A Series of Frost II

EXO Trials


The next morning Xiumin went outside after breakfast –nutritional bars and a glass of ice cold water as always. Sehun was at the entrance of the building and greeted him as soon as he walked out. They made their way towards Kris’ room, it’s the only room they had access to thanks to the balcony. They weren’t allowed to hang out in the other rooms because they didn’t have keycards to access them, only the guards and the lab assistants did. They were restricted to only enter their own rooms when they were allowed by the faculty.

They stood under Kris’ balcony which was at the third floor. Sehun formed a wind current around himself and elevated his body off the ground. It was a new technique he was practicing. His flight was very unstable but he managed to get to the balcony, Suho and Kris helped pull him up. Xiumin waited for Kris to get him.

Kris’ bedroom was very similar to his own, only that the color combination was predominantly orange while his was light blue. The main difference was the picture window and balcony. Kris sat on the hammock, with his Tawny owl perched on his shoulder. Xiumin, Suho and Sehun sat on the floor with their backs against the balcony railing. Xiumin always liked how lively his room was. He enjoyed watching the birds comfortably visit Kris and feed from the feeders on the balcony.

“The boggers are getting worse,” Sehun said grimly. “They are getting fiercer and more dangerous.”

“I think so too,” Suho admitted. “I can’t believe they keep creating those things. They get uglier by the batch,” he grimaced. “Why did they have to create enemies for us? They could’ve planned different trials.”

“I don’t know, but either way I don’t think we’ll ever lose, we shouldn’t lose during the trials,” Kris said.

“I can’t believe you still think that,” Sehun frowned. “These trials are madness! Those boggers are bat crazy and dangerous.”

“Yeah but-”

“But what?” Sehun interrupted, “Kai could’ve died!”

I could’ve died, we both could’ve died, Xiumin thought.

“These trials have been dangerous from the start,” Xiumin said with a cold serious tone, “you’ve seen Suho’s scar, you know they’ve been in danger before,” he said to Sehun. “Yes, the trials are getting worse. Yes, we can get killed. And yes, Kris is right. No matter how harsh things gets, they still are trials and we’re meant to beat them.”

Sehun’s face saddened. Xiumin knew Sehun realized he was right but his cold tone must have scared him a little. The truth was hard to swallow, he understood that.

“Kai’s going to be fine,” Suho broke the silence.

“For now,” Sehun whispered and pulled his knees close to his chest.

Kris lightly petted the owl’s soft feathers, his expression looked sad. “I understand you’re worried, we all are worried. And I’m sorry for stubbornly repeating myself, but I believe am right.” He paused. Xiumin looked towards Sehun, the latter lifted his head to look at Kris. “We have no choice. We’re forced to do the trials. I don’t think they want us killed, but I do admit they go overboard. If we ever get seriously hurt, I think they would do everything possible to save us. We’re their assets after all.”

“Yeah, but for how long?” Sehun said frustrated. “How long will they use us? What will they do to us when they’ve finished their precious trials? Halt and catch fire, like those boggers?”

“Sehun stop,” Suho said sternly, “We’re all in the same situation here, no one knows more than the other. Stop asking questions that will only haunt your sleep and worry you even further.” Sehun’s lips formed a thin line as he took in the other’s scolding. “The best thing we can do is help each other out. Protect ourselves as a group and make sure we survive these trials,” he sighed, his tone turned softer. “We don’t have a choice, like Kris says, we just have to stick together and get through this until the end; whatever that may be.”

“I agree,” Xiumin said calmly. “And Sehun, try not to come up with morbid endings. Let’s keep things light, okay?” Sehun nodded, he looked a little embarrassed.

Silence fell upon them again. Xiumin didn’t want the other’s to find out he was just as worried as Sehun was. He thought it was best to act strong and not worry the rest even further. Truth was that Xiumin had an uneasy feeling that things weren’t ever going to get better. He had a haunting feeling that Kai’s injury wouldn’t be the worst thing they will ever encounter. He dreaded the idea of having a next trial.

“I know a way to cheer you up,” Suho said standing up. He went inside Kris’ bedroom and rummaged around.

Kris was silent. He looked distracted as if he were deep in thought while he mechanically petted the owl. When Suho reappeared with two notebooks in hand, Kris’ eyes went wide.

“Look through them, I promise you’ll feel better,” Suho handed the sketchbooks to Sehun.

“No don’t you dare,” Kris stood only to be pushed back down by Suho.

“Let him have it,” Suho ordered. Kris frowned but stayed put.

Sehun looked through one sketchbook curiously. His thinly pressed lips began to turn upwards. “Are these Kris’ drawings?” he asked amused. Suho nodded while Kris groaned in defeat. Sehun began to giggle as he looked at the sketches.

“I’ve got to see this,” Xiumin said and he got closer to Sehun.

Thick lines drew across the paper a longed neck bird with a big body and long legs, the infantile attempt made it look like a snake coming out of a furry nest with stick legs.

“That can’t be an ostrich, right?” he looked at Sehun amused, the other burst out laughing and began to hit the air.

“You guys are the worst,” Kris scowled and went inside his bedroom, closing the picture window behind him.


It was late afternoon when a guard opened Kris’ door. Kai stepped in with a smile on his face and an arm sling cuddling his right arm. Sehun ran up to give him a hug, stumbling Kai backwards. Honestly they weren’t used to physical contact. They rarely hugged each other, but today was an exception.

“Don’t be stupid and pretend to be the hero, Kai,” Sehun’s tone was serious. “Don’t scare us again.”

“I can’t promise anything,” Kai said with a cocky smirk.

“Idiot,” Sehun muttered.

They all greeted Kai fondly. He told them that the smaller wound was almost completely closed and the deeper one would take more time to heal. Xiumin felt relieved, he looked completely different from last night. He remembered how pale, hurt and fragile Kai looked when he tried to help the injured boy. Now his handsome features looked refreshed.

“Xiumin, thank you,” he smiled warmly, raising his good arm to place a caring hand on Xiumin’s shoulder. “The doctor said that because of you, I didn’t lose too much blood. You’re really smart.”

Xiumin smiled and held the hand on his shoulder, “You look well.”

“I am.”

The group mood was lighter and caring, their earlier fears suddenly felt unimportant. They spent the rest of the day chatting and fooling around until the guards escorted them to their separate rooms to sleep.


The next morning they met at the entrance escorted by guards. Mama appeared with two boys next to her. The one dressed in red clothes was very tall and had a quirky face. The other dressed in pink was average height and had a calm expression.

“Get to know each other quickly,” was all she said before she went back inside with the guards. Suho was given a backpack with supplies this time.

We’re not coming back until late, Xiumin thought.

“I can’t believe they’re forcing us to do a trial again,” Sehun said exasperatedly. “With two new guys and Kai not fully healed, this is ed up”

“Calm down Sehun, seriously. Getting angry doesn’t solve anything,” Suho scolded.

“Excuse me, but who’s Kai?” the shorter of the two strangers spoke.

“I’m Kai.”

The black haired and white skinned boy walked up to Kai and looked at him thoroughly. It was like he was examining Kai with his eyes. The tanned one looked taken aback and looked towards Kris who was just as perplexed as he was.

“Can I touch your arm?” the boy in pink politely asked. “I promise it won’t hurt,” he said as he reached towards Kai’s right arm.

Kai nodded stiffly, he probably wasn’t sure was else to do. Xiumin walked closer to them, he was curious about what the new guy wanted to do but was also alert to get him away if he attempted something weird on Kai. The stranger placed his hand over the bandages and lightly moved his fingers over them. Kai’s eyes widened and his chest heaved. Once the boy stopped touching him, Kai quickly removed his bandages. Thread remnants of the stitches fell to the ground. His deepest cut was gone. There wasn’t a single blemish on his skin.

“The other cut is superficial and it’s almost healed. I could close it up to avoid scarring if you want,” the guy said kindly with a small smile.

“How did you do that?” Kai asked bewildered.

“I’m a unicorn,” he simply said.

They all went silent -every ounce of seriousness vanished into thin air.

He didn’t actually say that, did he?

A hollering laugh boomed through the silence. “Lay you idiot, I can’t believe you really said that,” a deep voice said.

Xiumin looked back towards the tall quirky guy in red. His voice seriously surprised me, he thought. The lanky guy walked up closer to the other while laughing.

“You owe me three protein bars,” the smaller one, Lay, said.

“True, true,” the other said. “They looked so serious. I think they actually believed you.”

“Yah, you fools! Who do you think you are?” Suho yelled angered. “Do you nitwits think it’s funny to confuse a group of strangers?  Huh?!”

“Suho calm down,” Xiumin held onto the other’s shoulder deliberately cooling Suho’s body temperature.

“You guys seriously have no clue what’s going on,” Kai said bitterly.

“Twats,” Sehun muttered to himself.

“I’m sorry, we were trying to be friendly,” Lay explained.

“Friendly my ,” Suho grumbled. “You don’t just heal someone and then say random .”

“Suho, seriously calm the down,” Kris scolded.

“So you can heal?” Kai asked the shorter one as he inspected his arm. “Thank you.”

“No problem. I’m Lay by the way,” he smiled.

“And you?” Kris asked the tall one.

“My name is Chanyeol.”

Kris nodded, “What do you do?”

A toothy grin spread across his face. He extended his hands before him, palms facing upward and flames spontaneously combusted on his hands. Then he clapped his hands together, extinguishing the flames. “Fire,” he sang as a small line of smoke rose from in between his hands.

“Xiumin, I think we’ve met your opposite,” Suho quipped.

“Whatever,” he lightly pushed Suho. “You two know what’s going on?” he asked the new members of the group.

“We’re meant to train with you,” Lay answered.

“Ever heard of a bogger?” Kai asked.

“No,” they simultaneously replied.

“Well ,” Sehun sighed.


A/N: Hey guys, I'm glad to know that you are enjoying my story. It means a lot to me, thank you.

I wanted to thank jongkey57, Bella2298 and Zengx2 for subscribing.

Have a nice week, annyeong!



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I just wanna say thanks and welcome to all the new subscribers and upvotes. I hope you enjoy my fic and subscribe to the sequel The Lucky Ones, which is going to be pretty damn awesome. Thank you so much!


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 45: sehunnie is really the baby of the group <3
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Chapter 37: a trial??
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Chapter 30: hahaha sehun that was... romantic
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Chapter 11: kai-ah!!!
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Chapter 22: sehun’s falling for Luhan!!
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Chapter 17: lulu doesn’t remember sehun....
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Chapter 6: atleast he could fly now
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