-004: infinite-

Harsh Love

Her feet carried her through the corridor as fast as they could, but not realising the person walking the opposite way until she crashed into them.


“Woah, hello,” a  voice said, surprised by the impact, Sera already knowing who it was.


“Henry, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going, I just need to get to the practice room.”


“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you upset?” He worried, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.


“Nothing, it’s nothing. I promise. I just need to get home.”


“Chanyeol left…”

“Baekhyun’s taking me home.”


“Oh, okay. I’ll see you another time then,” he answered, a hint of hurt in his voice that she knew she’d caused by being so harsh.


After saying a quick goodbye, she immediately dashed back off down the corridor, feeling bad. She knew he only meant well and was trying to help, but she was just so desperate to get home.


Breathless as she entered the room, she fell to her knees just inside the door. Baekhyun was sat on his phone, realising she’d entered the room but finishing up something on his device.


“Wow, that was qui- What’s wrong?” He looked up, and immediately rushed over to her. “What happened?” Baekhyun asked softly.


“I said I wouldn’t give him another chance. How could he do that?!” She asked half to herself.


“What did he do?”

“He-He kissed me,” she whispered.


“He what? Dammit I told him not to do any stupid!” He exclaimed, carefully letting go of her as he stood up. “Where is he?” He demanded.


“I left him in the other practice room,” she muttered, not bothering to keep it from him.


“Thanks,” he replied, automatically leaving the room and running off down the hallway, with Sera not even attempting to follow him. She simply sat there, thinking about the events of the last ten minutes. Why did I let him kiss me? I don’t like him, I shoved him off. But why did I let it carry on so long? she thought.


“Ah, this is all so confusing,” she sighed.




“Dude. What part of ‘don’t do anything stupid’ did you not understand? Why the hell did you kiss her?! Oh my god I’m in so much trouble,” Baekhyun stated as he dragged Sehun with much difficulty out into the corridor.


“I don’t know. It just happened,” Sehun answered.


“It just happened?”


“Pretty much.”


“She’s crying again you idiot. You’ve probably messed up her feelings-hormones- whatever girls have, okay? Jesus.” Baekhyun slid to the floor, ruffling his pitch black hair in frustration.


“Well she didn’t exactly pull away,” Sehun muttered, his head in his hands.


“She didn’t pull away?”


“No, not for a while. But then again she might have forgotten who she was kissing.” Sehun took his mind back to fifteen minutes ago. He hadn’t known what to do, and like he always does, he did the first thing that came to his mind, which was, unfortunately… That, not realising he’d wanted it so badly. All that didn’t stop him from regretting it now though.


“Wow. Okay, this is a mess. Right, do not, under any circumstances, tell Chanyeol, okay? She was supposed to be under my watch tonight. He’ll- I don’t even know what he’ll do. Just do not tell him. I’ll speak to Sera, see how she feels. But, please, keep your distance from her unless she approaches you. Got it?”

“I got it. Thanks,” Sehun answered gratefully, happy that he’d confided in Baekhyun.


“I hope you’re grateful. Chanyeol’s my roommate and I’m keeping this from him to save your and mine, but mostly yours,” Baekhyun mumbled, about to leave when a string of words came from the younger boy’s mouth.


“I think I like her, hyung.”




“I think I do.”


“Maknae’s finally growing up,” said Baekhyun, smiling. “If you really do like her, don’t do anything stupid. I’ve already told you once, but listen to me this time,” he chuckled.


Sehun smiled a little and nodded, putting his head back down, while Baekhyun left him alone with his thoughts.




After a good ten minutes of thinking and waiting, Sera finally heard the familiar voice of Baekhyun calling her name.


“What happened?” She sniffled.


“Well. I told him not to tell Chanyeol, which means you don’t either. And I also told him to keep his distance from you unless you speak to him first.”

“And he agreed to all this?” She asked anxiously.


Baekhyun nodded.


“Did he-Did he say anything else?” She added.


For a brief moment, Baekhyun contemplated whether to tell her what Sehun told him, but eventually decided against it. It would make the whole situation a lot more confusing, and besides, Sehun should do it himself.


“No, he didn’t. Sorry.”


“It’s okay. Thank you Baekhyun, for everything,” she answered, standing up and hugging him.


“It’s honestly fine. I’d do anything to make you happier and protect you. You know that, right?”


“I know it,” she answered, a smile on her face. “But we’re going to have to explain to Chanyeol that I don’t need the singing lessons anymore,” she giggled.


He suddenly pulled away from the hug and put his hands on her shoulders. “Oh no. You’re having those singing lessons. Fair enough, you can sing very well, but not as well as the famous Byun Baekhyun. I’m going to make you that good,” he stated smugly.


“I think Chen’s a little…”


“Don’t even think about saying that.”


“I’m joking. But fine, as long as there’s no shouting, okay?”


“Agreed,” he replied.


After packing up their bags and everything they needed, they began heading out. “Chanyeol will be suspicious if I get home this early. Can you please get me a burger and some fries?” She pleaded, adding some aegyo and widening her eyes that no one could seem to resist, especially Baekhyun.


He rolled his eyes. “Fine.”


“And will you pay?”


“I’ll pay but jeez, stop with the eyes! They’re staring deep into my soul.”


“Yay! Thank you!” She exclaimed, just as they exited through the back doors into the carpark.


Sera noticed Sehun also walking to his car, just a little ahead of them. Half of her wanted to shout to him and apologise for running away, but the other half wanted to hit him in the face, and she decided against both options. As either of them would just make the situation ten times worse.


“You like BTS, right?” Baekhyun asked once they’d both shut the door to his car. She nodded eagerly.


“Good, because that’s all I have. All the media think I look like Kim Taehyung. Apparently I’m his mother or something. I don’t know why. I’m not a girl!” He pouted.


“It’s because you’re the eyeliner family. V even wears it when he’s not on stage.”


“Are you serious?”


“Yep,” she grinned. “And obviously because you can both sing really well,” she added.


He nodded approvingly at the second point.


“Can we put some Bangtan on now?” She pouted.


“Aish fine. And I know V has become your friend, but promise me exo will always be number one?” It was true, being the sister of a member of one of the biggest boy groups in Korea had its advantages, one of them being you got some famous friends.


“Of course,” she answered.


He nodded, a smile plastered onto his face as he hit the CD player button. ‘No More Dream’ blasted into the car as they both sang (and rapped very badly) along to it. They drove to the fast food place, ordering a burger and fries to go before they set off again, Sera gulfing down her burger as quickly as they’d received it.


“How, in the world, do you stay so healthy? Whenever I see you you’re always scoffing something or other.”


She shrugged, her eyes still on the last bit of burger which she quickly popped into , washed down by the Diet Coke she’d ordered as well.


Talking along the way, they continued to drive around, laughing and still singing and rapping along to songs, until it was decided that they’d head home.

Around ten minutes away from home, she received a sudden text from Chanyeol.


Message from: Chanyeol

When will you be home? I made dinner because Mum’s away




“What’s up?” Baekhyun asked.


“Chanyeol made me dinner. But then again, I suppose I could eat some more,” she suggested half to herself.


“There you go again! Eating! If I ate as much as you did I swear I’d be like a balloon!” He laughed.


Message to: Chanyeol

I’m on my way home, what’s for dinner?”


Message from: Chanyeol

Kyungsoo taught me how to make Kimchi spaghetti. I know you like it.


Sera smiled. Her brother had never made that much of an effort for dinner before, as he’d always been so busy. However, this appreciation only lasted a minute when her phone buzzed once more.


Message from: Chanyeol

I didn’t make the spaghetti, Kyungsoo did. All the members are here, including Hyomi. Tell Baekhyun to come in, okay?


“Oh my god no!!” She shouted at her phone.  


“What?! What’s wrong?” Baekhyun exclaimed, trying to keep his eyes on the road as he panicked.


“All the freaking members are at my house! This cannot be happening! By the way Chanyeol told me to invite you in- But oh my god.


“What’s so bad about that?”


“Hm, I wonder who is a member of your band who kissed me just an hour ago?”


“He might not be there. Just check.”


Message to: Chanyeol

Are all the members there?


Message from: Chanyeol

If you’re on about Sehun, then yes. But he’s acting all weird. Oh, and by the way, some Infinite members are coming to visit for a while, hope that’s okay.


“How do you all know Infinite? Who even are they?” Sera asked Baekhyun, confused. She’d heard of them briefly before, but had never bothered to really research them or listen to their songs.


“Are you serious? They’re a boygroup. A very good boygroup at that, why?”


“Apparently some of them are coming over for a bit?”


“Oh! We’re quite good friends with a few of them, the others we’re not as close to. If it’s who I think, it’ll be L, Hoya and Woohyun.”

None of these names meant anything to Sera, but she still nodded, and turned to text Chanyeol back.


Message to: Chanyeol

That’s fine. I’ll be home soon.


After she’d texted, her mind suddenly wandered back to Sehun at her house, as she stared straight ahead, keeping silent.


“Hey, you’ll be fine, okay?” Baekhyun reassured.


“I really hope you’re right.”




Pulling into the Park’s driveway, Baekhyun could already see most of the member’s cars parked inside, assuming that some of them had paired up to come here. Sera assumed the same too, after taking a deep breath and exiting the car.


“It’ll be okay, Sera. I’ve already told him you probably won’t want to talk,” Baekhyun reassured again.


“I-I know, let’s just get this over with,” she stuttered. Never in a million years did she ever think she’d be so nervous to enter her own house. Together they made their way in the near darkness towards the door, her fingers fumbling with the keys when she tried to unlock the door, Baekhyun just behind her.


When her fingers finally calmed down, the door unlocked and swung open, and she’d barely taken a step inside when she was attacked with a hug from her best friend.


“Why is Sehun here?” Hyomi whispered as she let go of the other girl, who simply shrugged as an answer, she didn’t know the reason that the members were there either. “And also, did you hear about the Infinite members coming here?! Nam Woohyun! Nam fricking Woo. Hyun!”


“I don’t know who that is,” Sera admitted, and Hyomi gave her a look of shock, before the two girls and one boy walked into the kitchen, the smell of food wafting through the air.


Kyungsoo was at the stove, Chanyeol just beside him and attempting to help while the younger made his special dish.


“Okay. Then what- Sera! Hi, I was just cooking,” Chanyeol obviously lied, lightly pushing Kyungsoo away and replacing him at the cooking area.


“Don’t listen to him. I was doing the entire thing,” Kyungsoo assured, shooting a glare at Chanyeol.


“I guessed. Chanyeol can’t cook to save his life. And also, dear brother, it doesn’t help your lie when you actually text me, to say you’re lying.”


“Kai! Was that you?” Chanyeol called to the boy who was not yet in the room.


“Yeah! I took your phone for a little bit!” Kai’s voice echoed from the lounge.


“Ugh, KaiSoo!” Chanyeol shouted.


All the members in the kitchen burst out laughing, all except for Sehun, who was in Sera’s eyesight no where to be seen.


“Uh, Sera?” Luhan asked from behind her. “That’s Hyomi, right? The one we met a few months ago?”


“Yeah, why?”


“It doesn’t matter,” he shook his head, though his normally pale skin began to go a pinky shade.


“Do you like her or something?”


“Who likes who?” Kai inquired, approaching the two and hearing part of their conversation.


“No one likes no one,” Sera answered sweetly. Thankfully, Kai just accepted it and shrugged, moving away. Sera was about to turn back to the boy who was beside her, but he’d gone, though her eyes caught him walking into the living room. After following him, she saw him sat down in the now vacant room without Kai inside.


“She’s just quite pretty, that’s all. It’s just a crush, I’ll get over it.” His hands buried his face a little as he mumbled it. Nodding, she moved to sit beside him.


“Luhan? Can I ask you something, and you can’t tell anyone I asked?”


“Of course. What is it?”


“Do you know where Sehun is?”


“Uh, yeah, but why? I thought you hated him.”


“I just need to speak to him about something.”


“Ah, okay. He said he’d gone to the bathroom, but I doubt it.”


She wasn’t as close to Luhan as to some of the other members, but she wished she was. After thanking him, she left him alone in thought as she began walking up the stairs, for some reason not wanting to make a sound, as if this wasn’t her house. Walking up the creaking stairs, her heart thumped in her chest as she remembered why she was going up there in the first place. Once on the landing, she looked around all the rooms. He wasn’t in the bathroom, as expected, but instead, she found him in one of the spare bedrooms, his face in a moping expression as he looked down at his hands, obviously thinking hard about something.


“What are you doing here?” She sighed, folding her arms and leaning against the door frame.


“Do you mean why I am I in this room or why am I on this planet in general?” He asked, as if it was a genuine question that he wanted an answer to.


“Well, I already know you’re here on this planet to annoy the out of me, so I’m going with the first question: why are you sat here moping in my guest bedroom?”


“I’m not moping! I just guessed you wouldn’t want to see me.”


“Well, you’re right. I was terrified of seeing you. But, I needed to tell you something.”


Before her sentence was finished, she noticed he stood up, and was now walking over to her. “I’m really sorry, Sera, for everything I’ve done.”


“About time,” she rolled her eyes, a slight smile coming out afterwards.


“I’m sorry about today as well, about what… happened.”


“That’s what I needed to say. Forget about it.”




“Forget everything that happened in that room. Forget it all. That kiss… Never happened okay? It never happened. Just carry on with your normal life, be mean if you want, do what you want. Just forget.”


“Are you kidding? You want me to forget that, and go back to the way we were? Fighting?”

“I-If that will undo what happened, then yes.”


“Nothing will undo what happened! It happened! I can’t take it back and neither can you.”


“Then just pretend it didn’t happen.”


Those were her last words before she left.




Sera returned downstairs flushed and out of breath from running so fast out of the room and down the stairs. The others were all just beginning to prepare for dinner.


“About time you got here,” her brother mumbled.


“Oh shut up,” she answered, sticking her tongue out at him sarcastically.


Once all the places were set, the thirteen in the room sat down, soon joined by Sehun, who had just emerged from the bottom of the stairs.


“I-I went to look for a bathroom,” Sehun answered when everyone’s eyes him.


They all turned to Sera afterwards, curious as to where she’d been too.


“I went to my room in my house to fetch something, is that okay?” She asked calmly to the rest of the table, who all nodded, starting to dig into their food after her explanation.


Sera breathed a sigh of relief, and easily began gulfing down the delicious food that Kyungsoo had made, the burger from earlier not stopping her from eating any less. When everyone was near around done, a knock at the door came, confusing everyone except apparently Chanyeol, who called a come in at the door.


From behind it, emerged three figures, who in turn each shouted a hello down the hall to the dining room. Chanyeol answered back with an answer of where they were and to come in. The first came through the door, bowing a little as he greeted everyone, Chanyeol calling him by Hoya. The second followed soon afterwards, doing the same as the first, but this time being greeted as Woohyun, the one who Hyomi was squealing about.  


When the third came through however, Sera almost choked on her food. She definitely knew him, how could she forget.





Infinite have arrived!! Hehe ~ I hope people are enjoying the rewrite if you were already subscribed, and I hope you're enjoying it if you subscribed when I started from scratch! Please comment thoughts below, I like to see what people like and don't like about my stories ~ :)

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Chapter 19: Nice story !
Chapter 3: Is this a myungsoo fanfic or sehun sorry im. Messed up
Chapter 5: Oh my goooododoodod myungsoooooooo sehun triangle
Rapperzl #7
Chapter 7: Upfate soon please, author-nim:))
NanaNono #8
Chapter 5: Update soon, plsss
Chapter 1: OH MY GOF I WANT A BAEKHYUN MUG SO BADLY DO THOSE ACTUALLY EXIST?? ok probably because ive seen exo fans for sale. literal fans. for fanning.