BTS on action

Teach me

Narrator's POV

     JiminG is talking with some girls at their recess...

-"Oh!Did I tell you about Emi?" said JiminG

-"Emi?The one who has  same classes with Rapmonster oppa and Jhope oppa?" asked one of the girls

-"Yep her! Oppa told me that Jhope oppa,V oppa and Jin oppa have already confessed to her!!!!" 

-"What?That luck b*tch" said another girl

-"And you know what's worst?" JiminG made the necessarily pause ,opened wide her eyes"She turned them down!All three of them!" she said looking at the girls

-"She is unbelievable! It should be me! If I was at her place....Ugh what an idiot" said another girl

-"She is not easy if you want my opinion...." JiminG looked around and then she leaned closer to the girls "people say that not even Kris can make her fall for him" she whispered

-"What are my baby and her friends up to?" said JiminB who was beside JiminG and was looking at them whispering. 

-"Nothing!" said JiminG and turned to face JiminB with a poker face...

-"We were talking about some handsome guys we saw in the morning ...."said one of the girls

-"Exactly!And Jimin was giving us advice how to get closer to them, because she has more experience..."said another girl

-"She is in a relationship with one of the most handsome guys of the school...." said another girl starring at JiminB from head to toe,her stare was full of lust ,so much that made him unconfortable.JiminG saw that and stepped in front of him blocking her view!

-"Guys why won't you go and I am going to catch up with you later..."said JiminG to her friends and winked at them.They nodded and left while giggling

   JiminG turned around and faced JiminB, she then step on her toes so she could be taller and put her hands behind JiminB's neck grabbing his hair  pulled him in a deep kiss. JiminB at first didn't move from the sudden move his girlfriend did but when he felt her lips on his he kissed back .He could feel that this kiss was different ,not only sweet as their kisses are but aggressive,hot and passionate at the same time.He wanted more ...suddenly JiminG pulled away and JiminB looked at her with a disappointed face.

-"We are in school you know..."said JiminG

-"You started it! I am not complaining tho..because I really liked it!" said JiminB and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.

-"No no no ..." said JiminG and pushed him "I had to do it you know...Didn't you see how my friend was looking at you?"said JiminG and looked away embarrassed

-"So my baby is jealous..."JiminB smiled and take a step closer to JiminG and hugged her.

-"You are so handsome oppa and I am.... average...Of course I get jealous when beautiful girls staring at you.." said JiminG with her head resting on his chest

-"Although I love your actions when you get jealous"JiminB whispered in a y tone "Don't be jealous again,you don't need to be...The only girl I see is you! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and you are beautiful in and out,that's why I asked you to be my girlfriend...."he then placed his hands on her cheeks and gave her a small kiss.

-"What if I told you that your plan is going fine and girls believed everything? "said JiminG smiling

-"I am such a lucky guy having such an awesome girlfriend" said JiminB and pinched JiminG's nose. He grabbed his phone and send a message ....

     Jungkook  picked his phone and checked the message he had just received. 

"Jungkookie you must hate your hyung for having such an awesome girlfriend.That's right my baby girl did it!Stage one clear!"

 Jungkook smiled to himself and make the "ok" signal with his hand to V who was at the end of the hall waiting for someone... Jungkook was looking at five girls who were chatting and looking at him, they were JiminG's friends and Jungkook knew it. He looked at V again ,he was still waiting... Suddenly V started dancing and singing a song from a popular boy group, he was repeating the part "why are you shaking my heart" and did a weird gorilla-dance. The girls got closer to see what's happening , they saw V.Jungkook walk towards them.

-"Love is painful isn't it?"said Jungkook at the girls while looking at V

-"My poor oppa.."said one of the girls.Three of them keep staring at V and the other two were admiring the beautiful boy who was talking to them.

-"Oh sh*t"said Jungkook and walked towards V

-"Yah what are you doing?" said Key who was looking at V dancing "You are blocking my way with your weird dance!!!"

-"Yah! I will do whatever I want! Get it? Dance can heal you know!!!" said V and glared at Key. Key was so shocked with his answer, he was build with anger and confusion at the same time.

-"Yah?You rascal ,I am your hyung" yelled Key

-"Let's go hyung,I know a quiet place and you can dance there." said Jungkook pushing V "sorry Key hyung, V hyung isn't in his right mind right now,please forgive him" said Jungkook ,bowed and left with V.

-"When was he in his right mind at  first place?" said Key looking at them leaving

-"Key oppa don't be mad at V oppa,he is like that because that Emi b*tch turned him down...." said one of JiminG's friend

-"Not only him but Jin oppa and Jhope oppa too"said another girl

-"And people say she would turn even Kris oppa down..." said another girl

        Key keep listening to what the girls was saying as he thought it was interesting, Jungkook on the other hand wrote a message at his phone and send it.

-"You need to teach me that dance hyung" said Jungkook looking at V who was calm now

-"It's really hard you know..I should have picked an easier song. Emi noona owes me a lot" said V and laughed,Jungkook laughed with him ..

At math class.....

    bzz.... bzz.... Rapmonster picked his phone,it was Jungkook.

"We are not called Golden maknae and 4D alien for nothing...Stage two clear!"

   Rapmonster winked at Emi and she nodded, when the class was over it was their turn. Emi was worried and excited at the same time.She picked her phone and texted to Lila.

-"Stage one and two clear,BTS really are awesome. But Lila I am so scared!!!! "

-"Told you!Coolest guys ever...I wish I could see V dancing.... :-(((. Don't be scare you little crybaby if anything happen we can get through it together, and I can kick some a**es if it's needed. ;-)! Fighting!!!!"

      Emi smiled to herself,she was ready. The bell rang. Emi walked outside she saw Rapmonster waiting for her..

-"Ready for the grand finale" Emi nodded "ladies first " said Rapmonster and motioned her to walk.

-"So where are we going?"asked Emi

-"To Kris "

-"I know that... but where is he?"

-"We are about to learn ..."said Rapmonster looking at his phone

      Suga was walking at the hall when he heard N and Leo talking.

-"Have you heard this song ? It's awesome!" said N giving Leo his iPad

-"Error?Who the hell names his song Error?" said Leo and N put on his ears the headphones "I admit it ,it's good".

-"Guys let's go to the rooftop, I want to enjoy the sun today" said Key who was walking towards them with Kris."Kris do you angree?"

-"Whatever..I don't really care" 

      Suga picked his phone and sent a message, then he kept following the four guys who were going to the rooftop.

-"Oh I heard something about that girl,Emi..."said Key

-"What about her?" asked N 

-"Almost all  of the BTS have confessed to her and she turned all of them down!People say that she would say no even to you" said Key and pointed at Kris while laughing. A smirk showed up at Kris face.

-"Yeah right...."said N with a sarcastic tone"that's the dumpiest rumor I have ever heard of" he then grabbed the door and opened it.

-"Good choice"said Leo and stepped outside , the others followed him

   Suga was behind the door watching them....He heard noises coming from the stairs, they were Emi and Rapmonster,he smiled at them.

-"What kind of message is that?" said Rapmonster

-"The four flower boys are going to photosynthesize?" Emi teased Suga

-"I knew that you, people with no imagination at all, won't get my brilliant spy code and that's why I send you the second message which said rooftop" said Suga 

-"Are you ready" Emi nodded "let's go" said Rapmonster and pulled her outside.

       Rapmonster and Emi saw N,Leo,Key and Kris but they acted like they didn't. Rapmonster positioned Emi in front of him 

-"Emi I want to tell you something important " said Rapmonster loud enough so they could hear him,he looked down

-"What is it Rapmonster?"

-"I....I.."he looked in her eyes "I like you" he said and grabbed her hands"I want you to be my girlfriend"

-"I told you..."whispered Key.Kris motioned him to be quiet,he really wanted to hear what Emi was about to say...

-"Ehmm...." Emi looked away "I like you Rapmonster too..but...but only as a friend" she looked him in the eyes.."I am sorry....I wish we could stay friends ...but  now it will be awkward, now that Jhope ,Jin ,V and you confessed to me" Emi looked away but this time trying not to laugh.

-"Maybe we were too much with four people confessing to her..."said Suga to himself and looked back at Rapmonster who was talking now

-"No please forget what I said if that makes you feel uncomfortable, just don't leave us.... I want you by my side even if that means to only have you as a friend..." Everything was quiet for a minute...

-"I am going to find the others,will you come?"asked Emi

-"You go first and I will catch up" said Rapmonster and Emi nodded and started leaving...When she was gone Rapmonster gave a punch on the wall and scream in frustration but he stopped when he heard something.

-*claps claps*"It's okay Rapmonster ,that can happen to everyone" N

-"You.Were you here all the time?" asked Rapmonster pointed at them

-"Yes and we saw everything....It's okay this happens...To people like you I guess..." said Kris

-"People like me? So if it was you instead of me you think she would say yes?" Rapmonster laughed in a sarcastic tone which pissed Kris of

-"Of course you moron"said Kris. Rapmonster start walking towards him ready to punch  him when he felt Suga holding him

-"What's happening?Rapmonster what are you doing?" asked Suga while holding Rapmonster

-"Let's go guys..I am bored talking to people with no brains"said Kris and started leaving, the other three followed him.When they had left Suga let go of Rapmonster. Rapmonster looked at him and both burst into laughing.

-"Hyung we should be actors you know.." 

-"Nah..I tend to overreact some times..and I prefer rapping." said Suga

-"Yeah me too...rap is my I might destroy everything on set" 

-"Yeah that totally can happen" said Suga and nodded his head"Final stage clear"

At the hall with N,Leo,Key and Kris....

-"I am going to help you N..." said Kris

-"Help me?For what?"

-"To get revenge on her..."


-"I am going to make her fall in love with me and then dumped her. We both win , you can have your revenge and I can saw everyone that no one can resist to me ,not even her."

-"Master your forgot it at your house" said Pulip giving him a box

-"Didn't I tell you before? In school you call me Kris ,you moron.I need to maintain my good image." said Kris and glared at her

-"S...sorry" she mumbled and handed hi the box, she then bowed and left. Leo kept staring at her ,he felt sorry for her and for the way his friend treated her... "I need to find who that girl is and warn her!!!" said Pulip to herself.


And ? How was it? I can see a busy week coming but I am going to try my best to update!! See you guys in the next update!



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Thelimechopstick #1
Chapter 25: AW :( did hoseok remained single HAHAHAH
Firdha223 #2
Chapter 25: OMG! Cool ending.....
I never knew that the ending would be so great...

Thanks for the story..
Authornim jjang!
Firdha223 #3
Chapter 22: Yeah right... perfect date is sleeping on the bed all day.....
Well for me that is really romantic.... <3 <3 cuz i love sleeping too!

Once again i like your idea here authornim....and yes yoongi oppa love to sleep though
Firdha223 #4
Chapter 20: My GWUAAAAATH.....BTS Fighting? Yoongi oppa so cool...and he he can slow the enemy motion like in the anime?

Authornim you're so cool....I like the story plot so much....
Authornim jjang! Yoongi oppa jjang!
Firdha223 #5
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaa......yoongi oppa.....OMG! What? Shirtless and...backhug? was too much! can't breath! OH MY GOD!
Firdha223 #6
Chapter 9: cool....i like the mission!

Ah ...and yoongi oppa code is so funny but great..what is it again?
"The four flower boys are going to photosynthesize"
I like the imagination...

Keep reading now..
Fardiah #7
Chapter 25: wow!!! AWSOME story you did a great job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 25: Wooo Good ending
Chapter 25: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!! YAY