Lost without you

Forest of Dreams

Xiumin was staying in a flat in the small town just outside of the forest. The flat belonged to Chen, Xiumin’s old high school friend, and his girlfriend Jenny, who were both more than happy to welcome him in. Chen was surprised when his doorbell rang and he opened the door to Xiumin. He looked lost, extremely lost; and tired, as if he hadn’t slept in weeks. Chen had no hesitation and didn’t need an explanation; he simply let him into his home. Once inside, Chen led Xiumin to their dining table in the kitchen, where Jenny was sat drinking tea. They both sat down to join her.


‘So you have a house in the forest?’ Jenny asked as she studied Xiumin. She had never seen anyone look so emotionally drained and glanced over at Chen, her eyes full of concern. Chen met her look, grasped her hand and then turned to Xiumin hopefully. Xiumin could barely look at her but replied nevertheless, ‘Yes, I own a small bit of land on which I farm,’ He continued to stare into the table, ‘I am sorry to invade your home, but I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go. I just need to stay for a bit, for a break away from home, if that is okay with you.’ He forced himself to meet Chen’s eyes, which glinted back at him.


‘Of course Xiumin, of course! You know you are welcome to the spare room any time, for however long is needed and we are more than happy to have you here.’




Xiumin didn’t go outside for the next few days and moped around Chen’s flat. Chen grew ever more concerned for his friend and Jenny was beginning to notice.

‘Go and talk to him!’ Jenny told him. She walked over to the table where Chen was sat and placed her hands on his shoulders.

‘He must need someone to talk to, and he won’t feel any better if you just sit here worrying about him – talk to him and find out what is wrong,’ she insisted.

Chen stood up, turned to face her and took her hands, ‘you are right,’ he said, ‘I just don’t want to make him talk if he is not ready to.’

‘Well you won’t find out if you don’t speak to him.’

‘True,’ Chen kissed her on the cheek, walked out of the room and up to the spare room. He sighed, then knocked before opening the door. He walked in to see Xiumin sat in front of the open window, staring down at the quiet street below. He hadn’t even blinked as Chen had entered.

‘Xiumin?’ Chen attempted to get his attention.

Xiumin turned round and met his eyes.

‘Why did you come here? What is it in the forest that you are running from?’ Chen asked, sitting down on the bed to talk to him.


‘This guy, Luhan,’ he paused, ‘moved to the old estate in the forest and-’ Xiumin stopped and looked down at the floor.

‘So what, you don’t like him?’ Chen asked.

‘No, nothing like that. He is nice, really nice.’ Xiumin sighed.

‘Ohh,’ Chen replied, smiling, ‘I see. So, what happened then?’

‘One of his old friends came to visit and made sure that I knew he didn’t like me. Luhan pretty much took his side and I couldn’t handle it, so I just ran away. I thought it would be easier to leave, but it is just harder. I feel lost without him.'

‘Xiumin, I’m really sorry.’

‘Yeah, me too,’ Xiumin held back his tears, there was no point in crying anymore.

‘Put this out of your mind, come and help Jenny and I to make dinner.’




Luhan barely spoke. He spent the days moping about the house, crying or just sitting and staring blankly into space. Sehun had begun to seriously worry about him, so he hadn’t returned to the city yet. There had been many occasions where he had almost given Luhan the letter, but every time, he stopped himself  - he could only picture the hurt on Luhan’s face once he found out that he had kept it from him. The longer he waited the harder it became to tell him the truth, as he knew how much hurt he had caused. He had purposely been horrible to Xiumin.


On the day that he arrived at Luhan’s new home, the very first thing that Luhan had mentioned was Xiumin. He had then talked non-stop about how amazing he was and Sehun could only grit his teeth and listen. Sehun had known Luhan for pretty much his whole life; they grew up together and went to the same school. No matter how long they spent apart, it would always be the same when they saw each other again. Luhan was special. And this was why Sehun fought so hard to keep him and found it so hard to hurt him. He couldn’t give him the letter - it may destroy him.




The sun shone down over the forest, through the leaves of the pine, and onto Luhan, warming his back. He was sat on his favourite branch halfway up the pine, sketching. He kept glancing down to the stream below as he tried to piece together one of his fondest memories - the first time he properly met Xiumin. They had skipped stones and laughed together all afternoon. He had drawn an image of Xiumin attempting another stone, sticking his tongue out in concentration and couldn’t help but giggle as he remembered his frustration at his failure. He finished the shading and closed the book. The forest was alive with sounds of the wildlife and the rustle of the wind in the trees – yet to Luhan, it was dead. Without Xiumin, everything seemed broken and wrong. He felt completely lost, like he didn't even belong when Xiumin wasn't there.

‘Where are you?’ Luhan spoke aloud. He closed his eyes and sighed, ‘Just come home.’

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 20: Nice and cute story, though I would have liked more loveydovey moments hihi
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 14: Really painful to read
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 12: Poor little bun:( That's how it is when I'm with 'friends'...
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 2: Cute chapter<3
cindy-exolove #5
Chapter 20: T-T That was so fluffy I think I'm going to overdose and have a heart attack. But who knows? Maybe I'll turn into an angel, its the closest I can ever be to Xiumin...Great work as always. LOVE the whole Tao and Sehun thing. That exchange made me laugh my head off because it seems like something they would do ;) Looking forward to your next fanfiction author-nim!
EXO fighting! :D
Chapter 20: yess! together, forever! thank you so much for this fic authornim. hope you'll write more xiuhan stories.. :)
Chapter 19: I am crying. Xiuhan is my bae and this is just too cute! ≥﹏≤
Chapter 19: T^T so cute... i cried again v.v its to beautiful <3