Forest of Dreams



He did not like running, but he ran. He ran so fast through the snow that he kept stumbling and almost tripping over. He didn’t stop running, even though his sides were burning, he couldn’t breathe, snow was in his shoes and beads of sweat had formed on his face. He ran to escape as quickly as he could; because he could not bear to spend another second anywhere near that house and the rising laughter of Luhan and Sehun. How could Luhan have done this to him? Thoughts raced around his mind and he was overwhelmed. It was not long before he reached his house, opened the door and collapsed in the doorway gasping for breath, tears welling in his eyes. He went over and over it in his mind, searching desperately for a solution. He noticed that he did this a lot, with everything. His brain constantly tried to fix problems in his life, no matter whether they could be fixed or not. And he could not stop them. How can you stop thoughts? You can’t. They just happen, like a flinch or when you burn your hand and jolt away from the fire. Something you have no control over. And just like these things, Xiumin had no control over the horrible thoughts that were burning their way through his head.


His whole body heaved as he choked on the air and drowned in the salty solution of his tears. He saw no way of fixing this. The harder he thought about it, the worse it seemed and the worse it seemed, the harder he thought about it. Both of these things only made him cry more. He scrambled to his feet and closed the door, shutting out the world.




A few hours later, Xiumin had stopped crying and was sat at the table in his kitchen. It was dark outside and the only source of light in the room was from the dim hanging bulb above him. He twiddled his thumbs nervously and stared through the table as if in a trance. His eyes were red raw from crying and his cheeks were still damp. He suddenly felt really stupid - stupid for crying, stupid for running, stupid for even being there. Because that is how you feel when something bad happens to you, you often just blame yourself. Nevertheless he had devised a plan in his mind – a solution to fix the problem. He had decided the best thing to do was to just forget about Sehun. Sehun was only visiting, right? Right. And he could put up with Sehun for a little while longer, right? Right. So soon he would be gone and Xiumin would have Luhan’s attention again. And if he didn’t leave… Well, he would come to a plan B when the situation arose. For now he would act as normal as possible and do what he did best, stay quiet. He hated it, being quiet, despite what people thought. But he could bear it for a bit if he remembered whom it was for.



He was his problem and solution to everything. He didn’t need to think about anything anymore because the answer would always be Luhan.

He made his way to bed, absolutely exhausted, and sank into the mattress. As sleep began to engulf him a single word passed his lips:



A/N: Aha, I'm sorry (;_;) - but don't worry the best bits are yet to come!! Who else runs away from their problems??

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 20: Nice and cute story, though I would have liked more loveydovey moments hihi
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 14: Really painful to read
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 12: Poor little bun:( That's how it is when I'm with 'friends'...
KimHyunaTaeyeon #4
Chapter 2: Cute chapter<3
cindy-exolove #5
Chapter 20: T-T That was so fluffy I think I'm going to overdose and have a heart attack. But who knows? Maybe I'll turn into an angel, its the closest I can ever be to Xiumin...Great work as always. LOVE the whole Tao and Sehun thing. That exchange made me laugh my head off because it seems like something they would do ;) Looking forward to your next fanfiction author-nim!
EXO fighting! :D
Chapter 20: yess! together, forever! thank you so much for this fic authornim. hope you'll write more xiuhan stories.. :)
Chapter 19: I am crying. Xiuhan is my bae and this is just too cute! ≥﹏≤
Chapter 19: T^T so cute... i cried again v.v its to beautiful <3