The once we have in our heart

Only One Minute - Flowers Die



Minute nine - You're just as heartless as a hydrangea - No, I'm not ....


"You're a shame, you bring shame over this family! Don't you regret it, don't you feel troubled by that?!"

"You're a piece of , don't you dare to ever come back!"

"Just die already, nobody needs you..."

"I hate you."

"You're a heatless bastard."

"I will never accept you not as a person and not as my son either."

"You are not my son anymore....I don't want to see your face anymore."

"I'm ashamed of you, please stay at home ; we'll be back at night but don't wait for us...We'll take your sister with us."

"You're the biggest failure and the biggest mistake I've ever done."

"I wished you were never born, then my beloved wife would still be alive...."

Yeah that's right, I'm worth nothing.....

But I'm not heatless, you were the once who ripped it into two, for no one to heal...

Left alone...until;

"Hi, I'm Dongwoo; Let's be friends!!"



"Howon-ah!! What is wrong, oh my God, what should I do?!"-  Dongwoo panicked, he didn't know what was wrong with his friend, he left the younger only for a few seconds to get a bag full of ice for his broken nose but as he came back and saw the first tears rolling down his best friend's cheeks, the breath in his throat stocked. 

It's been such a long time since he saw his strong friend sheer tears over something and it broke Dongwoo's heart, he never wanted to see these crystal clear tears filled with sadness and loneliness leaving the others eyes ever again, not after all he went through.

The bag of ice slip out of his hands and walked over to his friend, who did nothing then sitting on the small gray couch looking up to the ceiling and letting his tears run down his face.


It wasn't long after Woohyun had hit Hoya's face multiple times and even broke his nose that Dongwoo hushed over to his friend. Dongwoo was so concern and scared, he never wanted to see his beloved friend's face looking like this ever again but now he did and it was just as horrible as it was as they were still young. And just like those old time, Hoya's eyes were death, there wasn't even a single sign of life in them and Dongwoo was scared by that, he never wanted the past to repeat itself.

He shook his friend a few times but nothing, the blood continued to drop down his chin and he continued to be in his own world of thoughts. Dongwoo was sure the thing Woohyun had mouthed must be something horrible for his friend to become like this. Since Dongwoo had no other option he grabbed Hoya by the arm and pulled him up, wrapping one of his own arms around his waist and with the other bringing the younger's arm over his own shoulder. He looked at Hoya and waited until the younger nodded that he was ready to walk and as he did he brought him  to his own home which could be considered as Hoya's already - Hoya had been spending more time in his house then at his owns anyway.

As they finally reached his home, he walked up to his room and placed his lifeless friend on the small couch of his. He treated his wound as much as he was able to and cleaned his face from all the blood. But Hoya just continued to be like a lifeless doll, actually to have a broken nose wasn't that bad, Woohyun didn't really punched him either but he must have said something that remind Hoya at his past, his painful past.

Dongwoo knew everything about it since he was a part of it, they were only kids as they met but even though Dongwoo was still young he noticed and understand everything that happened to his friend.

All the brushes the younger had on his body, the injures he had after he went home and this dead eyes he had from all the crying, Dongwoo noticed it all but still it took him a bit to put the pieces together.



Dongwoo had just turned 12 as he and his family moved to another city which meant for him to transfer to a completely different elementary school and that even in the last year of it, but he couldn't do a single thing against it. He had to leave all his friends behind, who had accompanied him through all the years of school, some kids he was together in preschool too, but again he couldn't really stop his parents and so he ended to being transferred to an average state education elementary school which happened to be quite near his new house.

Actually the only good point in this whole moving was the new house and to be more exact Dongwoo's room, he#s got one of the biggest rooms in the house and had a really big window with a view to the backyard; his room was amazing but still he cried countless tears as he had to bid his last farewell. He wasn't really sure if he would meet his old friends ever again, but there wasn't really time for thinking about that since he had other matters to concentrate on.

It's pretty much unusual to transfer in the middle of the school term in to the last year but Dongwoo had to anyway and so the first day happened to be super awkward. He was the 'new one', who know nobody, who wasn't familiar with the city nor the school and therefore he felt a bit left alone. Fortunately Dongwoo was still Dongwoo and had one of the nicest personalities ever, therefore it didn't take long until he made himself a few friends.

All in all it took around a week until he was some kind settled into the class and the kids welcomed him fully, he had his small cycle of friend and that was enough for him to be happy, on top of that his seat was rather infront and he was seating with one of his friends; Lee Minhyuk.

It took him another week to notice something strange, all the kids were more or less friend and nobody was left out, but there was that one boy everyone ignored and didn't speak with. In the following days Dongwoo noticed a lot more things about that boy, for example that he was really silent in fact Dongwoo had never heard his voice or that he always had at least on brush in his face and that really nobody, not even once, talked to him in the time he had been attending their lessons. Dongwoo felt bad for him, he didn't even knew his name therefore it was just time to find out at least in his option.

They were on a break and Dongwoo was sharing his lunch with Minhyuk as he was waiting for the right moment to drop his question.

"Hey Minhyukie, what is the name of the boy over there?"- He asked as his friend had swallowed the last piece of his sandwich.

"What boy?"

"The boy in the corner, the one who doesn't speak."- Dongwoo explained and Minhyuk's smile disappeared immediately.

"Oh that's Lee Howon but don't talk to him or even better don't get involved with him in anyway, it only brings bad luck. He is a totally weirdo! Nobody talks to him and I think it's good like this."

"But why? He doesn't look like a bad person."

"Well, he changes his first name in the first year of elementary school and as much as I know he shouted at people who once tried to become his friends."

"Why did he change his name?"- Dongwoo asked shocked, he had never met someone who changed their first names and in this age as well.

"Uhmm his actual name was Lee Hodong but he was bullied because of that and yeah then his name became Howon from one day to the other, I don't really know a lot about him. Why are you asking anyway?"- Minhyuk asked in between taking a slip of his orange juice.

"Don't you think it's awfully mean not to talk with him?"- Dongwoo breathed out slightly feeling annoyed by the mean behavior of all this kids, in his option that Howon boy doesn't sound like a bad person.

"Hey don't be so pissed! That's just how it is, he's an outcast and that's it, nobody wants to be friends with him and he probably doesn't want us as his friends, so why bother??"- Minhyuk hissed back with an obviously annoyed expression and Dongwoo just didn't understand what his problem was, he couldn't imagine that this Howon doesn't want to have friends, everyone want friends!

"Because that's not fair!! He needs friend too! Why are you like this?"

"He is strange, okay?! And if you want to be his friend go ahead, as much as I care but then everyone is going to ignore you too."

"Okay! I don't care I don't need 'friends' who would leave me behind just because I'm friends with someone else!" - Dongwoo explained annoyed, packed his stuff and walked to the back of the class with all eyes of the pupils following his every step. He got himself a chair and put in right infornt of Howon's desk and with a great smile he sat down.

The shy boy turned his body from the window he had been staring out for hours to face the boy who suddenly appeared right infront of him and in some way the smile of his was so bright he was already blended by it.

"Hi I'm Dongwoo; Let's be friend!"- He blurred out happily and stretched his hand out for the other to shake. Hesitatingly Howon lifted his own and shook the boys hand loosely.

"H-hi I'm H-howon, nice to meet y-you."- He mumbled lightly, feeling nervous since it was the first time somebody actually spoke to him in like ages. It was nice and he felt happy for the first time in months, maybe his life would be better from now on.

"Wahhhh you have such a nice voice! Why don't you speak more??"

"B-because nobody w-wants to speak with m-me. But I don't mind I..I d-don't need friends a-and I think you should g-go back too before they start to i-ignore you too"

"Ohh nooo!! Don't say that, you need friends and I'll be your first! I don't care, I already like you a lot so I don't care if they start to ignore me."- Dongwoo grinned and without Howon noticing a single tear left his eye and a bright smile made its way on his lips.

In no time the two of them became best friends and stick together all the time, and the more time Dongwoo had spent with Howon the less he understand why the kids were ignoring him.

The years past in an blink of an eye but not much changed in the end Dongwoo was still the only friend Howon had and Howon was the only real friend Dongwoo had but it didn't matter.

In those years a lot happened and a lot didn't go unnoticed by Dongwoo even though Howon tried his best and one faithful day with the age of 14 Dongwoo finally saw why his friend had always been full of injuries and brushes and why they never spent their time at Howon's house.


It was a day like any other but Dongwoo was so bored, it was Sunday and he knew his best friend was at home so why not go for a visit? He was never in the younger's house anyway. And so without any further thinking Dongwoo grabbed his backpack, which he had stuffed with all sorts of candy and sweet softdrinks, and walked out the door. He knew where Howon was living even though he was never there, he knew something was off because his friend had never invited him and always avoided to answer related to that but Dongwoo was curious and was missing his friend.

After half an hour of riding the bike he was right in front of the Lee's house with a bright smile he walked to the door and ring the bell but nothing. He waited for a few minutes and just then noticed that the key was still in the key hole.

Ahhh I don't think he will be mad if I invite myself~ - Dongwoo chuckled inside and opened the door.

"Hello sorry for the interruption and that I let myself in."- Dongwoo said as he entered the house but nothing was heard, he continued to stay in the hall way and just as he was about to turn around he heard a faith whine.

What was that?

"H-hello I'm Dongwoo, Howon's friend is someone here?"- Dongwoo asked unsure and then again heard something which sounded like a faith 'Please, stop'. Without thinking his body moved on its own to the source of the noises and the nearer he came to the room the more he heard.

His mind was shouting at him to stop walking and that it wasn't his matter but his body just keep on moving.

The last room on the right side was the one were the noises came from and now that he was right infornt of it he heard things he wished he never had, and saw things trough the little opened door he would never forget.

The reason why he was never invited and the reason why Howon was always hurt.

Dongwoo already felt how his heart was squeezed by the whines and pleadings which were mumbled under pain from his friend and still he just needed to make sure it was really his Howon who was in such a pain but Dongwoo hoped so much that it wasn't the case. The door was slightly open and he looked through the door, the room was pretty empty only a bed and a big wardrobe. In on corner he spotted his friend's backpack and then he saw two figures. It didn't take a second for Dongwoo to recognize the one who was dearly crying with blood all over his face, trying to walk away from the man Dongwoo assumed to be his father.

Not a second later Howon was punched in the face so hard that he hit the floor with a loud bang and Dongwoo was shocked by the whole scene, he was unable to move even though he wanted noting then helping his friend at that moment.

"D-dad p-please stop...I did nothing w-wrong."- Howon pleaded holding his hurting cheek with his one hand while trying to get a way from his drunken father with the other.

"You did nothing wrong?"- His father asked seriously and kneeled down grabbing his sons collar forcefully.

"Dad you're hurting me p-please."- Howon cried heavily but his father only smirked by the look of him.

"Don't 'Dad' me here, you are nothing more then a shame and I wished you were never born. You did nothing wrong? HAHAHAH you killed the love of my life you piece of !"- He said and hit his only 13 years old boy once again.

"But you h-have Haeun." - Howon whined out in pain, Lee Haeun was the new wife of his father but she hated him at least as much as his own father, he wasn't even allowed to call her mom. He had no one on his side not within his family nor in school, he was all alone in a world were nobody wanted him, nobody loved him; at least he had Dongwoo now and he was the only reason for him to continue this worthless life of his.

"Haha! Don't ing kidding me, just ing die, your ugly face only reminds me of her beautiful one!"- He shouted and then hit again but this time so hard that you were literally able to hear Howon's nose breaking underneath his punch and that was finally enough for Dongwoo to make a move.

He opened the door rather forcefully and accidentally hit Howon's father with the door, luck must be on his side today. He used the moment to pull his friend up and wrap his arms around him.


"No time for questions, we are leaving."- He said and run out the room with his friend strongly in arms.

Howon spent the next whole month at Dongwoo's. Dongwoo promised him to never leave his side on the first day, he never broke the promise.


Flashback end


"Howon look into my eyes, what did Woohyun say?"- Dongwoo said seriously and after a while Hoya indeed tilt his head in such a way that he could look his friend in the eyes but then his tears only started to fall down faster.

"Don't cry like that just tell me."- Dongwoo whispered trying to calm his friend who was having a mental breakdown in way of embracing him.

"He said I'm heartless..."- Hoya started and stopped for a moment to calm his voice.

"You're not but why are you crying that much? That's not all, the Howon I know wouldn't cry because of such a ."

"H-he said that I'm worth nothing, I'm heartless and even..even y-you would leave m-me in the end."

"That bastard...Howon I promised you, right? I will never leave you, you won't get rid of me until the day I die!"

"D-don't lie to me, I'm a good for nothing and d-draging you d-down I know that you're actually totally against all t-that school bully and that you would never punch someone. You're more of a geek if it weren't for me you would be top of the class but here I am so selfish that I can't let you go and drag you down too. I'm sorry for running your life, mine was ruined from begin with."

"No don't say that..."

"Dongwoo it's the truth actually Woohyun and my father are right I'm not worth your presents, you should start living the life you deserve with only the best grades, the best friends, not someone as rotten as me."

Dongwoo was taken aback his friend was at a point were he was never before, Dongwoo was even afraid that he would do something horribly wrong, something which couldn't turn back once done.

"Would you really like that?"- Dongwoo asked calmly, trying hard not to let a tear slip.

"I...I"- Hoya stuttered but nothing more left his lips.

"I don't need the best grades I'm already pretty good and I have the best friend somebody can have, I will never leave you."

"W-why? They all did...actually I was alone to begin with, the one who wasn't needed and never loved."

"Well stupid, you are loved."

"By who?"

" By me."

"W-what?"- Hoya asked perplex but only a second later his one and only friend he had since he was a kid placed a tender kiss on his chopped lips.




Tadah that'S the background story to Hoya and Dongwoo since everybody has their reason to be like they are now and of course there are these who have a bad bad past, just like Hoya.

Yeah to be quite honest I didn't plan to write YaDong but that was just so tempting in that very moment x,DD

Anyways I hope you guys like it even though it's not the main story

Yearning for comments lmao x,D

(Word count approx. 3200)







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11/10 Hit the 5000 mark, thanks guys! ps new chapter is in draft


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anaknibebang #1
Chapter 18: Update Soon Author nim or I'll die LOL
Chapter 18: What?!!!!!! Stupid Hana!!!!! ing!!! I'm sorry, but Really, I HATE Hana!!! >;<!!
alina20 #3
Chapter 17: Thank you so much for updating.The chapter is amazing as always ^^
Chapter 17: Hoya finally has realized the horrible person who is his sister. omg, poor Gyu, having to go through all this. Juno stupid, I hate it. Thank you for this update author-nim.
Chapter 16: Beautiful update author-nim
So cute WooGyu <3
alina20 #6
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update! Your story is amazing! :D
Chapter 15: Beautiful update author-nim. (^•^)/*
alina20 #8
Chapter 15: I really love that Yadong( lol XD) are good guys now. And I hope Woohyun will help Gyu when he finds out about the rumors. This is my favorite fanfic!!! I wish I could give 100 more upvotes ^^
Please update soon again if you have time :)