” he smirked.

“How? Did Lay tell you?”

“No. I eavesdropped your conversation with him,” he said nonchalantly.

“You spied on me?” he nearly yelled.

“Uhu,” he hummed.

“How long?”

“Most of it,” Kai’s smile turned sly as he crooked a brow.

Sehun’s eyes widened as he realized what Kai witnessed.


“Don’t you ever, ever ing mention it,” he demanded. Kai nodded and sealing his lips like a zipper with his clutched fingers. Sehun sighed deeply as Kai laughed. He convinced himself that any satisfaction he’d feel from punching Kai was not worth it.

“Do you feel weird by this?”

“What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it strange that I like a man?”

Kai shrugged, “Feelings are feelings, their innately natural. What’s weird about that?”

Sehun felt giddy inside. Kai’s approval and supportiveness was much needed and appreciated. He reached over and hugged his friend.

“What was that for?” Kai chuckled.

“I’ve been a ty friend,” Sehun smiled sadly.

“You’ve always been a little Sehun,” Kai quipped.

“Shut up,” Sehun muttered, punching Kai’s side.

Sehun accommodated the crown atop his head. “Do you think it’s natural?”

“Didn’t I just answer that?” Kai looked at him dumbly.

“No, I mean. If it’s natural for two males to mate?” he rubbed his knee.

“Mmm…” Kai hummed, then disappeared.

“A simple no would’ve sufficed,” Sehun mumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.

It didn’t take long for Kai to reappear, with a dopey eyed Lay.

“Nice crown," Lay pointed out after realizing where he was.  

“Uh, Thanks I guess,” Sehun self-consciously patted the flowers on his head.

“So what I asked before?” Kai said.

“It is an interesting subject,” Lay said as he sat down between them.

“I think so too, just imagine the implications towards Darwin’s theories,” Kai commented.

“It might seem contradicting, yes. Especially since natural selection needs the species to procreate and pass their genes. But actually homouality doesn’t fully challenge Darwin’s ideas. There are many studies which support that it’s actually an evolutionary strategy.”

“Really?” Kai said. Sehun would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in hearing the conversation.

“Same- behavior is studied as an alternative reproductive strategy. Like cooperative breeding, for example, males are bigger and stronger at defending nests and off springs. Also the behavior serves as shaping of the social bonding of a group as interual mediators, becoming a selective force in aspects of social behavior, psychological, physiological and even morphological,” he explained. “The latter two have also been considered through a more radical point of view, where homoual behavior is considered a mechanism to remove individuals available for procreating. Thus some genes strengthen over others.”

“That’s very interesting,” Kai rubbed his chin. “How do you know all this?”

“I have access to the biology lab archives,” the boy in pink shrugged. “There’s much to read because it’s a common trait in animals of different species. The last record I’ve read was over 1,500 species.”

“So many,” Sehun baffled.

Lay snorted. “There’s an estimate of 950,000 insect species. But yes, as for the rest, it’s a lot.” He paused and rubbed his arm. “What I find odd is how reluctant scientists are with classifying animals as homoual.”

“How so?” Kai said.

“Most biologist don’t consider them strictly homoual, since they mate with the opposite almost interchangeably in numerous cases, but mostly just for procreative purposes. They consider it homoual behavior instead. It’s still part of natural bonding and mating. Since there’s a need to procreate, many species have developed powerful drive. And same stimulates it during the year.”

“?” Sehun blurted flustered.

“Yes Sehunnie. ,” Lay said nonchalantly, as if he were talking about the weather. “Animals enjoy ual acts as well, whether it’s for social bonding, dominance or sheer pleasure. Bonobos for example, are considered our ‘over-ed’ relatives. Those apes get nasty,” he snickered.

“I’m not sure if I’m comfortable anymore,” Kai mumbled, looking away from Lay.

“But not all animals just have homoual behavior. Some truly should be considered homoual. Male with male or female with female; lifelong bonds with no interest in heteroual mating at all, not even during breeding season. There’s more to life than just , even animals understand the depths of love, such as courtship, bonding, lifelong romantic relationship and even parenting.” Lay smiled. “Either we humanize them or the animalize us, but pretty much we are all the same.”


Sehun went to his room feeling light hearted. Any worry he had before now gone, eliminated by Lay’s words. Man did the guy know how to speak. It was a surprising contrast to his normally calm and aloof personality.

With Lay’s information, he felt assured that what he was feeling for Luhan was natural. It was just feelings anyway, as Kai said, they are innately natural. Feelings linked a person to the world and its inhabitants. Feelings were personal and no one should have power to oppose them. Now Sehun accepted himself and what he felt. He knew he liked Luhan in a way that’s more than friendly. He knew that he was probably falling in love. But he had to take things slow, not just for Luhan but for himself. He didn’t know anything about relationships. He didn’t want to mess up.

He felt he needed to explain himself, especially since Luhan had been avoiding him all day. It just made him feel more guilty and insecure, as if he really scared Luhan away. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to lose Luhan, not now when he finally realized he wanted him.

He felt impatient. He couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

He stood in front of the wall next to his bed and thought hard, calling Luhan with his mind, wishing that maybe the other might sense him and respond. He knew he didn’t have telepathy, but he didn’t care. He needed to speak to him. He needed to.

He might have spent ten, twenty, maybe even thirty minutes staring intensely at the wall while continuously chanting the other’s name.


Luhan, Luhan, Luhan, Luhan-



‘Yes, what do you want? I can’t sleep with you calling like that,’ he sounded annoyed and that made Sehun felt guilty.

You were sleeping?

‘I was trying to.’

Is Kai there?

‘No, he’s taking the last shift before Kris. Tao’s the main concern right now. Seriously what do you want?’

I need to talk to you.

‘Can we leave this for tomorrow? I’m tired Sehun.’

Oh… Okay.



He didn’t sleep well that night.


“Luhan,” Sehun nearly ran towards him.

“A new day,” greeted a refreshed looking Luhan. They were at the hall where their bedrooms were located.

“A new day,” he greeted back. “You look well.”

Luhan smiled, “Thanks, I guess.”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Aren’t we?”

“Luhan,” he whined.

“Alright, alright. I’m listening,” he laughed.

Sehun mustered up the courage he mentally prepared last night. He was going to get things straight and start where he wanted to. “First, I’m sorry for startling you yesterday. It was uncool of me,” he rubbed his arm. “Second,” he reached over to hold Luhan’s hand but the other quickly reacted by psychically swatting his hand away. Sehun sighed. “Stop avoiding me. We have to become closer and trust each other.”

“I’m sorry,” Luhan scratched his neck nervously.

Sehun reached over again, taking Luhan’s hand in his. His skin was smooth and slightly colder than him. They both stared at their joined hands for a minute. Luhan had enough and pulled his hand free.

“We’ve got to get passed the awkwardness, you’ve said it yourself,” Sehun finally said.

“Agreed,” Luhan nodded to emphasize. “Anything else?”

“Yeah. Third,” he gulped, “I never intended to scare you off.”

“What do you mean?”

He paused. He wasn’t going to bluntly admit it. He had to become friends first, establish a base. He had to explain. “I like you as a-“

“Don’t! There’s no need to explain,” Luhan interjected, a blush running through his cheeks. “I shouldn’t have pried into your mind in the first place.”

“Honestly I don’t mind much about that,” Sehun said sheepishly. “It’s just that I really care about you since before, when we were closer and you remembered me,” he explained.

“I’m sorry about that Sehun,” he meant about forgetting.

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.” Sehun deliberately tried to place his hand caringly onto Luhan’s shoulder, testing how close he could get.

Luhan looked cautiously towards the extended arm but relaxed after feeling the pressure on his shoulder. “How close were we?” he asked staring at the hand on him.

“Enough for me to consider you as a best friend,” Sehun smiled.

“I’m not the only one?” Luhan pretended to be offended.

Sehun laughed. “Well, Kai’s got credit for saving my life,” he joked, raising his hands in surrender. “There’s also Tao, Xiumin and the rest. Really I can’t be biased with the group.”

“I understand.” He paused biting his lip, “What did, what we used to talk about?”

“Anything and everything,” Sehun replied, “We mostly agreed on everything and bickered over stupid stuff.” Sehun scratched his neck, “You’d wake me when I had nightmares,” he admitted.

“I did?” Luhan said surprised.

“Yeah, that helped me a lot,” more than you can ever imagine.

“Well aren’t I a goody two shoes.”

Sehun laughed. His heart fluttered when he heard Luhan join him in chorus laughter. Sehun’s laughter died as he watched mesmerized at the cheerfulness in Luhan’s features. He wanted to remember Luhan that way, bright and lively. Not a walking carcass like yesterday.

“What’s wrong?” Luhan concernedly asked.

“It’s nothing,” he tried to brush off, but Luhan frowned. “I was just wondering why… Why did you look so restless yesterday?”

Luhan’s smile vanished. Any glint of happiness disappeared as his face turned stoic. He remained silent for a minute. Sehun feared he screwed up the conversation. He wanted to turn back time. He regretted asking, but at the same time worried what could possibly have happened for Luhan to change so quickly.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he finally said. Luhan’s eyes drifted to the floor and Sehun’s heart fell with them.

“Rough night?” Sehun offered instead.

“Rough night,” Luhan agreed.

Awkward silence. One step forward, two back again. The never ending dance. Sehun wanted to say something, anything to comfort Luhan. But he didn’t know what to say, he felt lost. Instead of speaking he yearned to hold Luhan, hug the sadness away. Feel his warmth and melt into his presence. He wanted to get close to him, to be close to him. He wanted him. But the logical side of his mind kept shooting his impulses down. He stood awkwardly as his mind battled his dilemma. Should he do what he wanted to or what he had to? He opted for unconsidered option number three: change conversation topic.

“We should practice together,” Sehun suggested, killing the tense silence, “So that it’ll be easier to control.”

“Okay,” Luhan’s eyes were sincere. “But not now, I have to go check on Xiumin. Let’s talk later,” he smiled politely.

“Okay,” he agreed, though he was left wondering what happened to Xiumin.


Tao was expecting him outside, as if he knew where and when he would appear. Creep.  He looked much rested now. The dark circles under his eyes were back to its normal state. Even his posture seemed more relaxed. Tao pulled him to follow, he lead them towards the beginning of the woods. They didn’t head far, just deep enough to be out of sight.

“What’s up?” Sehun crossed his arms in front of his chest as he leaned against a tree.

“I’ve seen further now,” Tao said seriously.


“I’ve had vivid visions of the future,” Tao’s eyes gaze was intense. “Sehun I swear we have a life out of this ed up place.”

“You mean we can get out of here?” Sehun felt excited.



“I don’t’ know.”

Sehun’s joy was cut short. He frowned and pressed his lips in a thin line. “Then what do you know?”

“There are still more of us. The group is missing three,” Tao explained. “But, there’s like, like a jump between the visions. There are some where we’re ten, then further on -well I believe it’s further in the future, we are twelve.”


“Yes, twelve,” he smiled.

An alarm began resonated from the building. The boys recognized it as the signal to go back inside. An individual trial would start now. Out of all the possible moments, it had to be right then and there. They were about to make their way back, but Tao stopped him.

“Sehun,” Tao held onto his arm, “I think the way we get out has to do with the new guy.”

“The new guy?”

Tao nodded, “You’ll understand when we meet him.”

“When’s that?”

“I don’t know.”




I apologize for taking long in updating, but I’ve been horribly busy lately. Academics is a priority for me, so I have responsibilities to live up to. Unfortunately it’s going to be hectic this whole month, but I promise to do my best and try to update at least once a week.

Guys, I really wonder if there is anything you don’t understand well. There are many science orientated terminologies in the story and I’m not sure if everything is well explained. I would like to know if there are any questions, I’ll gladly answer them.

Also it would be nice to know your opinion on anything related to the story, whether it’s about the plot, the characters or ideas proposed. I encourage comments, but no pressure, okay?

Thanks to babyb305 and kindkaylamarie for subscribing to my story.

Have a nice week everybody, annyeong.




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I just wanna say thanks and welcome to all the new subscribers and upvotes. I hope you enjoy my fic and subscribe to the sequel The Lucky Ones, which is going to be pretty damn awesome. Thank you so much!


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 45: sehunnie is really the baby of the group <3
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 37: a trial??
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 30: hahaha sehun that was... romantic
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 11: kai-ah!!!
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 22: sehun’s falling for Luhan!!
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 18: luhan-ah
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 17: lulu doesn’t remember sehun....
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 6: atleast he could fly now
Chapter 13: I love the story already :3
I’m too into this story that I don’t know when to stop reading
Chapter 9: I already ship xiumin and luhan ndjsnjd