After Effects

Our Breaking Point

Chapter 2
After Effects


2 years later


Kai P.O.V.


       I wake up again with a different girl at my side, I quickly take a shower and put on my clothes. I write a note for the girl "Thanks for last night ;)" empty words really sometimes I wonder how I keep living like this. If only she would come back but she would probably hate me even more than she did 2 years ago.


End P.O.V


Author's P.O.V


        It's been two years since Yaeun and Kai broke up. 2 weeks after the break up Yaeun left the country to pursue her career in the U.S. and she succeeded. Kai on the other hand changed for the worst. After Yaeun left he became a player having one night stands but still kept in contact with Yubin. However what Kai didn’t know is that there’s a surprise that’s coming his way

End P.O.V.



   Song Yaeun P.O.V.


        "Running why I am running where I am? This hallway why does it seem so familiar and this door where does it lead to" I thought as I hesitantly open the door. The sight that befell me made my legs feel weak and I collapsed. It was Jongin passionately kissing Yubin my cousin, it's been such a long time so why does it still hurt me like this. Then suddenly hear a faint voice calling for my name and I turn to look towards Jongin and Yubin but they weren't there and everything was slowly disappearing and crumbling.


       “Yaeun-ah wake up were almost here" I hear my manager say with a hoarse voice. It was then that I felt a wet sensation on my cheek, tears was I crying I thought. Suddenly a voice interrupted my train of thoughts


       “Hello this is your pilot speaking we have arrived in Korea, thank you for flying with us ”

 So I’m back in Korea, I left this place with a broken heart now two years later I’m still trying to put the pieces back together. Hopefully I don’t stay for too long and I won’t see them. I quickly got up my seat and gotten my sunglasses stretching out a bit and fixing my outfit. As soon as I arrived at the airport flashes of cameras blinded me and all I could hear was my manager saying “Please move out of the way” or “Excuse me”. It wasn’t long till I got to the car going through the streets of Seoul I was fascinated with how things have changed I looked out the window every now and then. The car passed by SM… I couldn’t help but reminisce about me and him. As I was about to daydream again I saw something that made my heart skip a beat Kai.

End P.O.V.



Author’s P.O.V.

As Kai got out of his car in front of a big building with the word S.M. Town imprinted on it his phone suddenly rings he looks and it says “Chen” he lazily picks up the phone

“What is it Chen” Kai mumbled

“Yah Hyung did you know that she’s coming back” Chen exclaimed

“Su- wait what do you mean she’s coming back, I swear Kim Jongdae if this is another one of your pranks I’ll-“

“No no I swear hyung look at the news right now” Chen assured

Kai quickly checked his phone and there it was

Song Yaeun Back to Korea after Success in America

Miss Song Yaeun will be back in Korea to film her new movie…..That was all Kai needed he didn’t bother to look at the rest of the article either.

Yaeun” Kai whispered while walking to the elevator the feelings he had hidden for 2 years came rushing back to him including guilt and regret. Before he could even get to the practice room a few of s that knew Yaeun (A.K.A. Chen,Kris,Lay & Chanyeol) crowded and bombarded him with questions.

“This is going to be a loong practice” he thought

Kai P.O.V.

I can’t believe that she’s back Yaeun the name that makes my heart beat even after such a long time she still has the same effects on me. I swear Yaeun if I get one more chance with you again I would never make the same mistakes.


Authors Note

So this is the short update I will work on the long one right I way. I will try to stick with the long and short update per week but i'm still a student so please understand if I don't get that update in. Thanks to HanisShafira for subbing <3  I love you guys.

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KarmaYangzom #1
Chapter 15: If a guy ever did that to any woman, they shouldn't be forgiven.
Im going to start reading this now ^^
Chapter 12: There's no update??¿¿
Chapter 10: It's a good day now that you have updated hehe x)
Chapter 10: Can we have the next chapter already *grins* I have officially fallen in love with this story and this story seriously deserves to be featured x)
This is nice.
widiaana #7
Chapter 8: Whut? why the update's so short? or you just accidentally posted the supposed-to-be draft? :/
Winterberry04 #8
Chapter 4: Ohh, I love it. Update soon when u can.
Winterberry04 #9
Chapter 1: Please update soon