Journal Entry 2

The Impossible

I want to tell you words that you haven’t ever heard – Let Me Love You – Alex Chu


            Dear Gege,

            Mr. Kim decided to give us a free afternoon where we just listened to music and forgot about schoolwork and homework. It was a pretty relaxing day. And we all realized we had a passion for music. That was something we could bond over.



            “Do you guys want to do homework today?” Mr. Kim asked, standing up from his desk. “It’s a beautiful day today.” Mr. Kim walked to the windows beginning to open the windows. “The breeze is nice and the air is crisp. Everyone put away your books and papers.”

            “Mr. Kim,” Kyungsoo said raising his hand. “Are you sure we can afford to take a day off of our studies?”

            “Of course Kyungsoo,” Mr. Kim said smiling as he returned to his desk, turning on his laptop. “It’s always healthy and good to take breaks. You guys have all been working hard this semester so far, so why not give you a break?”

            It had been about two weeks since I had joined the special class and I was fitting in well with everyone. I had gotten a chance to talk briefly with pretty much everyone in the class, minus Baekhyun and Tao. Those two were the most stand offish to me. But they didn’t talk much to anyone. Out of everyone in the class I talked to Jongdae the most and hung out with him after school occasionally.

            I put my stuff away in my backpack as Mr. Kim put on music, letting it wash over the classroom. We all recognized the song; it was Girls’ Generation’s “Mr. Mr.” 

            “Mr. Kim you like Girls’ Generation?” Jongin asked. “Wow! You are too cool!”

            “Yes,” Mr. Kim said laughing. “I like Girls’ Generation a lot.” Mr. Kim sat down at one of the desks. “Come on guys, forget the rows, let’s just sit close together.” We all moved to the front desks, sitting down.

            “I’ve never had a class where we did this before,” Luhan said. “I like it.” Luhan moved his head from side to side mouthing the lyrics to the song.

            “Do any of you like to sing?” Mr. Kim asked. Kyungsoo, Luhan, Minseok, Jongdae, Chanyeol, Sehun, Jongin, and Kris raised their hands. “Wow that’s quite a lot of you. Someone start singing.”

            “Not me,” Kris said. “I’m not in the mood to sing right now.”

            “Mr. Mr,” Jongdae said, beginning to sing the song. We all looked at Jongdae as he continued to sing along to the song. Eventually Luhan, Kyungsoo, and Minseok were singing with Jongdae, finishing the song.

            “Jongdae you were really good,” Mr. Kim said. “All four of you were really good. Jongdae you did a good job on the high notes.” The next song to play was Bangtan Boys’ “Just One Day.”

            “I love this song!” Chanyeol exclaimed, smiling brighter then the sun. He began to rap along to the song, with a smile on his face.

            “Go Chanyeol!” Jongdae yelled, waving his hands in the air. “Go go go!” We all cheered for Chanyeol as he continued to rap and sing perfectly to the song.

            “Chanyeol can spit bars!” Jongin yelled. “You killed that bro!” Jongin clapped Chanyeol on the back, giving him thumbs up. Jongin and I eventually ended up dancing to SHINee’s “Luficer.” We were in perfect sync with each other and everyone was amazed.

            “L-let me j-join in on the ne-xt s-song,” Sehun said standing up. Then the three of us danced to B.A.P.’s “Warrior.”

            “Our class is definitely special,” Mr. Kim said. “All of you are incredibly talented in singing, dancing, and rapping. You should all be very proud of yourselves.”



When school was over I walked to the subway stop, feeling extremely happy that school was so good today. Usually I didn’t care for school, but today Mr. Kim had made us take a break from everything, which was well needed.

            “Yixing!” Joonmyeon called. I turned as his smiling face came up to mine. “Did you have a good day at school?”

            “It was really good today,” I said returning a smile at my hyung. “Mr. Kim decided we needed a break from schoolwork so we spent the afternoon listening to music, singing, rapping, and dancing.”

            “Wow,” Joonmyeon said laughing. “You got to be in the fun class. I had to study and learn boring things all day. You’re very lucky Yixing. Let’s go get food.” We headed off heading to the street that was full of street food tents.

            “What do you feel like eating today hyung?” I asked as we got to the street. We were immediately flooded with tons of different smells from food being cooked, ready to be eaten. It was truly a mouth-watering place to be. Definitely one of the places I was happy to have discovered, since I transferred to Dream Academy.

            “I want dukkboki,” Joonmyeon said. “Let’s go.” We headed over to the tent that sold the best dukkboki, as I ordered two servings of dukkboki.

            “Let’s sit down over here hyung,” I said. We made our way to a table in the corner of the tent before beginning to eat the dukkboki. “Mm, this tent’s dukkboki is always the best. They even put the cheese filled rice cakes that you like in the dukkboki. Here hyung.” I placed a cheese rice cake in front of him as he ate it off the chopsticks.

            “It is so delicious here,” Joonmyeon said. “I’m glad I was able to show you this place Yixing. It is so delicious.” We continued to eat our dukkboki, feeding each other occasionally.

            It was about five in the evening when I had to catch the subway to take me to the neighborhood where I lived. Joonmyeon and I exited the food tent. I was completely unaware of the cheese rice cakes that were dropped on the floor where Joonmyeon had been sitting.

            “See you tomorrow Yixing,” Joonmyeon said, once we were by the stairs leading down into the subway. “Study hard tonight.”

            “You too hyung,” I replied. Joonmyeon ruffled my hair, before I descended down the stairs, running quickly to catch the subway, heading off towards home.



            “Did everyone turn in their homework?” Mr. Kim asked. He held up his tiny pile of papers. We all nodded our heads. “Good, I will grade these as soon as I can and hand them back to you, so you can use these as part of your study guide for the middle exam that will be in a little less then two months.”

            “What did you do over the weekend?” Jongdae asked me, once Mr. Kim allowed us to have our study time to work on homework before lunch.

            “Nothing much,” I answered. “I met up with Joonmyeon hyung on Sunday for a few hours, but that was about it. We bought tickets to see a movie. It was really good.”

            “Next weekend do you want to come over to my house for a sleepover?” Jongdae asked. “I’m inviting a few other people from this class, it’s going to be a lot of fun. Say you’ll come Yixing.” Jongdae made puppy dog eyes at me, as I laughed.

            “Of course I’ll come,” I answered. “Who else did you invite?”

            “I invited Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Jongin, Minseok, and Baekhyun,” Jongdae answered. “If you want you can invite Joonmyeon over as well. I still haven’t gotten to meet him yet and you told me about him for the first time weeks ago.

            At lunch it was the usual random talks that occurred at the table. Luhan leaving to the restroom halfway through lunch, Kris checking his image in his mirror, Tao not saying a word to anyone, and Chanyeol being the bright sun shinning down on us. Lunch was the part of school I looked forward to the most.

            All of us came together as one, unlike everyone else in the lunchroom. It seemed like all the students sat only with their friends who were all in the same grade. At our table our ages didn’t matter, and we all got along just fine. It didn’t matter if some people were two years older then others or vice versa.

            “Kyungsoo and I have been thinking,” Jongin said. “This is going to be a super fun and awesome idea, partly because we came up with it, but remember that day last week when we all came together and sang, danced, and rapped to different songs?”

            “Yes,” Minseok said, mouth full of lollipop. “That was a super fun day. I had a lot of fun singing and dancing with everyone.”

            “S-same,” Sehun said smiling. “W-what about it Jong-in hyung?”

            “Well we were thinking why not perform as a class for the talent show?” Jongin said, looking around the table, to see our reactions to his last sentence. “It would be a ton of fun and we all have the talent to pull together something super awesome. We can show the school what the special class is about.”

            “It’s a good idea,” Chanyeol said nodding his head. “I’m in, it sounds like a lot of fun. It’d be nice to show the school that we’re not freaks.”

            “I agree,” Kris said. “And it’s a better way for people to notice how amazingly hot and awesome I, I mean we will all look.”

            “So is everyone in?” Kyungsoo asked. “Tao?” Kyungsoo turned to look at Tao, who was looking down at his food. “Tao?”

            “I don’t know,” Tao said sighing. “This just seems like something that could go extremely wrong and end in embarrassment for all of us. I don’t want to do it.” He got up from the table, leaving the lunchroom.

            “I’ll be back guys,” I said. I got up, leaving the lunchroom, following after Tao. I found myself on the rooftop, after I had seen Tao go through the door leading to the top of the school. I found him sitting down by the railing, swinging his legs over the ledge. “Tao.”

            “What?” Tao asked in a quiet voice. I sat down next to him, as he refused to meet my gaze. “Is there something you need Yixing?”

            “Are you really sure you don’t want join our performing group?” I asked. “It seems like it’ll be a lot of fun.”

            “I’m sure,” Tao said. “I don’t want to embarrass myself, plus I don’t see the fun in singing and dancing for people.” I patted his shoulder, before he scooted away from me.

            “Think about it,” I said scooting back next to him. “It’ll be a lot of fun. We’ll all get to sing and perform, which we all found out we are really good at it. Why not try something fun. Who cares what the school will think, as long as you enjoyed yourself.”

            “Are you not going to stop pestering me until I give in?” Tao asked looking at me, with a small smile on his lips. I nodded my head, smiling brightly at the younger kid. “Fine,” he sighed. “I will join, but don’t expect me to enjoy it as much as you or the others will.”

            “Come on,” I said. I stood up, offering him my hand to help him stand up. Tao looked at my hand, hesitating for a minute. It seemed like he was scared to hold my hand or use it to help him get up. “It’s just a hand Tao.”

            “Just a hand,” he said, before taking it standing up. “Thanks.” He nodded his head looking at me. I looked up at him, realizing how tall he was.

            “You’re tall Tao,” I said, chuckling a little. “I wish I was as tall as you.”

            “No you don’t,” Tao said shaking his head. “The taller you are the harder it is for you to remain a kid. You can’t fit into the places you used to, and the things you used to play with or play on are too small for you.”

            “Really?” I asked. “But wouldn’t you still smile and remember all the fun you had when you were young?” Tao shook his head.

            “I don’t like thinking about my past,” Tao said gloomily. “It’s too much for me to think about. It’s a distraction from reality, and I can’t force myself to daydream about my past anymore.” He didn’t say anything more on the subject and I didn’t feel like it was my place to pry the information out of him.

            “Let’s head back down,” I said after a while. We had just sat down on a bench, not saying anything. “It’s time for class.” Tao nodded his head before heading with me back down to the second floor just in time for class to start.


            I wonder heaven is like, is it as peaceful and beautiful as everyone makes it out to be? I hope so, because you only deserve to be resting in the most beautiful, serene place. You are the best Gege and only one I’ve had. I miss you a lot like always. Please continue to watch over me, as life goes on without you.

            ~ Yixing



Second chapter!! More on Tao as well as everyone else's past will be revealed in later chapters. It looks like "EXO" is being formed. hahaha

Thank you all that have subscribed to the story. I hope you all like it so far~

~ ALSK20

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I will try to update this soon I have ad some bad writer's block... sorry


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Chapter 4: Junmyeon isn't real, is he? Yixing has schizophrenia or something of the sort
keripik_kentang #2
Chapter 22: It's okay and totally fine. We will be waiting for u ♡
FlyingPurplePenguin #3
Chapter 6: I knew that Joonmyeon wasn't real! This is a really good story from what I've read so far!
AnimeNightcoreKitty #4
Chapter 21: This was a good story plot! With the disorder and him not knowing that he had something wrong with himself. It was also sweet seeing all of the exo relationships slowly progress. I like how you added in their roles and talents in the talent shows. I hope the date goes well, but I'm starting to wonder what it would be like without Kris, Luhan and Xiumin...I liked it better when they were together like a group. Not like the same break up of Tao, Kris and Luhan in the current exo. :( Sorry for ending this comment on a sad note but keep writing and your doing a fantastic job!!! :D
otp_defender #5
Chapter 21: I'm curious how their date will turn out. I hope we can get more sulay fluffy moments. :3
It's okay no need to rush. I'll wait patienly for ya authornim
mamakura #6
Chapter 21: AWWWW THIS IS SO CUTE ;-;
whatsuppp #7
Chapter 21: Yixing with eyeliner is *.* /died
Chapter 21: Awwww Yixing must looks super hawt with eyeliner >.< gosh they are just so cute <33 my otp :"
I'm excited for the date
Don't worry author, it's okay. Take your time. We will be waiting for ya ;))
ByunBaekhyun01 #9
Chapter 4: I feel suspicious....
If the story line is like it's okay it's love I think I'm gonna cry- especially if something happens to Sulay..
teufelchen_netty #10
Chapter 19: Suho proposal was sweet, nice for xing to know suho lives him like he do