Part 3: Chapter 25

Wolf - Primal Instincts: Part 3
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Part 3: Chapter 25

“Maybe it’s not him,” Kai told Luhan, thinking aloud.  “Ryehyun said it was dark in the warehouse.  I mean really.  Just because I call him ‘Old Man’ doesn’t mean that there’s not hundreds of old men just like him in this city.”

“Old men that know what we are?”  Luhan asked.  "That would confront Kris at the warehouse?"

“What was he even doing there?”  Kai exploded.  “How did he know the Masks were there?  I don’t talk to him about that stuff.  I should go help him,” Kai decided.  He grabbed his jacket and headed for the door.

Luhan grabbed his arm and jerked him to a stop.  “You can’t do anything,” Luhan told him.  “Even if it was him, Master Kwon knew exactly what he was doing when he went to the warehouse.  If he were truly in danger, he wouldn’t have gone.”

“Not in danger?” Kai him.  “You need to open your eyes and take a closer look at your friend.  He waltzes into town and sends the Black Mask Gang after you, then after Sohee, then when they fail he turns them into wolves!  What about those actions shouts ‘not dangerous’ to you?”

“Kai, it’s been hours since they left the warehouse, he probably isn’t even there anymore,”  Luhan tried to reason with him.   

Kai closed his eyes.  His head understood the truth of Luhan's words, even as his gut urged him out the door.  He regretted once again not asking Ryehyun right away how they had managed to get everyone out so smoothly.  It wasn't until after Sohee had healed most of his friends that they had mentioned an old man distracting Kris enough that he had ordered them all to leave.  He had no proof that the old man was his old man, but the coincidence gave Kai a bad feeling.

Opening his eyes, Kai looked at Sohee.  She’d been healing for over an hour now and seemed okay after healing so many, but it was starting to cost her.  It had given Kai a heart attack when some of the guys had shown up as wolves, but Sohee had talked him out of freaking out.  For all she hadn’t known what to do when she started with Ryehyun, she was surprisingly sufficient with the other guys.  With each healing she got quicker and quicker.  Kai had been worried that it would tire her out more, but she didn’t pause as she finished with one and moved to another. 

Somewhere in the room, a cell phone rang.

“Wait until we’re finished here,” Luhan said, softly.  “Then we’ll go check on him together.”

Kai closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  His head and his gut could agree to that.  “If he’s hurt the Old Man at all, Luhan-“

“We don’t even know if it’s really him that was there, Kai,” Luhan said, slightly exasperated.  “Let’s figure out the facts first, then we’ll deal with it together.”  Even if Kris had hurt him, they would deal with it together. 

“Kai,” Kyungsoo said and approached with a cell in his hand before Kai could respond to Luhan.  “Doctor Park is on the phone and he’s asking for Sohee.”

Kai took the phone.  “She’s safe, that’s all you need to k

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And Part 3 is Complete. Thank you, everyone, so much for reading!


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againagainagain #1
Chapter 28: I'm finally getting the chance to finish this. The plot moves well and really draws one in. I don't think it was Kris this time, it was foreshadowed as another. But I hope Kai and Luhan can work together despite their biases and prior loyalties threatening to treat them apart
kaiminIN #2
Chapter 31: This was awesome!!! he just left like that love and Friendship....and the end - she saw him coming damm that's super cool..
Sorry but I don't even know why I'm feeling such such...but I can feel that it's going to be awesome if you continue... So please do continue... I know you don't wanna continue right now but that's OK I'll still be here to read when you write...:))

Well I wanted to ask are you doing English major ??
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 28: I just hope that Kris isn't the one... Maybe them talking can clear something....
kaiminIN #4
Chapter 25: Woaah it's a great progress . ...
I have a lot to say but just don't know how to put them in words .. I just don't understand what's happening in seulgi's part.. I think I didn't read it properly ...
kaiminIN #5
Chapter 19: Thanks a lot.... This chapter was great... I'm relieved that sohee doesn't have to be with all of them but just kai and luhan....
kaiminIN #6
Chapter 18: Ah and thanks for updating on my birthday.. .:)
kaiminIN #7
Chapter 18: Ahhhhh what's going to happennnn. ...
Chapter 16: this chapter has one view... AM I THE FIRST TO READ IT? I feel special now... ≖ β ≖
kaiminIN #9
Chapter 17: I know you must be busy, but I really really want to know how the story is Going to unfold...
kaiminIN #10
Chapter 15: ( I'm laughing right now) what's happening with the three of them??? But that's something I'm definitely liking....let's see what's the game about.....