Different Happy Ending

Stay With Me
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“Good morning.”

Ryeowook hides behind his hair as he gives me a soft smile. Tentatively, I smile back at him and Ryeowook sighs, his eyes looking guilty. After his little outburst, I didn’t dare to try to comfort him. I went on and hung out with Changmin for the day and only came home a little after midnight where Ryeowook is already sound asleep. I slipped into bed as quietly as I could last night, not wanting to wake and make Ryeowook mad. Clearly, whatever that was bothering him had made him cry to sleep. There were streaks of wet tears on his cheeks and before I went to sleep, I quietly wished him goodnight and wiped those tears away. Someone as beautiful as him shouldn’t be crying themselves to sleep.

“Are you feeling better?” I ask, reaching over with the intention of touching his hair but then I stop midway realizing that he didn’t want me touching him the day before.

Ryeowook, realizing this, looks away. “I’m sorry, Kyuhyun. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

“It’s okay.” I nod, my eyes travelling over Ryeowook’s tired face. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Ryeowook bites his lips and searches my eyes. He then shakes his head and my heart drops. Does he not trust me enough to share about his life? Ryeowook then sits up on the bed and moans quietly as he stretches.

“I don’t have work today,” Ryeowook tells me. “I’m just planning to laze around in bed.”

Well, I’m pretty sure he’s changing the topic now. I lay on my back, hugging Ryeowook’s pillow and watch as Ryeowook does some stretching. My eyes linger over his small body in his oversized pyjamas and I suddenly have a sudden urge to pull him back down and kiss the living out of him.

“Why are you up so early then?” I ask, glancing at the clock on the wall.

“To make breakfast for you and Henry, silly.” Ryeowook replies, giggling. He then plops down back onto the bed and faces me, his eyes shining brightly. “What do you feel like eating this morning, Kyu?”

God, my heart flips. He’s calling me Kyu and it fits so well against his beautiful lips. His eyes are shining as he looks at me, waiting for me to say something. Now, this is my Ryeowook. His eyes don’t hold the hate or anger anymore. Instead, he’s the normal loving sweet Ryeowook.

“You know I’ll eat anything you make, Ryeonggu.” I say.

Ryeowook replies with a hmm and runs a hand through my hair, his smile slowly disappearing. “I really am sorry, Kyuhyun.”

“It’s okay, Ryeowook. You know whatever it is, you can always talk to me about it right?”

Ryeowook nods and then quietly thanks me, avoiding eye contact with me. He gets up again and this time heads to the bathroom. I release a breath of sigh wondering just what is on my little husband’s mind and just why he doesn’t feel comfortable sharing anything with me? And it’s frustrates me to no end how I never have any answers when it comes to Ryeowook.


“Why was my hyung angry with you yesterday?”

I blink, looking to the passenger seat where my brother-in-law is looking at me curiously. Well, that’s new. He’s talking to me. He’s actually asking me about his brother too. I clear my throat, trying to stall the time to think of a reasonable excuse for Ryeowook’s outburst.

“Well….” I shrug. “You know… Couple… Stuff.”

Henry scoffs and I want to know what the hell that scoffs means but he puts the conversation to rest. He knows that we “made up” because hell, I made sure to kiss Ryeowook extra-long and hard that morning after breakfast when he sent us off to work. Henry had to even make a loud gagging noise to stop us both. When I pulled my lips apart, Ryeowook was swaying a little and he was blushing hard and I held him by his waist to keep him steady and he touched his lips, his eyes shining as he bid me goodbye. Oh yeah, I just totally rocked his world, didn’t I?

“Hey, by the way, I have plans after work today.” Henry informs me. “So you can just go off without me.”

“Where are you going?”

“Uh, none of your business?”

“So you won’t be home for dinner then?” I ask, frowning.

“No,” Henry answers. “You should probably take Ryeowook hyung out.”

“I should?”

“Y… Yeah.”

The kid awkwardly starts playing with the seat belt and I’m feeling a little weirded out too so I don’t respond. The kid never fails to surprise me. Did he just suggest that I have dinner with Ryeowook alone? Is he… I don’t know what that means but a part of me wants to believe that he doesn’t want to come home and have dinner with Ryeowook and I because he wants to give us some time alone. Is that why? He wants us to have some time alone after yesterday? I mean… He even asked about why Ryeowook was angry with me didn’t he? Unknowingly, I’m grinning like an idiot and when I stop at a red light, I turn to look at Henry and he’s giving me a look as if I’m crazy and I quickly wipe the stupid smile off my face. Henry raises his eyebrows and I clear my throat, embarrassed as I avoid his judgemental stare. Well………. Now it’s awkward again.


“Hey, you wanted to see me?”

My assistant asks as he pops his head through the door of my room. I nod and wave him in, pushing my work aside. I gesture Sungmin to seat and he bites his lips, looking at me nervously. Truthfully, the only times I ever ask Sungmin to take a seat is when I have something really serious to talk to him about or when I’m mad at him for something.

“I need your help.” I tell Sungmin.

“What is it?” Sungmin asks, looking as if he’s thinking hard of trying to predict what I’m going to say to him.

“First of all, I need to know where you were on Saturday.”

Sungmin tilts his head, confused. “Saturday? I was at my parents. Why?”

“You weren’t with Ryeowook?”

Sungmin shakes his head, sitting up straight at the mention of his best friend. “No, I wasn’t. What’s wrong?”

“Ryeowook came home … A little moody yesterday.” I sigh. “Do you know what happened? He was missing all throughout Saturday and only came home the next morning, pissed as hell at the world. I don’t know what happened and he won’t tell me why and I’m a little worried.”

“Saturday?” Sungmin repeats and something flashes through his eyes. “Oh… Saturday.”

“Do you know what’s wrong?

Sungmin immediately shakes his head, but he’s suddenly fidgeting and god dammit, I know he’s lying. I want to press him for answers but I know it’s not something he will easily tell me. He looks determined to keep it a secret as well and I sigh, defeated. There’s no way, absolutely no way I can get my answers from him.

“Well then,” I scowl. “Since you’re not going to tell me, at least do me a favour.”

Sungmin nods uncertainly and I continue. “You’ll be on leave today.”

Sungmin’s eyes widen in surprise. “I will?”

“Yes, you will. You’re going to get your down my apartment and bring Ryeowook out. He’s still upset and I don’t know why he is. You seem to know why so I’m sending you down to take him out and help to cheer him up.”


I take a deep breath and sigh. “Look, Ryeowook’s upset and… I don’t like seeing him upset. But I don’t know how to make things better. You’re his best friend, aren’t you? You know what he likes to do and why he’s feeling sad. You know everything so I’m telling you to please go and take him out and have some fun with him.”

“You don’t like seeing him upset?” Sungmin eyes me like as if I’ve lost my mind.

“I don’t.” I shrug, suddenly feeling uncomfortable and decide to quickly change the topic. “Why don’t you take him out to his favourite restaurant or go to the movies or something?”

“I…. Okay.” Sungmin is still looking at me like I’ve gone insane. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

“But Kyuhyun….” Sungmin bites his lips nervously, “Why won’t you do it?”

“Wh.. What?”

“Why don’t just you take him out instead and cheer him up if you care for him that much, Kyuhyun?”

I pause. Me? Take him out and cheer him up instead? I’ve never thought of that. I mean… I don’t know. Ryeowook seemed to be pretty annoyed with me yesterday. Although he was much better this morning but still…. I don’t know. I’m just not sure if I can make him happy and I just want Ryeowook to feel better.

I smile bitterly, “Just do as I say Sungmin.”


“You can go now, Sungmin.”

Sungmin takes a look at me, his eyes searching mine and he nods, turning around to leave the room. Once he’s gone, I release a groan and throw my head back against my seat. Oh, it just feels so exhausting thinking about it.

“Why don’t just you take him out instead and cheer him up if you care for him that much, Kyuhyun?”

I want to. I’m lying if I say I don’t want to. But whenever I think about it, the thought of yesterday all keeps coming back. Ryeowook is not happy with me. And I know he won’t be happy with me, I can just feel it. He married me for his brother. He has no feelings for me, absolutely none. What if the reason he was so upset was because of another man? The thought of Ryeowook spending the night in some other man’s arm makes my heart ache. I squeeze my eyes shut imagining him laughing and kissing another man and my insides churn. I quickly slit my eyes open, not wanting to imagine any of it. Maybe it’s not another man. Maybe Ryeowook had so much work to catch on that he ended up being too cranky the next day. Maybe Ryeowook had a fight with another friend or maybe Ryeowook just had a bad day before.

Just whatever it is, I hope, please please, please, just don’t let it be because of another man that Ryeowook is upset about. Because if it is, I don’t know just how I am going to live knowing that the man I am in love with is in love with another man,

That is completely not me.




I blink as Sungmin scoops me up into a tight hug. He rubs my back and immediately I know that he knows that something is wrong. I squeeze my eyes, trying hard to control my tears as I rest in Sungmin’s warmth. Sungmin pats my head and then releases me, looking me over.

“Look at you!” Sungmin exclaims. “You look like crap!”

I laugh because that’s honestly so true since I’ve not showered or changed into any new clothes ever since last night, “What’s wrong? And what are you doing here, Minnie?”

Sungmin walks into the apartment and I follow after him, not really sure why my best friend is here but secretly thankful that he’s here and I don’t feel so lonely or pathetic or sad anymore.

“What do you think I’m doing here, Wookie? Kyuhyun sent me.” Sungmin tells me his voice softening. He turns around and grabs my shoulders. “What happened?”

“Kyuhyun sent you?”

“Yeah,” Sungmin nods, “He’s worried about you. He told me that you didn’t come home on Saturday and came home the next morning in a bad mood. He asked me if I knew why and I lied to him that I didn’t. But of course, it must be about Donghae isn’t it?”

At the mention of Donghae’s name, my body goes numb. I turn around, away from Sungmin, and hug myself. I promised myself that I’d be strong at the mention of his name, I’d promised myself that I would be just fine and that I’m over it. But the memories, everything about Donghae’s visit is still fresh in my mind.

“Oh Wookie, what happened?” Sungmin asks, a hint of empathy lacing his voice.

I force myself to take a deep breath and turn back around to face Sungmin. I can do this. I can do this. It happened and it’s over and done with now. It’s all in the past. It’s not painful, it’s not. I can do this.

“It’s fine.” I shrug. “I’m fine, Minnie.”

“Wookie,” Sungmin reaches out to grab my hands. He pulls me

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Ryeonggu_01 #1
Chapter 20: thank youuuu 💙
can't believe I'm so deprived of kyuwook, I, don't see that it was an angst... And broke my own heart. Why T.T
Chapter 20: This is real bad end
ndreeanny #4
Chapter 20: How to be Ryeowook to be loved so much?
Donghae's letter was so touching.
Chapter 20: I cried so much while reading this chapter TT I’m just so freaking heartbroken that Donghae is willing to go this far for Ryeowook, willing to go to such extreme lengths for Ryeowook’s happiness, because that’s how much he LOVES him, and I want to cry so badly QQ Just, omg, how can he be so nice? How can someone like him exist? Again, he does not deSERVE THIS!! DX IT’S SO UNFAIR!

Still, this is a really good story. QvQ Henry’s character development is obvious and Donghae’s live for Ryeowook had me dying one too many times. TT This story is really good!
Chapter 19: Q.Q
Lee Donghae, STOP IT!
Stop saying these touching things and making me love you even more than before! Stop being so freaking nice and being so sweet, PLEASE! T.T You’re gonna make it hard for me to not cry when you’re gonna go, just, PLEASE STOP IT LEE DONGHAE PLEASE ASDFJKL TAT
Chapter 18: Henry has really changed for the better, hasn’t he? QvQ Ahh, he cares a lot more for Ryeowook now, and even starts to feel like he’s in the wrong whenever he finds out that Ryeowook did certain things for Henry’s sake. Damn, the character development is real here and I’m so happy for him TvT
Chapter 17: I cried in disbelief when Donghae said he had cancer.
Just, what? Why? How? When?
He doesn’t deserve this! QAQ He’s such a sweetheart and all he ever did was love Ryeowook and be patient with him, this is not fair! QmQ He deserves better! Not this!

You do not know how heartbroken I was when I read that part. TxT He made such little appearances, but all of them are so precious and I adore him so much. Why must this happen? QQ Gosh-
Chapter 16: My heart stopped when Donghae appeared in front of Ryeowook
There’s gonna be a LOT of explanation to do XD Ahaha, oops-

When you keep writing Donghae and Ryeowook like that, you’re gonna make me root for HaeWook more than KyuWook QwQ Donghae is just so lovable and so perfect, you can’t just not love him! >< Ooorz, this is so hard to choose!
Chapter 15: Hmm, I think I came across this story from a recommendation. You know when you scroll down to the very bottom of the page and they have these links for you? I saw one other story by you and looking through all your other stories, I found this and got interested in it.
And this, that’s how I got to know this story. XD And I enjoyed it a lot! <3