Part 3: Chapter 7

Wolf - Primal Instincts: Part 3
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Part 3: Chapter 7

Luhan didn’t know how long he stood there for, but he eventually made his way to the bed.  He sat down on the edge and, bracing his elbows on his thighs, he buried his face in his hands.

Nothing in his life was the same anymore.  Kris, the one constant in this crazy mess, wasn’t the same person Luhan knew him as.  Now what was he supposed to do?

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts.  Luhan leapt up and was halfway to the door before he remembered that Kris wouldn’t be knocking.  He would have simply walked right in.  It couldn’t be Kris at the door coming back to work things out between them. 

“Who is it?”  Luhan called out, tense. 

“It’s Sohee and Kai,” a muffled female voice called back. 

Everything inside Luhan relaxed and suddenly he was twice as tired as he had been when he walked in to find Kris.  He made his way to the door and opened it slowly.  He glanced at Sohee, who was eyeing him closely, making sure he was alright as he did the same, and then glanced at Kai who was standing behind her, hands in his pockets.  They both wore their school uniforms and backpacks. 

“Are you okay?” Sohee asked him quietly. 

Luhan had a sudden longing to tell her the truth.  To fell to his knees before her and cry and tell her all about how his world was falling apart and he had no idea how to put it back together.

Instead, he opened the door wider.  “Come in,” he said softly and retreated back to his bed room.  He returned to his place on the bed, leaning his elbows on his thighs. 

“What the hell did you think you were doing, man? Disappearing on us like that,” Kai demanded and let the door slam a little harder than necessary.

“Kai, ease up,” Sohee responded, voice low.  She made her way to the bed and sat beside Luhan, setting her book bag on the floor.  “You look exhausted, Luhan.”

Kai opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but then tensed and closed it again as he entered the bedroom area.  “Who was here?” he asked instead.  His nostrils flailed slightly. 

Luhan, still looking down, sighed.  “An old friend.”

“You have friends?” Kai asked, brows furrowed in a frown

“Kai!” Sohee exclaimed.

“I mean other than us,” Kai amended.  Sohee continued to glare at him.

Luhan merely nodded in response.

“Was it Kris?” Sohee asked.  “The friend in the… photo.” Her pause made Luhan look up at her and then follow her gaze to the shelf where he had kept the photo of him and Kris.  But it wasn’t there.  “What happened?”  Sohee asked.

She stood and moved around Luhan to pick up the broken frame.  It still rested on the shelf, but the picture was no longer there.  Luhan bit back another sigh.  Kris must have taken it.  Why hadn’t he just done that when he broke it? 

“Who the hell is Kris?”  Kai demanded, arms spread in confusion, palms facing the ceiling. 

Luhan buried his face in his hands.  “He’s the one that performed the ritual to pull out my wolf.”

“What the hell?” Kai instantly went from angry and confused to outright furious.  “You knew all this time who it was?  You told me you had no idea.  But all this freaking time, you knew?!”


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And Part 3 is Complete. Thank you, everyone, so much for reading!


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againagainagain #1
Chapter 28: I'm finally getting the chance to finish this. The plot moves well and really draws one in. I don't think it was Kris this time, it was foreshadowed as another. But I hope Kai and Luhan can work together despite their biases and prior loyalties threatening to treat them apart
kaiminIN #2
Chapter 31: This was awesome!!! he just left like that love and Friendship....and the end - she saw him coming damm that's super cool..
Sorry but I don't even know why I'm feeling such such...but I can feel that it's going to be awesome if you continue... So please do continue... I know you don't wanna continue right now but that's OK I'll still be here to read when you write...:))

Well I wanted to ask are you doing English major ??
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 28: I just hope that Kris isn't the one... Maybe them talking can clear something....
kaiminIN #4
Chapter 25: Woaah it's a great progress . ...
I have a lot to say but just don't know how to put them in words .. I just don't understand what's happening in seulgi's part.. I think I didn't read it properly ...
kaiminIN #5
Chapter 19: Thanks a lot.... This chapter was great... I'm relieved that sohee doesn't have to be with all of them but just kai and luhan....
kaiminIN #6
Chapter 18: Ah and thanks for updating on my birthday.. .:)
kaiminIN #7
Chapter 18: Ahhhhh what's going to happennnn. ...
Chapter 16: this chapter has one view... AM I THE FIRST TO READ IT? I feel special now... ≖ β ≖
kaiminIN #9
Chapter 17: I know you must be busy, but I really really want to know how the story is Going to unfold...
kaiminIN #10
Chapter 15: ( I'm laughing right now) what's happening with the three of them??? But that's something I'm definitely liking....let's see what's the game about.....